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loganlee[gnu]can i upgrade from Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS  to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS?01:59
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | loganlee[gnu]02:00
ubottuloganlee[gnu]: Regular upgrades from the last but one LTS release to the latest LTS release, 22.04 "Jammy Jellyfish", are enabled days or weeks after 22.04.1 is released. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d02:00
lotuspsychjethe users choice to upgrade now or await 22.04.1 loganlee[gnu]02:00
loganlee[gnu]will it fill my hard drive with redundant files from earlier release?02:01
lotuspsychjeloganlee[gnu]: upgrades take over your existing /home if thats what you mean?02:04
loganlee[gnu]not files in /home but like files from the earlier distro when fresh installed02:06
lotuspsychjeloganlee[gnu]: upgrades also respect your installed apps & configs, however its always prudent to make backups and read the questions carefully during upgrade process02:10
loganlee[gnu]hmmmmm kind of tricky thinking about it... it will upgrade nearly all packages02:11
lotuspsychjeloganlee[gnu]: like some apps wont be default in the next release and might uninstall, so its adviced to see the !jammy releasenotes first before upgrading02:11
ubottuUbuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) is the 36th release of Ubuntu and the current !LTS release – Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-notes :: Further schedule at https://ubottu.com/y/jj02:11
jhutchinsloganlee[gnu]: When you do an upgrade, the files from the new packages replace the files from the old, so it doesn't take much more space than the previous install.02:11
loganlee[gnu]jhutchins: ok thx!02:12
jhutchinsloganlee[gnu]: It's just like upgrading a single package with apt.02:12
lotuspsychje(if anything goes well)02:15
jhutchinsloganlee[gnu]: Also true of a single upgrade.02:23
cluelesspersonI'm struggling.02:26
cluelesspersonmy laptop's wifi is becoming unresponsive every few minutes02:26
cluelesspersonor every minute02:26
cluelesspersonI'm tearing my hair out.02:26
jhutchinscluelessperson: Start with which release you're on, specify what hardware you have, tell us what you've done so far to support it and to troubleshoot the problem.02:31
jhutchinscluelessperson: Verify that all external factors have been checked (Is the AP stable?  Is the signal good, steady, and consistent?)02:32
cluelesspersonUbuntu 22.04 LTS, Intel Wireless-AC 9560, 802.11ac Dual Band 2x2 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth 5.102:34
cluelesspersonjhutchins, yes the ap is stable02:34
cluelesspersonit's the laptop02:34
cluelesspersonI installed this new version of ubuntu02:34
cluelesspersonwifi was slow in the past, but reliable02:34
cluelesspersonit's faster now, but now unreliable.02:34
jhutchinsWhat driver is it using?  Most intels use iwlwifi.02:35
jhutchinsAny clues amid all the noise in dmesg or the journal?02:35
jhutchinsI think the last intel I saw here was having trouble with DHCP, setting up a static configuration that bypassed NetworkManager fixed it.02:37
cluelesspersonjhutchins, no clues that I see02:37
cluelesspersonI don't think this is dhcp02:38
jhutchinsYou need to check for messages at the time it looses connection, see which service is taking it down (or reporting it).02:39
cluelesspersonjhutchins, I didn't se anything02:41
InPhasequackgyver: Yeah, if it's intermittent and only certain keys, this is very unlikely to be a software problem.  But good luck in your efforts to resolve it.  I know it's frustrating to have such a basic part malfunctioning, rendering an entire computer hard to work with.02:54
quackgyverThanks. :-)02:55
quackgyverI just rebooted and the key doesn't seem to be working.02:55
quackgyverIt could still be a software issue though. I should test outside of Ubuntu. Perhaps in the BIOS, if possible.02:55
cluelesspersonCan someone suggest a usb wifi adapter that doesn't require drivers that I can just plugin and be happy with on ubuntu?02:56
loganlee[gnu]cluelessperson: maybe just use dhcp?03:02
rob0Most USB wifi adapters should work just fine with Linux.03:04
