
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Just saw a release email, would that be good for a backport for Jammy?02:14
EickmeyerRather, an SRU?02:14
OvenWerksEickmeyer: backports yes02:14
OvenWerkssru? it is very major02:14
EickmeyerOh! Dang. Ok.02:15
OvenWerksFiles have vanished, new ones have shown up, some of the GUI fixes may look like features, new utility included, lots of stuff.02:16
OvenWerksEickmeyer: if you come up with a systray applet that is specific enough to studio-controls, feel free to include it.02:17
OvenWerks(systray, indicator, whatever they call them these days)02:17
EickmeyerI was hoping for a Py3.10 compat fix, but I'll take this.02:18
OvenWerkslet me know how it works with a USB master02:19
* OvenWerks has been sick this week and made lots of boo, boos02:33
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I have concerns about putting anything in /etc since packages don't easily get rid of them without a "purge".02:35
EickmeyerAlso, packages don't easily overwrite them.02:35
OvenWerksdid I put something new in there?02:36
EickmeyerYeah, xdg/autostart/autojack.desktop is a reintroduction. It hasn't been there in a while, but we've been using a systemd --user process instead.02:36
OvenWerksoh yeah xdg02:36
OvenWerksThe problem with the --user thing is that all kinds of system users were running it02:37
OvenWerksLook at the users in the tracer02:38
OvenWerkswhy would it be running under sendmail?02:38
EickmeyerBecause the WantedBy=default.target and not graphical.target, which means it's default for whatever user.02:39
EickmeyerI might have to think about this a little more carefully though.02:39
OvenWerksbut a lot of DEs don't seem to use graphical.target and come up with their own thing instead02:39
Eickmeyergraphical.target is the DM, to be fair, not the DE.02:40
EickmeyerThat Install line is incorrect.02:40
EickmeyerThe [Install] section is incorrect because a --user service doesn't need to be "installed" or "enabled" like a system service.02:42
EickmeyerFor that matter BindsTo= and Before= are not needed either.02:42
OvenWerksI don't think we use that in any case, but rather add a link in the right *.wants directory02:44
EickmeyerHere's where I'm at: We need to do one or the other. You can't have both something in lib/systemd/user *and* xdg/auostart to activate the same process because it will want to do it.02:46
OvenWerksEickmeyer: the systemd/user stuff is gone02:47
OvenWerks(or should be)02:47
OvenWerksyeah it shows gone on git02:48
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Ah, so it is. I didn't rsync from the tarball dir correctly when unpacking. My bad.02:48
OvenWerkswe don't ship _any_ midi monitor?02:49
OvenWerksthere is a kmidimon but not in our repo... installing gmidimon02:50
EickmeyerI could've sworn we did?02:51
EickmeyerThe only one in the repos is midisnoop.02:52
OvenWerksI had to install it. There is qmidiroute but I don't think it shows sysex and some other things02:52
OvenWerksI just installed it02:53
OvenWerksSo I would guess it is in the repos :)02:53
Eickmeyermidisnoop is in the seed, so I don't know why it's not in the iso?02:54
OvenWerksI guess it is either not gui or not in the menu. It does show as installed though02:54
OvenWerkshas gui so not in the menu02:55
EickmeyerIt's gui, just no .desktop file.02:55
EickmeyerOk, gmidimonitor going into kinetic.02:56
OvenWerksI don't mind either one, so long as it has a desktop file so it is findable02:57
EickmeyerYeah. So, I fixed the oversize issue WAY too late this cycle (or rather taught the foundations team the magic of ISO Level 3 and therby future-proofed ALL of Ubuntu for several decades), so we get to add a bunch back that got removed.02:58
EickmeyerHence, a bunch of stuff is coming back, and replacements that were made are being unreplaced.03:04
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Uploaded to kinetic, will backport when that migrates from proposed to release pocket03:12
OvenWerksI'll watch the tracker :)03:13

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