[00:58] I installed Gimp on Ubuntu 22.04. What's the best way to install the 'save for web' filter? [00:58] pi0: Perhaps to narrow down where the problem is (in sound settings or that gui setup), what do you see in pavucontrol? [00:59] I know that if I had installed Gimp via apt, that there is an apt repo that has 'save for web' and a bunch of other things bundled in together. [01:10] bobdobbs: It seems the gimp plugin scene collapsed and took that plugin with it when the gimp plugin registry was taken offline. Perhaps check in #gimp if they have an alternate suggestion. [01:12] InPhase: woah! [01:12] What happened to the registry? [01:18] https://www.gimp.org/registry/ it is availible on gethub and being upgraded into gimp [01:19] toddc: I cloned the github repo, but the installation instructions don't reflect the contents of the repo. Like, it says to run a configure script that doesn't exist [01:21] Also, the script doesn't seem to be included in the static backup of the registery. There's a folder for it, but the folder is empty [01:38] hi InPhase are there certain cli commands i can run to give you better clues [01:38] sorry i am a bit new [01:38] i do know i am running ubuntu 22.04 minimal [01:38] if that helps [01:41] what is ubuntu 22.04 minimal? just curious... [01:47] enigma9o7[m]: well when i intially installed it, i had the option to select minimal [01:47] that is basically it lol [01:48] i think it just does not include a lot of stock apps but i could be wrong [01:48] Still gnome tho? [01:48] that is correct [01:48] let me get the exact version [01:49] What madman considered gnome minimal? [01:49] No worries. I could probably find this in docs. Now that you mentioned it I recall that from the installer, and I think you're right, it just doesn't install apps, but still the base OS and desktop and everything else the same; no less memory usage or anything, just a little less disk space and less apps in the menu. [01:50] enigma9o7[m]: Generally intended for a system where you're going to run your own specific dedicated software and don't want all the standard stuff in the way. [01:50] but here is the issue [01:51] my audio is not working [01:51] pi0: So what's the intended use of this system? [01:51] world domination [01:52] pi0: If you were building a server in a data center, you would _want_ your audio not working. [01:52] just a destktop [01:52] for regular use [01:52] i will also use vms as well [01:52] but not server status [01:52] pi0: So far from minimal. [01:52] Someone remind me, does Ubuntu do taskselect? [01:53] well in regards to applications installed with the default installer [01:53] pi0: There's a "desktop" meta-package that will probably have most of what you need, including audio support. [01:53] only issue is that it worked initiall [01:53] then it didnt [01:53] Is there a wireguard gui client for ubuntu 20.04? The internet suggests "no" when i search but maybe i am bad at searching [01:54] pi0: Possibly you changed or added something that broke it? [01:54] that is likely it [01:54] i was trying to figure out gpu passthru for qemu [01:54] then it died [01:54] I would guess that you're not keeping notes on your changes. [01:55] oh wanti [01:55] oh my [01:55] one sec i think i noticed something [01:55] i may have blacklisted my snd [01:55] That would probably do it. [01:56] sem: AFAIK there is no wireguard GUI for any OS. [01:56] rob0, there is for android. i just got it on f-droid [01:56] it's nice because you can add a client configuration by scanning a qr code [01:57] i was following this tutorial, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1406888/ubuntu-22-04-gpu-passthrough-qemu, but starting from here "This tutorial was tested on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with Nouveau driver and the following system configuration:" [01:58] i noticed that i blacked listed snd [01:58] sem: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-wireguard-on-ubuntu-22-04 [01:58] on sec going to reboot to see if reversing this fixes it [01:59] sem: the answer is, yes, there is a wireguard client on the latest release of ubuntu [02:00] sem: this is probably a better tuturial https://techviewleo.com/install-wireguard-vpn-server-on-ubuntu/ # 2nd result on google for "ubuntu 22.04 wireguard" [02:00] thanks leftyfb ; i'll try the manual route on 20.04 via your link. Hopefully the fancy new client gets backported! [02:01] leftyfb, i think your google is better than my ddg, this is what I get https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=ubuntu+wireguard+client+gui&ia=web [02:01] but then again i'm not using 22.04 [02:01] sem: 7th result