
=== scoobydoob is now known as scoobydoo
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josmalaI think when I upgraded my machine to 22.04 there was question which asked do I want VESAFB or (something I cannot remember). How can I reverse that choice to that other option? (I doubt that's easy, but it's easier than trying to fresh install and loose all the customizations I've done over the years.04:43
KhepraHello. Which permission do I need to disable on the Firefox snap to disallow access to my real $HOME ?04:57
Kheprathere are "access home" and "access personal files" and I don't understand the difference and if I enable any one of them, I have other problems like being unable to save downloads or install extensions.04:57
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blobberdeneHello, my external keyboard and mouse are not working properly on ubuntu 22.04 lts.06:43
blobberdeneBoth have their lights on when plugged in but are not showing any input.06:43
blobberdeneKeyboard works when on boot system asks to decrypt the hdd and stops afterwards.06:43
blobberdenePorts are fine because keyboard works at some point and both have their lights  on.06:44
blobberdeneAnything that can be done here ?06:45
alkisgblobberdene: what's the output of this command? du -sh /lib/modules/$(uname -r)06:50
alkisg(assuming you can access via vnc or ssh)06:50
blobberdeneIts my local machine actually06:50
alkisgDoes ctrl+alt+f2 work, does it give you a terminal?06:51
blobberdeneThat command gave me this06:51
blobberdene759M /lib/modules/5.15.0-30-geberic06:51
alkisgHow did you type that, using an internal keyboard (is it a laptop) or from vt2?06:52
blobberdeneIts a laptop, inbuilt stuff is working, problem is only with external mouse and keyboard06:52
alkisgRemove the keyboard, run `dmesg -w`, insert the keyboard, then pastebin what you saw in dmesg06:53
blobberdeneDmesg showed "Device is not authorised for usage"06:55
blobberdeneFor both the usb devices06:55
blobberdeneI had usbguard installing, think thats what was stopping both06:58
blobberdenealkisg: thanks it worked, just had to remove usbguard.06:59
Kharec'morning everyone07:16
glitchapphello, I installed a game with make install and I can't get rid of the command, I removed the files manually as there was no uninstall, any hint on how to completely remove the command from bash?07:25
Khepraglitchapp: which command?07:25
bittinLinux Saloon from Sunday last week about Ubuntu is now uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_hXobo4vVc08:03
kazuhais anyone around?08:20
kazuhaanyone uses ubuntu 22.04?08:20
Glitzerhalf around, lemme check my version08:21
Khareckazuha: yep, I'm using it right now08:21
Glitzeryes on 22.0408:22
Glitzerwhy did you asK?08:23
kazuhauh sorry for going afk there09:01
kazuhaI just have an issue with my display?09:01
kazuhaI'm kind of a newb here09:01
kazuhathe screen sometimes shifts from left to right and back quickly09:01
kazuhaand I'm not sure what's going on?09:01
kazuhait's like the entire window shifts to the right and back rapidly09:02
kazuhathe entire screen that is09:02
kazuhanot just a window09:02
Kheprakazuha: what gpu, what type of cable. Not sure I should even askin 2022 if the monitor is CRT :)09:09
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Glitzer@kazuha What is your system's GPU? NVidia or AMD? For NVidia try their proprietary drivers for AMD try installing the Oibaf repository and drivers, I found both more stable than the default drivers Ubuntu provides09:36
Glitzerof course if it's a hardware problem I'm clueless, but changing GPU drivers might be worth a shot09:37
kazuhaits a lenovo thinkpad t460s @hepra09:39
kazuhait's nvidia09:39
kazuhaI don't think it's a hardware problem09:39
kazuhayeah i could try changing GPU drivers, I don't know if it's running the dedicated GPU right now though09:40
Glitzerwith a Thinkpad I think you're right, I wouldn't rule out a hardware problem nut I'd put it on the "less likely" list09:42
kazuhaI mean it is a pretty old laptop, like 6-7 years old09:44
kazuhabut I still don't think it's the hardware09:45
Glitzerohhh you made me think... can it be your Thinkpad switches between dedicated GPU and power saving onboard one "on demand" could this cause the shifts?09:45
kazuhait might be09:45
kazuhabut im not sure09:45
kazuhait only happens intermittently09:45
kazuhawhich is weird09:45
kazuhaand alt-tabbing almost always stops it09:45
kazuhamaybe I just need the drivers09:46
kazuhathe GPU driver for nvidia09:47
Glitzerwould still drive me mad09:47
kazuhayea it really is weird09:47
kazuhaI'll try the GPU driver for now and hope it doesn't break things09:47
Glitzerthe official NVidia one is pretty save09:48
kazuhaalright I'll give that a go then09:48
Glitzerthe official AMD one broke my x.server (had much fun fixing my OS via ssh)09:48
