
Stumped25Hey folks, I need help with an issue. I'm trying to set a mount point for my NAS server in .wine, so I can access my Nas inside programs running in wine. For example, I have a ton of DAZ studio assets that I store on my NAS. I can access the nas in Thunar with no issue, but can't from inside wine. I've tried mounting it to the wine Z: drive, I've19:59
Stumped25installed cifs utils, Samba, running Samba 4.17, & tried running the following, "sudo mount -t cifs -o username=chris, // /media/Data/" as Data was the only file under the z:/media folder, but I keep getting the following error "mount error(22): Invalid argument19:59
Stumped25Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel log messages (dmesg)" I've tried adding "ver 1.0" as well as the same through 4.0 to push it, but it just won't budge. Any ideas?19:59
Eickmeyer!morehelp | Stumped2520:00
ubottuStumped25: #ubuntustudio sometimes cannot answer your questions in a timely matter, or simply lacks the capacity. For additional sources of help, try #ubuntu if your issue is of a technical nature, or #lau (Linux Audio Users) or #opensourcemusicians if it has to do with the audio stack.20:00
EickmeyerYou might also try #xubuntu since it looks like you're in xfce, implying Ubuntu Studio 20.0420:02
EickmeyerBut, you're trying some advanced networking stuff, so not likely to find help in here.20:03
Stumped25valid. I appreciate that thanks20:04
Stumped25Hey, Eickmeyer[m], your user name looks like the last name of someone I know & it's fairly uncommon, forgive me for asking, but is your first name by any chance Ray?20:05
EickmeyerI have a cousin named Ray.20:05
Stumped25in Washington State? If so, I think I know your cousin20:05
EickmeyerYep, Chelan.20:06
Stumped25Heh, Small world20:06
Stumped25Back in the late 90s & early 2000's we used to be part of the same small circle of church groups, mostly connected through Ross Point camp & the Exodus Bible study group we had. Next time you see or talk to him, tell him Chris from Spokane said hey.20:07
=== Stumped90 is now known as Slappy
arraybolt3Slappy: You're Christian? Awesome, never thought I'd run into another brother in Christ in the Ubuntu Studio channel!20:41
EickmeyerSlappy: Will do!20:52
Eickmeyerarraybolt3: Also a brother in Christ.20:52
SlappyNice. good to hear man.20:53
* Iamthehuman12 is Xian too20:53
arraybolt3Seriously?! Wow. That's really cool. God bless, and thanks for the awesome OS!20:53
Eickmeyerarraybolt3: heh, I'm doing my best.20:53
SlappyAh are you the guy who made Ubuntu studio?20:54
EickmeyerActually, doing church audio/video for 28 years is what broght me to working on Studio in the first place. I'll be publishing a blog post on it soon.20:54
arraybolt3Slappy: Yep, this is Eickmeyer's doing.20:54
arraybolt3And it's awesome.20:54
Iamthehuman12mmm... after reinstalling everything (Win 11 & US) and only then hooking the new replacement dock from Lenovo and upgrading its firmware and the system really seems to be working. to celebrate this I've been cleaning my flat20:54
EickmeyerI didn't make it, but I am continuing it.20:54
EickmeyerPicked it up in 2018.20:55
arraybolt3Eickmeyer: I actually intended to do Christian music recording and lyric videos, and that's how my journey into Linux started. KXStudio 14.04 was my first distro, loaded into VBox, and the rest is history.20:55
arraybolt3I still have yet to get anything recorded, but it's definitely on the to-do list.20:55
SlappyNice. Well hey man, Got a question for you, maybe you can help on this end. Any way to configure the OS to run DAZ Studio natively? For clarity, DAZ Studio is kinda like Blendr20:56
arraybolt3Hmm, never heard of it. Lemme look it up...20:56
EickmeyerI'm working in ${DAYJOB} at the moment, so, unfortuantely, I can't answer too many questions right now.20:56
arraybolt3Slappy: I assume you've already tried Wine for running DAZ Studio?20:59
Iamthehuman12Eickmeyer: I really enjoy this one streaming free church on Sundays .. it is on at 11:30 Sundays so I can make it to the evangelical lutheran mass at 10:00, greet friends in the park and still have plenty of time to get home to watch the streaming one. Or often, stayed up too late to go to ev. lut., but not too late to miss the streaming church. Maximum respect to the church AV crews!21:00
arraybolt3Slappy: Looks like this is what you're looking for: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/60901/daz-studio-and-linux/p4721:01
SlappyYEah. I mean I'm able to get it to run, no sweat there. It's just all my daz assets are all on my nas. The idea was, in daz, I'd just create a new base directory in DAZ connecting to my file with all my assets on my NAS, so that I could just pull the assets straight from my nas, As this laptop only has 250 GB & the file on my nas is over 800 GB21:01
arraybolt3Iamthehuman12: That's so cool! I'll definitely have to remember that in the event I ever do AV stuff at a church. I ran a lyrics projector once, it was fun.21:02
Iamthehuman12Always a good time to sing praise to the Lord21:02
