
RikMillsmdeslaur, leosilva : Hi, if you recall the kdesu breakage, I wonder whet your opinion on me doing this is?08:06
ubottuCommit 5870abb in ~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kdesu "Fix LP: #1965439bugfix"08:07
RikMillsand possibly SRUing that to jammy08:07
RikMills^^ Eickmeyer 08:07
mdeslaurRikMills: I think it's a reasonable work-around10:59
RikMillsmdeslaur: thanks. I think I am just going to go ahead and upload that for kinetic. I will then copy in security if/when I SRU to jammy to make sure that is ok14:09
RikMillsmdeslaur: done. seem the guy who made the sudo config change in debian is also fine with it, so I will try to get it added there via a MP on salsa14:25
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