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seb128slyon, thanks for the MIR review! it does feel a bit weird to see update-maintainer called out in those reviews though, it doesn't feel like something that should make a difference in support level even if it's standard practice, but if that's something the MIR team care about maybe it should be mentioned on the wiki checklist?09:57
slyonseb128: Yes. I don't see that as a blocker, but only mentioned it as a common packaging practice, so it can be fixed "whenever the next upload happens". But indeed, we might want to add that to the wiki checklist. I will prepare a proposal about that10:00
seb128slyon, thanks, I wonder if we could have dpkg-buildpackage call it for us or something to avoid even having to talk about those changes :)10:01
slyonseb128: IIRC foundations (jawn-smith) did some work on this a few months ago, I'm not sure which packages we landed this checks in... let me check if I find some references. But sbuild fails for me locally, if `update-maintainer` wasn't run10:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1951988 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "dpkg-source should fail if maintainer is not ubuntu and DEBEMAIL contains @canonical.com" [Low, Fix Released]10:04
slyonSo that should already be in place IMO10:08
seb128slyon, I've a DEBEMAIL set with a @debian.org which bypass that check basically :p10:09
seb128I usually do the update-maintainer thing only when really diverging from Debian10:10
slyonah! that's why it didn't catch it for you.10:10
seb128not when cherry picking changes from the Debian vcs or when including delta I intend to see merged in the next upload10:10
seb128but maybe I should try to be more consistent and think about doing the update-maintainer anyway10:11
slyonokay. I'm not sure if we have any formal policy written down about this anywhere. This is probably the closest we can get: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField and it's not really specific about the "expected to be merged" changes special case10:14
slyonI always try to apply that rule as: whenever we diverge in any way, update the maintainer field. But you're probably more senior than me to make a call about that. It's a recommended TODO in the MIR anyway, so feel free to ignore it10:15
seb128slyon, right, thanks. And for the record I'm probably the one being wrong there, I've just been lazy about adding one manual step to my package updates10:20
seb128I will do the update-maintainer of I do another upload, but if things go according to plan we will rather sync and have no delta ;)10:20
slyonyes, that sounds like a good plan. a sync will solve the issue for good, without any additional upload needed. Thanks!10:21
slyonFTR: https://github.com/cpaelzer/ubuntu-mir/pull/1010:31
ubottuPull 10 in cpaelzer/ubuntu-mir "mention update of d/control when a Ubuntu delta was introduced" [Open]10:31
cpaelzerslyon: did you check if the base content of the repo was still up to date?10:51
cpaelzerI haven't synced back in a while since the wiki didn't let me edit for weeks10:52
cpaelzerit is fine to discuss the change, but we can't copy&paste all of it to update eventually10:52
slyoncpaelzer: nope. I didn't10:52
slyonso maybe we can discuss the change in today's meeting and I can copy the two sections into the wiki manually10:53
cpaelzeryep that would be my plan as well10:53
slyonwell.. I can't login to the wiki neither. let's see if we have somebody during today's meeting who is still logged in. otherwise I guess we can't deploy that change to the wiki for now10:58
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seb128hum, annoying, webkitgtk started to build-depends on ccache which isn't in the i386 whitelist but build-depends on other things that aren't available either :/12:27
seb128jbicha, ^ fyi12:27
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jawn-smithbdmurray, enr0n: thanks for getting u-r-u uploaded15:09
Guest8108Hello, is there any documentation on how the current Ubuntu 22.04 LTS installer image is built?16:22

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