
richard-amshello room, whats the note here?01:53
guivercrichard-ams, this is a Lubuntu supprot room, if you have a Lubuntu support question please ask it. People respond as they're able, so be patient.01:54
richard-amsthanks gyiverc. Ive got it.01:55
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lubot_[telegram] <Michaël> I'm only recently using multiple desktops 17:08
lubot_[telegram] <Michaël> I used to turn it off be default 17:08
lubot_[telegram] <Michaël> I'm sincerely impressed by it's speed 17:08
lubot_[telegram] <Michaël> It's very well built 17:08
lubot_[telegram] <Michaël> thank you17:08
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=== carr0t is now known as carrot0101
carrot0101is it safe to update from 21 to 22 with the command line method stated in the manual?18:00
carrot0101because the manual talks about going from 20 to 21 so i'm curious if it still applies18:00
lubot_[telegram] <Michaël> You can use it without worries 18:04
lubot_[telegram] <Michaël> I've used this command a lot 18:04
lubot_[telegram] <Michaël> never had issues with it18:04
carrot0101you're right, I had no issues, thank you!18:38
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=== demon is now known as Guest1959

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