on google for "ubuntu 20.04 wireguard" [02:02] did you know that google shows different results to different people? [02:02] ddg otoh is supposed to be the same for everybody [02:02] but that's ot [02:03] sem: I got the same results on google in incognito mode [02:03] phew issue resolved on that [02:03] doesn't matter; it still uses a shadow profile based on your browser fingerprint and ip address [02:03] i mangaged to get it work again, finally sound is back [02:04] has anyone done nvidia gpu passthru w/ qemu [02:04] do you know if its possible? if so, I bet someone has done it === wez is now known as notwez === notwez is now known as wez [02:33] Hi everyone. My snapd started playing up, so I purged it and reinstalled it. It started working fine for about five minutes. Indeed, I can repeat this over and over and it will continue to work for around five minutes before crapping out in the same way. [02:33] error: cannot install "vlc": cannot query the store for updates: got unexpected HTTP status code [02:33] 408 via POST to "https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/refresh" [02:34] while it works I can install a few things, but there simply isn't enough time to install everything I want before it craps out. I would expect purging everything to set it to a sane state, but for some reason it stop working again. [02:34] Does anyone have any idea? I can "snap download" so the connection to the server is fine. [02:35] I've asked for help on the Snapcrafters forum and been completely ignored. There's no way to debug the damned thing, and all communication with the server is encrypted, so I have no idea what it's doing. [02:36] KenSharp: maybe try #snappy [02:36] will do. ta. [02:36] ah, i see it now. i've been in there. got nowhere. [02:37] sem: be patient [02:37] KenSharp: be patient [02:37] it's been a week [02:37] KenSharp: #snappy and the snapcraft forums are the best place to get an answer [02:37] KenSharp: you could also file a bug [02:37] !bug | KenSharp [02:37] KenSharp: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [02:39] I can't because I can't log in to Launchpad. Chrome reports a cookie problem, but when I tried to report THAT I also hit a dead end. [02:40] KenSharp: sounds like you have a bit of a mess of a system. What OS? [02:41] Bionic. I'll upgrade to Focal when I feel brave enough. There's nothing else wrong with the system, just snaps and Launchpad. I've always had trouble with Launchpad. For years. On many machines. I've even logged bugs about it. [02:41] I don't know why my system would crap out anyway. It was working. I shut down. Then I had problems. [02:42] I'd like to avoid a full reinstall but I must admit it's looking more and more necessary [02:42] I am trying to do some troubleshooting of a Windows 11 PC by connecting an Ubuntu live USB so I can copy data from one drive to another. When I open attempted to open the NVMe volume the icon disappeared and I couldn't seem to get it back. I have checked GParted and it doesn't seem to see the drive. The NVMe volume has Windows 11 installed on it, [02:42] meanwhile, the other HDD volume with no OS on it loads fine. [02:42] What happened to make it disappear like this? [02:43] Omen124: boot windows, run a chkdsk and reboot ... do this twice. Also, disable fast boot [02:45] leftyfb: I am running the live USB because windows is giving a BSOD and I wanted to work around the drive to be able to recover data. [02:46] Omen124: you'll need to run the chkdsk from a Windows usb then. Sounds to me like the NTFS filesystem is dirty and only Windows can set it right [02:46] Omen124: you can try #windows for more help [02:46] Omen124: also, did you try mounting it from the CLI? [02:48] leftyfb: No to the CLI (im not that advanced, just google fu-ing my way through this) [02:49] Omen124: run: lsblk # and find the partition you want to mount [02:49] Omen124: then try: sudo mount /dev/sdXX /mnt/ # replacing XX with your drive and partition [02:50] or it could be /dev/nvme0nxx [02:50] lsblk should tell you [02:51] leftyfb: it doesnt show via lsblk, the only drives showing (sda/sdb) are the backup 2TB HDD and the Live USB [02:51] Omen124: then the drive isn't being detected [02:52] Omen124: do you have some sort of fake RAID enabled in your BIOS? [02:52] leftyfb: I thought that when it wasn't appearing in GParted, hence why I'm here [02:53] leftyfb: I will check the bios for a fake raid option, I think I saw an option like that (even though there is only one NVMe stick) [02:55] leftyfb: will disabling any raid option like that break the drive/contents? [02:55] it'll cause them to be unreadable until you re-enable