
scortalubuntu server.14:47
scortalscortal here.14:47
scortalubuntu server.14:49
utkarsh2102ubuntu server. 15:09
utkarsh2102utkarsh2102 here. 15:09
utkarsh2102ubuntu server. 15:09
scortalubuntu server is here15:15
scortalits good15:15
scortalfriendly and very friendly to good15:16
utkarsh2102haha, indeed! 15:23
Maikscortal: please stop with posting random words and nonsense in support channels. 15:53
Maikthat's what got you banned in the ubuntu support channel the last time15:53
guesswhatCan anyone help? https://pastebin.com/raw/PT9z6SuL ( i have two interfaces, vlans, but I can not reach gateway, not sure, why ). Thanks18:49
=== zerosum is now known as g4mbit
=== g4mbit is now known as zerosum
=== zerosum is now known as g4mbit
=== g4mbit is now known as zerosum
=== zerosum is now known as g4mbit

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