[06:39] Any ETA on the build upload log? [10:14] !topic [10:14] Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic [10:34] locutusofborg: they already left [10:35] mmm what? [10:36] I assumed you were invoking the topic bot in response to Jasem, who left ten minutes after asking a question [10:36] no I was interested in the backlog situation :) [10:36] Oh, you typed !topic instead of /topic then I guess? [10:36] and didn't get if the topic was updated or not [10:36] well, I typed !topic, and the bot told me to type /topic (and I did also that one) [10:37] interestingly after 20 years of irc, I still don't remember basic commands [10:37] It's still in progress, investigating various things like Ceph performance, OOPS timelines, whether the librarian is processing input data fast enough, ... [10:38] its ok take your time, don't overstress the server minions, or the weekend will be even worse :D [14:34] may I gently as how long the backlog is now? [14:34] *ask [14:52] about 2.5 hours, sadly [14:52] Moving to Ceph NVMe has I think helped a *bit* [14:53] I put half the amd64 builders on manual recently in order to reduce the input throughput and effectively be a bit more honest about capacity, but it'll take a while for that to have a visible effect on the queue [14:53] 1600-odd uploads in that queue at the moment [14:54] ok. not in any hurry, but handy to know if I should wait or just go away and do something else for a while ;) [14:55] We at least seem to be roughly holding steady in terms of disk usage of that queue now, which is a distinct improvement [16:29] Stopping buildd-manager again since we're close to exhausting disk [19:30] Starting buildd-manager again since we're back under 50% [20:33] Hello, I work on JOSM, and the user who added most of a translation to Launchpad is telling us that (a) it wasn't him and (b) the translations are wrong. The poor translations from him were done over a single day. Is there a way for us to revert those translations? (Note: This was done in 2015). [20:33] Our ticket, for those who want to read it: https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/21720 [20:33] josm.openstreetmap.de ticket 21720 in Core "Delete Vietnamese localization" [Normal, New] [20:48] taylorsmock: I'm well past my end of day, but could you file a ticket with us using the support link in the topic? [20:48] we'll need to work out what to do since I don't think we have a playbook for this sort of thing [20:49] I can do that. Where is the appropriate place to file the ticket? [20:50] taylorsmock: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad [20:50] Thank you. [20:59] For the IRC logger: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/701972 [21:05] wow, wild