
lotuspsychjegood morning01:36
=== cacti is now known as madmax
=== ledeni__ is now known as ledeni
=== JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk
=== cacti is now known as madmax
=== ledeni__ is now known as ledeni
ducassehi folks05:53
Maikogra: is that sleepymario always that way? ;)14:50
ogran idea14:50
ogranever seen before ...14:50
Maikme neither14:51
leftyfbI don't know who it is, but apparently it's a past troll14:51
oerheksyes, dutch dude.. 14:52
oerhekstime to get him removed14:52
leftyfbI thought hinet was china, unless it's a proxy/vpn14:52
oerheksfriday afternoon support, ..14:53
lotuspsychjehinet is also a popular botnet isp :p14:53
leftyfbI'm going with Kolusion on a VPN15:01
oerheksleftyfb, no, kolusion was not dutch15:05
leftyfbanyone can use google translate15:05
leftyfbbut yeah, probably not him15:06
sarnoldheh once upon a time I had the entirety of hinet banned on oftc. alas, there's enough legit users using them these days that that doesn't work..18:44

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