
raubDuring the install process, how do I enable encryption and then setup the vg in the luks drive so I can create logical volumes?00:11
raubThe install (lubuntu-20.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso) seems to want to only want to use the entire drive in one single partition. I do not want to use the entire drive right now00:13
=== kiska39 is now known as kiska3
cc77Hi guys, I want to try lubuntu but google shows me two websites where I can download it from, www.lubuntu.net and www.lubuntu.me what is the difference between both?13:25
arraybolt3Lubuntu.me is the official site.13:25
arraybolt3Lubuntu.net is a site that I believe is owned by someone who used to be part of the Lubuntu team, but who is no longer. He still has the site up, but it's badly out of date and of questionable reliability.13:26
arraybolt3Always download your Lubuntu ISOs from Lubuntu.me.13:26
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> arraybolt3: its simpler to just say lubuntu.me is the official site and the other is not legitimate ;)13:27
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> just for the future13:27
arraybolt3teward001: Got it, will do.13:27
darkbluebLUbuntu.net sounds like the official site, without knowing it13:28
cc77Ah thanks for explaining arraybolt3 13:28
darkblueb"me" sounds like an imposter .. USA here13:28
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> darkblueb: thats a known problem which is why Canonical is handling the issue at a higher level13:28
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> but thats all i can say on that for now.13:29
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> (and no, its not an imposter site in this case)13:29
User_666hello can someone help me with drivers ?13:29
cc77Well teward001, not being legitimate didn´t stop my curiosity towards ubuntu.net but explaining it´s not more developed and outdated definitely stopped my interest 13:31
Rome3008What are the system requirements for Lubuntu  22.04 lts17:45
arraybolt3Rome3008: I have no problem running it on an ancient Intel Celeron, 4 GB RAM, 16 GB disk space. (It's a repurposed Chromebook.)17:47
Rome3008What are the system requirements for Lubuntu 22.04 lts17:47
arraybolt3It also works with 2 GB RAM in my experience.17:48
arraybolt3(There aren't documented system requirements for Lubuntu, but it's pretty lightweight, so anything with a 64-bit CPU and 2 GB or more RAM should work.)17:48
Rome3008Can you give me the system requirements17:48
Rome3008Can i use 1 gb of RAM17:49
arraybolt3CPU: 64-bit Intel or AMD processor. RAM: 2 GB (4 GB recommended). Disk space: 16 GB (more is better). I'll test 1 GB RAM and see how it works, though you may run into Firefox problems with that little RAM.17:50
Rome3008Can it run on ARM chips17:50
arraybolt3Rome3008: Yes, but not directly via the ISO. For that, you'll need to install Ubuntu Server, then add lubuntu-desktop on after the fact. If you're doing this on a Raspberry Pi, here's some good instructions on how to do that: https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/raspberry-pi-installation/205017:52
Rome3008Can i run it on a vm17:53
arraybolt3Rome3008: Absolutely. In fact, Lubuntu is one of the better operating systems for use in a VM because of how lightweight it is. It's also able to run VMs, too (as is any Ubuntu flavour).17:54
Rome3008How do I add lubuntu  on top of my Ubuntu server17:55
arraybolt3It depends. Is this on a Raspberry Pi specifically, or is this on some other ARM-based system?17:55
arraybolt3If you're doing it on a Raspberry Pi, use the link I posted above for instructions.17:55
Rome3008Some other17:56
arraybolt3OK. First, you'll need to find the right version of Ubuntu Server. (I'm going to be posting several messages, so don't worry, I'm not leaving you behind with just one message.)17:56
Rome3008I use Ubuntu 22.04 lts server17:57
arraybolt3Here, let's make this easy. What system are you doing the ARM installation on? (ARM systems can be tricky, since they may need a specific customized version of Ubuntu just for one particular ARM system.)17:57
Rome3008Arm A53 chipset17:58