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rob0(At least all the ones I have tried, never a problem.  But you can always look up your device online.)03:05
rob0FWIW iwlwifi has always been stable for me.03:06
cluelesspersonloganlee[gnu], dude, you need to learn what dhcp is. :P03:13
loganlee[gnu]it assigns the ip addr for you?03:13
rob0unless perhaps there is a failure in the NIC driver03:14
InPhasecluelessperson: Just hit up Amazon for the terms "usb", "wifi", "linux".  It's an easy find really, but you're better off going with the ones willing to explicitly list it as supported.03:20
cluelesspersonInPhase, I don't like relying on bs marketing terms and con artists03:21
InPhasecluelessperson: Well, one needs to filter the reviews in the standard Amazon manner, going by score and then examining for authenticity and crossing out the ones with shady pattern reviews.  But it's a pretty reliable process when you go through it.03:22
cluelesspersonInPhase, I'm hoping more for "here's a list of linux supported cards that work very very well"03:27
* cluelessperson tries rob0 's link03:29
rob0I'm just saying, iwlwifi devices have always worked very well for me.03:29
rob0But the first one did have a firmware issue; upgrading firmware or the kernel fixed that.  (I don't know whether the kernel or the firmware fixed it, because I did both at the same time.)03:31
InPhasecluelessperson: I think most work well now, so it's probably a backwards direction at this stage.03:35
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ubottuUbuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) is the 36th release of Ubuntu and the current !LTS release – Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-notes :: Further schedule at https://ubottu.com/y/jj04:30
cluelesspersonI've just plugged in a usb wifi adapter05:50
cluelesspersonhow can I tell ubuntu to use that instead of the internal wifi?05:50
oerheksin 22.04 gnome, wifi in settings shows 2 adapters on the top panel..05:52
cluelesspersonoh it came up05:53
cluelesspersonand the option is there easily05:53
cluelesspersonokay, problem05:54
cluelesspersonI can't turn off just one of them05:54
cluelesspersonturning one off, turns them *both* off.05:54
cluelesspersonoerheks, ^05:54
oerheksmaybe in your bios, you can disable internal wifi?05:55
oerheksor blacklist it, comandline05:55
respawnhave you tred turning it off and on again05:55
BadAtomor try removing the USB adapter, disabling the internal wifi, then reinsert the USB adapter05:56
* cluelessperson does ip link set thinga down05:57
respawnin theory it should show both adapters and give you option to connect from one or the other05:57
respawntry in terminal lsusb and see if the usb is detected05:58
cluelesspersonI just disabled one with ip link06:00
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delluseri'm on an 20.04 box that was provided to me by IT. I don't think they manage the packages on it but when i install snapd it keeps getting uninstalled and i have to apt-get it again to get it back08:08
delluseris there some process by which a package can get autoremoved like a denylist or something?08:08
Saviqdelluser check `/var/log/apt` for what commands are being ran08:14
delluserthanks Saviq . that sheds some light on the issue08:16
delluserseems like there is a command being run by something i haven't done anyway... that does08:16
delluser/usr/bin/apt-get -y -q remove apparmor08:16
delluserperiodically or so08:17
delluserwell not periodically at all. some time after the snapd gets installed08:18
SaviqFun one. I'd grep for it in `/etc`08:18
delluserno luck there. searched for remove apparmor and also scanned the output of grep for apparmor to see if i could spot anything08:21
delluseri'm thinking maybe i could write some wrapper for apt that spits out the parent process details or something sneaky08:22
delluserchecked crontab as user and root aswell. no joy there08:22
delluseris there a way i can get the touchpad on my laptop to recognise a hold-down left-mouse just by touch rather than having to physically click the pad09:18
delluserfor example i'm trying to use a scrollbar and i want to touch and scroll down but with this laptop i have to physically press the pad and scroll it...09:18
