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athosgood morning :)11:32
pulastigood morning mf12:43
pulasti(my friend)12:43
ahasenacksergiodj: hi, I am looking at that glewxxxx pr, and noticed armhf failed in https://launchpad.net/~sergiodj/+archive/ubuntu/nodejs-glewlwyd-openssl-fix/+packages but with no log13:08
ahasenackif you could retrigger it13:08
ahasenack(not that I'm testing in armhf, just for completeness)13:09
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ahasenackathos: what does this versioning scheme mean again?  "psr/container": "^2.0",14:18
ahasenackthe ^14:18
ogra"newer than" IIRC14:20
schopinDon't know the language but it usually means "semver compatible", i.e. >= 2.0 && < 314:20
ahasenackhm, https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/versions.md#caret-version-range- maybe14:21
athosahasenack: it a constraint to stick to semantic versioning compatible with 2.014:21
athosahasenack: https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/versions.md#next-significant-release-operators14:21
ahasenack"^1.2.3 is equivalent to >=1.2.3 <2.0.0"14:21
athosahasenack: for our composer debhelper purposes, note that if the composer requirement has an '||' (e.g. ^2.0 || ^3.0) no version constraints will be added to the binary package Requires. Not sure if this is relevant for what you are doing there though :)14:24
sergiodjahasenack: thanks for the heads up; I've retriggered the build now.  it will probably take a long time because the armhf builders seem to be very busy15:08
jrwrensystemctl status (and others) say: "Failed to connect to bus: Connection refused" I cannot reboot this node. Anyone know how I can recover? systemd is running, the socket is at /run/dbus/system_bus_socket16:58
ahasenackkanashiro: pcs is the new guy, crmsh is the obsolete one? Or reversed?18:15
ahasenackyep, just found this in the server guide: "18:26
ahasenack    Note: pcs will likely replace crmsh in [main] repository in future Ubuntu versions.18:26
rbasakYep it's that way round18:52
kanashiroahasenack, sorry, my irc client did not notify me about your message. But yes, pcs is the new one19:10
ahasenackkanashiro: have you successfully used `crm cluster init` in focal or jammy?19:10
kanashiroahasenack, I did not try that tbh, I've been using the scripts that I presented to the team19:11
ahasenackit doesn't seem to generate a valid corosync.conf19:11
kanashiroand they set up the cluster "manually" (editing files)19:11
kanashirofor pcs I want to make sure the commands to set up the cluster are working and support all of that19:12
ahasenackit doesn't generate the `nodelist {}` block :/19:13
ahasenackI wonder what crm does with the `--nodes="a b c"` parameter it is given then19:14
kanashiroyeah, redhat is not using crmsh and suse is still using it but I think they provide their own scripts to set up the cluster19:14
ahasenackah, I needed to specify `-u`, for unicast19:20
ahasenackthat got me further19:20
ahasenackI'm having to install csync2, and remove inetd because csync2 is socket activated19:22
kanashiroahasenack, if you finish the setup configuration using crmsh it would be great to at least see what you did19:27
ahasenackyeah, I want to try crmsh, then pcs19:28
ahasenackthen manual19:28
ahasenackor some other order, depending which one works first :)19:28
ahasenackdo you commonly install `csync2`?19:28
ahasenackcrm asks for it19:28
kanashirono, I've never installed it manually19:28
ahasenackthis is what's failing here now I think (I mean, the blocking failure)19:29
ahasenackMay 20 19:26:03 f3 csync2[7734]: SSL: failed to use key file /etc/csync2_ssl_key.pem and/or certificate file /etc/csync2_ssl_cert.pem: Error while reading file. (GNUTLS_E_FILE_ERROR)19:29
ahasenackthat pem file does not exist :P19:30
kanashiroI do not even know what csync2 does :)19:31
ahasenacksomething something keep files in sync between nodes19:31
ahasenackit's a Suggests of crmsh, probably because only this init command needs it, not the rest19:33
jrwrenI've a few 18.04 hosts I've noticed some strange behavior with unattended-upgrades. The first thing I noticed was it spinning forever (a month before I killed it) - when I run with -d I see many "adjusting candidate version" for packages and then "falling back to adjusting <PKG>'s dependencies recursively" and it just outputs that seemingly forever. I'm guessing there is some recursive dep that it 19:43
