
=== pascalm1 is now known as pascalm
cluelesspersonubuntu keeps crashing my user session00:36
cluelesspersonthe de restarts entirely and I have to login fresh00:36
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transhumanistwhy wont this work? export -f buster-uml="$(pwd)"00:45
transhumanistor just export buster-uml="$(pwd)"00:45
ablyssthat's like a var inside a var error no?  you might create it in an array00:46
transhumanistterminal variable is what I am trying to do00:47
transhumanistI will ask in bash probably a bash question00:47
sarnoldcluelessperson: if you're using gnome, I've heard disabling extensions is usually the first debugging step00:48
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ablysssorry I was thinking some thing else, you just export foo=${PWD}  not $(PWD)00:49
sarnoldcluelessperson: is there anything in the journal (system and user)?00:49
sarnoldcluelessperson: how about ~/.xsession-errors?00:49
ablysstranshumanist, ^00:49
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rfmtranshumanist, can't have a hyphen in a variable name...01:55
sarnoldoh sheesh01:55
sarnoldI was so busy grumbling about the complexity of bash variables vs environment variables and didn't even notice the far more important bit :)01:56
Bashing-om!cookie | rfm01:59
ubotturfm: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:59
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CodeHorrorIs there any way to DROP a packet at the iptables level based on the contents on the packet?02:18
CodeHorrornvm https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/tc.8.html02:21
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transhumanisthi how do I mount a directory as a file hostfs path02:36
transhumanistput this : none / hostfs defaults 1 1 in /etc/fstab and ran this sudo mount .../root_fs /home/sa/uml/buster-uml -o loop02:38
transhumanistand yes this is on ubuntu02:38
transhumanistit says it failed to setup loop device for ...02:39
sarnolddo you need to run losetup by hand first?02:40
sarnoldI haven't done loopback mounts in ages..02:41
transhumanistI dont know02:42
arraybolt3[m]Quick question - how do I switch display managers from Openbox to KWin? Would prefer if it was on the fly, I can reboot if needed or if it's simpler.03:55
arraybolt3[m]Nevermind, looks like I got it. "kwin --replace" seems to have done the trick.03:56
arraybolt3[m]Bochi: Hello! How can we help you?04:24
Bochii got a question re: ubuntu22 autoinstallation. I am trying to set specific apt options during installation, specifically I'd like to disable cnf download. so I use the apt key in cloud-init which according to the documentation: "Apt configuration, used both during the install and once booted into the target system." does what I want. But it doesn't :) when looking at the installation system, I do have a 94curtin in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d04:26
Bochiin /tmp/.... (where the installation system resides) and it even works, but later in /target that file is missing04:26
Bochiso curtin install fails because it tries to install packages in /target where my options are not present04:27
arraybolt3[m]Bochi: Sadly, I don't know how to fix that, but hopefully someone else here will have ideas.04:28
Bochinp :) the question really is why is 50command-not-found there in the first place, I mean, that's something that imho doesn't make sense during installation ... and we are using our own repo server (aptly based) which does not download cnf metadata04:30
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mncheckwez, md5 is as good as sha-anything for comparing foo file on iso vs foo file on fat32. in fact cksum would do. or diff. there is zero threat. anyone who could attack your md5 checksum calculation would be able to fake your sha512 calculation as well, both extremely unlikely in the scenario.05:50
hannahkit420sdlfkji" E06:24
hannahkit420qljfj  a'jai3"?AFKf06:24
hannahkit420thanks <306:24
descent1finally a normal person!06:26
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miner123456ok i saw some lights11:02
miner123456so now i have to configure the network host files or something for auto dhcp11:02
miner123456are we still using /etc/network/interfaces ?11:07
gordonjcpminer123456: if you have lots of bridges set up, it could be because you have docker running or some virtualisation11:08
gordonjcpminer123456: what exactly are you trying to do?11:09
miner123456gordonjcp, yup, i was told before about this when i asked what br* or veth* is for11:09
miner123456gordonjcp, just getting my second internet line up, that's all11:09
miner123456i did configure the interface for the first line, but i can't recall which file i edited11:10
murmelminer123456: if you are on a standard install it's /etc/network/interfaces (as you pointed out)11:10
ograminer123456, /etc/network/interfaces has been dead since many years now ...11:10
murmelahh oops thought I am in the debian channel11:11
miner123456i checked /etc/network/interfaces and its empty, so i reckon that's not the one i used before11:11
ograeven debian dropped it quite a while ago 🙂11:11
miner123456do we have anything that we can edit for network that ends with .d ?11:11
murmelogra: no?11:11
ograifupdown is gone AFAIK11:11
murmelogra: debian still uses it (ifupdown2)11:11
ograthere might be a successor that uses that dir, not sure11:11
miner123456i cannot use ifup <interface> if its not configured yet, correct?11:12
ograeither way, ubuntu uses netplan ... which acts as frontend to systemd-networkd and network-manager11:12
murmelminer123456: look into netplan, it's quite nice after figuring out :) still have my own issues with it, but I don't hate it11:13
miner123456yes i was just about too google netplan11:13
ograif you need up/down scripts with systemd-networkd: https://andreas.scherbaum.la/blog/archives/963-if-up-and-if-down-scripts-with-systemd.html11:13
Unit193ogra: In Debian, ifupdown is still "Priority: important"11:14
ograthe netplan.io page has a lot of docs and examples11:14
ograUnit193, ifupdown or ifupdown2 ?11:14
miner123456oh yes, i found the configuration which i added before, i was using netplan before11:14
