
lfzaghiHello! Does anybody know how to set Xubuntu to hibernate or shutdown the system after a certain time? xfce4-power-manager seems to only let me suspend it.11:06
tomreynlfzaghi: it should be possible with a custom systemd-logind configuration - but this would not be exposed to the GUI, i think.11:09
tomreynman logind.conf11:10
lfzaghiOk, will look into it. Thanks!11:10
tomreynthis said, i've only used this with gdm, and i'm not sure which graphical login manager xubuntu currently uses.11:11
tomreyni think it's lightdm11:12
lfzaghi:tomreyn Just to let you know, the solution you posted didn't work (altering IdleAction to 'hibernate' does nothing). And hibernate seems to be the correct command, because it is mentioned elsewhere in the .conf. Xubuntu does use lightdm though.12:06
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