
keithzg[m]Being reminded that Firefox is a Snap package now because I installed the Kubuntu desktop on a server meant to run some Windows VMs for convenience's sake and now the server monitoring is throwing a red warning on disk checks because it doesn't have access to the mount for Firefox's Snap lol00:41
MrSassyPantsso okay01:04
MrSassyPantsafter the update, discord no longer works correctly01:05
MrSassyPantsit can't access the webcam, nor any of the microphones, nor does it do anything beyond basic text messages successfully01:07
oerheksProprietary blob..01:08
MrSassyPantsSo the web version (in firefox) connects but fails at using devices as well01:21
MrSassyPantsSo YES01:22
MrSassyPantsIn order to talk to the people I wanted to talk to01:22
MrSassyPantsI had to run discord in chromium01:22
MrSassyPantsbecause neither firefox nor discord proper work01:23
MrSassyPantsSo whoevers idea this was deserves the fucking boot tbh01:23
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cbreakthe snap firefox has caused me more problems than just warnings :(11:59
cbreakthe most annoying one is that it can't connect to the password manager anymore12:00
cbreakthe less annoying one is that I can't change the firefox icon in the desktop file, since that thing's on the read only filesystem inside the snap :/12:00
rick__anybody here?12:01
cbreak128 people are here12:05
cbreakwell... 128 ... entities12:05
BluesKajHi all12:07
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enigma9o7[m]I see 887 people/entities.15:46
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> Hello!17:24
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> I'm having some issues while trying to install Kubuntu on my Lenovo Yoga C740 laptop. I'm getting stuck in either of these two screens while booting from USB, and googling for solutions doesn't seem to help.17:25
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> https://imgur.com/a/RLDAnH617:26
enigma9o7[m]The second one is acting like you removed the usb drive.  If you didnt do that, maybe try using another usb port, maybe one is flakey.17:29
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> I have only one usb-a port here17:31
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> Well, I do have one of these, but the result is the same. https://www.biltema.fi/toimisto---tekniikka/tietokonetarvikkeet/tietokonekaapelit/usb-type-c/usb-tyyppi-c--keskitin-hdmi--sd--micro-sd--ja-usb-a-porteilla-200004604917:32
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> Could be the USB drive as well. Or the iso. So check md5 hash and another drive if you can17:32
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> The drive worked 100% fine on my desktop17:33
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> And hash is OK and I tried another usb drive already, just in case17:33
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> I downloaded Arch Linux, created a USB stick and that worked just fine. This problem seems to be with Kubuntu, Mint and POP OS now18:41
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tomreyn@npeippo: these screens don't looks like they're from a recent *ubuntu release. what are you trying to install there? verify the data written to the usb matches that of the iso file, and try a bios update, too.21:12
tomreynThere are Lenovo Yoga C740-14IML (81TC) and C740-15IML (81TD) laptops.21:17
tomreynthose numbers refer to the screen size. the 15IML has a numpad in addition to the base keyboard.21:19
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> I have the 14"21:20
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> The screensho... well, photos, are from the latest Kubuntu installer. Hash verified and the same usb stick worked fine on my desktop computer21:20
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> Bios is the latest version21:21
tomreynHash verified for what?21:24
tomreyn"the same usb stick worked fine on my desktop computer" is an indication but no more than that, unfortunately.21:25
tomreynsame for arch linux booting off it, there can be many reasons why one system worked with this stick but another won't.21:26
tomreynmany try disabling secure boot, too21:26
tomreynthough this really doesn't seem to be the issue from the output21:26
tomreynbalena atcher is a cross platform utility to write an iso and verify it was written correctly21:28
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> It's disabled (re @IrcsomeBot: <tomreyn> many try disabling secure boot, too)21:31
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> I'll give it a try, thanks! (re @IrcsomeBot: <tomreyn> balena atcher is a cross platform utility to write an iso and verify it was written correctly)21:31
tomreynoops, this was supposed to say "maybe", not "many", glad you understood nevertheless21:32
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> Yeah I figured it out 😂21:32
tomreynbug 500822 seems to be related21:36
ubottuBug 500822 in casper (Ubuntu) "/init: line 7: can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found" [Low, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50082221:36
tomreynhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/500822/comments/24 is a great analysis21:36
tomreynhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/47076/how-do-i-fix-cant-open-dev-sr0-no-medium-found-on-usb-boot may work around this apparent hardware issue.21:37
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> Thanks, I'll read those as soon as I have time :)21:52
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> I appreciate your help!21:52

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