Unit193ogra: ifupdown2 is just someone re-investing ifupdown.  I meant ifupdown.11:14
ograi'm pretty sure the former is gone (whch caused netplan development in the first place)11:14
Unit193!info ifupdown debian11:15
ubottu'debian' is not a valid release11:15
Unit193!info ifupdown unstable11:15
ubottuifupdown (0.8.37, unstable): high level tools to configure network interfaces. In component main, is important. Built by ifupdown. Size 81 kB / 217 kB11:15
ograi stand corrected11:15
Unit193(Ubuntu still uses netplan and not ifupdown, so moot point.  But good to know.)11:17
miner123456after updating yaml, do i need to restart it?11:17
ogra"sudo netplan try" or "sudo netplan apply" ..11:18
ogra(try will allow yu to roll back in case you notice issues)11:18
miner123456oh nice, i saw ip a showing it as up now11:19
murmelogra: do you happen to know whats going on here? https://paste.debian.net/1242918/11:20
miner123456but of course, whether it works remains to be seen11:20
ogramurmel, your indendation is wrong (the amount of spaces is essential in .yaml)11:21
ogramurmel, https://netplan.io/examples/#configuring-network-bridges11:22
murmelogra: i was just copying from netplan.io/examples which has the same indentation11:22
murmeloh oops, seems like I was too tired11:22
murmelthanks ogra11:22
ograno, it does not 🙂11:22
murmelogra: well thanks again, working now :)11:25
murmelthe netplan config11:25
miner123456are there any shortcuts to determine what is your public ip from the command line?11:36
oerheksminer123456, yes, but that requires communication with a certain website11:37
miner123456ok, its just strange that i can get the interface up, but i am unable to ping anything with -I11:37
miner123456will try again11:37
oerhekscurl ifconfig.me  // wget -qO- https://ipecho.net/plain ; echo //11:39
miner123456oh i got it to work, i misconfigured the ip addresses under netplan, it was overwriting the router ip11:40
Unit193Might be able to get it with upnpc -l, if upnp is enabled.11:41
miner123456ipecho is good, just ip result, no bullcrap ads and stuff11:41
oerheksindeed, works for ipv4 and ipv611:43
oerheksUnit193, +111:43
MiLeoni have a problem with a installation from ubuntu 22.04 on a Lenovo L470. the installation stopps with E/A error. I have replaced with a other ssd, but same problem11:43
oerheksMidid you check the ubuntu iso with md5sum?11:43
oerheksoops, typo, MiLeon11:44
MiLeonno, thank you. i check this11:44
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which a checksum is provided), see https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu11:44
oerheksupdates require reboot, brb11:45
MiLeonthank you oerheks! wrong checksum11:47
oerheksMiLeon,  oke, direct download sometimes got corrupted, i prefer to torrent the iso11:48
MiLeoni try currently with wget. if the same error i use torrent11:48
MiLeonoerheks, no is the correct checksum11:51
MiLeonoerheks, now is the correct checksum11:51
oerheksoke, have fun with the 2nd try11:52
MiLeonjo thank you bye11:52
BluesKajHi all12:07
ice9can openvpn 2.5 client connect to openvpn 2.3 server? if so, what should be the specified ciphers and tls-cipher?12:08
MiLeonoerheks, it works! many thanks12:18
* MiLeon send oerheks a cup of cofee and cookies12:19
oerheksopenvpn 2.3 server is EOL, AFAIK12:53
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Olivier67Hi all ,13:10
Olivier67I have an issue with Ubuntu cloud images that I would deploy using cloud-init under a ESXI server13:11
Olivier67I'm using the settings guestinfo.userdata and encoding .13:11
Olivier67Some settings from my userdata are taken into account like the hostname but the user that I would add , it is not the case13:12
ograOlivier67, try #ubuntu-server ... (chances to find cloud-init specialists are bigger over there)13:21
Olivier67thanks ogra13:24
oerhekskernel update 5.15.0-3513:27
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gordonjcpsarnold: I tried "snap connections" and a baffling list of things came up14:24
gordonjcpsarnold: I haven't the foggiest what any of them mean14:24
gordonjcpI guess firefox is a dead project on Linux, then14:24
ogragordonjcp, ??14:26
gordonjcpogra: firefox is broken14:29
SleepyMariogordonjcp: far from dead14:29
gordonjcpogra: nobody seems keen to do anything about it14:29
ogragordonjcp, file selection dialogs are coming from your desktop for snaps (or srtictly confined flatpaks), not from the snap ... somthing is broken with xdg-portals in your desktop setup if you can not pick files ...14:29
gordonjcpogra: okay, whatever14:29
gordonjcpogra: in a stock install of Ubuntu 22.04, firefox does not work14:29
SleepyMariogordonjcp: it does work here, what exactly goes wrong?14:30
ograeven without working portals, FF should still fall back to use the home interface and allow you access to all unhidden files in your home though14:30
ogragordonjcp, on about 6 machines it works fine OOTB here14:30
gordonjcpSleepyMario: nothing that looks for any sort of file dialogue box works14:30
gordonjcpSleepyMario: so, you can't download, you can't upload, you can't save PDFs14:30
gordonjcpso, firefox is a brick, at this stage14:30
SleepyMariogordonjcp: this is a completely fresh install without any tweaking?14:31
gordonjcpSleepyMario: completely fresh install14:31
SleepyMariogordonjcp: let's wait for some devs to drop in, or file a bug report.14:31
ograwell, we'd have a trending bug if it was like that for everyone ...14:31
SleepyMarioogra: exactly14:31
gordonjcpfreshly downloaded 22.04, freshly installed, actually on a brand new SSD but that was by coincidence14:31
ogra(which it obviously is not)14:31
gordonjcpogra: I'm running into the same problem on about four or five machines14:32
tomreynyou should file a bug report - if there's a bug tracker14:33
ogragordonjcp, weird ... no issues here, nobody complained in this channel apart from you and i surely haven''t heard abut any bug around this14:33
SleepyMariogordonjcp: you will have to provide more details. at least try to run firefox from a terminal and share the output here.14:34
tomreynsnap info firefox | grep ^contact14:35
ograin general the xdg-desktop-portal, xdg-desktop-portal-gnome and xdg-desktop-portal-gtk debs of the desktop task manage file selection dialogs ...14:35