delluserdo i have to install something like synaptics?09:18
neuromancecan someone help me out on how can I permanently disable the power button power off / sleep functionallity09:32
neuromanceI've tried poking all the way to systemd and still when I press the power button on the keyboard, it shuts down my machine to sleep09:32
neuromancetried setting the Ubuntu Desktop power options, tried adding the ignore switch to systemd settings, nothing works.09:33
neuromanceproposed solutions that have been lingering around on i.e. askubuntu.com don't work; such as : gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power button-suspend "nothing"09:37
arraybolt3neuromance: Just a short press of the power button causes this? And does the system shut down normally, or does it just instantly die?09:39
arraybolt3neuromance: It looks like this is tricky to do on Ubuntu proper, but I know from experience it's quite easy on Lubuntu. I have Lubuntu running on an old Chromebook that put the power button where the delete key usually goes. Not fun. Thankfully, Lubuntu provides an option that lets you set the power key action to "Nothing", and on my system, it works.09:44
neuromancearraybolt3: yeah man I've tried asking professional Linux sysadmin/coder chats ....09:45
neuromanceI mean it's probably _doable_ by i.e. remapping your keys or something equally crazy09:46
neuromancearraybolt3 , I've got Ubuntu 22.04 desktop and I've set the power setting of the power button to do nothing ...09:47
arraybolt3neuromance: Does this help? https://www.reddit.com/r/gnome/comments/qvqp1w/power_button_shuts_down_laptop_regardless_of/ I know it's for Arch Linux, but it's for the GNOME Desktop, which is what Ubuntu uses AFAIK.09:47
arraybolt3(It looks like he did something similar to what you did, but without the "button-suspend" bit.)09:48
neuromancethat's archlinux tho ... let's see...09:49
neuromancekinda hilarious that something so trivial has been plaguing linux systems for so long09:49
neuromanceor it _would_ be hilarious if accidentally pushing your keyboard's power button (that's on the very edge of it) wouldn't put your machine to sleep in a very unclean way09:49
neuromanceI can't run the checklist because there's no 'libinput09:50
neuromancethere's no 'libinput' on Ubuntu nor can it be installed.09:50
neuromance(via apt)09:50
arraybolt3neuromance: Can you install dconf-editor?09:50
neuromanceoh yep, I'll take a look-see-- it's already installed09:51
arraybolt3neuromance: Navigate to org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power, and then click the button next to "custom value". Then set that to "nothing" and see if that works.09:52
neuromancearraybolt3 thanks a lot, will try it out!09:52
arraybolt3neuromance: You may also have to use a hostnamectl tweak to make the setting work if that doesn't do the trick.09:53
arraybolt3neuromance: If the setting doesn't work, run "hostnamectl chassis laptop" in a terminal, then try again.09:53
neuromanceI'm not running a laptop though09:54
neuromanceI already had "power-button-action" set to 'nothing'09:54
neuromanceok, so now I've got both the lid-close -actions set to 'nothing' , as well as all the others09:56
neuromance75ok so that didn't work09:57
neuromance75unless I need to restart gnome09:57
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neuromanceyeah ... that didn't work.... *sigh*10:00
neuromanceI've also set these in /etc/systemd/logind.conf : https://www.reddit.com/r/linux4noobs/comments/aem32x/how_to_turn_off_sleep_button_on_keyboard_for/10:01
neuromancearraybolt3 ok I think I found the solution ... which is to literally edit the keymaps; https://askubuntu.com/questions/362914/how-to-prevent-the-power-button-to-shutdown-directly-the-system <= as replied there10:05
neuromancearraybolt3 'xinput --list' and then edit the entries10:05
supremekaiHey guys, I have Ubuntu 20.04 and I remember to add a kind of "network folder" to access a VPS I have with Ubuntu OS... However, I don't remember how to add this folder which provides direct access to the SFTP of the VPS Server. How can I set up this folder?10:06
