=== Whisky` is now known as Whiskey` [01:55] I updated to 22.04 and restarting from sleep is broken. I'm on a thinkpad x1 carbon 4th gen, dual booting under grub [01:55] basically when I open the lid from sleep nothing happens, and pressing the power button doesn't do anything. I've been just forcing shutdown by holding the power button [02:01] herschel: Any chance there's something in the logs? Does it matter how long you leave it sleeping? [02:02] jhutchins, not sure which logs to check. It's only been a few times, each time I've left it a few hours or overnight, so I don't know [02:19] herschel: Systemd journal seems like the only thing likely to persist through a reboot. [02:21] these files don't appear to be human readable [02:22] is there a tool for reading them? [02:22] oh i see [02:24] what am I looking for here? [02:25] just looking at journalctl I have no idea how to make use of this [02:25] ugh gtg [02:28] Hi! so I have a peculiar problem, seems nautilus cant see anything that is not in the current path, what defines the current path, I have yet to understand. is there a bug with this that is known [02:28] I have made sure I have ownership of my entire /home directory [02:29] " in the current path" means outside the homefolder? [02:29] on what ubuntu version? [02:29] its in the home folder at all times but what defines which path its currently at is a mystery to me, cant figure out what sets what it thinks is the ONLY directory available [02:29] 22.04 [02:30] now I have been playing around with webassembly so it might be something with that [02:31] so what happens if you try to go to another folder, like what happens if you just type `/etc` for example [02:31] so it seems any site mainly through chrome that is having the problem when chrome brings up nautilus, I just figured out [02:31] because the search with the folder on the desktop doesnt have the problem [02:31] cant it doesnt allow me to type [02:31] everything is in the proper places [02:32] its just any nautilus instance brought up by chrome [02:32] let me test firefox too [02:32] file select dialog? [02:32] yes [02:32] So you don't actauly have a problem if you launch nautilus normally? [02:33] no [02:33] firefox has same problem [02:33] I am thinking my webassembly crap has some how borked it [02:36] Hmmm so the question becomes how to fix it... [02:37] Can you temporarily revert whatever webassembly thing you played with (I'm not sure what you mean by that) and see if it fixes it, so you know if you're on the right track? [02:38] webassembly allow compiling programs to assembly language in the browser for very fast execution, its part of chrome and firefox now, it is THE FUTURE [02:39] not really I dont know but since its only with firefox and chrome I will ask in those groups [03:13] oerheks: can you tell me what the line that reads inode/directory= looks like in the file /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache ? [03:16] i want to setup an openvpn server that is encapsulated with stunnel to evade DPI. i can't find any guides that work they're all outdated [03:34] hello === linuxmint is now known as ItIsMe === ItIsMe is now known as itisme [04:03] how do i create a new file with nautilus? [04:05] de-facto: in the templates folder [04:06] i mean in any folder where i am with nautilus [04:06] i want to right click and create a new file [04:07] de-facto: https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/04/ubuntu-1804-add-new-document-nautilus.html [04:07] de-facto: there might be nautilus addons to install too, but didnt test those myself yet [04:08] hello everyone [04:08] apt-cache search nautilus [04:08] hmm my Nautilus does not even have a Templates folder anymore [04:09] in your /home de-facto [04:09] nope [04:09] wich ubuntu release would you be on? [04:10] 22.04 [04:10] i got it right here [04:10] i dont have that directory [04:10] i can create it [04:10] apt policy nautilus de-facto ? 1:42.1.1-0ubuntu1 [04:11] yes [04:11] clean install or upgrade from 21.10? [04:11] clean install [04:12] so i created Templates and now? [04:12] screenshot your nautilus /home plz? [04:12] de-facto: templates folder should be there, not created [04:12] lol believe me it was not there and i created it now [04:12] it was not there [04:13] so how do i tell Nautilus to use Templates? [04:14] i cant find anything in the settings [04:14] if its not there, its a bug you should purge/reinstal to try [04:14] * de-facto hates Nautilus [04:15] oh thanks anyhow [04:16] i want to setup an openvpn server that is encapsulated with stunnel to evade DPI. i can't find any guides that work they're all outdated [04:16] halp [04:29] de-facto have you put them in the $XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR folder? [04:29] it won't appear unless some templates are present [04:30] that env var got no value [04:30] do i have to set it to "Templates"? [04:31] check ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs [04:32] oh its set to "Vorlagen" [04:32] i see [04:33] thanks === polymorp- is now known as polymorphic [05:19] I want to try out Ubuntu, but when I use it in a VM it is laggy. [05:19] I gave it like 32GB Ram 8 (logical processors) and a fixed size part of my SSD [05:20] I tried every optimization I could find on the internet [05:20] But when I start typing in my IDEA , some of the CPUs spike to 100%, while when I do the same in Windows Host it doesn’t even go to 30% [05:21] I have a i9-9880H [05:22] Do I have to run Ubuntu Dualboot to test it out properly? === Gambino is now known as Polo === Polo is now known as Guest4590 === Polo is now known as Guest4604 [06:48] Why LAN interface name changes after update? I updated to 22.04 and now interface name is changed from enp3s0 to enp4s0 and that broke my netplan settings and I loose internet connectivity form time to time. Also I have seen "Wired connection" , new LAN connection appearing. Doesn't update procedure to new release know how to actually update network settings.. instead of creating and naming a new interface... ~:- [06:49] also metric changed in netplan settings. That also broke my internet connectivity.. [06:52] hello hoping someone can help me out-my pc is running like shit after fresh install-trouble launching browsers, worried about integrity of the box-what should i do? [06:52] https://pastebin.com/0DWfcpBK [06:53] running Ubuntu 22.04LTS [06:55] am making usb media using "dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb status=progress conv=fsync" written wrong so no noob ruins their main drive [06:58] lsblk no usb present lsblk with usb present, spot difference is how i work out the right sdx [07:00] bibl try dpkg -V [07:07] ty [07:08] do i need to pair the command with the md5 and where do i find that [07:09] in man on second entry its mentioning "Currently the only functional check performed is an md5sum" [07:09] fyi im no bash (or reading and enterpreting whats written there) profesional [07:13] sorry, correction, metrics remained, just I needed to delete network connection created after update, so that netplan can kick in after system start [07:16] https://pastebin.com/D4WJAxK3 [07:16] dkjfk, how should i go about fixing this [07:18] it's all right bibl [07:18] Hello! [07:19] I want a pdf editor app! [07:19] Sugestions? [07:19] no free editors exist [07:19] acrobat is the best [07:20] =) [07:20] I really didn't want to pay for it! [07:20] kkk === polymorp- is now known as polymorphic [07:41] hello, i'm trying to setup a network files share from my ubuntu server so that my window machines can reach it. I have samba installed and its running, but cant connect from windows [07:41] the guide im following suggests running the following command [07:41] sudo ufw enable samba [07:41] this should enable samba to get through the firewall, but when i run the above command it doesnt work, citing invalid syntax.... but it seems like thats correct [07:42] in any event, my windows machine is able to ping my ubuntu server successfully [07:42] when i try to connect to the samba drive it fails [07:44] what does 'sudo ufw status' give? [07:44] active [07:44] if it helps, this is the documentaiton im using: https://www.makeuseof.com/set-up-network-shared-folder-ubuntu-with-samba/ [07:45] AGoonyGooGoo: try 'sudo ufw allow samba' [07:46] that seems to work? it says [07:46] Rule added [07:46] Rule added (v6) [07:46] ok, see if it works now [07:46] still doesnt work [07:47] im thinking i didnt setup the share on the folder correctly [07:48] in step 3 of the documentation i added, i only changed it to the directory of the media im trying to share [07:49] AGoonyGooGoo: what's in 'smb.conf' ? [07:49] cat /etc/samba/smb.conf | nc termbin.com 9999 [07:50] Yesterday I upgraded to 22.04 but near the end the update app crashed "Jammy stopped responding". I tried to reboot, but something was blocking it. I started software updater and updated some packages, and that seems to have cleared what blocked the reboot. [07:50] EriC^^ [07:50] [sambashare] [07:50] comment= Network Shared Folder by Samba Server on Ubuntu [07:50] path = /docker/plex/media [07:50] force user = smbuser [07:50] force group = smbgroup [07:50] After reboot everything *seems* to be fine, but I'm not sure. Are there any logs I can check for what happened and what (if anything) needs to complete? [07:51] E.g. I'm not sure it completed the kernel module stuff [07:52] osse: sudo dpkg --configure -a and sudo apt-get -f install [07:53] AGoonyGooGoo: type "cat /etc/samba/smb.conf | nc termbin.com 9999" [07:54] how does it fail? [07:55] EriC^^https://termbin.com/vxfb [07:55] EriC^^: that exits immediately, which I think is a good sign [07:55] the only section i added was all the way at the bottom [07:55] EriC^^: the first command I mean [07:56] osse: yeah [07:56] AGoonyGooGoo: did you restart smbd? [07:56] EriC^^: the second says "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded." but which a bunch I can autoremove [07:57] I guess that's also a good sign :p [07:57] Is the new background for the login manager dark gray? [07:57] EriC^^ i tried "sudo service smbd restart" no confirmation so idk? [07:58] EriC^^: thanks [07:59] when you install updates or run sudo apt update or upgrade or even full-upgrade, do you need to logout/restart the pc? [07:59] ok EriC^^ it worked, i ran "sudo service smbd status" and it was only running for 10 seconds [07:59] EriC^^sorry, i still cant connect, but the restart worked [07:59] or should you just restart what ever you're working on with systemctrl restart [08:01] heres what the smbd status says https://termbin.com/clqk [08:02] does anybody know how to change charging limitation of accu on a Thinkpad E15? using ubuntu 22.04 [08:03] osse: no problem [08:04] is there a way i can see the directories are available via samba share [08:05] bibl: it depends on what it updated, usually when you login to the tty it tells you if a reboot is needed, or you could see if /var/run/reboot-required exists [08:05] AGoonyGooGoo: when you try connecting what does it say? [08:05] generic "windows cannot access" [08:06] i'm trying to connec tto "\\\docker\plex\media [08:06] can you access it from ubuntu itself? [08:07] you mean from the server that im trying to share from? yes [08:08] have it. [08:09] AGoonyGooGoo: must be some network issue i guess [08:09] i can ssh from my windows machine to my ubuntu server [08:10] so im fairly positive its not a network issue, but my inability to configure the samba share [08:11] when you said you access it from ubuntu you meant smb:// ? [08:11] i think you have to use \\\media without the docker part [08:12] smb:// [08:12] -bash: smb:// No such file or directory [08:13] cannot connect via \\\media from windows box [08:13] AGoonyGooGoo: do 'sudo apt-get install smbclient cifs-utils' [08:13] installed [08:13] actually, do you have gui on the server? [08:14] if i do, i dont know how to enable it. its all CLI right now [08:14] AGoonyGooGoo: ok, try 'smbclient -L -U smbuser' [08:15] its asking for a password, which i dont recall settings [08:15] AGoonyGooGoo: sudo smbpasswd -a smbuser [08:16] smbclient -L -U smbuser [08:16] Password for [WORKGROUP\smbuser]: [08:16]         Sharename Type Comment [08:16]         --------- ---- ------- [08:16]         print$ Disk Printer Drivers [08:16]         sambashare Disk Network Shared Folder by Samba Server on Ubuntu [08:17] just put "| nc termbin.com 9999" after a command and it'll upload it for you to share [08:18] https://termbin.com/xn82 [08:19] i had to reload, it wouldnt let me send any messages, unsure why, is this working now? [08:21] AGoonyGooGoo: try in windows connecting to \\\sambashare [08:21] EriC^^ nope [08:21] try to disable the firewall for a sec just to see, sudo ufw disable [08:22] then try again [08:22] still no luck, should i re-enable firewall? [08:25] hmm [08:26] AGoonyGooGoo: if you do 'smbclient //' [08:26] then type 'ls' can you see the files? [08:26] yep, that works [08:29] AGoonyGooGoo: maybe this will help https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-client/networking/cannot-access-shared-folder-file-explorer [08:31] oh, that makes sense, gotta restart to apply [08:31] be back in a sec [08:33] EriC^^ doesnt seemed to have worked :( [08:37] i tried \\\sambashare [08:41] hmm no idea AGoonyGooGoo , but if it connects from ubuntu i think it might be a networking issue or windows setting [08:41] when i run sudo smbstatus --shares, nothing comes up.  does that mean that i'm not actually sharing anything? [08:42] it doesnt show sambashare even? [08:42] no, it shows nothing [08:42] i wish i could do screenshots [08:47] how can I find the iccid of a sim in an ubuntu machine in the field using konsole? I installed and tried qmicli-tools "qmicli --dms-uim-get-iccid", but it says wrong path, when I change it to "qmicli -d=/sys/devices/platform/soc/1c13000.usb/musb-hdrc.1.auto/usb5/5-1 --dms-uim-get-iccid", it says "error: couldn't create QmiDevice: Wrong file type". I'm not trying to "create" anything only see the id so I can change the phone number name to the name of the [08:47] computer. Any help would be appreciated. === b is now known as Guest9650 === Guest9650 is now known as billby [08:54] I have a single fbdevice with multiple GPU:s. And this is the last thing that brings havoc to my attempts at creating a multiseat configuration... (I was able to login with both seats but when one log out, both went to login screen.) [08:56] So can anyone advice howto get both GPU:s have their own fbdevice? === aaguhagegaooeg is now known as westor === westor is now known as Guest8735 [09:16] re: finding the iccid of a sim in an ubuntu machine - i am pretty sure this is the correct command "qmicli -d /dev/ttyUSB2 --dms-uim-get-iccid", but I got "segmentation fault". [09:19] hey everyone! [09:20] quick question, ubuntu 20.04 .. XFCE how do i get the "menu panel" (on top) to the bottom ?? i got them GPudriver issue so thers black bar obstructing parts of the top [09:20] maye ill find out xD probably i mean. but linux is so complex its a fractal [09:29] most commands I try result in segmentation fault, except -h and the subcategories - i must have a mistake in syntax === Justin[m]1234 is now known as Justin[m6 [09:54] heya [09:55] can someone give me some input about AMD-GPU drivers ? i was disadvised to use the proprietary ones. since raytracing isnt really supported nowadays thers actually 0 reason to go with proprietary drivers from ATI/AMD. now i need to find a way to purge them, and get SOME .. ANY GPu drivers that works. i think the open source ones are good [09:56] VIA: i can't comment on raytracing, but the rest should be correct [09:57] the proprietary ones should have some uninstallation method. also, i think they install packages. [09:58] https://amdgpu-install.