
=== superuser is now known as superuser_
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superuserhello anyone00:12
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TrackBusbasHello, I'm trying to upgrade to Kubuntu 22.04 via my terminal. I ran the command sudo do-release-upgrade. However it said that a new LTS version is not available.01:02
TrackBusbasAny ideas?01:03
arraybolt3TrackBusbas: Upgrades from Kubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 are not allowed by default.01:03
arraybolt3TrackBusbas: Once 22.04.1 comes out, then you should be able to upgrade.01:03
arraybolt3TrackBusbas: This is done so that everyone who wants to use a brand-new, possibly slightly unstable OS can spend six months getting the OS stabilized for everyone else.01:04
arraybolt3TrackBusbas: If you want to use 22.04 right now, you can run it in a VM, or back up your data and clean-install it over the top of your existing OS, then restore your data and reinstall your programs.01:05
TrackBusbasI see. I'm thankful you explained that. In your opinion is 22.04 stable for you if you are using it?01:05
TrackBusbasAnd what would be the wait time for 22.04.1 to come out?01:05
arraybolt3TrackBusbas: So far it's been working fine for me (I use Ubuntu Studio 22.04 as my daily driver).01:05
arraybolt3TrackBusbas: It should come out at the same time as 22.10 if I'm not mistaken, which would be in October.01:06
TrackBusbasCool, thanks I'm just trying to get this installed on my Thinkpad X230 lol.01:06
TrackBusbasMaybe I'll clean install as I was thinking of doing that anyway01:06
TrackBusbasLinux just gets cluttered sometimes and having a fresh OS is always nice.01:06
arraybolt3TrackBusbas: I did have Ubuntu Studio 22.04 throw a fit on me at one point where it looked like an avalanche of applications crashed just after turning off a Prime95 test, but the system is still working just fine, so I don't know what happened there, but so far that's the worst I've run into.01:07
arraybolt3(Oh, and there are a few bugs - check the release notes, we're working on fixing those!)01:07
TrackBusbasOkay! I'll make up my mind if I want to get this installed or just wait until October :). Kubuntu has always been my fav because I like being the Ubuntu ecosystem without gnome stuff.01:08
TrackBusbasKDE is so much better for older hardware. Gnome always felt sluggish for this thinkpad.01:08
arraybolt3TrackBusbas: Yeah, me too. I used plain Ubuntu for quite a while, and while I loved it as first, it was just too heavyweight for me, and KDE's UI is nicer.01:08
TrackBusbasYeah, Kubuntu is the solution to that01:08
TrackBusbasIf I did not want to be in the ecosystem for Ubuntu I would be using arch with KDE or something like that. But so many new linux apps work great with Ubuntu its just nice. And I'm used to apt, been dealing with it for like 3 years haha so its all I know. Don't feel like learning a new package manager.01:09
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muh2000__WARNING: The 'pki_ssl_server_token' in [CA] has been deprecated. Use 'pki_sslserver_token' instead.05:04
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muh2000ERROR: Unable to access LDAP server:05:04
muh2000err/logs: https://pastebin.com/KqKABBuN05:41
supersonic_Whats New?06:22
oerhekscheck out the releasenotes?06:22
muh2000 WARNING: The 'pki_ssl_server_token' in [CA] has been deprecated. Use 'pki_sslserver_token' instead.06:22
muh2000supersonic_:  ^^06:22
muh2000i cannot install freeipa06:23
supersonic_Alguien habla español? xd06:23
Dualityhey all07:44
Dualityquestion about kubuntu i have 3 monitors and at every reboot my primary monitor is the left most one but I select in display configuration for this to be the middle one07:45
Dualityany ideas how to fix07:45
Dualityit seems like it's not saved or loaded properly07:45
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> I have to configure my display settings every time i boot with 22.04. Any ideas why that is?08:43
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arraybolt3bauchhaus, Duality: That's odd - sounds like the settings aren't saving properly. What version of Kubuntu are you all using?09:21
IrcsomeBot<Rosa12sa> 🥰🥰🥰11:17
BluesKajHi all11:40
IrcsomeBot<Oov> My kubuntu 20.04 freezed : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/1c00ff55/file_56535.jpg14:38
user|66I have a 3480x2160 screen. Kubuntu Display Configuration offers maximum 1920x1080 resolution. Is there a way to increase available resolution through System Settings, or must I still use a script as I have done in previous releases of Kubuntu? Larger screen resolutions have been available and affordable for several years now...why is Kubutu still14:59
user|66stuck at 1920x1080?14:59
user|66I have just installed 22.04 and am doing the setup. The screen is LG TV with the latest firmware update. The box is a Dell PowerEdge T20 that has been running Kubuntu earlier releases for15:02
user|66about 6 years, but I have researched and used a script since getting the LG TV 3 years ago.15:03
IrcsomeBot<Oov> I have 1920x1080 (re @IrcsomeBot: <user|66> stuck at 1920x1080?)15:55
mybalzitchanyone have issues with 22.04 (happened in 21.10 too) where new windows in firefox pop up with just white in the body of the window, but the title bar is accurate, and if you flip between other firefox windows, you can get the text inthe body of the window to render? gpu is a nvidia 1080ti running the 510 driver from nvidia18:13
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> 22.0419:38
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> Tried to let nvidia-settings save the xorg.conf file and ended up with a non booting computer. luckily made a backup of that file. Problem persists: my dual screens are always cloned on boot. (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3> bauchhaus, Duality: That's odd - sounds like the settings aren't saving properly. What version of Kubuntu are you all using?)19:38
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> other problem is that wifi is stuck on "waiting for authorization"19:39
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> as well as the system tray is missing some widgets.19:39
arraybolt3Hmm, not sure what to do about the WiFi problem, but the other stuff sounds like it might be a bug.19:40
arraybolt3I'm running Ubuntu Studio 22.04 (which is very similar to Kubuntu) with a GTX 1050 Ti, so I might be able to replicate the problem on my system.19:40
valoriearraybolt3: please check the permissions in your $HOME19:44
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