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neuromanceEdit the file : /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/inet (edit POWR key) <= I have no idea what the original author meant by that10:22
neuromance    key <POWR>   {      [ XF86PowerOff          ]       };10:24
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transhumanistcan I mirror cgroups with the bind command ? and where are they in ubuntu.. I mean use a command like mount -o bind ... ...10:30
mortfor some reason, my whole desktop freezes for a few seconds while I'm dragging a glfw window10:40
semGood <time of day greeting> everyone!11:04
semLet's say for the sake of argument that I was planning to dual boot Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Windows, and use the same "data drive" between them.11:05
semWould it be better to put the data on the ext4 / partition, and r-w from windows using Paragon FS, or would it be better to have it on the NTFS C: drive and use ntfs-3g to r-w from linux?11:06
delluserin my experience mounting ntfs under linux is more reliable than mounting ext4 on windows but maybe your experience is different11:09
semi haven't used ext4 on windows in a few years, but my experience has been similar11:10
semI can't think of any specific examples though11:11
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BluesKajHi all11:40
Guest88hello, I have a question/issue with networking after upgrade from 20.04 to 22.0411:48
lotuspsychjeyou can ask it here Guest8811:49
Guest88this is the first time I've had to understand/configure netplan / networkd11:49
Guest88lotuspsychje, thanks. basically, post upgrade>reboot, the computer no longer had a connection/IP11:50
lotuspsychjeGuest88: maybe check; sudo lshw -C network and see if your network card has a driver active11:50
Guest88lotuspsychje, I manager to "assign" a static IP but I'm unclear on 3 things 1) why this happened 2) how to to get it to grab a dhcp4 ip again from my router (first thing I tried) 3) working again how to find out what else is wrong with the network configuration11:52
lotuspsychjeis this is an ubuntu server Guest88 ?11:53
Guest88I'm thinking there must be some residual messed up config since this thing has been upgrade for years prior11:53
Guest88lotuspsychje, not really, it has a display manager and window manager11:54
Guest88lotuspsychje, but I've been using it as an HTPC11:54
lotuspsychjeGuest88: yeah but its an ubuntu desktop or server base?11:55
Guest88lotuspsychje, I honestly don't remember, is there a command that will tell me?11:56
Guest88lsb_release -a just says 22.04 jammy11:57
lotuspsychjeGuest88: try apt policy ubuntu-desktop11:58
Guest88  Installed: (none)11:59
Guest88  Candidate: 1.48111:59
Guest88  Version table:11:59
Guest88     1.481 50011:59
Guest88        500 mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt jammy/main amd64 Packages11:59
Guest88it says installed: (none) candidated: 1.48112:00
lotuspsychjeso thats not installed12:01
Guest88the display mangler is lightdm and window manager cinnamon12:01
Guest88lotuspsychje, could you enlighten me? what does that tell us?12:05
lotuspsychjeGuest88: try apt policy netplan12:07
Guest88lotuspsychje, https://termbin.com/i7v812:09
Guest88lotuspsychje, netplan is definitely installed so I'm not sure what it thinks it is telling us12:10
Guest88lotuspsychje, is this helping us get closer to an answer?12:13
lotuspsychjelets try your dmesg in a paste Guest8812:14
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Guest88lotuspsychje, sorry for the delay https://snippet.host/bxgt12:23
Guest88running into all sorts of issues over here12:23
lotuspsychjeGuest88: seems like you're on debian and not ubuntu12:24
lotuspsychjeGuest88: that would be #debian for support12:25
Guest88lotuspsychje, how is that possible? this has always been ubuntu... lsb_release confirms it12:26
Maikprobably because you installed a kernel which isn't from the ubunut repo's12:27
Guest88Maik, xanmod yes12:28
MaikGuest88: yep and that's not support here12:28
Guest88Maik, OK, what does that have to do with the ubuntu upgrade breaking networking?12:29
Maikif you install stuff from outside the official ubuntu repo's it's at your own risk and you're on your own.12:30
