
IrcsomeBot<muhammad96hl> vvMo11:21
BluesKajHi all13:00
IrcsomeBot<TheGreatestest> 4EJD13:29
Reaperi have a problem14:45
Reapermy kubuntu distro at the time of updating the apt changes all the interface14:47
=== sean is now known as sean_
=== sean_ is now known as sean
=== an is now known as an__
=== an__ is now known as lorqus
IrcsomeBot<sammy_v> Balena etcher, popsicle and others. You try and choose what works best for you. (re @IrcsomeBot: <user|57> Hi which usb making tool is best for kubuntu?)19:42
oerhekssammy_v  indeed, there is no single best19:45
=== an is now known as lorqus
=== Hash is now known as stoned
=== krmorkeng is now known as drkmd0w

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