
RikMillsEickmeyer: would you object if the discover flatpak backend was installed by default? 14:48
RikMillsi.e. a recommends of discover14:48
RikMillsif you object, I can do it in kubuntu meta instead14:48
EickmeyerRikMills: Let's keep it in the Kubuntu meta for now. I'd have to think about it.15:13
RikMillsok, not a problem15:14
RikMillslooks like kde are not hurrying to fix the kdesu thing, so I will start packaging a fix our side to put to the security team15:15
EickmeyerRikMills: Sounds like a good idea. I'm a little annoyed that KDE isn't taking it seriously. Security (and known exploits) should be a #1 priority. teward would tell you all about that.15:18
teward*was pinged, yawns, then goes back to coffee consumption*17:20

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