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install-installing.html#uninstalling-the-amdgpu-stack [10:00] before rebooting as per the notes there, you may want to ensure that there is no "blacklist amdgpu" line anywhere /etc/mod* [10:00] *anywhere in [10:02] i.e. sudo grep -ri amdgpu /etc/mod* should return empty [10:03] amdgpu is garbage. I have better performance with 7 years old nvidia GTX960, than with 1yr old amd RX6700XT, in euro truck simulator 2! I am not exaggerating. that game on amdgpu/mesa is glitchy and stuttery [10:04] I'm selling my amdgpu and have gotten nvidia rtx3090. pure gaming bliss. [10:05] and now with nvidia open sourcing their drivers, in a few years when it covers all the (gaming) GPUs... it's game over for amdgpu. [10:05] amdgpu works for me here, haven't tried truck simulator [10:05] same [10:06] can't compare stability, I must say I do have the odd crash now and then, but I am using semi bleeding edge [10:06] it's not just that game. borderlands3 has visual artifacts under amdgpu, not under nvidia. xcom-2 (a rather old game compared to the age of the amdgpu) also is glitchy [10:06] I thought maybe because RX6700XT is so young (release march last year) but I have same glitches even on older models I tested [10:07] is there something wrong with this command (syntax wise): "qmicli -d /dev/ttyUSB2 --dms-uim-get-iccid" ? [10:07] I had amdgpu crash twice a day under regular xorg. not so under xwayland/sway [10:08] frankly, those games seems to work better under xwalyand/sway. I kid you not. but this could be subjective perception becuause it's not crashy [10:08] i never have crashes with amdgpu, but i'm not using the very latest hardware [10:10] yeah older amdgpus here aren't crashy either, with the exception of a vega APU That seems to kill sway every X+y re-plugins of external HDMI into that particular laptop [10:10] I'm still hoping it's the (young) age of the amdgpu I got, but hey... rtx3090 which is just as young works flawlessly under proprietary drivers [10:10] i got some weirdass problem. i dont get HDMI(actually DP) displayed as soundcard/output + the black bar [10:11] just noticed the cable on the back was bend up STRONG i hope i didnt do any damage? also cant choose monitor resolutions and only shown as generic pretty much. darn [10:11] i had gerat experienceswith both proprietay and out of the box drivers [10:12] Khepra: which ubuntu version, kernel version and firmware version are you using? [10:12] ill try connect a HDMI cable see if i can fix [10:12] actually i shhould do more grinding whil its bright i can do PC stuff later too [10:12] tomreyn: 22.04, stock defaults; debian bullseye (this model doesn't even work under 5.10, needs 5.12+ and newe mesa so I backported from sid while I could); gentoo [10:13] what annoys me about amdgpu is that it doesn't support opencl, and amdgpu-pro basically only supports brand new cards [10:13] tomreyn: oh yeah, 18.04 also tested, glitchy as well with stock defaults, which I later realized was due to mesa, as backported newer mesa (and newer mesa under gentoo) seem to have fixed the glitches, but not performance [10:13] Khepra: if this is very new hardware, i'd try 22.04 with oibaf ppa [10:14] tomreyn: yeah I Was too optimistic. for years I used nvidia which I never had trouble with newer hardware so I thought amdgpu would be even better because it's FOSS-y [10:14] so I've got this ancient but ludicrously powerful HD7900 that's way faster than the GT1030 in my desktop, but it's totally unusable in Linux [10:14] mistake of the decade, in my case. [10:15] gordonjcp: how about mesa-opencl-icd [10:23] 32bit mesa conflicts with 64bit mesa, and general advice to fix packages would remove my desktop environment (tried the things that wouldn't remove it). [10:25] Can anyone help me with mesa package conflicts? (Don't want to uninstall my gui, which happens if I try to remove either version of mesa) [10:25] Hi all [10:26] Or is this issue something that gets resolved by waiting and updating later? [10:26] tomreyn: that's not accelerated [10:27] tomreyn: there is zero zip nada none support for GPU acceleration in amdgpu [10:27] josmala: start by stating what you are running there, showing apt / dpkg command output (on a pastebin or termbin.com), explain what you did that may have caused this, which 3rd party apt repositorories you're using, show output of apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$' | nc termbin.com 9999 [10:27] tomreyn: beyond slinging polygons around, at least [10:28] gordonjcp: oh i thought it would be accelerated since it's mesa related [10:28] nope [10:28] tomreyn: there's no support for it in amdgpu [10:28] gave up - will try at commands via minicom [10:28] tomreyn: or, if there is, nothing actually recognises it as opencl [10:30] gordonjcp: it did seem accelerated when i used it with an etherium miner a while ago. but i'm not really sure that i had a good way for benchmarking things then. [10:30] tomreyn: ah, it does stuff like that [10:30] tomreyn: that's no use though [10:30] I actually want to use it as a graphics card, not boiling the oceans to produce Dunning-Krugerrand [10:31] opencl is graphics compute [10:31] you brought up opencl [10:31] yes [10:31] which is used for all sorts of stuff [10:32] ok. anyways, we should probably keep this rather opinon driven discussion out of this support channel [10:32] in this case, I'm trying to edit video, and the amdgpu non-accelerated driver doesn't work, the amdgpu-pro driver only works at all on brand new cards, and the mesa drivers aren't actually for outputting video [10:33] the only real answer is don't buy AMD because it's unsupported on Linux [10:33] Here's output of both my apt on my 22.04 https://pastebin.com/7R7tLJQy [10:34] tomreyn: anecdotally, AMD is basically unsupported in Windows too for OpenCL-accelerated video processing, because it's painfully slow and very buggy [10:34] gordonjcp: i really disagree on this. but let's continue in #ubuntu-offtopic if you would like to exchange more details. [10:34] https://termbin.com/w2vi [10:34] tomreyn: sure [10:41] tomrey: I used one hour expiration on the pastebin. [10:42] josmala: https://termbin.com/w2vi is the output of apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$' | nc termbin.com 9999 right? [10:42] YEs [10:42] this is a list of packages you have installed which are not getting security updates nor bug fixes because no apt repository is configured for them [10:42] a rather long list [10:43] Probably should remove 10 year old kernels after fixing this issue. [10:43] you have kernels from 3.2 to 5.6 installed, this must be spanning multiple ubuntu releases [10:44] such foreign release or third party packages can introduce unresolvable dependencies [10:44] * to 5.13 [10:44] pastebins shows the actual issue which is between two packages in 22.04 [10:44] three libssl versions [10:45] packages built for ubuntu 14.04 [10:45] Wanting to write a same file. [10:45] no, wait, raring was 13.03 or something [10:45] on boot if i have proc/modules rootdelay /dev/sdX not found and droping to busybox shell what should be after recompiling a new kernel? [10:45] *13.04 [10:47] josmala: the issue at hand is because you're mixing up packages from a PPA and from ubuntu [10:48] okay. [10:54] josmala: which ppa is this? [10:56] some of these packages look like mesa 22.1.0~rc4 and others like 22.1.0~rc5 nightlies [10:56] maybe you just forgot to sudo apt update [10:56] done that. [10:57] Just googled to list PPA:s and I think I found the offending PPA. [10:58] How can I remove a PPA? And if I remove the PPA will it automatically revert to normal ubuntu libraries? [11:00] no. changes happen only on install/remove/upgrade [11:00] That I meant. I just don't want to suddenly end up without GUI because no mesa. [11:01] well downgrading isn't really supported by dpkg, so gods know what you'll end up with if you mess with repos and PPAs [11:08] Well. Let's hope software-updater doesn't remove itself after removing the ppa :D [11:15] Can I remove a package without removing it's so called dependencies? [11:16] apt remove [11:16] Nope. It removes dependencies. [11:17] I installed 32bit version of mesa in addition to 64bit to get steam working. And now I need to remove the 32bit version without removing the GUI. [11:18] And move from PPA mesa to ubuntu mesa. [11:18] you can try dpkg -r [11:24] josmala: you can turn automatic deps into manual with apt-mark [11:24] so apt won't offer to autoremove manual dependencies [11:25] otherwise, apt will not remove dependencies, only reverse dependencies. [11:35] OK something on my system defnitely got botches [11:35] *botched [11:35] can someone hint me how to repair a system ? [11:35] VIA: based on what info? [11:36] im sure theres plenty knowledgable people out there [11:37] guess ill just loose time with the google-game [11:38] josmala: try: sudo apt-get install -t 'o=Ubuntu' mesa-package-name [11:39] josmala: this should fetch ubuntu mesa package and you shouldn't need to remove the ppa package before [11:39] VIA: what are the symptoms ? [11:42] biapy did't work [11:43] biapy: GPU drivers are broken/messed botched not sure [11:43] Probably because conflix is caused by 32bit mesa. [11:43] no