
Iamthehuman12BrianHechinger[m: thanks I'll try that the next time it exhibits00:10
BrianHechinger[m<Iamthehuman12> "Brian Hechinger: thanks I'll try..." <- And I literally just had this happen to me right now after a reboot, so yeah, it's definitely still there in whichever version of sddm 22.04 runs.15:48
Iamthehuman12BrianHechinger[m: I recall many many years that the search in Dolphin would not work, starting from 2011 when I managed to accidentally vomit on my macbook and decided to switch to Linux, when I saw what they were asking for "replace keyboard"15:49
Iamthehuman12luckily there is almost always a work-around in this case it was 'sudo apt install kfind'15:50
BrianHechinger[mYeah, generally with FOSS there is usually a workaround.15:53
Iamthehuman12The new dock arrived, not at my door though, need to pop over to the shoppe nearby to collect it and I would rather not reinstall US 22.04, but I am getting efficient, experienced and have documentation as to how to "install clean and migrate everything", plus I have a software that automates installing all repos, apts, snaps etc. Basically I would not want to config all the GUI by hand. I do not imagine the malware having been able 15:58
Iamthehuman12to corrupt the laptop's FW, so install clean it is 15:58
Iamthehuman12Or would the fwupdate be corrupt in such a way that it would corrupt the laptop FW, I do not think so, but the previous dock was full of troubles from the start16:00
BrianHechinger[mYeah, quite a while ago I wrote a bunch of Ansible to automate setting up my desktop. Re-installing is pretty trivial at this point16:07
Iamthehuman12The Windows 11 started breaking too, even as I didn't do nearly anything with it, so yes, nuke EFI-partition, nuke Windows 11, reinstall Win, update dock FW, boot US Live, move the old home dir temporarily to another place, install with the old username, and nearly all programs will get back to as-they-were by popping in files from the old home-dir's .dotdirectories and all the normal directories can be moved with mv. This is why 1TB 16:08
Iamthehuman12SED NVMe16:08
Iamthehuman12Someone please hack Windows so that it will boot from external drive enclosure and I would be able to skip the "Reinstall Windows 11 again" forever. That or TBT3 dock updates via fwupdate plox16:10
Iamthehuman12The only software I really need a Windows for is Xenu's Link Sleuth, the only truely free-of-charge and free-of-crippling link checker ever since Google removed that functionality from their Webmaster Console or whatevs it was called. And that totally runs in a 2-3GB VirtualBox. I hate booting to windows16:13
Iamthehuman12BrianHechinger[m: any good links regarding ansible? I'm always into more intelligent automation solutions, if I'm not on strike16:14
BrianHechinger[mThe documentation and how to get started things are pretty good. Also, to get an idea for the sort of things I do to my desktop you can look at this: https://github.com/bhechinger/deepthough16:16
BrianHechinger[mIamthehuman12: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/intro_getting_started.html16:17
BrianHechinger[mthat's a good place to get started with ansible16:17
Iamthehuman12yeah I noticed the URL is https://github.com/bhechinger/deepthought .. first I thought I just needed to login, but then I figured out that it is a classic copypaste fumble, missed the last character16:18
BrianHechinger[msetup.yaml in my repo is the playbook16:18
BrianHechinger[myeah, typed it by hand and typed too fast for my own good. :-D16:19
Iamthehuman12very interesting BrianHechinger[m thank you for sharing16:27
BrianHechinger[mAny time!16:27
BrianHechinger[mMy next step is to actually separate root and home16:27
Iamthehuman12oh cool.. a real cliffhanger. deleting an EXT4 partition has been hanging for 4 minutes and now I canceled it and the cancellation is hanging on a step completing. Shoulda done this with a clean system and groot to automate the chrooting, dumb does as dumb is, but even dumb can learn if just want to18:39
Iamthehuman12I just wanted to remove the old US 21.10 and the US 22.04 from Jammy-daily to make space, oh well.. it may be possible to still get some OS to boot after I restart this computer, but that don't matter much as I was going to install everything clean again anyways. I'm off to get the dock and doing an allnighter installing everything. 18:43
Iamthehuman12I can recreate them from Timeshift I believe, in case I would want to boot any of these OS. I think it will recreate the partition with the same UUID if it notices it is no longer there18:44
Iamthehuman12(the OS that probably disappeared due to having been mostly removed by KDE Partition Editor, till it started to hang for minutes on a "less than a second" job)18:45
arraybolt3Iamthehuman12: Y'know, you can use some registry hacks at install time to get Win11 to boot in VirtualBox, or you can use virt-manager or Gnome Boxes, both of which I would recommend over VirtualBox.18:53
Iamthehuman12arraybolt3: thanks for that info, but I need just any safe windows for the virtualbox, because the few software I run infrequently are really lightweight. Was virt-manager that "universal" virtualization thingy for Linux?18:55
arraybolt3I dunno, but I know that virt-manager is better than VirtualBox for me anyway (much more feature-rich, no closed-source add-on packs, doesn't crash like VirtualBox did on me, lightning-fast).18:56
arraybolt3I use Gnome Boxes and virt-manager on my Ubuntu Studio box that I'm on right now. Gnome Boxes does most everything I need easily, and virt-manager gives me the feature onslaught I need in some corner cases.18:57
arraybolt3Also, FWIW, Xenu's Link Sleuth looks like it has a very good chance of working in Wine, maybe even out of the box! https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=1002918:59
Iamthehuman12arraybolt3: back in 2003 I met some nice German guys who were staying at the same hostel, apparently on a business trip on a shoe-string. They spoke very highly of Wine and said it gets everything done that they need. I've just been stuck with other things and thus trailing in tech solutions19:02
arraybolt3Well, doing Windows in a VM isn't necessarily a bad idea. Some stuff just won't work in Wine (learned this from experience), while other stuff works perfectly well. I've been stuck to Linux for years, but I still pop open a Windows VM every once in a while (Win 8.0 is the latest I have, though I'm looking into buying Win11... ugh)19:03
Iamthehuman12I hear Windows 11 is less awful than 10, but I don't care if I get my Linux to work like an OS should19:04
arraybolt3What's going wrong with your Linux install? I see you're messing with partitions, but I was messing with my Internet and think I missed the start of the saga (earliest message I have is "thanks I'll try..."19:05
arraybolt3(I don't get why Windows 10 had to be... windows 10. I liked Win8.0, and I really liked Win8.1, back when I was a Windows guy. Win10 ended up being a weird, glitchy mishmash of Win7 and Win8.1 with a hint of Win-whatonearthevenisthis thrown in there. I hope 11 turns out better.)19:08

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