ogra(but as i said, even without them you should be able to access all unhidden files in yur home dir)14:36
gordonjcpSleepyMario: nothing hugely significant, "Gtk-Message: 15:35:18.323: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"14:36
ograyeah, thats normal14:36
gordonjcpI'd actually expect firefox to be a lot more chatty than that14:37
ogragordonjcp, and while you try to open some file ? anything in journalctl output ?14:37
leftyfbSleepyMario: the "devs" do not come here to field support questions. Telling people to wait here for them is not productive. That's what filing bugs is for14:37
ograapparmor or seccomp denials, feedback from the xdg portal invocation etc ...14:37
SleepyMarioi'm sure there actually is a dev here sometimes14:38
SleepyMarioafter all, this is a community effort, yadda yadda14:38
leftyfbSleepyMario: regardless if some of the devs are in here, waiting for them to reply is unproductive and not the purpose of this channel. File bugs14:39
SleepyMarioleftyfb: don't tell me14:39
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leftyfbSleepyMario: I just did14:39
SleepyMarioleftyfb: just try to hide your real purpose14:39
gordonjcpogra: wouldn't know what to look for in journalctl14:39
gordonjcpogra: isn't it basically a sealed proprietary black box?14:40
SleepyMarioleftyfb: after so many years you're still completely incapable. please. imagine that you don't have goals.14:40
SleepyMariothen suddenly you don't have to do all this.14:40
ogragordonjcp, "journalctl -f" in a second terminal ... then start firefox and try to open a file14:40
SleepyMariocan't you understand?14:40
SleepyMarioyou have lofty goals14:41
SleepyMarioi have impossible goals that are used for scientific experiments anyway14:41
ogragordonjcp, nah ... nothing is sealed, in cubic shape or black here ...14:41
SleepyMarioand that ends it no?14:41
ogragordonjcp, everyting is opensource ...14:41
gordonjcpogra: but you can't just look at normal logs any more14:42
gordonjcpLinux is getting to be increasingly a pain in the backside to deal with, with stuff like pulseaudio and systemd14:42
ograjournalctl gives you "normal logs"14:42
gordonjcpogra: but then you've got an extra step14:42
gordonjcpI just want to look at (for example) syslog14:42
oerheksthese are known issues with firefox, reinstall might work14:42
ograin parallel (silly but true) ubuntu still installs rsyslog, so you can still use the "old way"14:42
SleepyMariothis is just a troll14:43
leftyfbgordonjcp: journalctl as opposed to cat or tail? zero extra steps14:43
gordonjcpI need to output from journalctl to some intermediate file, then work with that, and then pick apart all the clutter14:43
ograall logging happens in parallel t syslog and journald14:43
oerheksSleepyMario, you are not helpfull14:43
ograhuh ?14:43
SleepyMariooerheks: zegt iemand met de naam oerheks14:43
ograwhy would you have to pip anything to an extra file14:43
gordonjcpogra: because otherwise you have to allow for reading from stdin14:45
SleepyMariothe tech world needs to be toned down14:45
SleepyMariothis is a huge problem14:45
gordonjcpI seriously dislike Linux these days14:45
leftyfbSleepyMario: please stay on topic14:45
gordonjcpbut yeah, -ot14:45
oerheksSomeone reported in https://askubuntu.com/questions/1404941/no-file-save-dialog-for-snap-applications that installing these two packages helped:   xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-gtk14:45
gordonjcpoerheks: aha, I'll take a look at that14:45
SleepyMarioleftyfb: waiting until you contribute14:45
leftyfboerheks: funny what a little googling finds huh?14:46
oerheksbut reinstall should work too?14:46
MaikSleepyMario: enough of that.14:46
gordonjcpleftyfb: that doesn't show up in Google for me; perhaps it's because it's in a foreign language?14:46
ograjou<tab> | grep "whatilookfor" .... vs grep "whatilookfor" /va<tab>/lo<tab>/sys<tab> ...14:46
gordonjcpoerheks: reinstall is just about complete14:46
oerheksgordonjcp, sorry to tell ya; bing it14:46
SleepyMarioMaik: what is wrong with you? you didn't even provide a single solution14:46
ograthe first one is actually a lot less typing14:46
gordonjcpoerheks: hah14:46
MaikSleepyMario: please try to behave14:47
gordonjcpactually what am I talking about, it doesn't work on my laptop either14:47
SleepyMarioMaik: Please try to actually say something sensible14:47
gordonjcpoerheks: yes, installing xdg-desktop-portal-gtk fixes it14:47
gordonjcpoerheks: on at least one machine showing the fault14:47
ogragordonjcp, why did you remove it ?14:47
gordonjcpogra: I didn't14:47
ograit is part of the default install14:47
gordonjcpogra: remember, this is on a clean install14:48
gordonjcpmmm, are you sure?14:48
SleepyMariothat's all there was14:48
gordonjcpwe're talking about an install that's about an hour and a half old by this point now14:48
ogragordonjcp, apt-cache show xdg-desktop-portal-gtk|grep Task14:48
SleepyMariogordonjcp: we were earlier than you, if that's your point14:48
ograit is in *all* the desktop tasks ... installed by default everywhere14:48
ogragordonjcp, what install media did you use ?14:49
gordonjcpogra: E: No packages found14:49
leftyfbgordonjcp: https://releases.ubuntu.com/22.04/ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.manifest14:49
gordonjcpogra: and on one where I have manually installed, Task: ubuntu-desktop-minimal, ubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop-raspi, kubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-full, xubuntu-core, xubuntu-desktop, ubuntustudio-desktop, ubuntukylin-desktop, ubuntu-mate-core, ubuntu-mate-desktop, ubuntu-budgie-desktop, ubuntu-budgie-desktop-raspi14:49
gordonjcpogra: USB14:49
leftyfbgordonjcp: is this a server install or "minimal" install?14:49
gordonjcpleftyfb: plain ordinary Ubuntu desktop14:49
ogragordonjcp, where did you get that install image from was what i meant14:49
leftyfbmaybe a corrupt or non-official image14:50
ograi dont care if you wrote it to DV or USB 🙂14:50
gordonjcpogra: oh, https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop14:50
SleepyMariothe trolling antenna is not working in this channel\14:50
ograthis looks like some broken image ... since this package is a hard dependency of all desktop tasks14:50
