
xrandrOk. I am trying the installer again. The installer seems to just be sitting ther on "Installation type" screen where you select the disk. I selected the SSD (had selected use entire disk previous screen), and clicked Install now.   The install button is grayed out, but the back button is not.  I am nto seeing any activity from the harddrive light00:02
xrandrbrb 5 mins00:03
xrandrok back00:12
tomreynxrandr: press ctrl-alt-t to spawn a terminal window and type: dmesg --follow      tell us whether there are anything looking like errors are being printed there, and if so, post them to a pastebin or termbin.com00:12
xrandrI see a lot of Buffer I/O error on dev dm-200:13
leftyfbxrandr: bad drive00:13
xrandrbut it's brand new00:14
xrandrjust got it today00:14
leftyfbbad cable? SATA port?00:14
tomreynusually that's a hardware problem (which can mean just bad cable or badly seated). though could be firmware, too.00:15
tomreynrunning    lsblk /dev/dm-2    may provide a better understanding of which block device you're seeing the errors with.00:20
tomreynxrandr: there is a chance that the LVM you had there previously was activated automatically be the installer and, if it's badly configured/has inconsistent metadata, it could possibly result in those errors as well.00:24
tomreynxrandr: i would suggest to boot to the live cd system, ensure all LVMs and other block device layers referring to the installation target are disabled, and (install and) use    wipefs --all     against the target device, then reboot, and try installing again.00:27
xrandrtomreyn, i did something similar.  I booted into the install media, did tru ubuntu, and opened the Disks app. I removed all the partitions frm /dev/sdc which is the SSD, then clicked on Install Ubuntu.  No buffer errors, but still no movement from that screeen00:29
xrandri wonder if it is having an issue with refind?  I had that installed to be the bootloader.00:29
tomreynunlikely at this stage. more likely, your installer image wasn't written to the installer media properly.00:32
xrandri can always use another installer00:35
tomreynno need to use a different installer, you just need one which isn't a broken copy.00:35
tomreyndid you have it run the self-test on boot?00:36
tomreynwhich ubuntu, apparently desktop, version are you installing actually, on which hardware?00:36
xrandrdidnt see an option for it00:36
xrandrbut i do know it took awhile to write the iso to USB00:36
tomreynon current ubuntu releases, the desktop installer would run the self-test automatically00:38
xrandri think i am going to download a new image and use it to install ubuntu00:40
xrandrmaybe it'll help00:40
tomreynhow did you write the iso to the usb stick last time?00:40
Bashing-om!md5sum | xrandr00:41
ubottuxrandr: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which a checksum is provided), see https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu00:41
xrandrfrom windows00:41
tomreynnote that you should both verify the downloaded iso against the checksum, and then the data written to the installer media against the iso00:42
tomreynbalena etcher is a software which does the latter automatically, by default.00:42
tomreyn(and is available on the more common operating systems)00:43
xrandrbrb - rebooting router and modem00:52
=== xrandr2 is now known as xrandr
xrandrwell, that was fun00:58
xrandrgonna use balena etcher to write the iso00:58
xrandrand see what that does00:58
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xrandr_winWill balena etcher (Free version) write the iso to the usb drive so that it boots as GPT and not MBR (so it uses UEFI)?01:06
tomreynxrandr_win: you still haven't told what you're trying to install, or what the iso file is exactly.01:07
xrandr_winubuntu desktop 22 LTS01:08
tomreynxrandr_win: the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS ISO files for amd64 are hybrid images for both uefi and (legacy) bios booting, and balena etcher would write them as such.01:16
tomreynyou should first verify the iso against the checksum, then write the iso to the usb stick and have that verified01:18
xrandr_wintomreyn, i verified the installer against the md5, and had balena verify the iso at the end.  I am stuck at the same spot in the installer.  There isn;t anything in dmesg, and looking at the install log, it isn't doing anything.01:27
tomreynthere is no md501:28
xrandr_winsyslog is showing stuff tho01:28
tomreynlike, letters and numbers, and special characters, i assume?01:29
xrandr_winso i guess i'll just wait to see if it eventually goes forward01:29
tomreynhave you done the wipefs i had suggested?01:29
tomreynwhat hardware are you installing on?01:29
xrandr_winzsysd.service: Deactivated successfully.01:30
xrandr_winI did do the wipefs01:30
xrandr_winon both drives. the ssd and the hdd01:30
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tomreyndoggo: hi. please limit your nickname changes while on this channel.01:33
doggois linux mint a official flavor of ubuntu?01:34
tomreyn!flavors | doggo: no01:34
ubottudoggo: no: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours01:34
