
* guiverc notices infectedwithdrew's request but already gone...00:29
infectedwithdrewmy apologies for disconnecting. it seems the web client timed me out. guiverc reached out to me at my email on the same wiki page I mentioned and said that I should use that as proof that the page was originally mine. I hope this suffices for the records. I'm happy to try to provide other proof if possible07:37
guivercso infectedwithdrew you'd like me to delete https://wiki.ubuntu.com/infectedwithdrew ?07:38
* guiverc said I could see the proof of your email if it was me that actioned request, not for others who didn't see it07:46
infectedwithdrewYes please, I'd like you to delete that page, guiverc08:07
guivercinfectedwithdrew, page deleted; you can confirm if you wish (though don't forget it may still exist in your browsers cache)08:10
infectedwithdrewThank you so much!08:14
guivercYou're most welcome infectedwithdrew 08:14
infectedwithdrewHave a good day (or night, depending on where you are in the world)08:16

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