
BrianHechinger[mOvenWerks: Got the new card. Immediately starts up 16/2 without a hitch. Need to see how it is long term but I have a sneaking suspicion that it's not going to give me trouble.11:52
BrianHechinger[m09:00.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): LSI Corporation FW643 [TrueFire] PCIe 1394b Controller (rev 08)11:52
BrianHechinger[m * 08:00.011:52
BrianHechinger[m09:00.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): LSI Corporation FW643 [TrueFire] PCIe 1394b Controller (rev 08)11:52
BrianHechinger[m * 08:00.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): LSI Corporation FW643 [TrueFire] PCIe 1394b Controller (rev 08)11:52
BrianHechinger[m09:00.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): LSI Corporation FW643 [TrueFire] PCIe 1394b Controller (rev 08)11:52
BrianHechinger[mOk, not witout xruns, but it runs at all which is definitely different.12:39
BrianHechinger[mok, a lot of xruns. :-D14:59
EickmeyerBrianHechinger[m: New studio-controls in backports16:15
BrianHechinger[mis that the version I already have?16:40
BrianHechinger[mah no18:47
BrianHechinger[mI guess I don't have backports enabled18:47
BrianHechinger[mor I still have it pinned18:47
OvenWerksBrianHechinger[m: good to know.21:06
BrianHechinger[mYeah, no xruns at 16/2 would be amazing but at this point my expectations have been lowered to "I'm just happy it's not crashing anymore." 😜21:28
OvenWerksGetting no xruns at 16/2 is not easy. I have managed once for about three days, but have not been able to repeat that since21:33
OvenWerksAt 16/2, you need cron turned off, a cpu with single thread per core, performance on, any boost (over clock) turned off, The fw card on it's own irq or at least it's irq serviceing module prioritized, etc.21:52
BrianHechinger[mYeah, I need this to mostly be a daily driver so I'm just going to slowly bring the latency up until it's stable21:56
BrianHechinger[mnow I need to get back to doing battle with my windows install21:56

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