xrandr_wincurrently nothing is happening in the syslog or dmesg --follow01:35
xrandr_winok, im gonna try the install without using LVM on the ssd01:53
xrandr_winsee if that works01:53
xrandr_winlooking at syslog after restarting the installer, it is commplaining about it01:53
xrandr_winand it is now working01:59
xrandr_winnot using LVM is working like a charm01:59
MinusSevenI'm just wondering what peoples opinions are on a way to backup Ubuntu, with incremental backups, but a command line tool, not a graphic one.02:00
xrandr_winMinusSeven, are we talking just files, or a disk image backup?02:00
tomreynborgbackup, restic, bacula02:01
MinusSevenI'll have a look at those02:01
dcottinghamI'm a fan of borg02:01
xrandr_winMinusSeven, where do you want to backup to? external drive, remote server?02:02
MinusSevenexternal drive, via vmware shared drive02:02
xrandr_winuse tar/cp in a shell script.02:03
xrandr_winor..i like UrBackup02:03
MinusSevenat the moment, I'm using tar02:03
MinusSevenI'll try Borgbackup02:10
xrandraah...back in linux02:18
xrandrlife is good again lol02:20
rob0Unfortunately I have slipped to the Dark Side.02:25
rob0Fortunately the Dark Side is not as dark as it once was.02:25
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QuestionMarkhi, some alternative for Thundebird as a Email client for ubuntu ?04:28
Bashing-omQuestionMark: I use sylpheed.04:32
QuestionMarkthanks, i gonna check it04:33
xrandrDoes Multipass only support linux vms?04:42
Bashing-omxrandr: No - supports lits of platforms, details on the Discourse forum: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/ .04:45
xrandrI guess what i am asking is can I run a Windows VM using Multipass on Ubuntu?04:46
xrandror do i need virtualbox or vmware to do that?04:46
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mattfcan i install Unable to locate package libcurl4-openssl-dev:arm6406:12
mattfi did             sudo dpkg --add-architecture arm64 and apt update06:12
mattfubuntu might have build libcurl.a for arm64 right?06:12
lotuspsychje!info libcurl4-openssl-dev06:38
ubottulibcurl4-openssl-dev (7.81.0-1ubuntu1.2, jammy): development files and documentation for libcurl (OpenSSL flavour). In component main, is optional. Built by curl. Size 376 kB / 1,651 kB06:38
lotuspsychjemattf: wich ubuntu release/flavour are you on?06:39
mattflotuspsychje: 20.0406:39
mattfi have it for i386 and amd6406:39
lotuspsychje!info libcurl4-openssl-dev focal06:40
ubottulibcurl4-openssl-dev (7.68.0-1ubuntu2.11, focal): development files and documentation for libcurl (OpenSSL flavour). In component main, is optional. Built by curl. Size 315 kB / 1,507 kB06:40
lotuspsychjemattf: is that a 20.04 pi or core you are on?06:41
mattfi want to cross compile06:41
lotuspsychje!arm | mattf maybe the arm volunteers might know this06:42
ubottumattf maybe the arm volunteers might know this: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.06:42
lotuspsychjeor ogra (if you're awake) ^06:42
BlackMagehow can i install 32 libraries libharfbuzz.so.0 libfribidi.so.0 libthai.so.0 for steam?07:20
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guivercBlackMage, you've not provided any release details; but I did look up one lib you mention and the dev is available  (https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/i386/libharfbuzz-dev/filelist)07:47
* guiverc notices the time, sorry I'm gone07:48
BlackMageI always get the error: Failed to load steamui.so - dlerror(): libfribidi.so.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6408:03
OnceMewhen I try from ubuntu 22.04 to mount windows partition/disk I get: error mounting wrong fs type bad option bad superblock08:35
OnceMewhat to do?08:35
OnceMeI have cifs-utils and nfs-common08:36
OnceMesudo apt install ntfs-3g worked08:37
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webchat10i wanted to install ubuntu 18.04 on HP - Omen 15 Dc0085tx , support , proprietary nvidia drivers and everything else is available right ?12:18
oerheksmaybe, why such old version that goes EOL in one year?12:19
oerheksuse 20.04 lts or better; 22.04 lts Jammy12:19
webchat10okay will install 20.0412:20
HinnerkHi. I have a question concerning propbably apache or dns configuration. Trying to manage my local network. I have a dedicated server and router in my local network. The server is running latest LTS Ubuntu, Apache2 and nextcloud (and other services of course). The router has dnsmasq (not sure if relevant). nextcloud is found under html folder, so I12:30
Hinnerkcan reach nextcloud by https://myserver.local/nextcloud. I would like to reach it under https://nextcloud.home essentially hiding from users the difference whether it is a different server or subsite. Is that possible?12:30
HinnerkOh, sorry mixed up local und home, it's is the same domain, sorry.12:31
HinnerkSo target is https://nextcloud.local12:31
BluesKajHi all12:33
HinnerkAm I in the right place for this kind of question?12:33
lotuspsychjeHinnerk: we also have #ubuntu-server but now its sunday, you might get not much response there12:34
HinnerkThx, I'll try there too.12:35
lotuspsychjegood luck, hope someone can assist you12:35