leftyfbaccording to https://releases.ubuntu.com/22.04/ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.manifest  xdg-desktop-portal-gtk is installed by default14:50
oerheks!ot > SleepyMario14:50
ubottuSleepyMario: Please see my private message14:50
gordonjcpogra: technically I *can* write it to DV, over firewire, but I don't know how useful that would be :-D14:50
gordonjcpogra: baffling14:50
oerheksSleepyMario, next time you might be removed.14:50
gordonjcpwell, anyway, thanks everyone for the help, at least now I know what to do about it14:51
ogragordonjcp, well ...14:51
ogragordonjcp, it would still be good to know how you actually got into that situation ... have you checked the checksums of the image ?14:51
ograperhaps somethig failed when writing it ... etc14:52
SleepyMarioyeah i'm sure someone faking firefox issues is more important than pointing that out in a very friendly way oerheks14:52
SleepyMariooerheks: reveals your Dutch roots bw14:52
ograSleepyMario, stop being do confrontative please14:52
gordonjcpogra: yeah I'm leaning towards some Mysterious Cosmic Ray Bit Flip Causes Filesystem Chaos headline here14:52
gordonjcpogra: or possibly "Computers Do Be Like That Doh"14:52
ograyeah, something like that14:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1970424 in gnome-session (Ubuntu Jammy) "Have ubuntu-desktop-minimal depend on xdg-desktop-portal-gnome" [High, In Progress]14:53
leftyfbioria: good find14:53
gordonjcpogra: right, now this is very strange14:54
ioriathe problem with the 'minimal' install14:54
gordonjcpogra: one of the other laptops that *was* exhibiting this behaviour is now - as of a few minutes ago - not exhibiting this behaviour14:54
oerheksThis bug was fixed in the package gnome-session - 42.0-1ubuntu314:54
ograioria, aha ! 👍14:54
SleepyMariogordonjcp: thanks for providing the ubuntu team with a curious case of firefox bugs14:54
gordonjcpogra: but I didn't install the missing package14:54
leftyfbioria: right, this is why I asked if this was a minimal install14:54
SleepyMarioyou folk don't even pretend that you do things a normal way14:55
SleepyMarioso insanely low14:55
gordonjcpogra: at this point I think the whole damn thing is just plain haunted, or something, I should stop watching Stranger Things on it14:55
oerheks!ops | give SleepyMario some free time outside this channel14:55
leftyfbSleepyMario: please stop14:55
ubottugive SleepyMario some free time outside this channel: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant14:55
oerhekshi renevpar14:55
leftyfbgordonjcp: I would download a fresh iso from ubuntu.com and run an md5 check on it and then flash the usb again14:56
gordonjcpleftyfb: yeah14:56
SleepyMariothanks for thanks for helping for offering some support14:57
SleepyMarioi'm glad the issue has been solved14:57
gordonjcpleftyfb: I might just run the USB stick down to a mate of mine who is a CoS minister, and have him bless it just to be sure about the haunted thing14:57
leftyfbSleepyMario: stop14:57
SleepyMarioleftyfb: solve the issue and stop whining.14:57
leftyfbgordonjcp: the bug looks to have been fixed about 3 weeks ago. If you downloaded the iso before that, you wouldn't have the updated installer14:57
gordonjcpleftyfb: aaaaaaah14:58
ogragordonjcp, and it sems to only affect the minimal install ... which is probably less often used14:58
SleepyMarioa non up-to-date iso ...that's a big surprise14:58
leftyfbgordonjcp: again, that's only for a minimal desktop install though. If you are doing the full install, you shouldn't be running into this at all14:58
leftyfbSleepyMario: stop14:59
gordonjcpleftyfb: ... which corresponds with when I installed 22.04 on my desktop, which corresponds with when the problem started14:59
gordonjcpleftyfb: okay, well maybe that doesn't explain it14:59
SleepyMarioleftyfb: what is wrong with you?14:59
SleepyMarioi thought that the ubuntu folk were full of very capable people having such a huge community15:00
ograSleepyMario, i really hate having to ban people, please stay quiet unless you have something helpful to cntribute to the conversation15:00
SleepyMarioit turns out that the actual level is hilariously low15:00
SleepyMarioalmost like real life15:00
transhumanistwhere can I get kernel dump help?15:01
oerheks!ops | remove SleepyMario please15:01
ubotturemove SleepyMario please: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant15:01
transhumanistpound linuxhelp seems dead15:02
leftyfbtranshumanist: #linux15:02
SleepyMarioyeah big emergency15:02
SleepyMariobig, big, big emergency15:02
transhumanistah ok got the wrong channel thought it was #linuxhelp15:02
SleepyMarioof people who wan to force their stuff through15:03
ograSleepyMario, please stop or you'll get banned ...15:03
SleepyMarioogra: ban me, mr. overload. at least i didn't say anything remotely abnormal.15:03
SleepyMarioyou're just what you are15:03
SleepyMariohired by the scientist15:04
SleepyMarioforcing their programs through blindly15:04
tomreynplease calm down, everyone who was involved in this discussion. this person was just the worst offender.15:05
ogratomreyn, bah, i was just looking up the commands, thanks 🙂15:05
cbreaksomeone got a sumary of the drama? :P15:26
ograirclogs.ubuntu.com does 😉15:27
oerhekscbreak, oh, and you might find the solution for your Firefox issue too15:29
oerheksSomeone reported in https://askubuntu.com/questions/1404941/no-file-save-dialog-for-snap-applications that installing these two packages helped:   xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-gtk15:29
cbreakoerheks: oh, that problem somehow disappeared. Not sure why... I do have xdg-desktop-portal-kde (I'm on kubuntu)15:30
oerheksoh oke15:31
BluesKajhere's an alternative to the FF snap version  https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/04/how-to-install-firefox-deb-apt-ubuntu-22-0415:31
cbreakthe snap firefox now seems to work ok, mostly, apart from the problem with password manager connectivity15:31
cbreakand the significantly less problematic problem of not being able to change the icon :)15:31
ograBluesKaj, we should not promote PPAs here (despite the fact that this PPA might go away)15:35