arraybolt3Slappy: Can't you just mount your NAS to a directory on your system, then navigate to it from within DAZ using the Z: drive in Wine?21:02
arraybolt3Iamthehuman12: Amen!21:03
SlappyThat's what I've been trying to do. Worked great on my mint machine, but for some reason, isn't working on this or my other studio machines21:03
arraybolt3And the NAS is accessible from within Linux, but not from DAZ?21:04
SlappySo lemme run what I've done so far by you, see what your thoughts are21:04
SlappyIn Thunar, it's already right there. No sweat21:04
SlappySo if I'm just going straight from linux to the NAS, no issues. It's right there under networks. But when I go under the wine environment in .wine, it's like a brick wall21:05
arraybolt3Slappy: OK, well, maybe Wine is having some problem with how the NAS is mounted. What protocol are you using? NFS? SFTP? (I'm not too familiar with this stuff, but I've gotten SFTP up and running between a laptop and a Pi once.)21:06
SlappySo here's what I've done so far. I installed Cifs untils, I've installed Samba, running samba 4.1721:06
SlappyWell the share is an SMB share, but I have SMB, AFP, NFS, FTP & iSCSI all turned on in TrueNAS21:07
arraybolt3OK. I can already find stuff about problems with accessing SMB shares in Wine with some searching.21:08
SlappySo, in .wine/dosdevices/media/ The only file in there was Data right? So I tried using that frist, So I ran "sudo mount -t cifs -o username=chris // /mnt/share/NAS" & got "mount error(2): No such file or directory21:09
SlappyRefer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel log messages (dmesg)"21:09
SlappySo I then did "Mkdir /mnt/share/NAS" right? Tried the same command, pointing it this time to mnt/share/NAS instead of media/Data21:10
SlappySame error.21:10
SlappySo I went into winecfg, tried mapping to that spot directly & setting it as a network drive, even tried switching compatibility from win 10 to win 7, now getting "mount error(22): Invalid argument21:11
SlappyRefer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel log messages (dmesg)"21:11
SlappyAlso tried adding the "ver 1.0" as well as 2.0, 3.0, etc... No dice21:12
arraybolt3That sounds like the problem is in mount, not Wine. You're trying to do the mount *within* Wine? Like, are you using the Wine terminal to do the mount, or are you in the Wineprefix in a Linux terminal and trying to do the mount? Or...?21:12
arraybolt3Back in 2010, this worked for someone: "Mount that share with SAMBA, point Wine to mount point with winecfg (add a drive and point to mount). Tell your program to use local disk instead of remote share."21:12
arraybolt3Got that from https://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?t=783821:13
Slappyhmmm... lemme give it a look21:13
Slappybut yeah, I'm trying to make the mount within wine21:13
Slappywell within /home/chris/.wine/dosdevices/z: to be precise21:14
arraybolt3Slappy: Maybe the symbolic link is messing you up (I think z: is just a symbolic link to /)21:14
arraybolt3Slappy: I'd just open a Linux terminal, do "cd /", "mkdir /mnt/share/NAS", "sudo mount (big complicated thingy here)", then it should be accessible within wine from the Z: drive automatically. You don't need to be in Z: for it to be visible in Z:.21:15
SlappyYes, z: was initially routed to /. I tried changing the route path in Winecfg, but that's where the error 22 started21:16
SlappyOk lemme try that. So lemme get a bit of clarity21:16
SlappySo I cd to /, then mount the NAS share there?21:17
arraybolt3Slappy: OK, hold on. Start over.21:17
arraybolt3Slappy: First, make Z: point to / again.21:17
arraybolt3Slappy: Then, in a Linux terminal, do "cd /" to make sure you're not in any symbolic link mess.21:17
arraybolt3Slappy: Now, make the directory you want to mount the SAMBA share to (i.e., mkdir /mnt/share/NAS)21:18
arraybolt3Slappy: Now mount the SAMBA share in the new directory.21:18
arraybolt3Slappy: Now DAZ Studio should be able to find your SAMBA share under Z:\mnt\share\NAS21:18
SlappyOk trying that now21:18
SlappyOk so I have /mnt/share/NAS under /21:21
SlappyNow is this the correct command to mount the SAMBA share to /mnt/share/NAS? "sudo mount -t cifs -o username=chris,vers=4.13.17 // /mnt/share/NAS"21:22
arraybolt3It *looks* right, but I don't know for sure.21:23
arraybolt3You might need a password in there.21:23
Slappymount error(22): Invalid argument21:23
SlappyRefer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel log messages (dmesg)21:23
SlappyWell it prompts me for a password, then after entering it, it gives me that error21:23
arraybolt3Can you remove the "vers=4.13.17" bit?21:24
SlappyOOO didn't even see that, thanks21:25
arraybolt3(That's the only thing I can see that looks iffy about the command line, and "invalid argument" means that mount can't figure out what you're telling it to do, so I figure maybe that's making it grumpy.)21:27
