
ricotzgood morning desktopers!06:22
dufluHi ricotz 06:25
didrocksgood morning07:10
dufluMorning didrocks 07:25
didrockshey duflu 07:28
seb128goood morning desktopers07:44
didrockshey seb128, bon week-end ?07:48
dufluHi seb128 07:50
seb128didrocks, salut! nickel! et vous ?07:58
seb128hey duflu, how are you?07:58
didrocksça va :)08:00
dufluseb128, weekend was productive and caught up on sleep. We elected a new government for Australia too. Today I have felt good although running out of energy... How are you?08:01
seb128duflu, I'm alright, some house cleaning and an evening out having diner and playing games with friends on saturday and not much on sunday :)08:13
dufluSounds good08:14
dufluI think if/when we have some good weather I will take some holidays and work on the garden. And even if we don't have good weather I may still take holidays to work on the house. Don't seem to find enough time with just weekends08:15
KGB-0gdm Jeremy Szu 309782 * commented commit 074298d * https://deb.li/3HfEv08:24
KGB-0gdm Daniel van Vugt 309783 * commented commit 074298d * https://deb.li/330le08:32
KGB-2gdm Alberto Milone 309789 * commented commit 074298d * https://deb.li/EH7g08:56
KGB-0gdm Daniel van Vugt 309798 * commented commit 074298d * https://deb.li/3OqYc09:26
KGB-0gdm Jeremy Szu 309802 * commented commit 074298d * https://deb.li/3oqRv09:32
KGB-2gdm Daniel van Vugt 309806 * commented commit 074298d * https://deb.li/3gy4I09:35
seb128Trevinho, hey, any idea about bug #1975402?10:37
ubottuBug 1975402 in gjs (Ubuntu) "GJS returns wrong session mode" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197540210:37
* Trevinho checks10:38
jbichagood morning12:04
KGB-2evince upstream/latest ff90d66 Fabio Tomat po/fur.po * Update Friulian translation * https://deb.li/cBk712:32
KGB-2evince upstream/latest cf978ab Tim Sabsch help/de/de.po * Update German translation * https://deb.li/39Oqd12:32
KGB-2evince upstream/latest 900bd32 Marek Kasik shell/ev-sidebar-annotations.c * shell: Disconnect signal handler to prevent invalid read * https://deb.li/3wXZF12:32
KGB-2evince upstream/latest 0ff1789 Germán Poo-Caamaño NEWS meson.build org.gnome.Evince.appdata.xml.in * Release 42.3 * https://deb.li/ilZo112:32
KGB-2evince upstream/latest 8680b64 Jeremy Bicha (11 files in 5 dirs) * New upstream version 42.3 * https://deb.li/rnj12:32
KGB-2evince ubuntu/jammy 1855830 Jeremy Bicha debian/ control control.in gbp.conf * Update Vcs branches * https://deb.li/bz7D12:33
KGB-2evince ubuntu/jammy 84446c5 Jeremy Bicha debian/changelog * releasing package evince version 42.3-0ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/39nVz12:33
KGB-2evince signed tags 0f86cee Jeremy Bicha ubuntu/42.3-0ubuntu1 * evince Debian release 42.3-0ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/K6Ul12:33
seb128jbicha, hey, how are you? did you have a nice weekend?12:38
jbichayeah, I had a good weekend12:41
RontureProblem with Maverick.21:54

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