ogracbreak, there is a test snap for the native-messaging-protocol support (password managers, gnome extensions etc) ...15:36
BluesKajogra, this ppa updates the FF package if one follows the instructions on the above page15:37
ograBluesKaj, it installs a third party firefox from some external source that will likely soon go away s people will be left with whatever their last version was and will never get updates again15:38
oerheksthat would give Firefox ESR 9115:38
enigma9o7[m]Ogra, why do you predict it will soon go away?  ricotz maintains tons and tons of ppas for years, never had one go away before....15:39
BluesKajthis one is FF 100.0.215:39
ograenigma9o7[m], i expect mozilla to ask for that evetually ... since they were the driving force behind going with the snap in the first place15:40
ograenigma9o7[m], but anyway, PPAs are not supported in this channel so we should also not point people to them here15:40
BluesKajjust a suggestion, i agree most ppas aren't upgraded with the kernel upgrades, but I'll trust this page since it's omgubuntu.co.uk/15:43
ograBluesKaj, well, that wont help if the PPA is shot down ... people just stay quietly on the last version and ar using an insecure browser15:44
enigma9o7[m]oh the horror15:44
ograno need to be snarky15:45
BluesKajoh lord, no adventurous stuff allowed15:46
cbreakbrowsers are probably the category of programs where updating is most important.15:46
ograif you want to point people to alternatives, point them to the tarball install instructions ...15:46
cbreakmaybe behind actual server software, but as end user those shouldn't be too relevant15:46
cbreakwill 20.04 switch to snapfox?15:47
enigma9o7[m]No, 18.04 and 20.04 still using debian packaging.15:47
cbreakif not, then you could always run the old LTS15:47
cbreakmaybe inside lxc15:47
leftyfbcbreak: to be clear, Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04 and 21.10 all have the latest firefox snap available15:58
cbreakyeah, that's not too surprising. Snap fox should be somewhat independent of the underlying os15:59
cbreakseems to be based on core20...16:01
javaJakeIs there a reason that all the numbers besides the time, size, c, and avail columns in arcstat are zero'ed out on Ubuntu 22.04? I spent a good amount of time on Google and in man pages and feel dumb but can't figure this out.16:02
cbreakwonder how that works, if a program inside snap tries to use new kernel API that's not available in an older host OS16:02
leftyfbcbreak: might be a question for #snappy16:03
cbreakjavaJake: they might just be rounded down. I usually use arc_summary for more long-term information16:03
ravagejavaJake, https://p.haxxors.com/po64749h.txt16:04
ravagethere is just not a lot going on here16:04
javaJakeAh, that makes sense. Thanks.16:05
ravagehttps://p.haxxors.com/hpslvsr1.txt with some action16:05
javaJakeOh, and these are all miss stats so you want them to be low16:05
WeeBey98hi friends. I'm hitting a bit of a wall with some research...16:10
WeeBey98openssh does not use libssh?16:11
WeeBey98I'm testing out some ubuntu server versions16:11
ravageWeeBey98, apt show openssh-server|grep Depends16:12
WeeBey98ravage, this is useful thank you!16:13
leftyfbalso: apt rdepends libssh-4|grep openssh-server16:13
WeeBey98So, it doesn't depend on libssh. Ok, so how can I have an ssh server that uses libssh?16:14
leftyfbWeeBey98: why?16:14
WeeBey98(This is for a school project for an intrusion class. we just want to use a 2018 CVE)16:15
cbreakldd /usr/sbin/sshd16:15
WeeBey98leftyfb, I'll admit that it's quite a lot to take in.16:15
cbreakWeeBey98: maybe you need to use an ancient ubuntu for that... CVEs should get fixed rather quickly :)16:15
ravagethen find a tool that is actually vulnerable16:15
WeeBey98cbreak, I have Ubuntu server 17.04 R116:16
WeeBey98ravage, https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2018-1093316:16
ubottuA vulnerability was found in libssh's server-side state machine before versions 0.7.6 and 0.8.4. A malicious client could create channels without first performing authentication, resulting in unauthorized access. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2018-10933>16:16
ravageyes. ok. sshd does not use that lib. move on16:16
WeeBey98ravage, right. That was my question. Do you know what ssh server does? Or any alt servers?16:17
ravageno idea16:18
oerheksUbuntu server 17.04 R1 ??16:18
leftyfbthey might mean GA?16:18
oerheksi wonder how yo would deploy that, even with the old-release updates16:19
ravagei just ignored that version number. did not really matter :D16:19
WeeBey98oerheks, It seemed to work...16:20
WeeBey98(deploying that old server)16:21
WeeBey98Ah man, I'm having a hard time with this.16:24
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leftyfb!ru } Guest396516:31
leftyfb!ru | Guest396516:31
ubottuGuest3965: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:31
WaVSomewhat of a trivial issue. Ubuntu 22.04 - Ever since setting a static ip (to fix an issue with my connection getting disabled by network manager for whatever reason), i get a question mark over my network activity icon in the upper right hand side of my screen. Simply running "   nmcli networking connectivity check   " changes the icon to show that there is connectivity. I was under the impression that the16:34
WaVconnectivity checks were done regularly. If this is not the case, whats the best way to run this check regularly? Crontab doesn't seem to have the same effect when scheduling the command and a startup bash script in .config/autostart doesn't appear to have the same effect either.16:34
WaVI should claify that it mostly happens on reboot, but occasionally on other instances that I cannot pin-point specifically.16:35
oerheksWaV,  maybe it is the same issue..16:44
oerhekswhat have you tried? reset router?16:44
WaVoerheks: No. I have Internet connectivity when the icon shows a question mark. Running the command doesn't do anything functionally. It just changes the icon to show that there is connectivity.16:51
WaV"No" being a response to resetting the router, not disagreeing that its the same issue.16:52
lotuspsychjeWaV: while you test around, leave a journalctl -f open so you can share the output in a pastebin so the volunteers can help you debug better16:53