it [02:56] Omen124: if you have fake RAID enabled in your BIOS, you're not reading that drive easily with ubuntu. I would recommend seeking support in #windows or call Microsoft [02:57] I will try booting windows and squeezing a couple of chkdsk's and hope a BSOD doesn't occur first then will jump over to #windows [02:57] Thanks for your assistance! === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy [04:00] anyone around? [04:01] i am trying to figure out this issue with dependencies [04:01] redwoods, ask your question (if you have details; provide via pastebin) & people will respond as they're able to [04:02] unable to locate package winehq-stable [04:02] you've provided no OS/release detail; but that's a 3rd party package and not a Ubuntu package [04:03] !info winehq-stable | redwoods [04:03] redwoods: Package winehq-stable does not exist in jammy === Etua1 is now known as Etua [04:04] why is it included in the recoomended packages then [04:05] You've not provided OS/release details; but I'm not aware of any Ubuntu release/package that recommends it... 3rd party packages are of course welcome to recommend it, but I'm not aware of any Ubuntu packages that do (they only recommend Ubuntu repository packages) [04:06] https://pastes.io/cz1vzvsdjp [04:06] ^ this is confusing me [04:06] redwoods, I just did a scan on my system, my own release has no recommends for it [04:07] this recommends it: sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable [04:07] or rather [04:07] tries to install it [04:08] your paste contains 3rd party (non Ubuntu repository) packages, if you add 3rd party sources to your system you'll get 3rd party recommends [04:09] redwoods, you can search for Ubuntu repository software using tools like https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libvdk3d1&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all or use CLI tools too [04:11] sorry I may have mis-typed.. [04:12] https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all§ion=all&arch=any&keywords=libvkd3d1&searchon=names (i only saw pic & type of vim? type screen & thus typed it) but packages still don't match [05:03] https://pastes.io/cz1vzvsdjp [05:03] how do i remove focal? [05:04] err, just run upgrade ? [05:04] it does nothing [05:04] nothing in that paste says focal [05:04] but to be sure `sudo apt edit-sources` [05:04] if anything says focal, remove it. [05:05] and, checking https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/libvkd3d1 [05:05] run apt update first.. [05:05] good luck upgrading! [05:05] redwoods: Best check your sources lists - insure that you are not pulling from the focal repo ! [05:05] no, this is inbetween [05:05] i wonder why he asks [05:06] i'm trying to install wine [05:06] or get wine to work [05:06] and i get "unable to locate package winehq-stable" [05:07] and wine from the main repo doesn't work [05:07] i got focal removed [05:07] but still unable to locate winehq-stable so i'm going to go through the steps on wine's website again [05:08] great plan [05:08] each step, if it doesnt do waht you expect, ask us here [05:08] dont just go to the next step if something doesnt work right [05:09] still unable to locate it [05:48] winehq-stable, sounds like the wine ppa, join #winehq for that, we don' t support PPA' s, only our repos === NeoFAT32_ is now known as NeoFAT32 [06:19] hi guys i have disk encryption set up on my laptop. when i turn it on i can enter the passcode without issue. When it boots it tends to hang now. When it's hanging drivers like the keyboard fail to load, sometimes mouse, sometimes lan/wifi. after 3 or 4 min of using onboard keyboard everything loads in and works fine. [06:19] any ideas on how to fix it? [06:21] hey guys, i want to subscribe to seom info sec magazines, thinking hakin9 ones, any other suggestions? whats nice and popular? [06:23] pagios, i can't see how that relates to Ubuntu support; jwash you didn't provide any OS/release details [06:25] ubuntu 20.04 x64 [06:25] pagios, you asked multiple channels, what answers did you find? [06:27] no answer yet [06:28] maybe try again in #ubuntu-offtopic? [08:15] чая === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [09:08] Are there any important concerns regarding intel graphics drivers for ubuntu/linux? I'm thinking about buying a machine with "UHD Graphics 750" [09:10] no, as it is supported by kernel versions 5.9 and newer [09:18] oerheks, thanks === diskin_ is now known as diskin === brentaarnold_ is now known as brentaarnold === pegasus is now known as PeGaSuS [11:20] Hello Guys! [11:21] Yesterday I've reported via e-mail an error in kernel numbering for 5.17.12 