
kanashirotoday is US holiday, that might impact attendance in today's meeting16:04
sil2100I suppose we have a quorum?16:06
sil2100Oh, no, wait16:06
rbasakWe need one more.16:06
sil2100I'm just seeing things16:06
rbasakschopin: while we're waiting, looking at https://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?render=html&sponsor=&sponsor_search=name&sponsoree=*chopin*&sponsoree_search=name it's notable that you don't have an endorsement from ginggs even though he sponsored a very large number of your uploads.16:08
sil2100ginggs: ^16:09
rbasakCould you get feedback from him please? IMHO it's quite a big issue if a major sponsor doesn't consider you ready.16:09
schopinI had his agreement to add his endorsement, but I'm guessing he hasn't had the time.16:10
bdmurrayI'm here16:10
sil2100I guess we have a quorum. Who was to chair today?16:12
ginggssorry, i meant to add an endorsement, but it slipped through the cracks.  i believe schopin is ready to be a core-dev, i'll write something quick right now16:13
sil2100ginggs: thank you!16:14
sil2100Okay, maybe in this case I'll try to chair, if there are no objections16:15
sil2100I'll just need a minute16:15
sil2100#startmeeting Developer Membership Board16:16
meetingologyMeeting started at 16:16:28 UTC.  The chair is sil2100.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology16:16
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick16:16
sil2100One proposition I had: what would everyone think of moving the format a little bit, so that we handle applicants at the beginning of a meeting?16:17
sil2100I suppose we should have a formal discussion/vote about that first, right?16:17
rbasakI think that's fine, and you're the chair so you get to decide.16:17
sil2100Since I'm always worried that the applicants have to wait until we're done with all the review items etc. unnecessarily16:17
rbasakMaybe just ensure that there aren't any previous action items holding up applicants.16:18
rbasakOn the principle of giving applicants priority, strong +1 :)16:18
bdmurray+1 from me too16:18
sil2100Ok, I think we're good from this POV, let's try that then16:18
sil2100#topic Ubuntu Core Developer Applications16:18
sil2100#subtopic Simon Chopin16:19
sil2100#link https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/simon-chopin-core-dev-application/2829116:19
sil2100schopin: o/16:19
sil2100schopin: hello! Can you introduce yourself briefly?16:19
schopinHi! I am Simon Chopin, I'm a French software developer within the Foundations team of Canonical.16:20
bdmurrayCould you elaborate on how you could do better with attention to detail?16:21
sil2100schopin: ^ ?16:23
schopinI oftentimes do small mistakes such as targetting the wrong series when uploading. Since I know this, it shouldn't happen, and yet...16:24
bdmurrayschopin: Do you have any plans for avoiding small mistakes in the future?16:25
rbasakI'm not sure if you're done, but I have a couple of questions when you're ready.16:25
rbasakOh sorry, I'll wait16:26
schopinbdmurray: besides looking into why dch -r targets my current series and not devel by default, I think I need to take the time to develop some "rituals"/checklists, and also some more wrappers.16:28
bdmurrayOkay, thanks. Go ahead rbask16:29
rbasakCould you tell me about feature freeze please? How do you determine if a freeze is active? If feature freeze is active, then how do you decide if feature freeze would apply to a package for example for an upstream version moving from 1.2~rc2 to 1.2? And if you need an exception, how do you request one?16:29
schopinAfter a few months of "open" development of the devel series, the archive enters Feature Freeze, during which autosync with Debian is disabled. To see when that happens I'd go to the release schedule on Discourse, or check the topic in #ubuntu-devel. We can upload to the archive if to fix bugs. New upstream releases are usually not uploaded, except if they are purely bugfix releases, which16:34
schopinI'd expect in 1.2~rc2 to 1.2. If I need an exception, I'll open a FFe bug against the package, attaching the debdiff that I want to upload, and subscribe the release team.16:34
schopinrbasak: ^16:36
rbasakHow would you decide if something is a purely bugfix release or not?16:36
schopinI'll have a look at upstream's changelog and commit history. If they don't have the former and the latter is inexploitable, I'll probably err on the side of caution and not upload unless I know and trust upstream (which is unlikely if they don't have those two elements)16:39
schopinIt helps if they have an explicit release policy.16:39