WaVlotuspsyc: nothing really to report from what I can see other than a couple UFW blocks to my router.16:55
WaVI would have to have the journal open when I reboot which is kinda difficult I would imagine.16:56
WaVThere also a couple UFW blocks to my Chromecast as well every so often, but that's about it.17:02
leftyfbWaV: ufs isn't enabled by default17:03
leftyfbWaV: also, ufw doesn't block individual applications17:03
WaVI know. just reporting the output of journal as lotuspsyc suggested.17:03
WaVSome of that looks to be of conern regarding the issue, but I can't make sense of it.17:14
oerheks systemd-networkd is not running .. how did you set your static IP ?17:19
WaVoerheks: /etc/network/interfaces17:19
leftyfbWaV: /etc/network/interfaces is not used in 22.04, nor should it be used for any desktop environment17:20
WaVleftyfb: Judging by your response, I'm assuming that's not a favorable way of doing it?17:20
WaVleftyfb: Ok, what do you recommend?17:20
oerheksAnd what guide did you follow? there are more steps to be done than just use /etc/network/interfaces17:20
oerheksexample https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-switch-back-networking-to-etc-network-interfaces-on-ubuntu-22-04-jammy-jellyfish-linux17:21
leftyfbWaV: was this a fresh install of ubuntu 22.04 or did you upgrade from 18.04 at some point?17:21
WaVleftyfb: fresh install.17:21
leftyfbWaV: then how did you manage to ..... you have a big mess on your hands, no wonder you're having issues17:22
WaVoerheks: The things that I did not do in that guide were edit/update grub and change the interface name.17:22
leftyfbWaV: personally, I would reinstall and stick with the network manager that's built in17:22
oerheksnetworkmanager can set a profile as you please, indeed17:23
WaVleftyfb: Well I did that originally. I had no plan of setting a static as I have DHCP reservation on my router. But the only problem is every couple of days, I would go to use my computer and the wired interface would be disabled in the gui.17:24
WaVleftyfb: and looking at the logs, it appeared that my computer would randomly do a DHCP request and then just disable the ethernet card upon failure.17:25
WaVsetting the static the way I did keeps the Internet functional 24/717:25
leftyfbWaV: NM can set static ip's just fine. As can netplan if you don't want to use GUI. But going back to ifupdown is definitely not the right answer17:26
WaVI don't notice an issue other than you telling me there is an issue.17:26
oerheksbut .. you still suffer these hickups..17:27
WaVSo what would be the steps to revert back and set a static in a method which is preferable?17:27
WaVoerheks: The hickups being the icon doesn't show connectivity. Like I said, I always have Internet. At this point the issue is trivial. It's just a visual annoyance.17:28
WaVI can restart and show you what I mean. Do you recommend a good image pastebin?17:28
oerheksif you reed that guide, you will notice some cloud init and stuff to be disabled/removed17:29
oerhekshow about just remove /etc/network/interfaces and enable networkmanager again?17:30
WaVoerheks: Willing to try, sure. How do I re-enable network manager though? Is it automatic?17:31
oerhekswell, you know what steps you did.. with out that info hard to tell, did you just disable it, or mask?17:31
oerhekssudo systemctl enable/start NetworkManager.service17:32
WaVI'll pastebin the steps from my bash_history17:32
oerhekssystemctl status NetworkManager.service17:32
WaVoerheks: active/running17:34
WaVoerheks: Is this a good start? " sudo rm /etc/network/interfaces && sudo apt remove ifupdown && sudo rm -rf /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/ "17:39
rfmWaV, I'd "apt purge ifupdown" instead to clean up any leftover config17:40
WaVrfm: Ok, but before I do that. What do I need to do on the Network Manager side of things? It appears to be running already. How do I tell it to start managing the ethernet interface again?17:41
rfmWaV, run nm-connection-editor (I don't know how to get to it in gnome, I use xubuntu), set the static IP, enable the connection17:43
WaVjust restart NetworkManager or?17:43
WaVok standby17:43
leftyfbrfm: what's wrong with just using the GUI to configure the network?17:43
rfmleftyfb, nm-connection-editor *is* the GUI to configure the network...17:44
WaVDone: static set.17:46
leftyfbrfm: nm-connection-editor is "A" GUI configuration tool, but it is not the one that is built into the desktop settings application17:46
rfmleftyfb, great.  Never use the gnome desktop so I couldn't tell anybody out to get to it (one of the reasons I don't use gnome is I can never find anything in it)17:48
leftyfbrfm: settings -> network17:48
WaVAny output you want to see to check if everything is kosher?17:52
WaVAlso, would there have been any additional services installed/enabled from installing the ifupdown package that would need to be disabled/removed?17:56
Wh0emacs:how to set default path so that everytime i type C-x-f, it opens that path18:01
leftyfbWh0: try #emacs18:02
WaVleftyfb: I don't know if you saw the list of commands that I ran to set a static via /etc/network/interfaces, but would you say I followed the correct steps to revert back to default and that you revert your recommendation of re-installing?18:03
leftyfbWaV: I've never had to revert so I don't know for sure18:04
WaVleftyfb: Understood. Well it appears to be working fine. I didn't even drop (as you probably noticed). The journal even shows where NetworkManager set the static.18:04
leftyfbWaV: I would reboot to be sure18:05
WaVleftyfb: fair enough, brb18:05
WaVleftyfb: Well it's still working, and additionally ... the icon shows connectivity without me manually having to check.18:08
WaVSooo success? :)18:08
leftyfbWaV: you should investigate possible issues with your router now so you can set dhcp without dropping18:08
WaVWell none of the other devices in my home drop like that, nor did this computer drop either when 18.04 was installed. The issue started happening when I wiped and installed 22.04 2 weeks ago.18:09
WaVIf it works with static, I'm just not going to mess with it.18:09
ubottuasusfirst: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:11