GPU drivers, no sensors, no audio over DP, slim black bar on top of screen [11:44] i just tried, "apt --fix-broken install" and it returned : ( willl copypasty to some place ... one second please ..) [11:45] ^^there it is: https://pastebin.com/3NyeQt4A [11:46] if only someone told me steam has the magic abilities to even ruin a unix system *cries* :(((( [11:46] I woulda installed it anywayd \:D/ [11:46] VIA We are fixing both something that was for steam :D [11:47] * VIA hugs josmala [11:48] I installed mesa from PPA to get 32bit mesa that steam required. And now that PPA got broken. [11:48] stray strong my young black brother! we will fight through this evil and win! [11:48] (this yung black bro .. is a quote from a rap track i love, not being assumptuous here xD) [11:49] IDK mesa and PPA ... is this mesa some HalfLife remake stuff ... ? [11:49] VIA: and removing the offending package ? sudo apt-get remove libgl1-amdgpu-pro-glx:i386 [11:50] btw josmala sounds rather feminine, but the line is brother(s) not sister(s) so xD [11:50] biapy: you my man seem like you got a clue! will try [11:50] josmala: did you add :i386 to the package name at the end of my command to install the i386 version from Ubuntu [11:51] biapy the issue is that i386 isn't available on ubuntu. [11:51] it is [11:51] josmala: no, the issue is you miss the i386 repository for Ubuntu [11:51] you're confusing the 32-bit installer with availability of i386 arch packages [11:51] ^this is what i get biapy: https://pastebin.com/URhjq4tb [11:52] VIA : for the moment, remove amdgpu-pro-lib32 : sudo apt remove amdgpu-pro-lib32 [11:52] VIA: needed for some games , but i hope most modern games are 64 bits :) [11:53] it had worked before, flawlessly, proprietary nd non proprietary drivers. right now im tempted and my gut feels tells me to get rid of the proprietary AMD stuff and try whatever ubuntu would install automatically [11:53] biapy: just did as you told me sir, its doing something. [11:53] VIA: my first move is to remove offending packages, your issue is that the amd64 and i386 version of the offending package uses the same configuration file [11:53] will this allow me to purge the AMDGPU drivers ? [11:53] im still not sure what does what [11:54] hmhmmh ic. thats a TOTALLY riddiculous "error" [11:54] VIA: the lib32 at the end of the package name mean that it is the 32bit libraries, removing it should not break a 64bit system [11:54] if same config, where does the conflict comefrom? [11:54] OH were talking about the rusia-ukraine conflict now :}}}} [11:54] VIA: there is a debian command to rename config files to by pass this... [11:55] ty for explaining biapy <3 [11:55] VIA: i have it somewhere in my archives, but i don't remember where [11:56] the command ran smooth no errors or oddities from what i can see [11:56] VIA: here : https://askubuntu.com/questions/116768/providing-a-customized-config-file-for-another-package [11:56] VIA : no, do sudo apt --fix-broken install [11:56] s/no,/now,/ [11:56] i appreciate your input ALOT biapy .. but please alow me to move at a bit of a slowe pace, one thing after the other [11:57] sorry :) [11:57] im sure your hint there would come handy in many situations im, sadly, just in no state to be able to take it all up (physical issues ..) [11:57] no sorry needed ur a chad! [11:58] biapy: I get this https://pastebin.com/074EcvTG [11:58] do u think i could try 'sudo apt --fix-broken install' .. or what wouldbe a recommendable wy to proceed for my driver issue ? [11:59] ok ye think its not going to wreck my ship. it says i can proceed [11:59] " he following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: [11:59] libegl1-amdgpu-pro:i386 libgl1-amdgpu-pro-dri:i386 libglapi1-amdgpu-pro:i386 libgles2-amdgpu-pro:i386 === Polo is now known as Guest8752 [12:01] josmala : sudo apt-get install -t 'o=Ubuntu' libgl1-mesa-dri:i386=22.0.1-1ubuntu2 libgl1-mesa-dri:amd64 libglapi-mesa=22.0.1-1ubuntu2 [12:01] VIA: ok what do you need of your system ? do you need to run games ? [12:01] (steam games ?) === Guest8752 is now known as POLO [12:04] virtualization, graphic/media creaion. was about to learn CAD before cancer [12:04] also necessary stuff for my work. its supposed to be a powerhorse that does anything [12:05] also, just in bios i realized im clocked at 4.1Ghz and I DID NOT DO THAT what in the hell [12:05] Did that with another addition that was required and conflict in copyright file https://pastebin.com/mNFiid55 [12:06] playin a game here and there helps me fight off anxiety. also seriously helped improve reflexes and recover some mental capabilities [12:07] should i do try purge the AMDGPU-PRO drivers now, or just do a reboot see how it fares, after cleanup/autorepair worked well? :> === jontyms27 is now known as jontyms2 [12:07] cause booting was wierd since i came back [12:08] im surprised a VM booted up straight cause its ssigned the max gpu mem possible [12:08] josmala: what does removing the i386 version of the libraries remove ? [12:09] Got it done. Just removed the two offending individual configuration/copyright files that were offending. [12:10] VIA: the system should work fine without 32bit libraries. Some 32bits proprietary games may not work, but professionnal apps should work fine, if they are 64bits. [12:10] biapy: thats what it just did on my system: https://pastebin.com/E5V8VxLT [12:10] josmala: ok [12:10] VIA: good [12:10] biapy: removing either library would have removed Xorg&Wayland and all that depend on those. [12:11] josmala: ? strange, wayland does not depends on i386 library on my system (jammy 64bits) [12:16] biapy: Do you know how I could get fb device for each installed GPU. [12:18] josmala: framebuffer ? no.. it was a long time since i battled against my gpu drivers :) [12:18] * biapy remember the days of Bumblebee [12:19] It was... Epic is not quite the word :) [12:20] Oh. My battles with GPU drivers made me to switch from AMD to Nvidia when I was othervice happy with the cards performance. [12:20] :) i understand your pain :) [12:23] sry for being repetitive, but what would be the approach to get rid of the proprietary drivers and install what the distro would install on its own if i would do a clean install ? [12:24] VIA: i'm sorry , i've got no idea, it was a long time since i played with amd proprietary drivers [12:24] josmala: yea uhuuuu. im also not sure now if i should have rathe picker an nvidia [12:24] thx biapy :) [12:24] or (nvidia for the matter) [12:24] thought AMD CPU would go well with a GPU [12:24] VIA: but if you use nvidia, you should look to setup "nv" driver before removing proprietary drivers [12:25] VIA: i answered your latest question before you disconnected and came back with a new question [12:25] !irclogs [12:25] Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ [12:26] that is, the last but one occasion you asked it [12:33] Hi all. About to upgrade from 20.04.4 LTS to 22.04 LTS. Anyone had any major issues with the upgrade or is it relatively safe to do? [12:34] HI brillopad i did upgrade and there was sam isues [12:34] brillopad: it depends.... for myself, the two times i upgraded from 21.10, the upgrade crashed my display. [12:35] biapy That's what I'm wondering about. The display always seems to be the pain! [12:35] Bugies What issues did you have? [12:36] brillopad: first time for me..... gray screen of death, no idea how to exit it to see some logs... hard rebooted the system. [12:36] brillopad, I had issues and PPA I used to fix was really pain to remove after that fix broke packages. [12:36] at this time, i seriously consider switching to another distribution [12:36] Whooooo, sounds like I'm putting this off until at least 22.04.1! [12:37] biapy: I've been on something like 6 different distros long time ago before choosing ubuntu. [12:37] brillopad: i've got issues with firefox as snap package, vlc that seems semi buggous with my display, etc. [12:37] They are no better. [12:38] All are better than windows though :D [12:38] josmala: on ubuntu since 2004 ... debian, mint, gentoo, suze, redhat, etc., and i love debian for my servers, i'm a .deb fanatic [12:38] brillopad: PPAs are just not supported and so are upgrade paths with PPAs installed. so this is always a matter of luck. [12:39] biapy: Debian was just too much hassle, in every update. Especially after I no longer was in