SlappyOk so I ran "sudo mount -t cifs -o username=chris,password=redacted //192.168.xxx.xxx/shares /mnt/share/NAS" Now it's back to giving the no such file or directory error. But I clearly did create the mountpoint21:31
SlappyObviously the password & IP I actually typed were the actual ones21:32
arraybolt3Are you messing up the share name? Mount is now accepting your command, but probably can't find the "shares" you're trying to mount. Maybe check your TrueNAS settings to find out what the share name is.21:33
arraybolt3Slappy: You might also want to make sure that the NAS server and your computer can talk to each other. You're able to access the share in ways other than the mount command, right?21:34
Slappyohhhhhhh I was putting the routepath of the mount I created in linux.21:34
SlappySo in linux, the mount point is /mnt/share/NAS. hmm.. well the share name is correct, but when I log into the web interface, I do have to log in as root21:35
arraybolt3Hmm. And mount didn's like that vers argument you were giving it. In the "vers=" argument, can you change "4.13.17" to just "4.13" and try it again?21:37
arraybolt3Like "sudo mount -t cifs -o username=chris,password=redacted,vers=4.13 //192.168.xxx.xxx/shares /mnt/share/NAS"21:38
Slappymight be worth a shot21:39
Slappybtw, so here's some data from the NAS end21:39
arraybolt3Try plopping "--verbose" right before the "-o", copy it into a text document, redact anything sensitive, then pastebin it and let me see. I might be able to figure out where its getting hung up.21:44
arraybolt3(OK, that was ambiguous. Put "--verbose" before the "-o" in the mount command, run it, and redact and pastebin the output.)21:44
SlappyWill do, btw, I tried adding the "ver 4.13" & even just 4.0, got the invalid argument erros again21:46
arraybolt3Yeah, it looks like they removed the "vers" argument from SAMBA if I'm interpreting the man page I found properly.21:47
arraybolt3Er, from mount.cifs, I mean.21:47
Slappyok so try this then? "sudo mount -t cifs --verbose -o username=chris, // /mnt/share/NAS"21:48
Slappyok so try this then? "sudo mount -t cifs --verbose -o username=chris, //192.168.xxx.xxx/sharename /mnt/share/NAS"21:49
SlappyOk apprently there's no option for editing a post. Neat21:50
arraybolt3I believe so. Only, you have a spurious comma after the "chris".21:50
arraybolt3(Yeah, IRC is sorta "better make sure you wanna sned tht befr you ht entr].21:52
Slappymount.cifs kernel mount options: ip=,unc=\\\sharename,user=chris,pass=********21:53
Slappymount error(2): No such file or directory21:53
SlappyRefer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel log messages (dmesg)21:53
SlappyWow.... So verbose....21:53
Slappyapparently it ignored the verbose tag21:53
arraybolt3Wow, no clue then. That's so weird. Maybe try NFS and see if things go better.21:54
Slappyno clue even how to do that. lol21:56
arraybolt3Slappy: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/managing_file_systems/mounting-nfs-shares_managing-file-systems21:57
Slappywhooo. Darn near had a stroke just skimming it over. lol22:00
arraybolt3Didn't realize it was so in-depth - the important part is probably at section 3.7.22:00
SlappyI'll give it a shot. I'd LIKE to get it working on Studio, Especially now that I know the guy manning it is my old buddy Ray's cousin22:01
arraybolt3I wonder if using a newer version of TrueNAS or Ubuntu Studio would shake things into working? You could boot an Ubuntu Studio Jammy Jellyfish live USB and see if you can mount the CIFS share there.22:01
SlappyWait, it was updated to Jammy? Well crud, yeah that's a good starting point. lol. I thought it was still on the 20.04 platform, since I recently DLed it from distrowatch, though in hindsight, It WAS a couple months ago at least now that I think of it22:12
SlappyOk so I'm trying it on the NFS side, though I'm not clear on some of the language. "options22:13
Slappy    A comma-delimited list of mount options." Not quite clear on what that menas22:13
SlappyOh I think I figured it out22:15
Slappythe mount options type I mean22:15
arraybolt3Yeah, Jammy is released, and Kinetic is in the works.22:15
SlappyAh I just realized, NFS wont work because I haven't actually created NFS shares on the server side, only enabled the NFS service. The only share is an SMB one, so I think I'm stuck with making it work on SMB22:21
Slappy& sadly, I reached out for help in the #samba channel close to an hour ago, Not a single response22:22
SlappyNot sure if they don't actually pay attention to the chat there, or if it's just another elitist server that ignores everyone, (ton's of those I've found), either way though, it's rough22:23
SlappyHey arraybolt3 Got more info. So Here's a pastebin I got from dmesg22:51
SlappyI followed the steps in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2WMnZoiGog22:52
SlappyWhen I did sudo mount -a, it gave me error 22, so I did dmesg, apparently it's claiming that the host location is a bad address, but in dmesg, it lists my IP/sharename, but I listed it as ip/chris, which is the actual sharename22:53

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