Guest88Maik, I've been running those kernels for years because the official kernels kept causing that laptop to hang/crash12:30
Maiki'm not network expert at all so i can't help you12:31
Maikbut still, installing custom kernels is at your own risk12:31
Maikat some point it can lead to breakage and other issues12:32
unimatrix9hello all12:41
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unimatrix9when connection to a public wifi spot ( ubuntu 20.04 and up ) , you  get this connection popup, that should show you the login page -- i get the to many redirects error, where is this configured , what processes are involved ? any tips are welcome ( or experiences )12:42
unimatrix9i think its called captive portal12:45
unimatrix9where are the config files for this behavior ? any one ?12:45
ograunimatrix9, not sure where the config files are but you can influence the behavior in the settings app under "privacy" settings somewhere .... "connecivity checking" or some such ... try toggling it and see if the captive portal page shows up then ...12:53
unimatrix9thanks for your reaction, did try that one , no succes ( yet )12:55
semI have a problem in Ubuntu - when I am using gedit, I cannot read whatever line the cursor is on, because the text is white, but gedit also highlights the current line in white as well13:02
semas a workaround I turned off "highlight current line"13:03
unimatrix9sem , and in preferences , you can choose the colors , would that help ?13:04
semIt would help; although I couldn't tell from a glance which option would work. I am just surprised that this is the default.13:05
sem"Tango" is the one that is hard to read13:06
semas is "Classic"13:06
semIf I wanted to check an SD card for errors, would I use fsck or something beyond fsck13:17
lotuspsychjesem: usualy when you journalctl -f and plug in your card it will give you information13:18
semthanks, i'll try that13:18
semit tells me to please run fsck13:19
sembut also, there are two partitions on that sd card, and it only tells me to run fsck on one of them, so that was good info13:20
semOh i just realized something...13:25
semin ubuntu, the disk is mounted if it's in the dock... even if it doesn't have a dot next to it.13:25
semI thought it was safe to eject if it didn't have the dot13:25
unimatrix9does echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_redirects , configure it to accept redirects , or is it disabled with 0 ? to reject redirects ?13:32
sepiI'm having trouble booting jammy after having fixed a broken windows dual boot. How do I get grub working again. My setup is slightly weird maybe. I have a luks volume on my /dev/nvme0n1p6 which contains a btrfs fs with a subvolume for root.14:22
sepiI tried following the ubuntu grub2 installation guide from the wiki but I end up with the default grub2 command like when booting.14:22
sepiOh, the system is GPT and UEFI btw14:23
EriC^^sepi: you get grub> ? or grub rescue> ?14:29
sepithe first one14:30
EriC^^hmm, try 'cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg'14:30
EriC^^can you boot the thing while being here?14:30
sepiyup, I'm on a different device14:32
sepithere are all the boot entries I would expect in the grub.cfg file. Shall I post it?14:32
EriC^^type 'configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg'14:33
sepiin the grub promt?14:33
sepione sec14:33
sepithe screen clears and show an empty prompt14:34
sepiI just managed to run 'configfile (hd0,XX5)/grub/grub.cfg' this gives me the usual screen14:37
sepiand it allows me to actually boot my system14:38
EriC^^ah great14:39
EriC^^let me know once it's booted14:39
sepiit is :)14:40
EriC^^ok, type "(sudo parted -ls; sudo efibootmgr -v) | nc termbin.com 9999"14:40
EriC^^paste the link it gives you here14:41
sepiEriC^^: https://termbin.com/aqk714:44
EriC^^sepi: "cat /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999"14:46
sepiEriC^^: https://termbin.com/r5do14:47
EriC^^i think it's confused trying to use btrfs root/boot/grub but the file is in the 5th /boot partition14:48
EriC^^is /boot mounted right now? try 'df /boot'14:49
sepiyeah, it's mounte from /dev/nvme0n1p514:50
EriC^^no idea about btrfs to be honest, but try 'sudo grub-install && sudo update-grub'14:50