and 5.18.1. [11:22] But nobody replied, nor corrected the error. [11:23] Can somebody have a look at this problem? [11:23] User best file a bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux [11:23] https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.17.12/ [11:23] i dont think eirher of these are valid versions for official ubuntu kernels though [11:23] So looking inside the folder ... the files are incorrect [11:23] mainline is not supported [11:24] so I understand that it is not suported, but the filenames in the directory are WRONG. [11:24] to get it fixed you should talk to the kernel team in #ubuntu-kernel ... but please noe that these kernels are only for temporary testing if some kernel team member asks you for installing it temporary [11:25] The folder for 5.18.1 and 5.17.12 ... contain filenames of [11:25] they are not updating once installed, do not get any security, miss a lot of (security) patches and config options [11:26] nobody in here will be able to fix this for you, please go to #ubuntu-kernel ... (but as said above, do not *use* these kernels, they are incompatible with bits in ubuntus userspace) [11:26] I understand. I'm using 5.18.0 right now. But this is not the imortant thing. [11:27] the imortant thing that the kernel numbering is wrong inside the directories. Can someone confirm that? [11:27] Thank you for your attention and all the replies. [11:28] Thank You orga. [11:28] *ogra [11:35] User, btw, these kernels (since they are solely for occasional comparing and testing in one-shot tests) do not acually get a lot of attention normally ... so i would not expect any quick fix if there is really something broken [11:41] ogra, I see this kind of missnumbering for the first time. So it happened for the first time that I can remember. [11:42] btw, thank You for your replies ;) [11:47] anyone tried 22? whats the experience [11:47] pagios, #ubuntu-discuss [11:53] User: u tried 22? [11:54] pagios, this room is for Support questions only; use #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic as already suggested [12:08] am i seen as connecting and disconnecting from channel? [12:09] yeah [12:12] Hi all [12:14] hi [12:30] can you read Mechanismus [12:44] What did ubuntu do to libadwaita in gnome 42 ? This is the 1st 42 to theme a 100% [12:45] How can i update snap store on ubuntu? [13:37] hi all. [13:38] If I need to run ubuntu on bare metal, VM is not an option, on a remote machine that has no lights-out management - what are my best options if a update plus reboot fails for whatever reason? [13:40] ssh access, else your 2 feet. [13:41] deadrom: lxd [13:51] deadrom: you could also buy a KVM or even convert an android phone into a hardware keyboard/camera to control it even in bios [13:52] pikvm.org [13:53] The good part about android is that many people would have e.g. an old nexus 4 in the drawer, so it would be completely free, and it would include usb, wifi for net access, camera for screen monitoring etc [13:57] greetings, how can I get a list of apps with their versions that come with 22.04? [13:57] 22.04 server [13:57] apt list [13:58] it's not just server though [13:58] I don't have it installed [13:58] server is the same packages and repositories as desktop [13:58] iomari892: why do you need this? [13:58] I need to know the version of some packeages. [13:59] iomari892: why, if you don't even have it installed? [13:59] apt list --installed | grep [14:00] When I was using opensuse I caould see all packages on the install medium. [14:00] I have the 22.04 iso. [14:01] useless, when you install opensuse or ubuntu, you will automaticly update and get newer versions [14:01] * if available [14:01] near you [14:01] iomari892: why do you need to know package versions in ubuntu if you don't have it installed? [14:01] iomari892, http://releases.ubuntu.com/22.04/ubuntu-22.04-live-server-amd64.manifest [14:02] ogra: thanks [14:04] iomari892: ? [14:16] good talk [14:43] hello, any lxqt users in here? [14:44] lubuntu uses LXDE, afaik [15:08] Hi, which are popular gis mapping programs for ubuntu? [15:09] to analyze geographic and spatial data [15:10] is there a specific irc channel for that topic? [15:11] we do have a gis project [15:11] something that already exists? [15:11] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [15:12] last version Focal, so we wait for 22.04 Jammylts [15:12] thanks, is there a gis irc channel? [15:12] i think so [15:12] !alis [15:12] Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http» [15:13] thanks [15:51] how do i start a program with wine? [15:51] !winehq | de-facto [15:51] de-facto: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [15:54] i