
dedeidedeCan anyone help me, what are the four processes of cloud-init (cloud-config.service cloud-final.service cloud-init-local.service cloud-init.service) used for.04:37
falcojrdedeidede: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/boot.html explains all 4 (plus the generator) pretty well12:13
esposemfalcojr: I don't see your inline comments on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1453. Or do you mean to just use namedtuples?17:54
ubottuPull 1453 in canonical/cloud-init "cc_set_hostname: do not write 'localhost' when no hostname is given" [Open]17:54
mengesbGreetings! Wanted to know what resources I might need to check out to run an instance metadata service in my data center such that it's compatible with cloud-init. Per recent recollection, we have a vmware infrastructure though I'm coming back up to speed so I'm still verifying that's the case. Searches are naturally difficult to word correctly so22:49
mengesbwas looking for a little help or directions around the internet to good resources22:49
blackboxswmengesb: generally cloud-init has a number of datasources instance metadata it is compatible with: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources.html. Each one works a little differently. If you are getting up to speed on what datasource your current VMs have discovered, you can ssh into the instance and run right `cloud-id` ; `cloud-init status --long` or `sudo cloud-init query v1` to see the datasource type22:55
blackboxswif you are trying to get familiar with how cloud-init works, check out the tutorial which shows you LXC/LXD which is nocloud basedconfiguration: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/tutorial.html22:56
mengesbi recall working with nocloud once; but was a long time ago22:58
mengesbi'll have the infra folks get me access or run the `cloud-id` or `cloud-init` commands you referenced, so that I can get started there22:59
mengesbare there such things as deploying an IMDS service?22:59
mengesbI've used IMDS with gcp/aws/azure so I've come to just assume it exists over the years23:00
blackboxswmengesb: each of those specific dataources are highly available REST services that are exposed as a link locally accessible URL such as or http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/.  How the datasource IMDS structures and presents its configuration data is unique to the cloud platform or backplane. You could experiment a bit with writing your own using the nocloud-net datasource.23:10
blackboxswexamples of what kind of interaction a given cloud uses against the IMDS it sets up are all in the _get_data functions of each datasource module https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/tree/main/cloudinit/sources/ 23:12
blackboxswwhich will give you bearings on how unique that setup is for each cloud23:12

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