
SaviqHi all, in the move to libera.chat I seem to have lost my powers over #mir-server, what're the appropriate steps to get them back please?13:10
ogra... it always starts with sending bribes ... 13:11
ogra"/msg ChanServ info #mir-server" says you are one of the founders/owners actually 13:13
ogra(as are alang and madhens) ... 13:13
SaviqHmm when asking to change the topic I'm told I'm not authorized :/13:14
ograyou need to op first13:14
ogra(and for that you need to indeed be identified with nickserv first)13:16
SaviqHmm I'm sasl-authed, thought that would be enough13:16
Saviq"You are already logged in as Saviq."13:18
ograso ask chanserv to give you op13:19
SaviqBut both "/msg ChanServ topic #mir-server …" and "/msg ChanServ op #mir-server" end up with "You are not authorized to perform this operation." :|13:19
ogratried: "/msg ChanServ op #mir-server Saviq" ?13:19
SaviqOn that note, #mir-server isn't logged. Since it's under the Ubuntu IRC Council rule, should it be? (same applies to #multipass)16:24
sarnoldSaviq: /msg chanserv flags #mir-server -- it shows you've got +fF flags which I *think* ought to be enough for you to add more flags to yourself. maybe not. I'm not super-good with services over here.. madhens or alan_g ought to be able to give you more flags in case you can't give yourself flags you don't already have..19:02
Saviqsarnold: Thank you! That's exactly it :)19:07
sarnoldyay :)19:07
Unit193Saviq: If it's a development channel that would make sense to log, sure.  It's actually technically out of our (IRCC) namespace, but Canonical IS is the one that does the logging.22:11

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