gordonjcpHinnerk: that would be something pretty specific to Nextcloud12:54
HinnerkGot a solution in ubunutu-servers, thx. Involves dns and apache config and is really simple.12:54
gordonjcpHinnerk: that being said you can probably configure apache to add the prefix to the path12:55
brkhello, I found out that - sof-audio-pci-intel-tgl 0000:00:1f.3: warn: FW ABI is more recent than kernel13:10
brkdoes this mean I have to just use older kernal version in order to have drivers for the sound card?13:10
brkand is there a quick way to find out which kernal will have drivers for the sound card13:11
Zoa3333Does anyone have any theory at all about what else could cause Dummy Output and no sound on different distros and clean installs, other than faulty hardware?13:18
brkZoa3333, could be Pulseaudio or Alsa, as well as it is in my case - no drivers with the kernal I am using.13:19
brkZoa3333, try the recommended steps on ask.ubuntu13:20
oerheksbrk, on what hardware?13:20
Zoa3333brk, thanks. tried all the solutions i've come across. it worked before.13:20
Zoa3333will doublecheck the steps on ask.ubuntu13:20
BluesKajZoa3333, some intel audio drivers are muted by default in alsamixer after OS installation13:21
brkoerheks, **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****13:23
brkcard 0: sofhdadsp [sof-hda-dsp], device 1: HDMI1 (*) []13:23
brk  Subdevices: 1/113:23
oerheksThat does not say anything about your hardware13:25
brkafter I run journalctl -b just found that  sof-audio-pci-intel-tgl 0000:00:1f.3: warn: FW ABI is more recent than kernel13:25
Maikbrk: still fighting with your sound issue?13:25
brkMaik,  yeah, I think I need to find older kernal that supports my sound card.13:26
oerhekstoo new hardware, for that soft driver, or better; too low kernel13:26
Zoa3333Blueskaj, thanks. unfortunately no settings at all in alsamixer when i have dummy output as only device, but checking in other ways nothing seems to have been muted13:26
brkoerheks, which hardware you asking for. I am on a huawei d1513:26
oerheksbrk,  and what ubuntu version/kernel?13:26
Maikbrk: i thought the last time you switched to the -25 kernel it was solved.... or are you still installing and using kernels from outside the official ubunut repos....?13:27
brkoerheks, Linux core 5.15.0-33-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 18 13:34:26 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:27
oerheksoh, we had a kernel update lately, i am on 5.15.0-35-generic #3613:28
Maikbrk: iirc we also told you to file a bug report against the kernel13:29
brkoerheks, how lately13:29
brkMaik, there appears to be a bug reported since ubuntu 18.04 and its kernal version13:29
Maikbrk: then again, file a bug13:30
oerheksjust run apt dist-upgrade?13:30
Maikit's pointless to go through the whole discussion all over again imho13:30
Maikbrk: if you want things to get fixed you have to report the bug, it's happening at your end after all, not ours.13:31
brkMaik, yeah, but I just found out that error message from the journalctl .... and got me thinking trying different kernal versions. And no - I am no longer using kernals outside the official repos :)13:31
Maikgo on launchpad and file a bug13:32
brkok I will file a bug, you are right13:32
brkoerheks, I tried distro update last time, didn't pull any new drivers or modules13:33
oerhekslots of issues linux wide with that huawei thingy..13:33
brkoerheks, to be honest is just this one so far. but I kind of regret having it. should have go for dell instead. but the configuration on that d15 is crazy for the price13:34
oerhekskeep checking for a bios update, i have no clue how to fix this. ( and read a lot of pages in this hour)13:35
brkno problem, I will fail the bug and will be waiting13:37
xrandrhow is everyone this morning?13:37
Maikxrandr: fine however it's afternoon here but casual talk is more something for #ubuntu-offtopic :)13:39
i-garrisonZoa3333: some distros started playing with pipewire migration and that if done carelessly can kill audio server function; if indoubt examine 'fuser -v /dev/snd/*' to see which apps are using that13:46
i-garrisonZoa3333: if is all on your own box, check if you somehow disabled audio in system bios13:47
oerheksubuntu next 22.10 will have pipewire13:49
Zoa3333i-garrison: thank you. i only see pulseaudio there so seems alright, from what i can tell. got the same result on mint as well13:49
Zoa3333i actually went and disabled the only audio setting i found in the bios to then enable it again since i had heard that helped some. but made no difference in my case13:49
i-garrisonZoa3333: if you pastebin 'pa-info' output I will look into what you have13:50
brki-garrison, isnt output from journalctl on boot better option for findfin the error?13:51
Zoa3333i-garrison: hope this is ok https://pastebin.com/Xyt3e1v7 new with this stuff and linux as a whole13:52
i-garrisonbrk: no, not really; pa-info will reveal what alsa is seeing and we can get to dmesg later if needed13:53
i-garrisonZoa3333: that's fine, give me a min13:53
Zoa3333thanks a lot13:53
brkfair enough13:54
i-garrisonZoa3333: if you have speakers plugged in, try this 'speaker-test -D front:CARD=Generic -t wav -c 2'13:57
