[06:40] Oh my, when did 2fa get turned on for everyone? Since I don't have it configured any more and I seem to have lost my recovery codes [08:01] StevenK, this is managed by the SSO team and here is a relevant FAQ - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSO/FAQs/2FactorAuthentication#No.2C_I.27m_really_locked_out_of_my_account.__What_should_I_do.3F [08:01] Can you tell us your Launchpad username? [08:18] guruprasad: I'm ex-Canonical, and I had it enabled while I was employed, and was turned off when I left, I'm delighted it's more wildly available now -- I'm 'stevenk' on Launchpad [09:26] In case you are really locked out, I guess we can verify the ownership of your account via your SSH key provided you still have the private key for one or more of the SSH keys in your Launchpad account. [09:27] The same can be done with your GPG keys too. [09:27] StevenK, ^ [09:28] I will still have to check with my colleagues about the steps after we verify the account ownership. [09:37] StevenK, I will proceed with the SSH key verification method, if that is okay for you. [09:37] (or if SSH/GPG verification doesn't work then we can do a video call) [09:37] * guruprasad noticed that they are not in the room atm [09:38] or they are :) [09:40] your IRC client is playing tricks on you [09:42] My eyes :) [09:42] I didn't know that StevenK worked in the Launchpad team before :) https://blog.launchpad.net/meet-the-devs/meet-steve-kowalik [09:46] StevenK, can you perform the steps in https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hgKhbjW76X/plain/ and send the resulting files to me 'guruprasad.ln' at canonical so that I can verify the ownership of an SSH key in your account? :) [10:33] guruprasad: Nope, because the pastebin is also asking me to login with a 2fa challenge :-) [10:34] heh, guruprasad should be able to fix that by logging into the pastebin himself before creating the paste [10:54] StevenK, looks like the raw mode requires login. Can you try opening https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hgKhbjW76X/ and see if that works without requiring a login? [10:55] guruprasad: it requires login if and only if the person who created the paste wasn't logged in when doing so [10:55] (iirc) [10:55] cjwatson, I was logged in when I created the paste. [10:55] guruprasad: Okay, I can see that, doing so [10:55] huh, perhaps I misremember then [10:56] I know it was a change to defend against some really quite nasty material that was getting posted [10:56] I do remember going through the SSO flow and now my name is auto-filled in the `Poster` field. [10:57] The raw mode might be requiring a login because it can be retrieved and piped to shell (and hence usable for bad things). [10:59] guruprasad: And sent [11:01] StevenK, got it. Doing the verification now. [11:45] StevenK, I have some questions/issues with the files that you have sent me over email. Will DM you about that.