larkfishermanSSH takes 30sec to login - journalctl -u ssh says pam_systemd(sshd:session): Failed to create session: Connection timed out - can anyone help me figure out the cause of this?10:11
larkfishermanRestarting sshd did not help10:11
ravagelarkfisherman, try to comment the pamd_systemd line in /etc/pam.d/common-session10:16
ravagerestart sshd and try again10:16
larkfishermanravage: It worked, thanks!10:20
ravagegreat :)10:21
larkfishermanWould you please explain briefly what exactly did I do and why did it work?10:21
larkfishermanJust trying to understand the underlying cause...10:21
ravagei am not 100% sure whats failing here. i had the same problem after i installed 22.04 on some computers. i suspect systemd-logind and some dbus problem. i just know that i dont use PAM at all and most people dont10:23
ravageso disabling that was the solution i found after some google digging10:23
ravagepam is used to authenticate with plugins. most people only use the normal login via password or ssh key10:24
larkfishermanAh, so PAM is not a critical component of a secure system. Good to know. Thanks a lot mae10:26
hresco3I often lose control of my audio on my desktop.  With many other systems I can examine the ps table or use pkill to terminate an errant process and restart it.  With my audio system, too often the only way I know to recover functionality is to reboot the system itself.  Can someone here please point me at some literature or otherwise share some guidance sufficient to helping me recover my audio services on my10:43
hresco3desktop short of a system reboot?10:43
ravage"pulseaudio -k" ?10:44
hresco3thank you so much ravage++ !!! I was unfamiliar with that.  My last deep dive into linux audio was learning how to configure alsa to work with an audio chip, and I never did much understand that.10:50
hresco3`man pulseaudio` looks quite informative.10:51
ograif you need to "configure alsa" there is a bug then that you should report ... you should not have to touch alsa to get sound10:52
raxor2kIsnt there a tool that can show me how much datatransfer i have used this day, or this week? I am trying to measure/calculate how much money/usage digital ocean costs me10:57
ignorandAnyone know why this happens: https://www.marcus-povey.co.uk/2020/10/05/fixed-nis-not-working-after-upgrading-to-ubuntu-20-04/10:57
ravageraxor2k, should DO not provide that information?10:58
ravageignorand, that article already know why it happend, offers a workaround and the comments a possible fix. so did you try all that?11:02
l0k1Hey together, only FYI (suspension problem 22.04). My solution was: https://askubuntu.com/questions/598236/ubuntu-wakes-up-after-few-seconds-of-sleep11:02
raxor2kravage: I can already see graphs of the usage, but i want to see a summarization of this as well11:14
ravagevnStat comes to mind11:16
ravagebut i havent used that in years11:16
hresco3ogra: I have not had to configure alsa in perhaps a dozen years.  But when I first started building linux desktops twenty years ago, I lived without audio.  When I first started building linux desktops for others on a commercial basis 17 years ago, I spend far mposre time making audio work than I did on the entire rest of the system combined.  I appreciate the work which has been done to hide that process11:29
hresco3from me as a systems administrator.11:29
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[twisti]does anyone know why ubuntu LTS 2022/04 is not available in the WSL2 --list --online output ? its been in the store for a while11:51
ubottuWindows 10 and newer have a feature called "Windows Subsystem for Linux", which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide11:52
ogra[twisti], try #windows-wsl11:55
BluesKajHi all12:07
anotherUSERTHOST _bka_13:15
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xheimlichhi, I upgraded from 18.04 to 20 LTS and now my keyboard layout is wrong.13:34
xheimlichbut it looks like the right choice is made in gnome-control-center13:34
xheimlichis this a known issue or am I just in bad luck.13:36
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ttys000I have ubuntu 20.04 and it's crashing after i log in. if i boot into headless mode, is it possible to see the last boots logs so i can find the reason for the crash?15:12
ArtfulDodger__Hi! I'm setting up slapd according to https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/service-ldap with dc=example,dc=com and machine name ldap01.example.com15:16
ArtfulDodger__However ldapwhoami always returns "ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)"15:16
ArtfulDodger__Also "ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap:/// -b dc=example,dc=com dn" returns "No such object"15:20
sealsniperjoin systemd15:23
ArtfulDodger__https://bpa.st/24HQ sealsniper15:27
Woet_is there a way to pin package versions together? for example, I don't want to update package foo from version 1.2 to 1.3 until package bar also has an update from version 1.2 to 1.3 available.15:38
