
Unit193kurly: Mainline tends to be more for testing or whatnot, they don't have the Ubuntu patches and aren't supported or recommended for production use (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds), that being said you might have more luck in #ubuntu-kernel, specifically if it's a regression.01:01
Unit193If you're already going "3rd party", you *could* try Liquorix. :P01:02
kurlyyeah, checked the latest patched 5.15.0, volume keys stop working again01:15
kurlyaware that mainline is largely untested, but 5.17.[4-7] were good :)01:16
Unit193Redirecting you as that's where the kernel team hangs out and are much more likely to know.01:22
kurlyaye, thanks.01:33
kurlyin less kernel-y news, whenever i lock the laptop, the screen goes off very briefly before turning back on and staying black. do not have a strong opinion between xscreensaver and xfce4-screensaver, so long as there's a basic screen lock?01:34
Unit193Ensure there's no other lockers installed, just the one you prefer.  xscreensaver worked the best for me, had tried xfce4-screensaver which is a good option too.  Once xscreensaver got systemd support it was all funky on my system so instead I switched to i3lock, which works great.01:38
kurlyhmm looks like just xscreensaver{,-data}01:48
kurlyah seems better-ish now, maybe some phantom keyboard/mouse input causing the lock screen to pop back up01:51
_QfwfQ_Hi! I wold really appreciate some hint on how to disable password requirement after lock screen activation... Power management setting doesn't seem to work for me. 10:42
nicoz[22:09:59] <kryten> Yeah, sorry it took so long for anybody eligible to show up and handle it though.. :3  --> if you give the possibility to collaborate, I can also help in your absence to manage these malicious users12:56
nicozah kryten is offline ;)12:56
nicoz@Unit193 @krytarik 12:56
centHOGGgood morning, is anyone here running a ryzen 5 rig? Jez wondering if/when the kernel sensors can recognize the cpu/gpu temp14:47
xu-irc76wHello, quick question. "apt list --upgradable" on my XUbuntu 20.04.1 system currently shows 100 packages can be updated. I generally keep my system up-to-date, so there are rarely more than a handful of packages that need attention. Was there a huge release in the past day or two? If so, where can I find announcements when there is a big update20:44
xu-irc76wlike this?20:44
arktvrvsa lto of packages doesnt always mean a big update.20:45
arktvrvssometimes it just means a deep dependency was updated and others had to be rebuilt20:46
xu-irc76warktvrvs Thanks...20:46

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