
Iamthehuman12Ok, the Windows-button not launching program launcher thing started exhibiting on the other box too with US 21.1008:54
Iamthehuman12OvenWerks: I created the other account. So I suppose I'm going to log in at some point and look at the ~/.config/kglobalshortcutrc and see if I can find the number that will bring this basic GUI functionality back to working (again)08:56
Iamthehuman12or do I need to login, maybe the file has been generated even without logging in even once08:57
BrianHechinger[mYou'll need to login. That's not put there by useradd.09:32
Iamthehuman12Ok, the new user had number '3' for magic number and over there it worked, putting the value '3' into the kglobalshortcutrc still didn't fix the "Nothing happens if I press just the button with the Windows-logo". I did reset the binding to Alt+F1. But now I notice the "Alt Gr"-button will not work, on either keyboard16:16
Iamthehuman12Lenovo is finally dispatching a new dock, so I guess reinstall everything once again, because if the malware is not in the dock FW, then I would have Moonbounce, but updating the laptop FW has been done via fwupdate and has not complained about problems16:18
Iamthehuman12and if there is no malware then just none of the OS I have work for more than 5 minutes with good luck, and I find that more unlikly16:19
Iamthehuman12can someone please make HW that can trick Windows to think it is on an internal disk when it is not? then I would never carry any Windows anywhere16:20
Iamthehuman12Windows does not boot unless it is on /dev/sda or the NVMe equivalent, the last I checked. 16:21
Iamthehuman12that "Alt Gr" does not work seems to exhibit only when setting the shortcuts, elsewhere it is fine16:23
Iamthehuman12So reinstall everything as soon as the dock comes and only then plug in the fresh dock and upgrade its firmware and if OS still get broken in no time, I have corrupt FW on the lappy, the only one I know of that can do that is Moonbounce16:28
Iamthehuman12... or would all of these be bonafide Ubuntu Studio bugs?16:28
OvenWerksIamthehuman12: if anything they would be plasma bugs. Best place to asl would be #kubuntu16:31
Iamthehuman12OvenWerks: there are tons of bugs I haven't even started to try to find help for. e.g. booting once leads to inability to type the password, boot a time or a couple and presto, entering password is again possible etc. etc. etc16:32
Iamthehuman12so booting may lead to success or not, but repeating enough times will yield a somewhat working system, that is clearly intentional about nagging how unrealiable and dodgy it is16:34
Iamthehuman12HW diagnostics show nothing wrong16:35
OvenWerksLogin would be sdm bug... maybe. It depends on the number of people having the same problem.16:35
OvenWerkswell thats not fair, it could be something no one notices16:35
OvenWerksI guess sddm16:36
Iamthehuman12someone should pour money and finger miles into making a service that will do 3 things: #1 Tell's whose bug what likely is and point to the right place to report #2 Ability to easily send small amounts of money to any FLOSS developer #3 Ability to attach tiny messages to the small money orders. With enough streams of small payments with tiny messages FLOSS could start to really rock and bonafide bugs would get solved16:38
OvenWerks"someone" Maybe ask Elon? Well maybe not. someone who puts money into something, expects to get a return. Sometimes that work ok. Corperate redhat and Canonical have both added to the floss world in various ways, some good and some bad but both server centric16:42
Iamthehuman12So instead of "YOU HAVE A BUGGGG" there would be "Here's $5 and btw you have a bug". I think the system could use AI, just scrape and aggregate data of what was filed wrong where, when and what is causing this16:42
OvenWerksI would point to freenode as an example of where it went wrong though16:42
Iamthehuman12I heard someone hi-jacked freenode with some corporate entity16:43
Iamthehuman12his intention was probably to destroy the network16:43
OvenWerksI would point to how that has worked with Ardour who did have bugs with "bounty" set up.16:43
OvenWerksThe person who took over freenode did not want to destroy the network but to control it and monitize it. It is still there but almost anyone who matters has been "blacklisted"16:45
Iamthehuman12OvenWerks: have you tried writing lilo's real name into the English Wikipedia's search box? His name was Rob Levin16:45
OvenWerksI notice freenode tries to make itself look like it is still a going concern by bridging to libre through matrix.16:46
Iamthehuman12I notice you do not connect his death with the death of the network he created and ran16:47
OvenWerksNo, I do not know that much.16:47
Iamthehuman12But now this is getting off-topic in non-kid-friendly ways16:47
OvenWerkswiki says: IRC was created by Jarkko Oikarinen in August 198816:53
Iamthehuman12yeah in Oulu, Finland16:54
OvenWerksAnyway, the protocol and SW is open. Freenode and it's trouble are not important to me any more.16:57
Iamthehuman12back to on-topic: In the feature to record the desired keypress combo as a short cut, when I press the Windows-key it shows up just as "Meta+"17:40
BrianHechinger[mIf you're experiencing the same issue i was (can't type in password) ctrl-alt-f2. Log in, systemctl restart sddm and your can login. It's an sddm bug.18:57
BrianHechinger[mAlthough I haven't noticed that since switching from 21.10 to 22.0418:57

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