Zoa3333tried it on mint but will redo to make sure13:58
Zoa3333or i only have headphones. my bad. i suppose it wouldn't work then?13:58
brkI will try too13:58
Zoa3333i-garrison: part of it: Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 2 channels14:00
Zoa3333WAV file(s)14:00
Zoa3333Playback open error: -2,No such file or directory14:00
LLIypukgood day. Is there a simple way to change icon for djvu files? (it is set to atril icon by default in xubuntu 22.04)14:01
i-garrisonZoa3333: it looks like really alsa driver issue, as alsa lists Starship/Matisse HD Audio Controller but does not show now mixer controls; we can look into your dmesg but usually you will have to report a bug https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems#How_to_report_audio_bugs so people can look into driver issues14:01
i-garrisonZoa3333: your HDMI should work though14:02
Zoa3333i-garrison: would that also make sense even if it worked very recently? the only change i made, was installing elder scrolls online. within the first ten minutes sound stopped working14:03
Zoa3333and didn't come back since14:03
leftyfbZoa3333: cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 999914:03
i-garrisonZoa3333: could be hardware, and maybe dmesg will reveal any issue but maybe let leftyfb have their answers now14:05
Zoa3333leftyfb: https://termbin.com/40jg14:05
leftyfbZoa3333: what laptop model is this?14:08
i-garrisonZoa3333: also please share if you do dual-boot with windows and if so - if you disabled fast boot in windows14:09
Zoa3333leftyfb: it's not a laptop. i don't dualboot14:10
leftyfbZoa3333: ok, what modem otherboard?14:10
Zoa3333leftyfb: ASUS TUF B550 PRO14:11
Zoa3333i bought it just a few months ago so it seemed unlikely the hardware would be faulty. but ofc it's possible. would be unfortunate14:12
leftyfbZoa3333: https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-1141069-start-0.html14:13
i-garrisonleftyfb: that's gentoo, not a fair comparison )14:14
Zoa3333leftyfb: i read this when looking for solutions but did not know how to do what mike155 mentioned in his post14:14
leftyfbi-garrison: it's not a comparison, it's a possible solution14:14
Zoa3333live-version of mint and ubuntu both also showed dummy output, if that could be relevant at this point.14:15
brkZoa3333, live version of any windows will give you sound (if the hardware is not faulty. At least you can eliminate that possibility14:18
brkin VM won't work though14:19
Zoa3333brk: was considering that as a last resort yes. might have to do that after all. need to get my hand on win10 installation then14:19
tomreynlooks like a codec issue. alsa detects both audio chipsets, but just the codec for the hdmi14:19
leftyfbZoa3333: tried https://askubuntu.com/a/1328544 ?14:20
i-garrisonwell, if sound worked in the same ubuntu installation before today, it is not likely a codec issue unless there was a kernel upgrade since last time it worked14:20
leftyfbZoa3333: lets check: lsmod |grep snd-hda-intel | nc termbin.com 999914:20
Zoa3333tomreyn: i do remember seeing something complaining about codecs, but i can't remember the command...14:20
i-garrisonZoa3333: let's see dmesg maybe14:20
leftyfbwait, this worked at one point on the same ubuntu installation?14:20
i-garrisonZoa3333: please pastebin your dmesg, e.g. wgetpaste -c 'dmesg'14:21
Zoa3333leftyb; i had mint before. everything worked well, installed elder scrolls online, started it and within ten minutes all sounds stopped working since14:22
Zoa3333think i tried that solution yes14:22
leftyfbZoa3333: lsmod |grep snd-hda-intel | nc termbin.com 999914:22
Zoa3333yes will do sorry. one min14:22
leftyfbif this was working under mint and then stopped working and is now not working on a fresh install of mint or ubuntu or any other distro, then this is possibly a hardware issue14:23
Zoa3333leftyfb: i'm not getting any output from lsmod | grep snd-hda-intel | nc termbin.com 999914:24
brkme too, not getting any output of lsmod14:25
leftyfbbrk: are you running the same hardware?14:25
leftyfbZoa3333: sudo insmod snd-hda-intel14:25
brkit seems so14:25
leftyfbZoa3333: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel14:26
leftyfbbrk: you're running a Asus TUF B550-Pro motherboard with Realtek S1200A codec?14:26
brkno, but im having the same snd-hda-intel card .. ok ok, I got your point. sorry :)14:27
Zoa3333i-garrison: got output which makes me think i did something wrong: https://pastebin.com/cjU0RYFM14:27
leftyfbZoa3333: none of that is relevant14:28
Zoa3333it's what came up from dmesg14:29
Zoa3333but it didn't seem relevant, no..14:29
oerhekscheck for a bios update for that Asus TUF B550-Pro14:29
oerhekssudo dmidecode -s bios-version14:30
Zoa3333leftyfb: tried modprobe and seems to give the same result as it did on mint. no output but verified by another command that it worked last time14:30
leftyfbZoa3333: lsmod |grep snd-hda-intel14:30
leftyfbdoes it show there?14:30
i-garrisonZoa3333: you will need to collect dmesg right after reboot without starting apps, it is getting overflowed by apps messages14:30
leftyfbi-garrison: the proper way is journalctl -k14:31