arraybolt3Yeah, but is it an Orange Pi? Or a Solidrun lx2 Honeycomb? Or...?17:58
arraybolt3Or is it a homebrew system put together that happens to be using an ARM CPU?17:59
arraybolt3The chipset doesn't help me. I need the model of the actual computer, or I need to know if there isn't a model at all.17:59
Rome3008I 'M re using an old phone18:00
Rome3008Running an arm chip18:00
arraybolt3Rome3008: Ah. That is very important to know. Phones can be tricky to do this sort of thing on. You do have an alternate phone in the event something goes wrong during your installation process, right?18:01
Rome3008This is my only one18:02
Rome3008Why can Some thing go wrong18:02
arraybolt3OK. You should be aware that phones generally do not take it well if something gets messed up - one wrong command could brick the phone with no easy way to fix it. If you're really, really sure you want to continue, and understand the risks, I'll give you a link, but otherwise, I wouldn't risk it. Things can go very wrong doing this.18:02
arraybolt3Yes, things can go wrong, and if they go wrong, they can go very wrong.18:03
Rome3008Can i use wine to run virtual box18:04
Rome3008On android18:04
lubot_[telegram] <emergencychina> No18:04
lubot_[telegram] <emergencychina> You can not18:04
arraybolt3VirtualBox doesn't work on ARM chips, sadly.18:04
Rome3008But wine exists on android18:04
lubot_[telegram] <emergencychina> And even on Android x86 devices, it won't run on wine18:04
arraybolt3If you really want to run a VM, and are OK with it being painfully slow, you can use the Termux app, and install qemu into it. However, with your phone's specs, only things like FreeDOS should be run on it, since even things like Lubuntu are likely to be too much.18:05
arraybolt3(VirtualBox is for x86 chips like Intel and AMD. x86 and ARM chips are not compatible with each other's software.)18:06
Rome3008I can't use wine on android to run virtualbox18:06
arraybolt3(QEMU works for ARM, but it's slow unless KVM acceleration is available, and phones generally don't give you access to that. No, you can't use wine on android to run virtualbox. But you can use QEMU on Termux to do sorta the same thing.)18:06
Rome3008But I only have 1.5GB of ram on my android phone18:07
arraybolt3While Lubuntu appears to be able to cope with 1 GB RAM, it's your processor speed that's going to be the problem - unaccelerated QEMU is painfully slow even on my somewhat fast Intel workstation. It's going to be much worse on a phone, so much so that Lubuntu isn't going to be very usable in that setup. And there's no way to get a faster VM on a phone that I'm aware of.18:09
arraybolt3However, if you want to run VMs on a phone just for the sake of it, FreeDOS might really work in that setup, which would give you an interesting system to play around with.18:09
Rome3008Can i unlock the boot loader and flash Ubuntu server on it18:10
arraybolt3Possibly, but that's where things get really dangerous. If you had a second phone, this might be an interesting experiment, but as it is, if this is your only phone, you're playing with fire.18:11
Rome3008What are the possible outcomes18:12
Rome3008I have to go but thank you for helping18:13
arraybolt3A bricked phone. As in, won't turn on, won't let you do anything, and can't be fixed so that it will turn back on without taking the phone apart and using highly specialized equipment to fix it at the hardware level. (Phones are scary with this stuff.)18:13
arraybolt3Yeah, sure. Sorry to be sorta dissapointing.18:13
Rome3008Hey I have an idea18:14
Rome3008Let's team up18:14
Rome3008And do it together18:14
Rome3008You can contact me on Instagram18:14
Rome3008@ Tin_Man_Kwt18:15
arraybolt3Sorry, I don't have Instagram.18:15
Rome3008What do you have18:15
arraybolt3Yeah, I have email. I'll direct-message you with it, so it's not exposed here.18:15
Rome3008Where should I go to see direct messages18:16
arraybolt3It should have popped up in your IRC client. What client are you using? The web chat?18:18
Rome3008Yes web chat18:18
arraybolt3Look in the side bar over on the left-hand side of the screen. My username should be in there.18:19

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