schopinSometimes it's hard to decide if it's a bugfix or a feature, in which case I'll ask on #ubuntu-release16:41
rbasakOK thanks. One more question from me please. How would you check if an upload will trigger a component mismatch?16:41
schopinI'm making this one up so this might be wrong, but I guess I could somehow run germinate? Previously I did it manually but I missed the rustc/llvm-13/z3 chain, so...16:43
rbasakOK thanks. I have no further questions16:45
sil2100No questions from me16:45
sil2100kanashiro: questions?16:45
kanashiroschopin, let's suppose you uploaded a package to the development release and it caused a component mismatch, what are the possibilities to sort this out?16:45
schopinMIR the component, or somehow fix the package relationship that caused the component mismatch, by e.g. drop a Recommends into a Suggests.16:46
kanashiroschopin, thanks.16:46
kanashirono further questions16:47
sil2100Okay, time for the vote16:48
sil2100#startvote schopin to become core-developer16:48
sil2100...guess that's vote16:49
sil2100#vote schopin to become core-developer16:49
meetingologyPlease vote on: schopin to become core-developer16:49
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, -1 or +0 in channel (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1|-1|+0 #channelname')16:49
meetingology+1 received from rbasak16:50
meetingology+1 received from bdmurray16:50
meetingology+1 received from kanashiro16:50
meetingology+1 received from sil210016:51
meetingologyVoting ended on: schopin to become core-developer16:51
meetingologyVotes for: 4, Votes against: 0, Abstentions: 016:51
meetingologyMotion carried16:51
sil2100schopin: congratulations!16:51
schopinThanks :)16:51
sil2100Who wants the action item of adding schopin to the core-dev's team?16:51
bdmurrayschopin: Congratulations!16:51
kanashiroschopin, congrats! :)16:52
schopinthanks all :)16:52
rbasakI can do it16:52
sil2100rbasak: thanks!16:52
sil2100#action rbasak to add schopin to core-dev16:52
meetingologyACTION: rbasak to add schopin to core-dev16:52
sil2100#action rbasak to announce schopin's successful application16:53
meetingologyACTION: rbasak to announce schopin's successful application16:53
sil2100Ok, moving on, since we only have 7 minutes left16:53
sil2100#topic Review of previous action items16:53
sil2100kanashiro to update our wiki documentation with respect to our agreed packageset creation criteria <- kanashiro ?16:53
kanashiroI started to work on that today, unfinished16:54
sil2100Ok, let's carry over then!16:54
sil2100#action kanashiro to update our wiki documentation with respect to our agreed packageset creation criteria (carried over)16:54
meetingologyACTION: kanashiro to update our wiki documentation with respect to our agreed packageset creation criteria (carried over)16:54
sil2100sil2100 update application docs and possibly DMB checklist, to make sure candidates have signed CoC before applying and before DMB approves (carried over)16:54
sil2100I did one part of it (added it to the knowledge base), but need to update other places16:54
sil2100So carry over for now16:54
sil2100#action sil2100 update application docs and possibly DMB checklist, to make sure candidates have signed CoC before applying and before DMB approves (carried over)16:54
meetingologyACTION: sil2100 update application docs and possibly DMB checklist, to make sure candidates have signed CoC before applying and before DMB approves (carried over)16:54
sil2100teward follow up to get all application process wiki/docs to explain the process to be able to edit wiki pages, for applicants who don't yet have wiki edit access (carried over)16:54
sil2100teward is absent (due to holidays), so carrying over16:55
sil2100#action teward follow up to get all application process wiki/docs to explain the process to be able to edit wiki pages, for applicants who don't yet have wiki edit access (carried over)16:55
meetingologyACTION: teward follow up to get all application process wiki/docs to explain the process to be able to edit wiki pages, for applicants who don't yet have wiki edit access (carried over)16:55
sil2100#topic Outstanding mailing list requests to assign16:55
sil2100I don't think we have anything new16:55
sil2100#topic Open TB bugs16:55
sil2100#topic AOB16:55
sil2100...5 minutes left, any other business?16:55
sil2100Okay! Let's wrap it up then!16:57
meetingologyMeeting ended at 16:57:18 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2022/ubuntu-meeting.2022-05-30-16.16.moin.txt16:57
sil2100Thank you everyone!16:57
kanashirothanks for chairing sil2100 !16:57
fheimescongrats @schopin !16:58
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