Zoa3333oerheks: it says 2006 only. maybe i should check for an update in case a windows boot doesn't solve it, if i end up having to do that14:31
Zoa3333leftyfb: lsmod gave no output14:32
i-garrisonleftyfb: thanks! I'm too stubborn to read the man :)14:32
i-garrisonZoa3333: please wgetpaste -c 'journalctl -k'14:32
tomreynZoa3333: bios updates here: https://www.asus.com/de/Motherboards-Components/Motherboards/All-series/TUF-GAMING-B550-PRO/HelpDesk_BIOS/14:33
oerhekswgetpaste does not exist14:33
Zoa3333i-garrison: seems like it is also getting overflower. i will restart the pc real quick and do the command as you suggested14:33
oerhekstomreyn, +114:34
tomreynenglish rather: https://www.asus.com/uk/Motherboards-Components/Motherboards/All-series/TUF-GAMING-B550-PRO/HelpDesk_BIOS/14:34
leftyfbi-garrison: wgetpaste isn't in Ubuntu14:34
Zoa3333tomreyn: thank you! saving that14:34
Zoa3333here is journalctl -k https://pastebin.com/6sa8H7NA14:39
Zoa3333here is dmesg https://pastebin.com/vWraV36q14:39
Zoa3333still very long. not sure if it's supposed to be14:39
brkZoa3333, its normal14:40
Zoa3333i see14:40
oerheksupdate your bios, further investigation is kinda .. useless14:40
Zoa3333oerheks: that's fair. i was hesitant updating but i will have to try that14:41
brkI can't remove windows boot manager and windows network. I am removing the windows enrty with efibootmngr, but after reboot it loads again15:02
brkI also added GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true in the grub file15:03
oerheksosprober is not run, while installing grub, for some time now?15:04
brkit is not disabled15:09
brkwould removing /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft and then adding GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true to the grub file, and then updating grub be okay?15:18
tomreynor just purge os-prober15:19
tomreyn+ update-grub15:20
Jeremy31brk: Is Windows gone?15:21
brktomreyn, should I remove also /var/lib/os-prober, after purging it? because it didnt remove this folder, since its not epty15:22
brkbefore update-grub15:22
brkits just lables inside, ill remove them anyway15:23
brkit didn't remove the windows boot manager and still got EFI windows network15:27
oerheksif you have multiple disks, it might be on an other one?15:29
brk_Jeremy31, it wasn't now its gone and I don't have windows boot manager anymore.15:37
Zoa3333is updating the BIOS likely to help the sound issue? it seems like a last resort kind of thing. worried i'll ruin things after reading about it.15:40
brkthank you15:40
brkbut I can still see EFI Network, which is Windows Networod did I get this one? and how to remove it15:41
brkafter removing it from efibootmgr it comes back on boot15:42
ioriabrk,  BIOS tries to boot from the network; i think you can disable it (in some ways)15:42
oerheksif you have multiple disks, it might be on an other one?15:43
brkok, I will see what options I have in the firmware15:43
tomreynbrk: sudo efibootmgr -v15:43
brkI have only one disk15:43
tomreyn...lists what is configured in the efi 'bios'15:44
tomreyni've never seen grub listing a "windows network" boot option15:44
brktomreyn, interesting ... with -v doesnt show EFI Network, but without the -v shows EFI Network15:44
brkah no, actually is gone.15:45
tomreynthose are boot loaders known to your efi 'bios', not those known to grub15:45
brkI just have it in GUI showing in other locations.15:45
tomreynyou can most likely disable booting from network in your bios settings15:46
brkok, will go and see what options I have there15:46
ioriaZoa3333, about 'dummy output' there was an old bug, but fixed now ... nevertheless you can try it  : echo "options snd-hda-intel dmic_detect=0" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf     ; echo "blacklist snd_soc_skl" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf   and reboot15:46
oerheksZoa3333, between your 2006 and 2022 bios, there are a lot of changes, too much to print. so yes, it might fix it, you should upgrade the bios, if it bricks, blame the vendor?15:48
oerheksnot us15:48
tomreyn2006 (2021/04/08) -> 2803 (2022/05/31), spans 5 releases.15:49
mybalzitchspeaking of which I've got my own bios to flash15:49
Zoa3333oerheks: there would be no reason to blame you either way. but yes, it seems reasonable to do15:51
webchat97Can i make my operating system run on swap memoryvonly15:54
webchat97*Memory only15:55
i-garrisonwebchat97: not really, why?15:55
webchat97Cause I don't have physical memory15:55
Zoa3333ioria: tried that on mint with no luck, same this time. thank you anyway15:56
i-garrisonyou have to have some, the only time system runs without physical memory is very first inctuctions processor executes after power up15:56
brkin bios I have only PXE enabled, which I find is a client service for a system to boot linux on its own and run other operating systems using PXE-enabled interfaces on its network - That shouldn't do anything with the Windows network I am having, right?15:57
tomreynwebchat97: what's this hardware?15:57
oerhekswebchat97, sure your machine has.15:57
oerheksif not, you cannot boot.15:57