jrwrencan't resolv? anyone ever seen this or have advise?19:43
samy1028Hello all, I have another problem with Ubuntu 20.04 FIPS on Azure.  We're trying to install Zabbix-agent2 and I'm getting ":digital envelope routines:EVP_CipherInit_ex:disabled for FIPS:" when using a PSK for TLS connection.  Any ideas?19:45
ahasenackjrwren: check if `apt-get -f install` gives you any hint19:46
sarnoldjrwren: that reminds me a little bit of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unattended-upgrades/+bug/1396787 -- but it kind of looks like it should have been addressed a few years ago19:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1396787 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu Bionic) "checking trust of archives eats a lot of cpu" [Undecided, Fix Released]19:46
jrwrenahasenack: nope. just a list of autoremoves.19:46
samy1028I know this may not be strictly Ubuntu related as it's deploying from the Zabbix hosted Ubuntu package.19:46
sarnoldsamy1028: perhaps the peer you're trying to negotiate with doesn't support FIPS-allowed algorithms?19:47
jrwrenthe first thing I did was apt update ; apt install unattended-upgrades to make sure i had the latest unattended-upgrades package.19:48
samy1028sarnold: hmm..  You know, we've been looking at the agent, perhaps it is the Zabbix server causing the issue, not the client.  I'll pass that idea to my tech working on Zabbix.19:49
samy1028(sometimes you just need a second set of eyes) :)19:49
sarnoldsamy1028: if the zabbix server is reachable by qualys's tls scanner, that might be worth starting up before going on a coffee break :)19:49
sarnoldso true19:50
sarnoldeven asking on irc is often enough to help you find the problem yourself :)19:50
sarnoldnothing quite like having a few hundred rubber ducks around to help debug a problem :)19:50
* genii 's ears stick up for moment at the mention of coffee19:51
sarnoldmmm coffee19:53
scortalscortal here20:20
sarnoldscortal: please stop that20:21
scortalscortal ubuntu server here.20:23
yurtesenutkarsh2102: but we also did not get any response from Debian people about my suggestion of removing the ownership config from the logrotate/syslog? or did we? 20:26
ahasenackkanashiro: pcs is easier, just two extra steps needed that were not documented20:31
ahasenack`pcs cluster destroy` before starting20:31
ahasenackand `systemctl start corosync pacemaker` at the end, on each node20:31
ahasenackfor some reason it didn't start the services after configuring them, I think20:31
ahasenackcrmsh was a nightmare, all sorts of extra steps, and I couldn't get it to work in the end20:32
kanashiroahasenack, nice, I'll try that as well20:32
ahasenackpcs is20:32
ahasenackpcs cluster destroy20:32
ahasenackpasswd hacluster20:32
ahasenackpcs host auth node1 node2 node320:32
ahasenackpcs cluster setup myclustername node1 node2 node320:32
ahasenack`systemctl start corosync pacemaker` on each node20:32
ahasenackthat gives the basic 3 cluster node, with no resources configured20:33
ahasenackI used focal, btw20:33
ahasenacknot jammy20:33
ahasenackI was checking that `node1` thing that is focal only20:33
ahasenackah, I may have missed `pcs cluster start --all`20:36
samy1028sarnold: in case anyone else has the same problem with Zabbix and FIPS on Ubuntu, you have to add "TLSCipherPSK13=TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" to the Zabbix server in order to allow zabbix-agent2 on Ubunto 20.04 FIPS to talk correctly over TLS PSK.21:17
samy1028It was a server based issue, not the agent.  You pointed us in the right direction sarnold. :)21:18
scortalubuntu appsec ftw21:23
sarnoldsamy1028: woohoo, thanks for reporting back :D21:25
samy1028that makes 3 FIPS related items found in the past week and a half. :)21:29
samy1028One already has a patch in the ubuntu-advantage packages in 20.04.21:29
samy1028just came out yesterday I think.21:29
sarnoldyeah, FIPS is like a magical "find a lot of assumptions" button21:38

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