
lotuspsychjegood morning01:46
lordievaderGood morning06:31
oerheksfirst duckduck go.. now brave.. https://twitter.com/sebmck/status/153174056390044876914:31
oerhekspopey, in the end we all use internet explorer again?14:31
oerheksor, my 1st email was on netscape14:32
lotuspsychjewe need on offline browser!14:38
oerheksyou only read the cartoons, leftyfb 14:42
leftyfbused to be my favorite part of eating cereal on Sunday mornings :)14:42
oerheksnewspapers .. it made me learn read upside down, as the family wanted to read the news first at the table14:51
lotuspsychjenewspapers also know where you live lol14:51
lotuspsychjeso far for offline privacy14:51
wezHow's the ubuntu discussion coming along?15:06
oerhekswez,  what is ubuntu?16:14
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JanConly when you have a subscription, lotuspsychje17:46
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