webchat97I 'M using a virtualbox15:58
webchat97And I want my system to only use swap15:58
tomreynbrk: PXE boot is a different term for "network boot", it is not specific to operating systems.15:58
ioriaZoa3333, is it detected in lscpi ?15:58
oerhekswebchat97, no.15:58
webchat97What the swap15:58
webchat97Or physical memory15:59
tomreynbrk: i guess there is no harm in keeping the network boot entry on grub also?15:59
brktomreyn, ok, so its seems like I have installed ubuntu over a PXE netwrok boot15:59
i-garrisonwebchat97: you are likely describing what you have and what you need using wrong terms; physical memory is where system runs and swap is where it can store some of used memory if it has to (but that is usually very slow and it needs to get it back into physical memory before using again)16:00
tomreynbrk: why so? and you'd probably know if you did. unless this is an installation setup by your hosting provider on a dedicated or virtual server?16:00
brkbrk, I am not sure whether keeping it is a harm or not. If it creates any vulnerabilities on boot, I'd rather not have it16:00
webchat97Is there anything I can do to majevmy system use swap16:01
i-garrisonwebchat97: this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq16:01
tomreynbrk: not really a vulnerability, no. unless you choose to boot fro network, you won't.16:01
oerhekswebchat97, no, virtualbox does not give such option.16:02
webchat97Can i add physical RAM  to my phone16:02
Zoa3333ioria: a lot of them says dummy host bridge, and i'm not sure which one is which at this point. there are many16:03
Zoa3333will try to update though, see what happens. thanks all for the help. very thankful16:04
brktomreyn, ok16:04
webchat97Is there a way to add physical RAM to my phone16:04
ioriaZoa3333, sudo lshw -C Multimedia16:04
oerhekswebchat97, this is ubuntu support, i have no idea if your phone is supported https://downloadmoreram.com/16:04
webchat97Ok thanks16:05
brktomreyn, but I don't need PXE environment unless I need to boot from LAN, which I even have no idea how and why I would need it16:06
brkwould purgeing pxelinux remove it from the bios?16:07
gordonjcpbrk: PXE is built into the ROM16:07
gordonjcpbrk: so, no, you cannot easily or usefully remove it16:08
brkoh ok16:08
tomreynbrk: but you can disable the option you noted in the uefi 'bios' configuration utility, that will most likely remove it off the grub menu (after update-grub), too16:09
gordonjcpbrk: it's handy if you hae a boot server, and you can disable it in the BIOS probably, but it doesn't do any harm to leave it16:09
gordonjcpbrk: if you select it and you have no boot server, it'll try to use it and then fail and do something more sensible16:09
brkok, it make sense!16:10
brkthnak you .. you all here should got patreon pages. thanks a lot!16:10
brktomreyn, I never updated grub, after enabling or disabling the PXE, perhaps thats why it always shows under "other locations"16:11
jhutchinsI'd be really surprised if grub detected and configured pxe as a boot option.  PXEboot happens at a pre-disk level of boot, before the BIOS even looks at the hardware.16:19
webchat29Can i run Ubuntu server on 4 MB16:20
jhutchinsSeeing a PXE boot secreen means your system hasn't found any local bootable media.16:20
brkjhutchins, windows 11 was installed on the laptotp. then after preinstall with ubuntu i had windows on VMs, perhaps thats why its enabled16:20
jhutchinswebchat29: Yes, less if necessary.16:20
cassepipeHi ! I have downloaded the latest gcc that is available from ubuntu's toolchain PPA (gcc-11) and I installed it and then I used update-alternatives to set up what /usr/bin/gcc points to but it seems to breaks installation of packages that require gcc-9 and then I have to roll back to a previous Timeshift backup16:21
webchat29I can boot into my system if I have 4MB ram16:21
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html16:21
oerheksbut toolchains.. use a backup or reinstall16:22
cassepipeTHe command I entered : https://dpaste.com/CMF9Z9NL716:22
tomreyncassepipe: it'll be best to just not update-alternatives but selectively use gcc-11 when needed using environment variables.16:23
brkBoot2003* EFI NetworkRC16:23
brk which is the Windows Network16:23
cassepipetomreyn: Oh I did not know it was the way to go16:23
tomreynbrk: that's a boot option on your efi boot manager, the one provided by your uefi bios. not grub.16:23
cassepipetomreyn: Using CC and CXX right ?16:23
oerhekscassepipe, jammy 22.04 already gives 11 https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gcc16:23
tomreyncassepipe: yes, commonly16:24
brktomreyn, oh yes right, you mentioned early. tnx16:24
cassepipeoerheks: Can't move to latest Ubuntu yet alas16:24
cassepipeI do have a snapshot for a working system but I don't have one for when I had not yet entered the update-alternatives command16:25
cassepipeIs there a simple way to put them back to default ?16:25
tomreynbrk: yes, we keep repeating ourselves ;-)16:25
cassepipeI only define those in the link once so that should be easy to roll back16:25
webchat29Can i boot into Ubuntu server if I have 4MB RAM16:25
cassepipeas in the link I posted *16:26