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto15:43
oerheksWoet_, ^15:43
oerheksbut carefull, dependencies can give problems15:43
Woet_oerheks: I've read that some time ago, but I didn't see anything covering versions of packages, only from different repos15:44
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WoetI guess only holding gets close to what I need, then it'll just be a manual job constantly15:44
enigma9o7[m]Why dont you want to update package foo seperately?15:46
enigma9o7[m]If it doesnt work unless bar is also updated, then its a packaging problem, the maintainer should update dependency requirements approprioately....15:46
enigma9o7[m]i.e. foo 1.3 should depend on bar 1.315:47
cat24hi .16:19
cat24i have a problem i can not reach the nvidia rtx 308016:21
cat24NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.16:21
lotuspsychjecat24: ubuntu-drivers list to see your available drivers16:24
oerhekscat24, if this is an UEFI machine, disable secure boot?16:25
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ghostboarderhey all, first time trying to connect to my work vpn with this linux mint install (20.04), and i get "the vpn service could not be started".16:59
ghostboarderusing pptp for a windows server vpn16:59
leftyfb!mint | ghostboarder17:01
ubottughostboarder: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)17:01
=== DomhnallOCobhtha is now known as donaloc[m]
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funhouseHow do I read a parquet file?18:26
leftyfbfunhouse: sudo snap install parq18:28
funhouseleftyfb, thank you18:29
oerheksoh nice, available as snap, no more pip18:29
* octav1a snaps pip asunder 18:30
oerheksasunder, my favo mp3 ripper..18:30
funhousehmm No manual entry for parq18:31
funhouseleftyfb, any idea on how to read the file from bash?18:36
leftyfbI do not18:38
jhutchinsfunhouse: There's always cat.18:54
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biapyfunhouse: view ? most (from package most) or bat (from package bat). I mostly use most19:55
biapydoes someone have an example of iptables hairpin nat for libvirt use ?19:57
neverbluehi guys. I have installed Ubuntu on Virtuabox. Not remembering to configure the network correctly, I found I have no access to the Internet/externally. I have configured the VM to use Bridged Adapter, but when I restart, the box does not boot back in to Ubuntu. I simply see an iPXE line, so I assuming it's trying to network boot. How can I20:04
neverblueconfigure the network and have the VM back to a running/functional state please ?20:04
summonnerkinda need some help... my logitech 604 stopped working today. the dmesg log is full of "logitech-djreceiver 0003:046D:C537.000C: Unexpected input report number 128"20:06
summonnerI've had to plug in an old USB mouse to get desktop working20:07
summonnerFrom searching, it seems that only the left-mouse button is affected (right and middle still work), blacklisting the hid_logitech_dj driver hasn't worked (no change). Other comments online say it's stopped working in newer kernels as well as old.20:08
jhutchinssummonner: What is a logitech 604?  Some kind of input device?20:23
summonnerjhutchins, yeah G604 is a mouse, using the unifying receiver which logitech uses for multiple devices. from reading, some one has been maintaining the driver library, but it gets murky from there... he left? he's not maintaining it anymore?20:28
adrianahi i need your help20:34
adrianai need to transfer files from a windows 7 pc to an ubuntu pc20:34
adrianado you know the easiest way?20:35
neverbluedepends on a few things. How are they connected ?20:35
adrianathey are all connected to my home wifi20:35
neverbluebut they are separate hardware ?20:35
neverbluenot a VM20:35
adrianayes they are separated hardware. two notebook20:36
biapyadriana: i'm trolling, but the easiest way is a usb key or external hdd20:36
summonnerwin7 shared folder, ubuntu can see it20:37
adriananow i am writing from the ubuntu one20:37
adrianai have to transfer a lot of files. whith a usb key it takes a long long time20:37
biapyadriana: otherwise, i heard good things about https://syncthing.net/ but never tested myself20:37
neverblueadriana: if you knew the different speeds over USB/network, that might be a more accurate statement. the USB transfer is likely your fastest20:38
adrianaso is difficult to see the w7 folders from the ubuntu pc?20:38
biapyadriana: or like summonner said, a windows shared folder is the most straigthforward :)20:38
adrianaso the first thing is to set the c: folder in w7 as a shared folder?20:39
summonnerdon't share the root, share a sub-folder20:39
sophiessh server on the ubuntu machine20:39
sophiefilezilla on windows20:39
