[05:29] morning [06:53] good morning :) [07:01] bboozzoo: I think I'm having a renewed interest in snaps [07:01] zyga: hey, how so? [07:02] mainly as a way to explore building projects from source in a convenient way [07:02] new snapcraft 7 is nice [07:02] much fewer rough edges than before [07:02] bboozzoo: I need to grok the launchpad API to create snap projects without having to make a launchpad project along the way but cjwatson showed me how to do that so I think all I need is a moment to focus [07:03] one very narrow thing that deserves to be snapped are ... compilers! [07:03] initially we talked about how they would all be classic [07:03] but I think that's a mistake in assumptions [07:03] compilers don't have to be classic at all, all you need to do is to flip the perspective [07:04] if a compiler is strictly confined, all you need to do is places to plug libraries/headers [07:04] my exploration of the hare snap is just the start :) [07:04] hey pstolowski [07:04] hey! [07:04] pstolowski: you are not on matrix, right? [07:04] zyga[m]: no [07:05] right, I was wondering if you've tried it and disliked it or just never tried it [07:05] it's especially nice for IRC persistence [07:05] and free [07:29] zyga[m]: mborzecki has been using it [07:29] i've never tried it [07:30] yeah, me too, give it a try if you never have [07:30] it's like IRC met telegram and had a federated baby [07:30] pstolowski: can confirm it works pretty well, libera runs a native bridge to matrix and the experience is very good so far [07:31] ;0 [07:31] ;) [08:46] hi all :-) [08:46] (I was up since early morning, but did not pay attention to IRC) [09:22] hey mardy [09:39] PR snapd#11827 opened: cmd/snap: support custom apparmor features dir with snap prepare-image [10:44] PR snapd#11828 opened: boot, secboot: separate the TPM provisioning and key sealing [13:55] PR snapd#11825 closed: cmd/snap: add help strings for set-quota options [14:15] PR snapd#11829 opened: o/state: use more detailed NoStateError in state [14:22] PR snapcraft#3768 opened: Fix install command [15:55] PR snapd#11830 opened: interfaces: update network-control interface with permissions required by resolvectl [19:08] amurray: hi! When you have some time, please have a look at my PRs with the "need security review" tag: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pulls/mardy [20:02] PR snapcraft#3767 closed: parts: don't copy metadata if already at destination [20:17] Bug #1976305 opened: Unable to get DNS configuration from snap [21:02] PR snapcraft#3769 opened: parts: fix base package cutoff [23:38] PR snapcraft#3769 closed: parts: fix base package cutoff