
=== stygian is now known as arktvrvs
Smuquihi all09:13
Smuquiit's possible to use a remote desktop software on xubuntu?09:14
Smuqui(i'm trying to do that on a xubuntu  that is running on virtualbox!09:20
SmuquiI CAN't install anydesk or vnc09:21
Smuquiroot@vinomats-VirtualBox:/home/vinomats# apt install anydesk09:21
SmuquiReading package lists... Done09:21
SmuquiBuilding dependency tree09:21
SmuquiReading state information... Done09:21
SmuquiSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have09:21
SmuquiI CAN't install anydesk or vnc09:31
Smuquiroot@vinomats-VirtualBox:/home/vinomats# apt install anydesk09:33
SmuquiReading package lists... Done09:33
SmuquiBuilding dependency tree09:33
SmuquiReading state information... Done09:33
SmuquiSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have09:33
Smuquirequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable09:33
Unit193x11vnc is in the repos, perhaps not the most simple to use but it works.09:36
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX09:36
Unit193x2go is pretty amazingly good too.09:37
SmuquiI still have issues on it's installation!09:53
SmuquiPackage not found09:53
sophiefreenx is another option from nomachine09:55
Unit193x2go and freenx both use nx tech.09:55
sophieah, thank you. it's been a while since i did any remote desktop09:56
Smuquii can't change repositories for download either (trough gui)10:35
rasyidHello, can someone helping me13:03
Guest7Does xfce kiosk mode work with xubuntu?14:18
=== itu is now known as Guest9602
=== Guest9602 is now known as itu
ivan_Hola, mis carpetas estan todas con un candado y no puedo accedeer a ellas21:56
ivan_tengo xubuntu 220421:56
ivan_y ya me ha pasado por cuata vez y he tenido que formatear21:57
ivan_no se que puede estar pasando21:57
ivan_my folders and files are all with padlocks and it won't let me unlock21:59
ivan_Can anyone help me?22:00

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