same dorm with a debian developer. [12:40] josmala: debian is a hassle for a gaming desktop or a recent computer desktop. For servers, it's perfect. [12:40] brillopad, nie znajdowalo biblioteki w /usr/lib i Xorg nie wlaczal sie [12:40] brillopad: before and release upgrade, read the release notes for your flavor (if not ubuntu) and ubuntu. [12:40] brillopad, could not find a library in / usr / lib and Xorg would not start [12:41] !ot | biapy [12:41] biapy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [12:41] tomreyn: sorry [12:41] tomreyn: but i must say that jammy is really getting on my nerves. [12:42] biapy: that's not a support issue. [12:42] tomreyn: here is one support issue: how can i find what is causing a "overlay with white crossed circle" blinking at the bottom of my screen ? [12:42] sounds like support issue alright. user experience deteriorated [12:42] tomreyn Will do, thanks [12:43] another support issue: how can i get jammy to boot with TPM 2 enabled ? [12:44] biapy: since you highlighted me: i won't personally be able to help yuo with all support issues, but will try occasionally [12:45] tomreyn: i'm sorry, i'm gripping about jammy. it's been a pain since i upgraded. I also tried to install from scratch to have my laptop not booting because of TPM [12:45] brillopad, I had to remove /etc/ld.so.cache add the path and run ldconfig [12:45] biapy: i suggest focussing on one issue at a time, and to provide more context, screenshots and infos on drivers and graphics stack and flavor when it's graphical issues, [12:45] biapy: Thanks for the help on my support issue. [12:46] tomreyn: it's not a graphical issue, it's a blinking icon with no clue where the logs for the issue are stores [12:46] d [12:47] biapy: most logs are in the systemd journal, which can be accessed though the 'jounralctl' command and the 'Logs' graphical application [12:48] tomreyn: yup, journalctl for system and user: nothing... maybe an issue with keyboard lags .. but the blinking is more frequent that the log entry. kern.log, syslog, nothing either [12:48] tomreyn: dbus notice logs, nothing [12:48] biapy: Have you tried taking an screenshot when icon is visible, then cropping everything else off from gimp. And putting the resulting image to google imagesearch. [12:49] i like nvidia. shouldv perhaps gone with it. but little higher pricetag, and AMD has somewhat more fututure-proof-abilities [12:49] josmala:no, but i found similar screen shots for ubuntu 11 and 13 on google, linked to media keys.. will try your way , thank you [12:49] VIA: #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewhere please. [12:49] as in clocking, and parts of chips that exist but havent been developed on a software level yet /full capabilities [12:50] bit like the tesla computer maybe [12:50] they say they use like xxx lanes .. but its capable of running xxx^? lanes .. so they have lots of room to develop the software, the hardware supports much more [12:51] *tesla autopilot thingy, the fat chip they completely developed from scratch. i dont know the name* [12:52] why was i just kicked ? [12:52] VIA: off-topic [12:52] because you are off topic. [12:52] as i just told you [12:53] biapy: i'm not sure what "ubuntu 11 and 13" are, there were no such releases. [12:54] but if you're referring to 11.04 and 11.10 and similar, those are more than 10 years old. most bug reports for then will no longer apply. [12:54] (nor how to fix or work around them.) [12:57] sorry for that Boss(es), sincerely. I did not feel I had strayed too far, but I accept an understand. Perhaps a verbal warning or a message with the kick would help?! otherwise its just a powerplay cause i had to ask what went wrong .. [12:57] biapy: this "overlay with white crossed circle, blinking", could actually be your external monitor indicating something. is this an external monitor? i think you said you are running ubuntu 20.04, which flavor is this? did you do a fresh install? [12:57] Please why is my python scraping script which runs with 100 threads getting killed on Ubuntu even if my ram is 16gb and swap is 24gb. On windows, everything works well forever with 200 threads on same system specs. please see log from dmesg: https://bpa.st/INAQ [12:58] VIA: verbal will be difficult, but you had a writtten warning. and "ubuntu support" is stated on the channel topic. if you have more questions regarding the channel guidlines (also on the topic) then you can come to #ubuntu-ops to ask those. [12:58] tomreyn : i'm running 22.04, jammy gnome. I have a external monitor, but the blinking icon appear on both monitors. [12:59] tomreyn: i did a fresh install [13:00] biapy: ah, details, lovely. :) at this point, i also think a screenshot of the issue will be the best way to proceed. [13:00] tomreyn: when the issue reappears, i will do so [13:01] oh so it does not appear all the time. if you can describe when it occurs, what other events could be related, this can also help. [13:01] tomreyn: i think the issue come from USB, since the external screen has also a usb hub function.. or it is linked to TPM.. but i'm still looking for the correct logs [13:02] logs about tpm are part of dmesg, end up in the systemd journal. but there aren't usually many. [13:02] tomreyn: i don't know, it appears most of the time i boot my computer. i think it appeared when i was using the laptop without external screen too. [13:03] but it only happens on ubuntu, not wile booted into the 'bios' setup utility, or grup menu? [13:03] *grub [13:04] tomreyn: yes, the icon is on a gnome desktop overlay. it appeared after upgrade to jammy from 21.10. [13:04] let me rephrase that: but it only happens while ubuntu is running, not pre-boot into the 'bios' setup utility? does it happen on the grub menu? [13:05] tomreyn: yes [13:05] tomreyn: sorry, only when logged in gnome [13:05] you said you have a fresh installation, but you also say you upgraded from 21.10 [13:05] tomreyn: did both [13:05] i see [13:06] tomreyn: upgraded from 21.10, had this blinking icon problem, and since my install was 4 year olds, i thought to reinstall [13:06] tomreyn: reinstalled jammy from scratch, blinking icon still there on the fresh install [13:06] okay, that'll be a relevant fact to state when this re-occurs [13:07] tomreyn: ok. in aparte: was confronted with a grey crash screen during upgrade from 21.10, do you know how to exit this crash screen ? [13:08] Hi all [13:08] biapy: is that a graphical screen? did you run the release upgrade on a graphical session? [13:08] BluesKaj: https://nohello.com [13:11] tomreyn: yes, with the graphical tool [13:11] !tty | biapy [13:11] biapy: To get to the TTY terminals 3-6, use the keystroke Ctrl + Alt + F3-F6 respectively. Ctrl-Alt-F2 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 will get you back to your graphical login (Ctrl-Alt-F7 on 16.04). To change TTY resolution, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution [13:12] tomreyn: did try , but no effect that i could see if i remember well. ... but will try again if i'm confronted with the grey screen of death once more [13:14] !sysrq | biapy: less helpful, but still good to know [13:14] biapy: less helpful, but still good to know: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key [13:15] tomreyn: ok had forgotten this one, will probably forget again :) [13:15] thank you [13:16] bookmarks (and tags on them) can help there [13:16] will whine here when i confronted with the blinking icon again, and will come with a screenshot. [13:17] tomreyn: yup, will add to my wallabag , but even with this, i must think to search for that when i'm confronted with the issue :) [13:18] i'm pretty sure no one here considers seeking support with an annoying issue 'whining' here. [13:18] or i really hope so. [13:18] tomreyn: i'll be whining.. :) about not finding log entries [13:20] the image search' suggestion earlier seemed like a good approch to me. [13:22] tomreyn: to me too, but it seems like a rare issue. [13:23] tomreyn: the only thing closely resembling was a 2011 bug about unsupported media keys. but will try. [13:27] i' also suspect it can be related to hardware, firmware, graphics drivers. [13:28] tomreyn: maybe, probably TPM related, but then it should show on dmesg and kern.log [13:28] TPM has no gui related bits at all [13:28] (well, apart from some UEFI stuff