
AnoniNeko2569999I have a question about the taskbar in KDE plasma desktop and an ugly change in spacing that I want to revert for my machine after I installed the Kubuntu 21.10 and 22.04 updates. Is there any way to upload images to provide better context of what I'm talking about?03:36
arraybolt3AnoniNeko2569999: Easiest way is to upload to Imgur and paste the link here.03:40
AnoniNeko2569999ah, then I already have the images uploaded on discord03:41
arraybolt3Great, as long as you can see them without a Discord account, I should be able to see it.03:42
AnoniNeko2569999this is a question about KDE Plasma Desktop03:51
AnoniNeko2569999in Kubuntu 21.04, my taskbar looks like this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/748610914663661579/981392294450196490/unknown.png03:51
AnoniNeko2569999after updating to Kubuntu 22.04, my taskbar looks like this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/748610914663661579/981392096969785344/unknown.png03:51
AnoniNeko2569999notice the "Color Picker" and "Battery and Brightness" widget icons.03:51
AnoniNeko2569999the first screenshot is on my PC that I haven't updated yet, which has an external monitor and grid power, so the "battery and brightness" widget was removed for redundancy, that's normal.03:51
AnoniNeko2569999notice the padding or margin inside the widgets (note that when I hover over them, the outline goes outside the margin)03:51
AnoniNeko2569999oops was there an error sending my multi-line message?03:58
arraybolt3Don't send multiline messages.03:58
arraybolt3Put them in a pastebin and send the link.03:58
arraybolt3That avoids flooding the channel.03:58
arraybolt3(Sorry, didn't mean to sound terse, reading over it, that sounded awful!)03:59
arraybolt3So that padding around the Battery and Brightness widget didn't used to be there?04:00
AnoniNeko2569999okay I'll send it in https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ ... here's my paste https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/kjXgZdTrWY/04:00
AnoniNeko2569999yeah, the icon used to be larger, the same width as the larger circle04:00
AnoniNeko2569999both taskbars are 100px wide04:00
arraybolt3Ah, I see it. So basically you just want to make the icons bigger?04:01
AnoniNeko2569999the icon size is directly proportional to the width of the taskbar, but I want to keep the taskbar at 100px wide while making the icons bigger04:02
arraybolt3Hmm, well I can replicate the problem on my system, but I don't see a way to adjust the size! Ack! I'll dig around a bit and see if this can be fixed, and if not, I'll send a feature request to allow adjusting widget size within the taskbar.04:04
AnoniNeko2569999maybe it's not just within the taskbar, I think it's just widgets in general04:05
AnoniNeko2569999nevermind, the widgets look identical between the two versions when outside the taskbar04:06
arraybolt3Yeah, outside the taskbar the Color Picker widget resizes just fine.04:08
AnoniNeko2569999similarly, the size of the system tray icons can only be set to "small", there are no other size options04:09
AnoniNeko2569999but that's not a problem for me, I just think it's a similar feature that could be implemented in parallel04:09
arraybolt3Yeah, it looks like this feature is missing but would be useful to have. I'll open a feature request and see if it can be made to happen. However, due to stability concerns, it's unlikely a feature request will make it into an existing LTS release (e.g., Kubuntu 22.04), so even if they do implement the feature, you might have to wait for Kubuntu 22.10 or even 23.04 to come out before it finally makes it. (Which is crummy, since that means you might04:11
arraybolt3have to wait for a YEAR to get a problem fixed!)04:11
arraybolt3In the event that my feature request goes through, you might be able to get it earlier by switching to a rolling releae distro like Manjaro, openSUSE, or the like.04:12
arraybolt3(Or if you prefer Ubuntu-like distros, KDE neon might also give you a new feature faster.)04:13
AnoniNeko2569999list of widgets affected by the particular sizing problem I was originally annoyed with: "Color Picker", "Battery and Brightness", and "Backup Status" ... I couldn't find any other widgets that are different sized between the versions.04:16
arraybolt3[m]Got it. I will check to see if KDE neon behaves any differently, and if not, I will open a feature request. If you stick around, I'll give you the link to my feature request once it's written (though it make take me a couple hours or longer, depending on my download speed).04:17
arraybolt3(That arraybolt3[m] is me, just on a different computer.)04:19
AnoniNeko2569999it seems like in order to stick around I have to keep the tab open without reloading it04:21
arraybolt3Hmm. Well... I know from experience the web chat will just disconnect every once in a while...04:25
arraybolt3I could send you the finished feature request over email. I'll direct message you my email, and then you email me back so I can send you the link.04:25
AnoniNeko2569999I already sent you a reddit message as your github profile stated ("Reddit (u/ArrayBolt3) <-- Preferred for most stuff")04:27
arraybolt3Fantastic. I'll be able to chat you back the link.04:27
IrcsomeBot<Abu> how to install yet another magic lamp in kubuntu 22.0406:25
oerhekshttps://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2020/10/magic-lamp-effect-gnome-extension says look here >>06:26
oerheksseems like a lot of issues with it..06:27
IrcsomeBot<Abu> i m using kde06:27
oerheksgood luck!06:27
IrcsomeBot<Abu> not gnome06:27
oerheksoops, https://store.kde.org/p/1279059/06:28
oerheksseems like it has issues too, no clue there06:28
IrcsomeBot<Abu> https://github.com/zzag/kwin-effects-yet-another-magic-lamp06:31
IrcsomeBot<Abu> i m trying this method06:31
IrcsomeBot<Abu> CMake Error: The source directory "/home/user" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.06:34
IrcsomeBot<Abu> but lastly show me this06:34
IrcsomeBot<Abu> why kde store not available yet another magic lamp06:35
oerheksas it seems full of bugs, so no packagfing team gives priority06:36
lordievaderGood morning08:19
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user|17Hello, I'm trying to install the exfat packages so I can use my external hard drive but the terminal doesn?t find them. Can anyone help?09:05
user|17I tried with sudo apt install exfat-fuse exfat-utils09:08
oerheksuser|17, on what linux version?09:11
oerhekscurrently, ubuntu 22.04 has exfat in the kernel?09:11
jaffnaBonjour à tous, merci de m'accueillir..12:08
BluesKajHi all12:08
user|71Recently I practically lose my Wi-Fi network connection on Kubuntu 20.04. The widget doesn't show it's disconnected; even I disconnect and reconnect to the router, and it says I'm connected; but I can't even ping the router. I don't suspect router, because of all other gadgets working. I actually don't know where to look or which log to check to15:40
user|71get a lead on what's going on.15:41
oerheksreboot your router with weird connection issues?15:42
IrcsomeBot<Oov> How ti upgrade the not upgraded packages15:43
user|71oerheks All other gadgets and laptops are fine with the router. Even this laptop doesn't face this problem on MS Windows. It seems to be a recent thing on my Kubuntu.15:43
user|71I want to find a relevant log, so at least I can search about it, or point finger at something on that base.15:44
oerheksmaybe your issue is that you booted in windows, and your router still has that lease connected to that ip15:50
IrcsomeBot<Oov> Just repeating16:22
IrcsomeBot<Oov> How to upgrade the not upgraded packages16:22
user|71oerheks No, there is much time between my Windows boots. I mostly use Linux. Also the Linux starts with good connection; it occurs after a while.16:42
user|71thanks about journalctl16:42
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lsd|2tajun powiedział że widz jest gamoniem18:50
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ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:36
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geniifaLUKE: Yes, there is generally one for which corresponding Ubuntu Local Community Teams (LoCos) have their own channels19:39
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=== matteo__ is now known as matteo_
arraybolt3[m]Oov: "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" ought to do it.23:06

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