EriC^^see if anything changes, really you want efi/ubuntu/grub.cfg to properly pointing it to the grub config file14:51
EriC^^maybe not use a /boot partition and copy it over to @/boot/ ?14:52
sepiIt put a different uuid in fs_uuid now. I'll have to rebott later14:52
sepiI guess it's fixed now. I'll see in an hour. Thanks a looot for the help already!14:52
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EriC^^no problem14:52
lotuspsychjewe see you daulphin[m]15:07
daulphin[m]do you mean my camera15:08
daulphin[m]can anyone advise a great web translation extention for brave/firefox/chromium for linux ?15:09
daulphin[m]I don´t want to have google on my sytem15:10
bargI have a set of files, about 30 files, videolist1.txt videolist2.txt e.t.c. and each file has bunch of youtube video URLs.  I want to download all of videolist1.txt to a directory videolist1dir,  all of videolist2.txt videos to videolist2 dir. For each of 30 files.. how should I go about that?17:14
bargi'm using yt-dlp [url] to download a url. But, yt-dlp doesn't seem to have an option to pass an argument for the target directory to download them to17:17
Saviqbarg it has `-o`: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp#output-template17:18
bargSaviq: ah, thanks17:22
tomreynbarg: for myfile in videolist*.txt; do mydir=$(echo $myfile | cut -d. -f1); mkdir $mydir; cd $mydir; while IFS= read -r myvideourl; do yt-dlp $myvideourl; done < $myfile; cd ..; done17:23
tomreynthe better place for learning shell scripting is #bash17:23
tomreynand the above is untested17:23
phox_Hi! Currently shift+home hightlights the entire page I'm viewing, I just want it to highlight the current row. This is done by fn+shift+home. Can I rebind this somehow to just shift+home? Thanks :)17:55
B0g4r7I've got a bug to report.18:23
lotuspsychjeB0g4r7: can you describe whats it about?18:23
B0g4r7I'm running Ubuntu Desktop 20.04, and when the lockscreen is up and my cat goes to sleep on the keyboard and fills the password field up with thousands of characters, the UI crashes and I can't login or do anything else until I reboot.18:24
geniiProbably the ugliest hack for the cat keyboard is enable onscreen keyboard for gnome desktop screensaver, then use xinput to find your AT Keyboard identifier, then have gnome -screensaver called with xinput float <keyboard identifier> && gnome-screensaver && xinput reattach <keyboard identifier>18:47
geniiSo that the user/pass has to be entered now by specific manipulation of the pointing device to select it from the onscreen keyboard18:48
genii..or, just unplug your keyboard before going to bed18:49
tomreynnot have the 'UI crash' would possibly be enough of a fix, too.19:08
tomreynB0g4r7: i'd say just go ahead and file that bug, since 'UI crash' should not be happening in the first place.19:10
tomreyn!bug | B0g4r719:10
ubottuB0g4r7: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:10
arraybolt3And I can already think of a solution to this problem - simply wipe the password field any time it hits an unreasonable number of characters (no one actually has a multi-hundred character password, right?)19:10
oehmanhello how are you19:52
oehmanme been up for a cupple of hours and drinking beer19:53
eelstreboranyone know of an app that can read forscan files (.fsl extension) in linux?20:02
SteelRosehi all! I'm looking for an email solution for a self-hosted service with a backend control panel, etc... So far, I've seen Mail-In-a-Box, iRedMail and Modoboa... any other suggestions in that aera? Thanks!20:07
rob0SteelRose, ##email is more appropriate.20:10
SteelRoserob0: thanks20:11
rob0^^ and s/he /quit while I was typing an important reply in ##email :(20:19
rob0(namely, that the biggest problem with any self-hosted mail is getting big players to accept your mail!)20:20
raubDoes anyone have the disk layout of a ubuntu desktop install with encryption? I know th eefi partition is out, but it seems /boot is in the encrypted drive. How does it boot and unencrypt the luks partition?20:28
arkanoidhello! I am trying to use an usb sound card. cat /proc/asound/cards returns https://termbin.com/6lo5, but "aplay -l" returns aplay: device_list:276: no soundcards found...20:39