probably) [13:29] ogra: even with hdmi ? [13:29] ogra: i'm not well read on tpm, looking to learn [13:29] unlikely [13:29] tpm is a storage for encryption keys ... yu use it for secure boot under UEFI [13:30] ogra: where can i find doc on fixing grub issues with tpm enabled ? the system reboot on grub when tpm is enabled [13:32] is this a signed grub-shim or standard grub? [13:32] hi A long time ago I added a bunch of lines to a system file (similar to .bashrc file for history customization) , I know forget the name of the file , and find myself in the situation where I have to rebuild [13:33] anyone know what the system wide file name and path is? [13:33] Afternoon All, I hope you are ok. I am trying to run a .sh script at boot with a 30 seconds delay but so far I have been unsuccessful. I have added the following line to crontab but the sh won't fire up at boot (@reboot bash -c 'sleep 30 && "/home/me/Dropbox/Juice/So Mine/Path LINUX/ki++/run.sh"'). Do you have any advice? Thanks [13:34] tomreyn: no idea: grub installed by fresh jammy install with lvm encryped drive [13:34] transhumanist: this is rather unspecific. maybe you are referring to something alnog the lines of /etc/environment, /etc/profile, /etc/skel [13:34] transhumanist: /etc/bash.bashrc ? [13:34] biapy: was the tpm enabled while you installed? [13:35] tomreyn: yes [13:35] okay then it should not be that issue [13:35] EriC^ you are todays winner! [13:35] thanks a lot [13:35] no problem [13:35] I will save this thread somewhere [13:35] biapy, and you made sure your system is using UEFI, not legacy BIOS ? (TPM with bios will not work) [13:35] good information [13:36] ogra: yes [13:36] ogra, tomreyn: ubuntu 21.10 worked without issue with a disk imported from another computer [13:37] ogra, tomreyn: fresh jammy install: auto reboot at grub prompt. [13:37] ogra, tomreyn: there is a few words (2 or 3) shown but so quickly that i can read them [13:38] to return the favor, here is what I use for unified history across all shells [13:38] https://bpa.st/CLDA === diskin is now known as Guest3479 === diskin_ is now known as diskin [13:54] heya [13:55] is there a way to make xrdp much lighter/ quicker for non lan networks ? [13:55] im connected remotely.. and its quite sluggish [13:56] get faster internet ? [13:56] Assid: XSpice maybe, or https://xpra.org/ [13:57] (or switch to something that allows compression, like x2go) [13:58] ogra: i looked into it recently, and found x2go to be deprecated (i don't remember where i read this, but well) [14:04] how do I grep something like ls -al | grep -i "*.sh" so it searches only in the current path ( no directories below it ) [14:05] transhumanist: find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec grep -i "*.sh" {} \; [14:05] thanks thats one to save , much appreciated [14:05] similar to my other find -exec command but more specific to what I am after [14:05] transhumanist: probably not the best way to do this [14:06] transhumanist: grep -i "*.sh" * [14:06] transhumanist : this last one should be the way :D [14:07] I'm waiting for someone to post find ... -exec find. [14:08] transhumanist: are you trying to list all the files that end in .sh or grep them? [14:09] list all files in like 3 directories (not whole tree ) -- one by one start with /home/ as an example all files that end with *.sh [14:09] not sure why its so hard to do...lol [14:10] I created a build script of all the crap I want in my ubuntu system after a rebuild, I just cant find it ...lo; [14:10] lol* [14:13] better to find it before hand , I am assuming...lol [14:21] Hi. 20.04/WSL, I use 7z quite a lot and noticed it fails with errors on certain archives. Code version is fairly old, is there an official 7z with newer src or can you recommend a code source? [14:21] seems I once again will have to rebuild from scratch. I can not find my batch script...:-( [14:24] transhumanist: run a find on your home dir? [14:25] i didnt understand what you meant earlier by the 3 subdirs, you mean /dir /dir/dir1 /dir/dir1/dir2 ? [14:25] deadrom, https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z2107-linux-x64.tar.xz [14:26] transhumanist: find ~ -maxdepth 3 -iname "*.sh" [14:34] thanks EriC^ much cleaner, still cant find the damn thing...lol [14:51] transhumanist: you may want all sh script in a directory, but they dont necessary end with .sh [14:52] transhumanist: grep -r -E "#\!.*sh" . [14:53] ou : find . -maxdepth 3 -type f | grep -r "#!.*sh" [14:53] ou : find . -maxdepth 3 -type f -exec grep -r "#!.*sh" {} \; [14:55] sorry [14:55] transhumanist: try this: find . -maxdepth 3 -type f -exec grep -E "#!.*sh" {} \; [14:55] transhumanist: try this: find . -maxdepth 3 -type f -exec grep -E "#\!.*sh" {} \; [14:55] i'm mixing my command lines. [14:55] sorry for the spam [14:59] transhumanist: ansible [15:03] well, seems I must have rebuilt my system since creating the bash script. I will look at dpkg-query --showformat='${Package}\n' --show --vs-- sudo apt list --installed | awk '{split($0, a, "/"); print a[1]}' >> ~/apt-installed-packages.txt === leaftype2 is now known as leaftype [15:14] ogra: ok .. used x2go..b ut now i onyl get a desktop wallpaper.. no real desktop [15:17] Assid: xpra is what i used, but it was imperfect [15:19] Assid: look at this draft article on xpra: i used it with tint2 doc for remote desktop capabilities: https://pastebin.com/qzRUDgQX [15:20] i'd like to atleast give x2go a shot.. if i can get it working [15:21] Assid : good luck , i dropped when i was confronted with the empty desktop, and last time i looked at the beginning of the year, or the end of last year, there was no release since at least two years. [15:22] Hello All, I am trying to run a bash script at startup with 60 sec delay but it is not working. Anyone so kind to support me? Thanks [15:23] what i dont get is HOW windows is able to get rdp working soo light.. and working fine from a remote network [15:24] alrite.. will give xpra a shot [15:25] Assid : its imperfect, but it does the job [15:25] what issues areyou facing / for it to be imperfect [15:26] xpra works well with slow /remote networks ? [15:27] Assid: was using it over an adsl connection. As for issues: something on my remote host triggered dbus log entry spam that filled my hdd to capacity very quickly. I experience some connection lags sometimes, but it was workable [15:27] Assid: the main hassle was the dbus log spam, but i was connected to a ubuntu qemu virtual machine so i may or may have not influenced the situation [15:28] yeah .. im doing that right now.. to a kubuntu vm [15:28] Assid: there is no GUI, and you must initiate the connection with command line, and you need something like the tint2 dock to launch other applications once connected [15:29] im using windows client.. there is a client gui.. [15:29] Assid: start a remote terminal or dock, then you can work with it. I don't recommend starting a full desktop [15:29] im trying to figure this out [15:29] dock ? [15:29] Assid: look at tint2 software [15:32] oh ok.. taskbar dock.. [15:36] i get this when i connect : 14500 [15:36] Assid: the advantage of xpra is that you only launch the software you need, but the disadvantage is that if you need multiple tools, you need a dock or a term to work. [15:36] unable to launch "true" x session [15:37] Assid: can't help you much , i don't remember if i had difficulties to make it work... since there is nothing in the draft i gave you, i think it was relatively straightforward [15:45] Hello, [15:45] Can you tell me if it is possible to remove this or reduce loading/shutdown time? [15:45] "A start job is running for /dev/disk/by-uuid/34634o6i3oi46j3oi46346..... [15:46] it waits for min an a half before booting [15:46] I think I got this once I made ubuntu automatically mount 2 partitions [15:46] webchat45: you probably have a missing device in /etc/fstab [15:47] you should either add "nofail" to its fstab options column or not list dynamic device that may not be present on boot, in fstab [15:47] what does nofail do exactly ? [15:47] tells systemd not to fail if it's missing or somehow errored out [15:48] so basically my system waits for 1.5 min for this device to appear then continues boot ? [15:48] webchat45: that's my guess based on very little info you've provided [15:49] ok [15:49] so sudo cat /etc/fstab | rdbin.com 9999 [15:49] help me