leftyfbasusfirst: what do you need help with?18:12
WaV14:07:08 Laptop networkd-dispatcher[776]: WARNING: systemd-networkd is not running, output will be incomplete.18:14
WaVThis still popped up in the journal18:14
WaVafter the restart18:14
WaVI don't know if that a default service to 22.04, but I did not manually enable it.18:17
leftyfbsystemd-networkd doesn't need to be run when you have network-manager18:19
WaVleftyfb: Can it be disabled then? If so, is it " sudo systemctl disable systemd-networkd  " ?18:21
WaVand does that include networkd-dispatcher as well?18:21
leftyfbyou can disable systemd-networkd, leave dispatcher18:22
WaVleftyfb: Thanks!18:22
=== pong is now known as beaver
WaVleftyfb: Wait, doesnt Network Manager have its own dispatcher service?18:39
WaVhrm " wget https://releases.ubuntu.com/22.04/ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.manifest -q -O - | cut -f 1 | grep networkd-dispatcher " returns true (installed by default). Interesting.18:52
leftyfbyes, and it's enabled by default. I don't know why you think you need to disable it18:54
WaVleftyfb: It's package description says its similar to NetworkManager-dispatcher so it sounded like a package that wasn't necessary (as I am now using NetworkManager again). But I'm leaving it alone.18:56
WaVJust trying to understand, that's all. If my connection doesn't randomly deactivate in a couple days I'll call this whole process a win.18:57
ice9on optimus laptop, with ubuntu 22.04; nvidia card is not the primary glx renderer in Wayland session; how to make it primary?19:22
leftyfbice9: install/enable nvidia drivers19:23
ice9leftyfb, I'm already using ngidia driver19:23
sarnoldcan you disable the onboard in the bios?19:23
ice9sarnold, no19:24
thelounge6904ice9 use tool called prime-select19:26
WaVice9: Have you tried this? Application Menu --> Nvidia X Server Settings --> PRIME profiles --> Make sure onboard graphics isn't selected19:26
WaVice9: or that ^19:26
ice99WaV, it's already selected, nvidia performance mode19:35
ice99thelounge3804, ^19:36
ice99OpenGL renderer string: Mesa Intel19:37
strkI'm getting errors from the installer. unsquashfs exits with status 1, doesn't tell much about why19:38
strkit could be the USB key is damaged19:39
strkis there a way to install from network ?19:39
oerhekscould be the iso was damaged before putting it on that usb?19:39
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which a checksum is provided), see https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu19:39
zteamHi all, quick question, since I upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04 I just realized I can't send nano to background to run a second terminal program, this worked perfectly before, now I'm instead prompting about using another much clunkier keyboard shortcut ??19:40
zteamWhy isnn't ctrl+z able to pause the process as usual?19:40
leftyfbzteam: what's wrong with just opening another terminal tab or window?19:41
leftyfbzteam: if you hit ctrl+z in nano, it pops up a message telling you to hit ctrl+t then ctrl+z to background it19:43
strkoerheks: sum matches19:44
zteamleftyfb,first of all, I don't find it as convienent, second of all, imagine, for some reason, what if you need to troubleshoot some error, some day and your graphical enviroment gets broken19:45
leftyfbzteam: ctrl+alt+F219:45
leftyfbzteam: file a bug against the latest version of nano19:45
leftyfb!bug | zteam19:45
ubottuzteam: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:45
zteamleftyfb, well, pressing CTRL+T before CTRL+Z works admittely,That's good enough, although I don't understand why it doesn't pause it without, CTRL+T19:50
leftyfbzteam: because nano is capturing keypresses for it's own uses19:50
leftyfbspecifically, CTRL+*19:50
zteamleftyfb, that's true, I just tought since it doesn't make any use of CTRL+Z itself :-)19:51
strkon a second attempt it worked19:52
oerheksstrk, if this happens more than once, do a memtest86 run19:53
strkoerheks: doesn't that only check RAM ?19:55
oerheksif one bit fails, ..19:55
=== hackerman3 is now known as hackerman
zteamleftyfb, thanks for your help Lefty :)20:02
strkcan memtest86 run during use ?20:17
strkwhich one, btw ?20:17
strkmemtest86+ - thorough real-mode memory tester20:18
strkmemtester - Utility for testing the memory subsystem20:18
zteamstrk, nope it canät20:18
strkpcmemtest - stand-alone memory tester20:18
sarnoldwhat does it mean "run during use"?20:20
zteamstrk, nope it can't, there are other memory tester which can, but I don't recommend it, since it can't test the memory used by the os, also, if it would be find errors, how to know if these errors came from software ord hardware-faults20:20
zteamsarnold, he is asking if he can use Memtest from within Ubuntu20:21
sarnoldzteam: ah! that makes sense, thanks20:22
zteamsarnold, :-)20:22
strkso I would need to boot from the usb key and run memtest from there I guess ?20:24
strkor is it a bios feature ?20:24
sarnoldif you install the package, it should add itself to your grub menu20:24
sarnoldso you should be able to get to it at reboot20:24
strkI just saw the "file manager" (not sure how it's called nowadays) of ubuntu-22.04 giving direct access to both Nextcloud and Google Drive, very nice !20:25
strkwhich of the 3 packages above would add to the grub menu ?20:25
Bashing-omstrk: On the legacy bios systems - memtest is available from grub's boot menu - UEFI systems the tool is proprietary and must be obtained as 3rd party.20:26
sarnoldstrk: oooh I hadn't realized pcmemtest was packaged yet20:26
sarnoldstrk: try that one first :) i'm curious how well it works :)20:26
sarnoldBashing-om: good news! the upstream memtest86+ now works uefi! bad news :( it isn't packaged yet :( https://www.memtest.org/20:27
Bashing-omsarnold: :D reading !20:27
strkthanks everyone, will try on next reboot20:28
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gnu_dHi, having root fs remounted as ro, due to bad sectors, is there a way to mount tmpfs directory pointing to /home/myuser/.config/ ? So that I can avoid dialog popups during file transfer as backup.21:29
sarnoldgnu_d: try sudo mount -ttmpfs none /home/myuser/.config/  and see if that works21:30
