
tsimonq2guiverc @Leokolb: https://calamares.io/calamares-3.2.59-is-out/ should be in Kinetic shortly, here's the package link: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares/3.2.59-0ubuntu122:09
tsimonq2Please test once it lands, should only be bugfixes22:09
tsimonq2That tweet was me, by the way. If it's a popular thing, I'll personally do the backporting as needed.22:52
tsimonq2kc2bez: liblzqt pushed22:56
tsimonq2woah hi keyboard22:56
guivercthanks tsimonq2 22:57
tsimonq2of course :)23:06
arraybolt3tsimonq2: Will be waiting for it to hit.23:14
tsimonq2Sounds good!23:14
guiverc:) & thanks arraybolt3 23:14
tsimonq2Hey, so we should really think of a streamlined way for developers to request testing. Does everyone watch Discourse?23:14
arraybolt3Just checked, appears to already be in Proposed, and I *just* zsync'd the ISO.23:14
arraybolt3Yeah, I watch Discourse.23:14
tsimonq2guiverc @Leokolb: If you guys watch Discourse, let's streamline all the testing I'm about to ask for there ;)23:15
guivercI do, and think it's an appropriate place tsimonq2 23:15
arraybolt3Also, I finished that quick VM testing script I was talking about the other day. It's similar to QuickEmu (the tool kc2bez uses), but more targeted toward testing, and allows you to make a VM with the disk stored entirely in RAM if you have 32GB of RAM or more. It's working for me so far. I put it on my GitHub, ArrayBolt3/vm-isotest, if anyone's interested.23:17
tsimonq2Thoughts on here vs a dedicated QA Discourse feed? https://discourse.lubuntu.me/c/development/723:18
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Nice. I'm stuck in my ways but that's 'cause I've been doing this for a few years now... :)23:18
arraybolt3I dunno what a dedicated QA Discourse feed is...23:18
arraybolt3Is it just a post where stuff is announced about "this needs testing"?23:19
tsimonq2okay so in Discourse there's categories23:19
guivercmaybe make it a page in development; the 'to test' can be the first 'wiki' post (points removed as completed; added)  with comments made after that ... maybe  -- we can adjust if it's not suitable23:19
tsimonq2I said feed but really meant that :)23:19
tsimonq2but yea23:19
tsimonq2Do we want to do one post that we just edit over time or do we want to do one post per testing issue?23:19
tsimonq2Oh, so there's also tags23:20
tsimonq2we can do like23:20
arraybolt3My vote is for one post edited over time, that way we don't make too much noise in the Development section, which is usually rather quiet.23:20
arraybolt3That way if something really blows up, someone can put it there and grab everyone's attention, rather than it potentially getting lost in the noise.23:20
guivercit'll be very long if the post is used for everything... so we can 'adjust' as needed & experience gained23:20
tsimonq2Okay cool, so I'll create a post.23:20
tsimonq2Sec, I'll link it.23:21
guivercI'll look later..   and I'll see it23:21
arraybolt3Can we just remove stuff once it passes testing? We can reply to the post when we've done the testing and what hardware we used and then delete the replies when no longer needed. Just a thought.23:21
arraybolt3(Or move the replies to an archive as needed - that could get sorta cumbersome.)23:22
guivercwhat I was meaning is like our tracking pages; eg. https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/lubuntu-jammy-jellyfish-22-04-issue-tracker/3101 for 22.04 - the top 'wiki' page kept shrinking as I removed posts... (I maybe should use strikeout so readers see progress..)23:22
arraybolt3Yeah but replies could start getting very lengthy, and I don't know how Discourse will handle multiple simultaneous edits to the same wiki post. Maybe we need a separate IRC channel for just recording our progress, and have the wiki post just be the "this is what needs done" area.23:24
arraybolt3#lubuntu-testing is unused.23:24
guivercwhat I've suggested i find easy enough; in browser 'HOME' jumps me to top (wiki page) & END jumps me to latest post  (can be a delay yes if loads of posts on thread)23:25