need to run a program with wine32 and dotnet48 [15:54] how would i install the 32 bit version of wine? [15:55] starting it with "wine" just crashes it [15:55] yuck [15:55] de-facto: https://kifarunix.com/install-wine-on-ubuntu-22-04/ [15:56] start with; sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 [15:56] oerheks: that is in the link I posted [15:57] leftyfb, yes, indeed [15:57] but they want to install wine64 i need wine32 [15:57] de-facto: no, you need 32bit compatibility [15:58] not if you add architecture i386 [15:58] de-facto: please read and follow the instructions in the link I gave you [15:58] de-facto: 32bit packages are no longer supported [15:58] i am trying to achieve to follow this guide here https://gist.github.com/grahamwhaley/094d62d88575141377f02fa92342fb7e [15:59] "you must use wine32, not wine64" [15:59] hence i cant use wine64 [16:01] i tried to install "wine" and "winetricks" from which i installed veranda and dotnet48, but i dont have any wine32 like this [16:01] de-facto: 32bit packages are no longer supported [16:01] which version of ubuntu supports 32 bit packages? [16:02] de-facto: 18.04 [16:02] ok then i may need to downgrade to that for wine32? [16:02] de-facto: looks like 20.04 also has wine32 [16:02] de-facto: use a VM [16:02] why was this cancelled? [16:03] so many old programs are 32 bit only and wine is for such cases [16:03] de-facto: 32bit has been outdated for 20 years [16:03] de-facto: old Windows programs [16:03] Not totally cancelled, but find maintainers for those packages is hard. [16:05] it seems snap firefox has major issues with communication :( [16:05] lots of programs on windows are still released as 32 bit [16:05] the 1password plugin can no longer talk to the 1password application [16:05] e.g. SDRSharp [16:06] and firefox can't open zoom links anymore, used for authentication [16:06] de-facto: Windows != Ubuntu [16:07] de-facto: you might be better served discussing in #winehq [16:07] winetricks even warns about this when opening, that a 64 bit environment may not be compatible with most windows programs [16:09] the only option is to use "Use System Handler" [16:09] but that doesn't seem to work either [16:09] !bug | cbreak [16:09] cbreak: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [16:10] it might be a feature, actually :/ [16:10] cbreak: try #snappy ? [16:15] de-facto: Finding OS programs that accomplish whatever the obsolete Windows apps were meant to do is a much better use of time and resources. [16:15] Does apt have something similar to "--exclude" from yum. I'm trying to update packages and it's saying one package has a typo in one of it's config files and stops my entire update [16:15] Linux is not a substitute for Windows, it's a replacement. [16:15] jhutchins, what do you mean by that? [16:16] Alys: fix the broken package [16:16] !pin | Alys [16:16] Alys: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto [16:16] There's probably a command line option for apt, but it's obscure. [16:19] wow wine is extremely buggy [16:19] https://tecadmin.net/exclude-packages-from-apt-upgrade/ [16:19] its one bug after the other and at the end it all crashes [16:21] de-facto: you can't use one of the countless SDR programs on linux? [16:22] Alys: it'd be best to show the very apt command you're running, and the error message it produces. [16:22] cbreak, i tried a lot of them, but i want to try SDRSharp now [16:22] i think the ones i tried do not come close to its functionality [16:23] I wouldn't expect hardware-facing windows software to work [16:23] its completely isolated [16:23] no hardware needed [16:23] it works over network, TCP [16:24] de-facto: use Windows in a VM if you have multiple ancient Windows software you need [16:24] no i want to use wine like that guide suggests [16:24] i just have to find a way in ubuntu to run wine32 [16:25] weirdly enough a package "wine32:i386" is installed, but when i click on files it says that files are only visible for installed packages [16:26] so its installed, but not installed? [16:27] reinstalling it does not change a thing [16:34] tomreyn, I'm just using "apt upgrade" and I get the error "dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: files list file for package 'python3-immutables' is missing final newline" [16:38] de-facto: So repeating the same action and expecting a different outcome doesn't work? [16:39] Alys: https://tecadmin.net/exclude-packages-from-apt-upgrade/ [16:39] jhutchins, how can a package be installed and not installed at the same time? [16:40] de-facto: It's not where the program you're trying to access it with expects it to be. [16:41] Alys: fix python3-immutables [16:41] Alys: working around a problem like that is not a good idea [16:41] jhutchins, that does not make any sense [16:41] jhutchins, I already marked it for hold, then ran "apt clean" before trying to update again and it's the same thing [16:42] Alys: python3-immutables is not a supported package in ubuntu [16:45] i have to ask... why am i not getting consistent reboots? 