gnu_done problem, the directory has to exists, I am trying on a working computer. I will try now to replace the whole .config directory on the target broken computer.21:33
sarnoldah,I thought it already existed, and was just stuck read-only..21:36
gnu_dwell I will do this:21:36
gnu_d1. I will copy the .config files on to the network via 1000 ok clicks. 2. I will mount the .config with 2gb memory tmpfs. 3. I will copy the config back :D.21:37
gnu_dhopefuly it will workd21:38
sarnold*clicking*? ew21:39
gnu_dyea, I am lazy to execute rsync via ssh, so I do a drag and drop in Dolpin from file to fish ssh protocol, cause I am lazy. And I will do the copying .config and back for the adventure :D.21:40
balding_parrotHi, If I wanted to do an apt-cache search showing all packages by a certain maintainer but excluding all dbgsym packages. Is there a way of doing that witho21:40
balding_parrotwithout needing multiple pipes21:42
balding_parrotlike an exclude perameter21:42
balding_parrotsearched for ages but getting bogged down in apt not working pages21:43
tomreynbalding_parrot: you could just disable the the dbgsym repo for a minute and run apt update21:44
sarnoldbalding_parrot: if all the dbgsym packages are coming via the ddebs repository, you could remove those sources ..21:44
gnu_dsarnold: another problem I was running watch -d on /etc/mtab and I sow tmpfs entry was appended, propably the mount will fail on the target computer21:44
sarnoldbalding_parrot: there's a very handy little tool to make it easy to maintain multiple apt sources/lists on a single system.. I'll eventually remember the name of the thing21:45
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sarnoldtomreyn: lol :) no it's far handier than that :)21:46
balding_parrotthanks tomreyn and sarnold I will give that a try, much appreciated21:46
tomreynsarnold: emacs?21:46
tomreynthat would only work if oyou push the data over a network link21:47
balding_parrothoped for a commandline way within apt, but hey, it's free21:48
tomreyn:) sorry21:48
balding_parrotseems like a useful command option imho though21:49
sarnoldbalding_parrot: https://powersj.io/posts/ubuntu-chdist/21:49
tomreynbalding_parrot: can you provide an example of what you did with apt-cache so far?21:50
balding_parrotnot just for dbgsym but for other things you want to exclude21:51
sarnoldthat's harder21:51
sarnoldI don't have a ready tool for that :)21:51
balding_parrotI have been piping my output to a txt file then manually removing those lines or using grep manipulation. Doing this on another box so don't have a proper example. I only irc on a vm21:56
sarnoldbalding_parrot: you can stuff things onto a pastebin site with simple tools, eg uname -a | nc termbin.com 9999   -- that'll give you an url you can paste around21:58
murmel21:49 < sarnold> balding_parrot: https://powersj.io/posts/ubuntu-chdist/22:00
murmel21:49 < sarnold> balding_parrot: https://powersj.io/posts/ubuntu-chdist/22:00
tomreynmurmel: copy paste mistake?22:00
murmeltomreyn: yes, mouse middle click somehow copy pasted and typed enter oO22:01
tomreynok ;)22:01
balding_parrotsarnold: yeah totally forgot about that before firing up this box. The machine that I wan't this for is at another location and thought that there might be a simple commandline option I was missing that I could just take note of22:01
tomreynbalding_parrot: i guess my first question is: how do you search for a maintainer at all, since "apt-cache search '<some maintainer>' doesn't seem to do this already?22:02
sarnoldbalding_parrot: another option, that's way less fun, is to use the /var/lib/apt/lists/ directly22:02
balding_parrotthanks though, I WILL read that link22:02
gnu_dthe tmpfs trick works :), I copied the ~/.config backup from network backup and now it thinks everything is fine. All stupid GUI works. Now I can backup with d&d with peace.22:07
goddardis fingerprint readers buggy for everyone else?22:15
goddardi keep trying and the best i could get was 4 confirms22:15
goddardit always says it is too short or some other issue22:15
sarnoldmy pixel 6 pro's fingerprint reader works okay; when my hands are wet it sometimes takes a few tries, and I think I must not have imaged my enter finger well enough when enrolling..22:16
goddardsarnold: yeah my s10+ works pretty well, but with web browsers having a fingerprint api linux support seems to be a weak point unless I am doing something wrong22:17
goddardi have a supported device and updated firmware22:17
goddardbut still something isn't coded quite right i think22:17
goddardtried in gnome and command line22:19
ubottuIssue 137 in libfprint/fprintd "enroll-disconnect" [Opened]22:19
goddardif anyone knows an fprintd dev22:19
goddardim happy to improve the report if anyone wants me to add additional information22:20
sarnoldprobably it's worth an ubuntu bug, too; the package may collect more verbose logs as part of filing the bug report22:21
goddardis it a not secure to move fingerprint reading to userspace and not require sudo?22:23
goddardill create a bug on ubuntu's side as well22:24
goddardseems like claiming the device is so fragile22:24
gnu_dHow about using kdeconnect to unlock your computers via predefined ssdm session unlock commands, and you can use your Android fingerprint to unlock the phone?22:24
goddardim a web dev and i need a fingerprint reader to test web browser fingerprint apis22:25
gnu_dyou can have kdeconnect on Gnome as well native GTK version.22:25
gnu_dI see22:25
murmelwhen using ubuntu-bug, is there a way to add a comment to the bug? I don't see anything and it already asks me if I want to send the report23:04
arraybolt3[m]murmel: It should open a Firefox window and let you send the report then.23:07
murmelarraybolt3[m]: when I click send? or before that, as firefox didn't open23:08
arraybolt3[m](And if it doesn't pop up Firefox, it should give you a link that you plug into firefox to finish the bug report.)23:14
arraybolt3[m]I believe it will happen when you click send.23:14
arraybolt3[m]murmel: Pinging.23:14
tomreynmurmel: maybe you are mixing up ubuntu-bug with whoopsie, which handles application failures and pops up by itself.23:20

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