neverbluego to the Window machine, right click on the folder with the files, then set it to Share. Open File Explorer, browse to your \\<IP of the windows machine> and confirm you see the Share name. Then, on the Ubuntu box, do the same: \\<IP of the windows machine>20:39
sophietransfer via ssh20:40
biapynice one sophie :)20:40
adrianaok i try20:40
neverblueto get your Windows IP, use Start -> cmd -> ipconfig (look for ipv4 Address)20:41
adrianai already have the windows ip. now i try to set a folder as shared20:41
neverblueto generate the share, right click the folder, Properties -> Sharing -> Advanced Sharing (share this folder, give it a name)20:42
summonnerWell... after sharing the folder on the windows machine, you go to the Ubuntu machine and in the file manager (if it's PCManFM) Go->Network and see if the windows machine is in the list20:42
neverbluedo you want to only read from the Windows Share? if not, you may need to provide write permissions (so you can write from your Linux to Windows)20:43
summonnerneverblue, readonly is a default of filesharing20:43
adrianai need to transfer files (lot of files, in different folders) from w7 to ubuntu20:43
neverbluethen the proposed plan should do that20:44
SudoBashsudo apt-get install samba20:45
summonneradriana, see if you can get the initial folder working. if it does, you can then copy or move the files into that shared folder on windows. an F5/refresh on Ubuntu should show the new files to you20:45
adrianai have samba in ubuntu20:46
adrianaok please listen20:46
SudoBashRun a samba share on Ubuntu, push the files20:46
SudoBashedit /etc/samba/smb.conf20:46
summonnermmmm SudoBash that would require ensuring the path tree has correct perms into the shared folder and write = ok  is set properly20:46
SudoBashat the bottom there are some examples, build your share manually20:46
adrianain the w7 pc i have a folder called C:\201120:46
adrianai have set 2011 folder as a shared folder20:47
SudoBashbetter than relying on Ubuntu File Sharing that's built into some file managers like caja / nautilus20:47
summonneradriana, if all the files you want are below that, it should be fine20:47
SudoBashI think that even uses some built in smb stuff, but never works20:47
adrianathe w7 ip is
SudoBashfrom ubuntu: \\
SudoBashfrom your file manager, whatever you're using20:49
SudoBashif it doesn't give you a place to paste the location try ctrl + L20:50
adrianahe ask me username dominio and password20:50
SudoBashtry your windows credentials20:50
SudoBashyou have to have a windows password for this to work btw20:51
summonnerput in     COMPUTERNAME\username   and password (where COMPUTERNAME is the name of windows PC,etc)20:51
adrianai didn't know i have wimdows credential20:51
SudoBashhaha, what if they have an online microsoft login?20:51
SudoBashassign password to the local 'Administrator' ?20:52
summonneron the windows pc, run    cmd     and type    whoami     to see your username and    echo %COMPUTERNAME%   to see the computername20:52
SudoBashalso set COMPUTERNAME works too for that20:52
summonnercmd -> Command Prompt (if you use the windows menu)20:52
SudoBashwill just echo if you're not setting a var20:53
adrianawhoami tells computer-hp\paola20:53
leftyfbadriana: https://data-flair.training/blogs/transfer-data-from-windows-to-ubuntu/20:53
summonnerthat's your username on Ubuntu->connecting to Windows credentials20:53
SudoBashuse that for username: computer-hp\paola20:54
leftyfbadriana: just install ssh on ubuntu and use winscp on windows to transfer the files20:54
SudoBashyea that would be way faster than SMB too20:54
leftyfbadriana: I just posted step by step instructions20:54
adrianaecho %computer-hp\paola% doesn't work20:55
leftyfbadriana: https://data-flair.training/blogs/transfer-data-from-windows-to-ubuntu/20:55
SudoBashyou already have everything you need20:56
adrianaubuntu ask me also dominio and password20:56
leftyfbadriana: hello?20:56
SudoBashdomain is computer-hp20:56
SudoBashdominio: computer-hp20:57
SudoBashuser: paola20:57
SudoBashI think winscp might be a stretch for this one20:58
leftyfbI don't think so20:58
leftyfbjust install to install ssh on ubuntu20:58
leftyfbthen download and run winscp on windows20:58
leftyfbnothing to configure20:58
SudoBashsudo apt-get install openssh-server20:58
adrianabut i don't know which password he need20:58
leftyfbadriana: do you know the password for you ubuntu machine?20:58
matsamanwhatever the user's pass is20:58
adrianayes the ubuntu password yes20:59
leftyfbadriana: ok, please follow this: https://data-flair.training/blogs/transfer-data-from-windows-to-ubuntu/20:59
adrianabut i tought he needs a w7 password20:59
leftyfbadriana: forget about samba20:59
SudoBashdo you actually have permissions to the Windows PC?20:59
adrianayes, without password20:59
leftyfbadriana: you do not need the windows password20:59
SudoBashgo set a password on the windows machine for that password!20:59
SudoBashfor that user I mean20:59
* leftyfb sigh21:00