cassepipeInstalling gcc-9 back again is not the way16:27
cassepipeI am so dumb, I did not need  to remove gcc-9, that's the point of the update-alternatives command ...16:27
webchat29@the_blonde Can i boot into Ubuntu server if I have 4MB Of RAN16:30
webchat29Is anyone there16:32
kostkonwebchat29, you can't. You need at least 512MB of RAM16:34
webchat29Is that the minimum16:34
webchat29You can't go below that16:35
kostkonwebchat29, seems so16:35
webchat29Can i test it out16:36
webchat29On a VM16:36
kostkonwebchat29, go ahead, nobody is stopping you I guess16:36
webchat29Should I first start off at 51216:37
tomreynwebchat29: minimum system requirements are documented for all ubuntu variants, you just need to look for them16:38
webchat29Can you also try with me16:38
kostkonwebchat29, 256, then take out 64mb each time16:38
oerhekswebchat29, lolz16:39
jhutchinswebchat29: What are you actually trying to do?16:39
tomreyn<tomreyn> webchat97: what's this hardware?16:41
webchat29Use as very little ram to boot into my server16:42
webchat29Cause I only have 1.5GB16:43
tomreynso slightly more than 4MB16:44
jhutchinswebchat29: Ok, so we are actually talking MB not GB.16:44
webchat29But I want to use less then that16:44
jhutchinswebchat29: What's your actual goal?16:44
i-garrisonwebchat29: what is the host hardware where you run the virtual machine?16:45
webchat29To use very little ram to boot into my server16:45
webchat29I 'M running a VM16:45
i-garrisonwebchat29: you mean you only have a VM i.e. you access that remotely?16:46
webchat29It has 4 GB RAM16:46
i-garrisonok so configure as low as you can provided that low meets ubuntu release requirements and do that16:47
kostkonwebchat29, also, containers, using eg lxd, docker might be a better choice16:47
webchat29Well I have Ubuntu server 22.0416:47
tomreynqemu can actually assign disk-backed RAM to a VM, if you want things to be terribly slow.16:48
webchat29Can i setup16:48
tomreyn(and no, i'm not going to guide)16:48
webchat29So your saying it better to setup a rocker container16:49
webchat29But what's the difference16:49
webchat29Tomreyn how slow are you talking about16:50
tomreynas slow as your disk is compared to RAM, plus virtualization overhead (not much)16:51
leftyfbwebchat29: what will you be running on the VM?16:52
webchat29Should I download qemu on my Windows host16:52
leftyfbwebchat29: ok, hold on. You're running a Windows machine with 2GB of memory AND you want to run a linux server VM on that?16:53
webchat29Just some apps16:53
tomreynwebchat29: just use WSL2 then. but the next thing you'll tell us is that you're using windows 7, right?16:53
webchat29Windows 1016:54
leftyfbwebchat29: you want to run "Just some apps" on a linux server (no GUI) that is running on a Windows macghine with 2GB of memory? I'm pretty sure every Windows release in the last 10 years requires more than 2GB of memory16:55
leftyfblooks like I'm wrong16:55
leftyfblol Windows 10 on 2GB of memory16:55
webchat29It's an android phone running limbo pc emulator which is running Ubuntu that's what I 'M planning on doing16:55
tomreynso that's easy then. hop over to your most favourite windows support channel or forum or website and learn how to install and use wsl2.16:55
* leftyfb sigh16:55
leftyfbwebchat29: no16:56
leftyfbjust no16:56
leftyfbwebchat29: I think we need to leave this as good luck. You're on your own16:57
webchat29You serious so I have to experiment on my own16:57
leftyfbwebchat29: what you're trying to accomplish makes absolutely no sense and I'm not sure why anyone would spend the time setting something like that up. Moreso, this is well beyond the scope of what most people are willing to spend their time to support16:57
webchat29Ok guess I will try and see what I can do16:58
leftyfbwebchat29: though, I'm confused. You said you're running Windows 10. But then you said you're running Ubuntu in a PC emulator on an android phone16:58
leftyfbplease tell me you aren't running Windows 10 in an emulator on an android phone and then want to emulate an ubuntu server on top of that16:59
webchat29That was planning to do that cause I can afford a pc16:59
webchat29I use someone else's pc17:00
tomreynwebchat29: here's something you can try on android https://termux.com/ - it's not going to give you a full and proper ubuntu, but something close enough.17:01
gordonjcpwebchat29: if you want to run some stuff on a server, rent an inexpensive VPS17:02
gordonjcpwebchat29: and connect to it with ssh17:02
webchat29Ok thanks17:03
Arno_1983Hi, anybody here to talk to about a gfx problem (nvidia GT200 / GTX 260 started acting up under nouveau a month or so ago)?17:05
Arno_1983After an update-and-reboot, I started getting weird checkerboard patterns where the window bar, start menu etc. should be. It doesn't happen if I use either nouveau.noaccel=1 or the binary nvidia driver but then I can neither use Rhythmbox nor play some games in WINE. I had hoped for a quick fix via one of the next updates but that didn't happen,17:13
Arno_1983so need to go back to a driver version before that error was introduced.17:13
