[12:36] hiya folks, I'm having some networking issues following an upgrade of ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 [12:37] the ubuntu channel told me to piss off because the kernel is xanmod [12:38] I'm not familiar with netplan / networkd so I've managed to set a static IP but can't get dhcp4 to work  again? [12:38] could anybody give me a hand please? [12:40] Guest88: Not sure how your /etc/netplan/*.yaml config looks like. But activating DHCP should be as easy as adding a "dhcp4: true" and/or "dhcp6: true" stanza (and running "netplan apply"): https://netplan.io/examples/#using-dhcp-and-static-addressing [12:43] slyon, thanks but when I did that initially (post upgrade) I still had no IP. I then changed it to static and the static IP has remained active even after reboot and after reverting to a dhcp4: true stanca [12:43] *stanza [12:45] looking at it again now I have 3 files in /etc/netplan [12:45] 01-netcfg.yaml  70-netplan-set.yaml  99-static-wtf.yaml [12:46] could you paste the (redacted) version of "netplan get" somewhere, e.g. at https://paste.ubuntu.com/ ? [12:46] this should output the merged netplan config