3 times today before i got a prompt for login. and they look different each time. sometimes the splash screen shows with my motherboard's brand "Gigabyte Ultra Durable" which looks quite nice, but it's very rare... what's up with that? [16:45] Gallomimia: the POST splash screen has nothing to do with the OS loaded onto the hard drive [16:46] ah, i think it's not the post. it shows with Ubuntu and after grub chooses [16:47] leftyfb, it comes from the Saltstack repo. I disabled the repo, cleared the apt cache, tried again, and it's throwing the same error [16:47] remove the package [16:50] Alys: The only thing that would solve it would be if saltstack updated their repo. [16:50] Alys: Removing it for now is probably the best solution. [16:51] Alys: Removing the repo without removing the packages is pretty sure to result in this kind of dependency problem. [17:30] Why isn't Jammy listed in http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts ? It is LTS anyway, and it is listed in the full list of releases http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release [17:32] fabbo, because lts-to-lts updates are always only enabled with the first point release (in august for 22.04) ... [17:33] thx [17:51] I just upgraded my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS's kernel. With the new kernel, encrypted swap breaks bootup and I end up at the emergency shell. With the old kernel, it works fine. I think it's this bug but I don't understand how to apply the workaround: [17:51] https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/10179 [17:52] Issue 10179 in systemd/systemd "Setting up crypted swap partition sometimes fails (racey)" [Closed] [17:52] Is /etc/systemd/system/systemd-cryptsetup@.service.d/ supposed to exist already? [17:52] I'm assuming that upgrading the kernel triggers the timing issue... [17:57] webchat94: that directory gets created if you use systemctl edit to modify the crypt_swap service -- you can also create it by hand [17:57] Ok so the fact that it does not exist does not mean that it's incompatible. Will try ... [17:57] Thanks [17:58] yeah === Werewuff is now known as defiant2 === realivanjx6 is now known as realivanjx [19:00] Upgrading my raspberry pi running Ubuntu Server 21.10 to 22.04, getting a warning that "You are running a kernel (version 5.13.0-1028-raspi) and attempting to remove the same version.". A whole bunch of scary warnings and then asking if I want to abort. [19:02] how did you do the upgrade? [19:03] do-release-upgrade [19:04] I guess I let it remove the kernel and it worked, the system came back up. Kind of a scary warning for an upgrade process, but oh well. [19:05] aha cool, yeah, if it was done as directed by do-release-upgrade I'd hope it works out okay [19:12] SJrX: Sounds like maybe you got a little bit ahead on your manual kernel upgrades. === diskin is now known as Guest1991 === diskin_ is now known as diskin === o is now known as niko [20:04] ubuntu 22. In the old days you had to eval ssh agent to be able to ssh-add keys. I don't have to do this on one machine, it just works. On another, it acts like the agent isn't running. How is this handled in modern ubuntu? [20:06] Joel: I think most of the display managers execute /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90x11-common_ssh-agent as part of starting X11 [20:06] I'm not sure what does that task in waylandland [20:08] sarnold definitely have that file. interesting. will do more digging. [20:24] Is anyone else having problems getting the Ubuntu Software app in the dock to launch? [20:24] I can't puzzle out which specific package contains the app [20:25] The Software app launches fine [20:27] Why are system updates manually replacing my firefox package, that I have set a preference to use a different source in apt, but something installed it anyway to use the transitional package of which i don't want anything to do with [20:30] exit [20:30] I seem to have gnome-software installed. Does that deinstall or break the standard Ubuntu Software app? [20:37] Radon: the jammy version of firefox has an epoch in its version string https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox so if you just bumped the version number in your own