[17:24] Hey guys :) [17:26] Hey [17:27] How are ya? [17:50] Good [17:54] great! [17:54] i have a question [17:55] any active open source communities out there, like, other than you guys? [18:06] Communities, I don't think so, check university clubs [18:08] Interesting, I don't think there is such a club in my uni. [18:13] Which is... ? [19:26] Still here grtcdr: ? === grtcdr is now known as Guest6865 [23:37] elacheche[m]: Sorry! I forgot we were having a chat! [23:37] Ugh... NickServ keeps forgetting my identity [23:39] to answer your question, I'm at my 3rd year in ESPRIT [23:43] grtcdr: ESPRIT Libre is a famous foss clib, we had awesome events with the folks.. [23:43] club* [23:47] https://www.facebook.com/ClubEspritLibre/?fref=ts [23:47] esprit-club-libre@esprit.tn [23:54] Their last post is from 7 years ago... I don't think they're active (or exist) anymore. [23:54] I've certainly never encountered anyone from the club. [23:55] Try to get i touch with old folks and kick off the club again ;-) [23:56] I located one of its old members [23:56] https://github.com/pluzzmo [23:57] But he's in france now... [23:59] Afaik, all the names I know relocated to europe.. But you ping them anyway [23:59] Damn, europe took em all away. [23:59] Try to send a mail to esprit-club-libre@esprit.tn and see if you get an answer [23:59] Makes sense though. [23:59] elacheche[m]: Will do :)