out here :) [15:50] you don't need sudo to view /etc/fstab, it's not privileged file [15:50] and it's termbin.com [15:53] UUID=6132f14c-d619-41ea-acdd-4474b050b0f5 none            swap    sw              0       0 [15:53] (and you need to | to nc . cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999 ) [15:53] there it is [15:53] I cant seem to find UUID=6132f14c-d619-41ea-acdd-4474b050b0f5 [15:53] could it be it was a flash drive ? [15:53] how come you have swap on nonexisting device? [15:54] its because I am not always fully iunderstanding what I do in linux [15:54] So you say I can just remove this line ? [15:55] I don't know. if you're sure that UUID does not exist. you can check if swap is active, and on which device, with swapon -s [15:55] hrmm.. cant get it working right : /user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-4.scope is not a snap cgroup [15:55] ok take a look at my fstab in the meantime [15:55] https://termbin.com/m82r [15:56] swapon -s returns nothing [15:57] webchat45: that looks messy, and apparently you had swap on the same nvme with the ESP and rootfs? did you migrate that to another disk? [15:57] yes I had a 256gm nvme with dual boot linux and windows [15:57] so what happened to partition 6 ? [15:57] and just cloned everything to a 1tg nvme [15:58] cloned how? [15:58] some software you burn it on a flash drive reboot and tell it to copy everything from one drive to another [15:58] then remove the first drive [15:59] machine thinks second drive is the first one [15:59] tomreyn: about the crossed circle i'm encountering: https://pasteboard.co/mMFapf41NYmD.png [15:59] I had no problems booting windows or linux or doing whatever [15:59] webchat45: well for some reason either partition 6 is gone, or it changed UUID. do you have `parted` or `sgdisk` installed? [15:59] the latter is `gdisk` package [16:00] I have gparted [16:00] you know what, it's not needed. can you blkid | nc termbin.com 9999 ? [16:01] https://termbin.com/17wx [16:01] I dont think I have a swap drive [16:01] webchat45: what is that? the sole output of blkid ? [16:01] when I click on the system monitor app in gui it says there is no swap drive [16:02] what is that? the sole output of blkid ?" -> let me check [16:02] you have no swap if `swapon -s` shows no swap objects in use [16:04] it is a 700gb partition on my nvme where linux is installed [16:05] ok I think we have to check somehow if I have a swap partition created and have linux mount it at boot and use it [16:06] webchat45: could you first post the ouput of that blkid? it can't be just that one line [16:06] was it this one?: [16:06] https://termbin.com/17wx [16:07] yes that does not look right [16:07] webchat45, can you try with 'sudo' ? [16:07] ok [16:07] one sec [16:07] I found my swap partition [16:07] its: 598e2a49-69a3-e15e-86a5-32d0eae265f6 [16:08] it'd be wiser if you used PARTLABELs instead of UUIDs, to avoid this problem the next time you clonzilla the whole disk [16:08] https://termbin.com/zscf [16:09] biapy, looks like a media-key problem [16:09] webchat45, tha's better [16:10] webchat45, the problem might be /dev/nvme1n1p1 [16:11] "the" problem? [16:11] lol [16:11] ok so what should I label my swap [16:11] webchat45, sy, it's ok [16:11] and how do I mak linux mount and use it on boot ? [16:14] nvme1n1p1 is my microsoft reserved partition and is something windows needs [16:14] probably [16:15] I think I should just name the the swap partition Swap or whatever you tell me is best [16:15] then replace the missing UUID with the one for the swap [16:15] save [16:15] reboot, and I should be ok [16:16] webchat45, correct the swap file infstab [16:17] ok [16:17] first how do I label the swap partition ? [16:17] What is standard ? [16:17] webchat45, just edit the uuid : replace with 598e2a49-69a3-e15e-86a5-32d0eae265f6 [16:19] should I keep any of the text after the UUID ? [16:19] 598e2a49-69a3-e15e-86a5-32d0eae265f6 [16:19] no not this one [16:20] pasted wrong thing [16:20] UUID=6132f14c-d619-41ea-acdd-4474b050b0f5 none            swap    sw              0       0 [16:20] none swap... [16:20] do I keep this ? [16:20] webchat45, the line is ok, just change the uuid [16:21] ok [16:22] ok here goes.. [16:23] wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow [16:23] wooooooooooooooooooooow [16:23] now that was a fast boot! [16:24] <3 [16:25] for sure, you have a fast system [16:25] yup [16:25] ok one more problem [16:27] when I start a vm before I updated to Ubuntu 21.10 its icon was the icon I selected for it. sometimes it would bug out and display strange or not icons for the vms but one I hit ALT+F2 then type R in the window it refreshes everythig and the icons are fixed [16:28] now I get an the same Icon, an Icon with cogwheels for every vm I open -> alt+F2 and R doesnt fix it anymore [16:28] any thoughts? [16:30] webchat45, can you please rephrase ? what part of the DE are you talking about ? [16:30] josmala: for your graphic driver problem, see the line about ppa-purge at https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers [16:30] DE ? [16:30] desktop environment [16:31] that cmd (alt+f2+r) usually restarts the DE [16:31] oh, talking about the Dock [16:31] the strip with the icons on the bottom [16:31] yeah [16:32] webchat45, well, cogwheels indicate a missing icon (or a wrong theme) [16:32] or incomplete === diskin_ is now known as diskin [16:33] sometimes a binary [16:34] you know what's interesting [16:35] webchat45, maybe you are using a non stock set of icons [16:35] when I start the opensuse vm - its icon is cogwheels, but if I alt+F2 and r it shows the suse icon [16:35] but works for only one of 15 vms [16:35] this one [16:36] not all the DE restart with that combo [16:37] each one has its command [16:38] the point is that you get the correct icons only if you refresh the DE, is that correct ? webchat45 [16:39] yes [16:39] for only one of the vms this works [16:40] webchat45, what is that ? vmware, virtualbox qemu [16:42] virtualbox [16:42] webchat45, you can try the #virtualbox channel, i guess [16:43] alright [16:43] Thanks [16:43] ok [16:50] when should we expect Ubuntu 22.04 LTS to prompt the older version of ubuntu for upgrade ? [16:50] Do you have any idea ? [16:51] august [16:51] with 22.04.1 [16:51] I see [16:51] ok [16:51] thanks [16:51] for 21.10 it should already be available === Sqaure is now known as Square [17:17] hi [17:18] i just did a fresh ubuntu 22.04 install in qemu, after the reboot i get to the login screen and enter my password, but it doesn't bring me to the desktop when i hit enter.. [17:18] it brings me back to the login screen [17:18] anyone else had the same problem? [17:21] thanks ravage [17:26] Primal: sounds like you're mistyping your password ... Make sure your CAPS LOCK is off ... [17:28] rjwiii it's not that, the password is correct. besides, it would tell me if it was incorrect [17:28] i also dropped to tty and managed to login there fine [17:29] could it be !xauthority ? [17:29] !xauthority [17:29] If the .Xauthority file in your home directory has the wrong permissions (usually due to misuse of sudo), you may be unable to log in. To fix, change to a virtual terminal with Ctrl-Alt-F3, log in with your normal username and password, run rm ~/.Xauthority* and then reboot. [17:33] Primal: Just a frivolous test, but you could try creating a new user and see if they can log in on the XDM. [17:33] Primal: There might be logs. [17:34] Primal: Also, you could try changing your password in the console and seeing if that upate jars the system loose. [17:34] Primal: I presume this is stock Gnome, with gdm managing logins? [17:34] just a stock, fresh ubuntu 22.04 install [17:34] (Although gnome does have a login manager daemon...) [17:35] i've deleted it now and got fedora instead [17:35] Primal: Whatever it takes. [17:43] so I have a solution to the problem with chrome and firefox [17:43] what problem? [17:44] the file system open dialog only shows one directory or a few directories [17:44] this will come up for other people [17:44] there has been a change to the snaps for ubuntu and also the debs version of chrome and firefox [17:45] snaps will only show a few directories by design [17:46] the following fixes it sudo apt-get install dbus-x11 && dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP && sudo reboot [17:46] also