package slightly it'll lose to the new epoch [21:19] I keep winding up at the grub command line when I boot instead of getting my Ubuntu boot options. I've installed grub multiple times now and wonder if there are any diagnostics I can run to verify the grub installation (besides seeing that I have a /boot/grub/grub.cfg) [21:21] there's a grub-script-check program that might help [21:21] I have a vague memory of a grub simulator of some sort but I can't recall what the heck that's called [21:21] grub-emu, I think [21:22] A major problem here is I'm chroot'd into the system to try to get at it and I think grub-emu didn't like that. I did end up showing me a menu after streaming a bunch of errors and I couldn't exit out of it. [21:22] I didn'tk now about grub-script-check so there's one to look up [21:23] aha! cool, thanks :) [21:24] grub-script-check seemed to be fine with my grub.cfg. I mean, it just kind of exited without making any noise... [21:24] heh :( [21:24] sdtr443w: You might try update-grub, seee if maybe there's a lingering change that didn't get integrated. [21:25] I first run: grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=debian --recheck /dev/sda [21:25] Then I run update-grub [21:26] update-grub seems to not be mad about anything at all. EFI variables are all found. Finds my kernel. [21:26] I'm trying to wipe the Ubuntu EFI entry and having grub regenerate from there. [21:30] sdtr443w: Not sure it's relevant at this point, but that's backwards, update first, then install. [21:37] sdtr443w: During early boot, look to see if something like "error: /boot not found" or something flashes across the upper-left corner of the screen just before you get to a GRUB command line. [21:39] sdtr443w: If that's happening, I know of a rather hacky solution to it (though hopefully someone knows of a better way - I keep having to put my grub.cfg in /boot/efi/boot/grub/grub.cfg, which is not where it's supposed to belong, but it works, and I write the grub.cfg file manually so it always boots the latest kernel). [22:27] arraybolt: That's pretty funny and terrifying if it works. [22:27] I don't get any little blips while booting. I just go straight to the grub command line. I was fretting over that too for any scrap of any kind of context about why it was mad at me. [22:32] * n-iCe hi [22:35] sdtr443w: Can you boot from the grub command line? [23:09] I think my problem is that grub is referencing my encrypted drive as the root in in /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg as well as /boot/grub/grub.cfg. It's using the uuid for the decrypted drive, but that isn't available when it boots. I was able to get to the EFI cfgfile and run that a bunch and saw a flash on the screen about no such device for the [23:09] uuid of the decrypted drive. [23:09] I don't get how I lost sync on this but more importantly, I don't know how to tell it to stop trying the encrypted drive on first boot. [23:11] whats the fix for this anyone know? GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.portal.Error.NotAllowed: This call is not available inside the sandbox === Fisher2443 is now known as Fisher244 [23:51] I bought a second hand Acer Aspire E5-523 a few months ago. It was ex corporate and came with Windows installed. I stripped off Windows and put on 22.04.  The ACER has a BIOS password. I guess I must have changed it during the process, but have no idea what it is. I found 22.04 too heavy for the PC and wanted to try Ubuntu Mate. However it would [23:51] not change the operating system without the BIOS password. ACER said take it to an ACER technician to change the password. There is none I know of here. My backyard solution was to put Mate on a bootable USB and boot the machine from there. Then reformat the HDD and interupt the process early on with CTRL-C. All that seemed to go well. The PC would [23:51] not boot from the hard drive and would boot from the USB. However, when I installed Mate on the HDD, it would not reboot giving me “no bootable media”. I used a rescue disk to access Gparted on the PC and tried to play around with the partitions. This link is where I have got to. [23:51] https://i.postimg.cc/fW8PShgF/Gparted-Partition.png [23:51] It sill gives me the same unbootable message. What should I try next? [23:52] dunbrokin, contact acer or the reseller [23:52] we don' t know howto crack your bios password, sorry [23:53] your hdd might be able to boot, but your bios won' t let you. [23:56] dunbrokin, us there an "enter unlock password" option when you enter the wrong password 3 times? [23:56] *is [23:59] dunbrokin: maybe try https://bios-pw.org/ or other similar sites?