arraybolt3Oh OK. And I guess we can always make a new wiki post if one post seems to be getting a little long in the scroll-bar size.23:27
guivercor just create one per cycle as with the issue tracking pages...  23:27
* guiverc we can implment new pages earlier too, as required.. we can set our own rules !23:28
arraybolt3(And you're right - END takes me straight to the end. Didn't know that trick. Weird, I can make 200+ line Bash scripts for quick testing and help debug boot failures, but I don't know how to use important features of my browser?!)23:28
guivercwe're all still learning.....   (I just wish I didn't forget so much of what I learnt!)23:29
arraybolt3I'm happy to report that the new version of Calamares no longer has the problem with the greyed out Next button when you select No Swap! (At least in a German install - I'm also testing for the LibreOffice localization bug.)23:30
guiverc:) & Yippee arraybolt3 tsimonq2 , thanks for testing!23:31
tsimonq2arraybolt3: ohhhh yeah?23:33
tsimonq2When did that fix happen?23:33
arraybolt3Dunno. I've been testing the daily ISO, and it's been happening, but I just grabbed the Proposed one that you uploaded, and now it's fixed. I'll test without the Proposed to see if it still happens there.23:33
arraybolt3Should I report the fix on the ISO QA tracker, or should I leave it off since I grabbed the Proposed repository?23:36
ubot93It's a wiki, *you* can edit it23:37
guivercarraybolt3, my opinion:  if it's fixed by a proposed package; it doesn't yet belong on iso.qa.ubuntu.com; just reported on the launchpad bug itself23:37
kc2bez[m]We can make Discourse posts a wiki page too so you minimize the replies 23:38
arraybolt3guiverc: :+1: ('cause finding the thumbs up emoji in my selector is harder, but typing this was harder yet still, so here: 👍)23:38
guivercfyi:  I do report tests on iso.qa.ubuntu.com if using testing proposed; but don't report NEW BUGS if they occur because of proposed packages... but do NTOE them in the comments!23:38
guiverc^ assumes it's the latest ISO being used; not an old one23:39
kc2bez[m]<tsimonq2> "liblxqt" <- Ta23:39
arraybolt3guiverc: Should I note a fixed bug in the comments, too?23:40
guivercFor sure... you put everything in comments you feel belongs there.. the real important place though in my opinion being the lp.bug.report where you can provide a link to the iso.qa.ubuntu.com page where your comments can be found (if helpful to readers in the future)23:41
arraybolt3Ah, good idea.23:42
arraybolt3(This might be silly, but is it OK that I'm doing a lot of testing that results in downloading quite a bit of data from Ubuntu's servers? I don't want to drive an Internet bill through the roof because I had to pull all the Proposed updates multiple times for testing one package in multiple scenarios.)23:47
lubot[telegram] <guiverc> every download & test you perform on Lubuntu helps test the base system which is identical with other flavors & main Ubuntu itself.  Your testing is helping all of Ubuntu; don't worry about data usage...23:48
arraybolt3(And one more thing - how should I edit the Wiki to note my test results? Or should I reply and not edit? Or do I take a wild guess and just try not to mess anything up? (Please don't tell me to do that last one...))23:48
arraybolt3tsimonq2: Link gives me a 404 not found.23:49
lubot[telegram] <guiverc> put any results not on the WIKI at the top; but on a reply/comment later in the thread..  Let the person who asked for testing (Simon/tsimonq2) remove it from the wiki when they're happy23:49
tsimonq2oh wtf23:49
lubot[telegram] <guiverc> ^ is referring to the tracking docs on discourse23:50
* tsimonq2 was referring to the GH repo which is now public23:51
kc2bez[m]I can see it Simon Quigley 23:51
arraybolt3OK now it's working.23:51
arraybolt3tsimonq2: Not to be impatient, but since you're posting a lot of stuff about LXQt, is there anything I can do on my end to help (compiling, testing, etc)?23:55
tsimonq2Not at the moment.23:55
tsimonq2I'll let ya know.23:55

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