
RichardPriceHi, can anyone tell me what the bridge configuration should be for Multipass and lxd so my instances can be reached from the network?  I have multipass installed, and I have switched to lxd as the backend, but Im still not getting IPs from my networks DHCP server, just the internal multipass one (in the 10.x range rather than my 192.168.x range).03:39
RichardPrice"multipass networks" shows:03:39
RichardPriceeno1    ethernet  Ethernet device03:39
RichardPriceenp8s0  ethernet  Ethernet device03:39
RichardPricelxdbr0  bridge    Network bridge03:39
RichardPricempbr0   bridge    Network bridge for Multipass03:39
RichardPricethe answer is "dont use the bridge lxd sets up for you, make your own"04:06

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