if you dont want to do that you can mount -o another path within the folder that is allowed to be viewed [17:46] I think its a feature not a bug [17:48] is this GDM or LightDM ? [17:48] for the record, dbus-x11 is installed by default [17:51] !info dbus-x11 [17:51] dbus-x11 (1.12.20-2ubuntu4, jammy): simple interprocess messaging system (X11 deps). In component main, is optional. Built by dbus. Size 23 kB / 161 kB [17:51] and why reboot? [17:51] it's a dependency of gnome-session-bin [17:51] same issue with unity; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/1969357 [17:51] Launchpad bug 1969357 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "Unity7 crashes on Jammy with 22.04's gnome-session version" [Undecided, Invalid] [17:52] dbus-x11 is on the Ubiquity remove list [17:52] don't know why a reboot is necessary, couldn't get it to take affect without it [17:52] logout/login might work. [17:52] indeed [17:53] maybe, but I needed to reboot anyway [18:00] my reason for the reboot was to install nvidia video drivers, for some reason with one of my monitors it doesnt work properly till after a reboot, this is the only computer I have seen with the problem (but my second monitor is a T.V. and I have not seen too many systems with T.V's as monitors [18:07] Hey I'm having some issues with my monitors. 1) One additional monitor seemingly turns off after a few minutes. But turns back on if I unplug and replug it in. But then it turns off again in a few minutes. 2) Sometimes when I boot up my main display/a second display are black and I have to reboot multiple times in order to get them to appear. 3) Sometimes after waking from hibernation the screen is [18:07] black. Can anyone help me? === ogra_ is now known as ogra [19:24] test [19:27] hey, anyone us firefox in snap? i seems it can writ to /home/ is that correct even though I removed that permission? [19:31] aha i see why [19:31] dman good job i test thing s ;p [20:14] Can someone tell my even in the newest version of ubuntu (server) not all services and systems are migrated to systemd-journald? [20:14] Everytime I'm troubleshooting a (new) service I first have to find what part ends in systemd-journald or somewhere else [20:15] i cannot name a service that is not migrated. [20:16] haproxy [20:16] See: https://packages.ubuntu.com/kinetic/amd64/haproxy/filelist [20:16] /etc/rsyslog.d/49-haproxy.conf [20:16] kinetic is the next one, 22.10; [20:16] https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/amd64/haproxy/filelist [20:16] /etc/rsyslog.d/49-haproxy.conf [20:26] oke haproxy still uses rsyslog.. you found one === jesopo is now known as jess [20:38] Hola [20:38] Hi [20:44] On my ubuntu 22.04 install I only have "balanced" and "power saver" available under power settings. Should there be a performance? [20:51] No, standard gives an expanaition; standard performance.. [20:52] = full [20:52] Hey oerheks was that to me? [20:53] Paddy_NI,yes [20:53] oerheks: Should I habe a "standard" option too then? [20:54] I only have balanced and power saver [20:56] No? [20:56] are there any gnome42 distros with more options then? [20:57] oerheks: I have seen "performance" in some screenshots. [20:57] Perhaps that is only with specific hardware [20:57] but is it gnome42? [20:57] YEs [20:57] Yes sorry [20:58] Does anyone else here have 3 power profile options on the standard ubuntu 22.04 install? [20:59] More than just balanced and power saver that is? [20:59] i have that to, Paddy_NI [20:59] i find no such examples. [20:59] oerheks: Cursory google search gnome 42 balanced power saver performance [21:00] Tons of screenshots from articles about Gnome 42 [21:00] so, why more options when powersaving and performance is given, performance does not mean it always run on full power, just it does what is needed [21:00] oerheks: Then it's counter to the set standard thus far [21:01] And I must admit to having very shaky performance [21:01] Like there is a clear ramp up time [21:02] Not like before anyway. I would rather have the choice all the same. [21:05] Paddy_NI: it depends on the machine i guess. I have Perfomance, Balanced and Powersaver on one of my laptops with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS [21:06] Maik: It seems like a bug then [21:06] don't think so [21:06] Paddy_NI: your machine is a laptop? [21:07] Well the regression in performance by a constantly ramping up and down power profile is providing me with an objectively worse experience than the previous release of ubuntu [21:07] Even windows on this system provides 3 options. [21:08] Even Ubuntu MATE actually [21:13] Maik: Desktop [21:14] Choppy animations unless I trigger them multiple times which I guess causes the cpu to stop being throttled. This only last for a very brief time. [21:15] When using zoom if I open a pop-up chat or pop-up participants window and move it, it grinds the entire system to a complete crawl until again it begins to ramp up again. It ramps back down almost instantly [21:16] It's really bad [21:17] what are your specs? cpu and mem? [21:18] Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 1030. Sata SSD. [21:19] Although as I said it's only a problem with Ubuntu 22.04 [21:21] I had to stop using both the SNAP version of Zoom due to absolutely unusable performance and the same with the flatpak. I am currently using the deb from the website with the "--disable-gpu-sandbox" flag as other wise zoom fails to even launch. [21:21] This is also unique to Ubuntu 22.04 for me [21:21] Maik: weirdly I only have "Power Saver" and "Balanced" on my desktop [21:22] Maik: is there a way to enable "Performance"? [21:22] i bet Zoom gives those performance issues everywhere, your cpu and mem are sufficient [21:22] gordonjcp: I have read an askubuntu question where people use the slimbook ppa to fix it [21:22] I have not tried that as it seems a little odd [21:22] hm [21:23] oerheks: No it performance like a champ on almost every other distro I have tried. [21:23] Even the windows partition on this machine runs rings around it [21:23] oerheks: I'd test if my Core i5-4570, 16GB RAM, and NVidia GT1030 exhibited the same behaviour, but I don't want to email all the contents of my hard disk to the Chinese government [21:23] gordonjcp: lol [21:25] oerheks: I actually have an ancient thinkpad t420 which also out performs it and a 9 year old alienware again blows past it in performance [21:25] For me this is a regression at the very least if not a bug [21:27] maybe zoom gives such performance after boot, first start; it checks for updates? [21:27] wat? [21:27] :-) [21:27] anyway, i don';t believe there are faster desktops that load a snap faster. [21:28] That's your choice, I mean you can believe unicorns live in your shoes. I don't see how that is relevant? [21:54] Okay major progress! gordonjcp === Guest8735 is now known as westor === westor is now known as Guest2805 [21:55] I installed that slimbookbattery application from the ppa and installed "linux-tools-my-kernel-version" turned on auto start with slimbook battery and maximum performance and the difference is night and day. [21:56] Less than optimal workaround but this feels more on par with the performance of windows and other distros now. [21:58] Yeah animations feel much better and I can move those chat/participant windows around like mad if I want in zoom now with no freezing video or system lockups [22:00] Yeah something definitely got screwed up with Ubuntu 22.04s power profiles. [22:04] hi [22:07] hi === MinusSeven is now known as Orbit === Orbit is now known as MinusSeven === MinusSeven is now known as Orbit === Guest62_ is now known as ITSONME === ITSONME is now known as POLO === Orbit is now known as MinusSeven [23:37] sarnold, tomreyn: Thanks for replies; I'll check out the docs. Any suggestions on the fastest way to get up & running for a standalone KVM host which has long-lived VMs (and therefore infrequent installs) would be gratefully appreciated. [23:40] blahdeblah: probably libvirt-bin, optionally with virt-manager. [23:42] and then just lvm backed guest storage (or even qcow image files if storage performance does not matter so much). [23:42] there is also #ubuntu-server [23:49] Yeah - I probably should ask there for this stuff; less background noise. [23:50] and possibly better answers on server topics, once the team is at work.