summonnerokay it's a bust. make sure openssh-server is installed on ubuntu and use filezilla as sophie suggested21:00
adrianaok, in the shared folder?21:00
SudoBashit's a single click sign on21:00
matsamanfilezilla, winscp, any sftp client should suffice21:00
SudoBashhe's almost there, he's at password prompt to access files....21:00
SudoBashwould just have to sit at that prompt, go set / change password for paola user, enter password and see files21:01
adrianathe correct syntax is set/change password ?21:02
SudoBash@adriana, set a password for paola on the windows pc for that user and then go back and use it at that prompt21:03
SudoBashyou gotta be trolling21:03
leftyfbadriana: do you want to get this done?21:04
adrianaok the w administrator is Franca, and he ave a password21:04
SudoBashthey're already almost done and you want to confuse them more21:05
adrianait works21:05
SudoBashdominio: computer-hp21:06
neverbluenice, glad it works adriana21:06
SudoBashuser: franca21:06
adrianauser paola  dominio computer-hp and password21:06
adrianabut it works now21:06
SudoBashwhatever the user is you're about to use their password21:06
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)21:06
adrianai am seeing the 2011 folder21:07
SudoBashsee if you can transfer tho21:07
adrianathank you very much!!!21:07
SudoBashnext time learn ssh and winscp21:08
neverbluedon't listen to the haters, you did great21:08
SudoBashit's faster to deploy and you can push files to ubuntu, transfers are quicker too21:08
SudoBashAlso, I don't think samba will connect to XP shares anymore21:09
adrianai already use smb to transfer files from ubuntu pc to a hard disk connected to a nvidia shield, but to nvida is a little bit easier21:09
adriananow i need to transfer photo from w7 to ubuntu, and then from ubuntu to nvidia hard disk21:10
SudoBashone thing about cifs / smb shares, filenames must be under a certain length and not contain certain characters I believe...21:11
SudoBashso make sure you have ALL files after transfers, because it may not accept some filenames and need a different method and obviously can't transfer files that are in use21:11
SudoBashone way around the filename thing is to zip or otherwise archive a collection of files that are giving you issue21:12
arraybolt3SudoBash: Yeah, but isn't filename problems going to be a problem with Windows and Linux interactions in general? Windows is very picky about what filenames it will and won't accept, whereas Linux is fine with anything but a "/".21:13
arraybolt3But still, yes, good idea to make sure all the files you transferred actually made it.21:13
SudoBasheither way, I've seen some issues like this similar from Linux to Linux samba fileserver hosted on on ESXi to 10Gbit TrueNAS array, so who knows where the issue was there? Samba I suspect? Old outdated netbios rules? IDK...21:14
SudoBashTrueNAS is ZFS too, so...21:14
SudoBashBut mainly copying files that were probably generated on Windows, living on EXT4 drives for old archival, transferring to EXT4 under ZFS21:15
SudoBashBut also VMFS because of ESXi... haha21:16
SudoBashlots of abstraction? Maybe I should do something else...21:16
SudoBashOld drives are showing signs of dying, so transferring and I can transfer elsewhere if needed21:17
SudoBashahhh it'll probably be fine.. it survived a power outage today21:18
adrianathank you SudoBash, i have a loong night transferring old photos...21:23
SudoBashsummonner helped you moatly21:23
matsamanwine would help the most21:24
adrianatommy's margarita also21:25
SudoBashBTW adriana, I'm doing the same thing and using cifs / samba to backup just because it's easy and you can do it in your normal file browser :-D21:26
jhutchinssummonner: It sounds like the mouse and the receiver might not be properly paired.  This usually "just happens", although I remember that erarly versions came with a Windows utility to set up the mouse.21:35
jhutchinsI think I'd try swapping physical things - changing the USB port, swapping batteries, maybe test the mouse/receiver pair on another PC if available.21:36
jhutchinsTheoretically there's nothing to go wrong, but what that really means is nothing to fix.21:37
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oerheksjhutchins, or change batteries.22:21
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MinusSevenHi all23:34
MinusSevenIs there a visual crontab manager for Ubuntu, or is it best to use the command line?23:34
pedahzurDid someone hack an Ubuntu blog account or two? What's with all the articles about how to buy essays?23:48
sarnoldpedahzur: yeah, that site's been hacked again23:48
pedahzur"Ubuntu LoCo Council" isn't a corporate (or community) site? If so, I would think they would keep better tabs on it.23:51
pedahzurHmm... https://lococouncil.ubuntu.com/  Not a good look for a sub-domain of ubuntu.com to get hacked.23:52

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