
user|90Kubuntu 20.04.4 5.13.0-40-generic after update00:46
user|90could not restart kubuntu, stuck on logo with pulsating blue00:46
user|90what can you do to repair?00:46
=== leaftype2 is now known as leaftype
lordievaderGood morning06:34
IrcsomeBot<TechSavvy> Maybe with live environment restore your grub (re @IrcsomeBot: <user|90> what can you do to repair?)07:06
IrcsomeBot<TechSavvy> And how should be on youtube or google (re @TechSavvy: Maybe with live environment restore your grub)07:07
IrcsomeBot<Djordje> @<user|90> Have you tried booting from previous kernel version ?07:21
v4mpis there any way to get gtk2 icon environment variable to properly set in a *.desktop file?  been scratching my head over this for a while.  I've set my exec like:  Exec=env gtk-icon-theme-name="breeze-dark" /opt/myapps/bin/myapp    but the icon theme is still set to global theme08:18
user|81I can't find option for reinstallation in kubuntu 20.04 Lts via live usb. I won't format my disk.09:58
IrcsomeBot<daanota> On same page as global theme you'll find icons. Install different icon set if you want. You can mix theme icon and windows decoration. (re @IrcsomeBot: <v4mp> is there any way to get gtk2 icon environment variable to properly set in a *.desktop file?  been scratching my head over this for a while.  I've set my exec like:  Exec=env gtk-icon-theme-name="breeze-dark" /opt/myapps/bin/myapp    but the icon theme is still set to global theme)11:50
BluesKajHi all12:06
=== kubuntu is now known as kubuntu__
IrcsomeBot<H> msdsn18:48
IrcsomeBot<H> o1um18:48
IrcsomeBot<H> 01um18:48
IrcsomeBot<H> 01UM18:49
IrcsomeBot<H> oxkt18:49
IrcsomeBot<H> hey guys! I am on the newest Kubuntu LTS version and cant get torbrowser-launcher to start.18:49
IrcsomeBot<H> user@T430:~$ torbrowser-launcher18:50
IrcsomeBot<H> Tor Browser Launcher18:50
IrcsomeBot<H> Von Micah Lee, lizensiert unter MIT18:50
IrcsomeBot<H> Version 0.3.318:50
IrcsomeBot<H> https://github.com/micahflee/torbrowser-launcher18:50
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> The script likely needs fixing for the changes in python 3.10. There were similar errors in the Kubuntu installer until they were fixed18:54
user|57Hi which usb making tool is best for kubuntu?19:31
DragnslcrFor making what exactly?19:32
user|57to put the image on a usb to can boot from the stick19:34
mparillodd if you are careful21:33

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