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bsmith0931did something change in openssh recently? suddenly no android file managers can connect to my servers, using a perfectly good ssh key that was working fine a week ago.21:57
bsmith0931i get either "network error" or rarely "unable to reach a settlement"21:58
leftyfbbsmith0931: yes22:02
sophiekeys made with sha-1 will no longer work i think22:02
leftyfbbsmith0931: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/ubatdw/cannot_ssh_to_aws_server_when_upgrade_to_ubuntu/22:03
bsmith0931...wow. ok after beating my head against a wall, i found a thing in the host logs. "Deprecated option RSAAuthentication"22:04
bsmith0931so what do i use now?22:04
cbreakhmm... it seems the snap firefox can no longer connect to 1password22:04
cbreakprobably some misconfiguration on mozilla's part22:04
leftyfbbsmith0931: see the post I posted anove22:04
bsmith0931ssh/config is for the host to connect to. i need something for my phone.22:07
leftyfbbsmith0931: the Ubuntu 22.04 server isn't denying ssh-rsa keys as far as I know. The options I gave are for the openssh client refusing to use the ssh-rsa private keys22:11
leftyfbbsmith0931: it sounds like the issue in your case is with your ssh client on your phone and nothing to do with ubuntu22:12
arraybolt3Hey, I remember there's some file that, if its present on the system, it means you need to reboot. What's it called, and where's it at?22:50
oerheksbut bing would have told you so too :-D22:52
arraybolt3oerheks: I looked, wasn't sure if I had found it or not, and it wasn't present on my system (guess I don't need to reboot LOL), so I couldn't verify. Thank you!23:01
oerhekshave fun!23:01
Guest8568Hello - i have "full" disk encryption set up per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019 and want to allocate some unused space to the root partition.  How can i go about that?  Instructions i've found so far do not mention encryption. In my "ubuntu-vg" virtual group is 16G swap, 32G root, something like 80-90G23:03
Guest8568unallocated, and then 369 for home.23:03
XATRIXHi, can you advice, i have purged smartmontools from my system, and now , my systemd says i have a failed service. How can i tell systemd to rescan all services, without reboot. My prometheus monitoring system alerts me about it every hour23:04
XATRIXCan you please, check the screenshot ?23:05
XATRIXAs i said, i removed smartmontools, but service is still persist on my system23:06
oerheksthat would be normal.23:06
oerheksif you did not stop and disable and mask it, it will stay?"23:07
oerheksso, reboot to get a proper system?23:07
XATRIXis there any way to make it get away from my systemd without reboot ?23:08
oerhekssystemctl stop smartd.service?23:08
XATRIXit's already stopped.23:09
XATRIX● smartd.service23:09
XATRIX   Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory)23:09
XATRIX   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2022-05-30 19:00:36 EDT; 8min ago23:10
XATRIXmaybe there's something like "systemctl --reread-all-services" ?23:10
EdFletchersystemctl daemon-reload23:11
oerheksno, you need to get rid of that mount unit file, see unit management https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units23:12
oerheksand use disable for that smartd ?23:12
oerheksreboot would avoid all these steps23:13
XATRIXGo it. ok.thanks23:15
arraybolt3Quick question for y'all - does anyone here have problems trying to reformat a USB drive that had been turned into a live USB at one point? I remember having these problems on Kubuntu 14.04, and I found a solution. I'm wondering if it's worth turning into a guide.23:20
oerheksarraybolt3, basicly; no23:27
oerheksusing the usb creator tool, nor commandline23:27
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:29
pi0i have a fresh install of ubuntu 22.04 but some how my audio settings looks like this https://i.imgur.com/MCjzNMd.png23:51
pi0"dummy output"23:51
arraybolt3oerheks: Guess it must've just been a bug of Gparted then. Any time I would dd an ISO to a flash drive, GParted would throw a fit if I tried to reformat that drive, unless I dd'ed zeroes over the top of the start of the drive. OK, thank you!23:55

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