oerheks,"The Linux 340.* legacy driver series is the last to support the G8x, G9x, and GT2xx GPUs, and motherboard chipsets based on them17:21
oerheksjust make sure you have Xorg session, not wayland17:21
Arno_1983The 340. thing is the nvidia proprietary driver, right? Says so in my "Accessory drivers" tab. If I use that, I don't have the corruption, but it breaks acceleration in WINE.17:25
enigma9o7[m]that sucks17:27
tomreynArno_1983: maybe you can use proton instead, or a windows VM?17:28
Arno_1983Arrgh...I'd rather not...I already tore a lot of my hair out getting that one game (Groschengrab Palladium slot machine emulation) working under WINE.17:29
nunyacustom icons don't show on desktop items. They show in nautilus just not on graphical desktop. Any way to enable my custom icons on desktop?17:36
nunyaanybody here?17:37
lotuspsychje!patience | nunya17:38
ubottununya: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/17:38
nunyajust didn't see anyone chatting17:38
oerheksafter you added those icons, did you logout/login again?17:38
tomreynnunya: since this is likely to be ubuntu version and desktop specific, you should provide such information, too.17:39
Arno_1983OK, could be in my case too, I'm on Ubuntu MATE 20.04.4 (64-bit). Is there some not-too-complicated way to revert to a working version of nouveau?17:42
nunyaoerheks: yes i logged out and even restarted my computer. I've Googled it and it seems stock ubuntu doesn't have this option, not sure why not. Tried having nemo and em-desktop be file manager and desktop manager nemo-desktop does allow custom icons, sorting by name, size, type but makes my games laggy. Trying to stay as close to stock ubuntu 20.04 as possible.17:42
enigma9o7[m]how are you defining these custom icons?  Icon=name or are you putting a full path?  where are the icons themselves?17:42
tomreynArno_1983: purging all *nvidia* packages should do this.17:44
tomreynArno_1983: that's assuming you installed the proprietary drivers using apt.17:45
tomreyn(or ubuntu-drivers)17:45
nunya<enigma9o7[m]>:the icons are in my /home/pictures/icons/ folder. I ridght clicked on desktop items and clicked on icon button, browsed to my icons and chose new icon.17:45
enigma9o7[m]arno: i think the nouveau driver is in the kernel.  so in grub you should be able to go to advanced options and try booting a previous kernel; see if that works.17:46
Arno_1983tomreyn: Looks like a misunderstand to me. nouveau once worked, then after some update, suddenly no more. _Then_ I tried the nvidia driver, which *sort of* works but not for everything.17:47
nunyaenigma9o7[m]:it shows the new icon in properties but not on desktop only in /home/Desktop in nautilus17:47
enigma9o7[m]Well first thing i'd check is the actual desktop file, amke sure it makes sense.  Maybe post it on a pastebin if it doesnt stand out.  (It's in ~.local/share/applications).  You're using gnome, right?  on 20.04?17:48
Arno_1983enigma9o7[m]: That was pretty much the first thing I tried after the disaster, didn't help unfortunately...17:48
nunyatomreyn:ubuntu 20.04 not sure what you mean by desktop specific17:49
enigma9o7[m]he means, icons on the desktop are controlled by the dekstop environment.  i.e. may behave differently in gnome than xfce, for example.17:51
nunyaenigma9o7[m]: ok how can I find that information so that I may provide it?17:52
enigma9o7[m]If you don't know you probably are using standard gnome; a screenshot of your desktop would be enough for many of us to be able to confirm that. But you're probably are.17:54
nunyaenigma9o7[m]:I haven't installed any other desktop environments like cinnamon, xfce, etc17:55
enigma9o7[m]I said something that was wrong ot you earlier nunya.  i said the desktop file is in .local/share/applications but that is wrong, those are for ones in your app drawer.  It should be in ~/Desktop obviously to be on the desktop.17:55
Arno_1983Currently I'm back to using nouveau but entering the nouveau.noaccel=1 option in grub at each boot. I switched the drivers using the corresponding system control app.17:56
enigma9o7[m]nunya: did you right click, "allow launching"?17:57
enigma9o7[m]I just tried myself and thats what made it use my icon....17:57
Arno_1983("Administration" > "Software & Updates" in English localisation)17:57
enigma9o7[m]but it puts an annoyiing northeast arrow on top of it17:57
enigma9o7[m]otherwise it treats it as a text file17:58
nunyaenigma9o7[m]:allow lauching? The applications and files open, just can't change the icon pictures, stuck with generic icons, so it's hard to find what i'm looking for sice there seems to be no way to sort desktop items either.17:59
enigma9o7[m]In my case, for .desktop files pointing to applications, by default they show the text file icon.  when I right click and change it to "allow lauching" then it shows the custom icon I specified18:01
enigma9o7[m](with the northeast arrow on top)18:01
nunyaenigma9o7[m]: Are you talking abot rifgt clicking icon on graphical desktop, properties>permissions>allow executing file as program ?18:03
enigma9o7[m]nunya: thats what happens for me18:06
nunyaenigma9o7[m]: that looks like a shortcut to another file not the actual file.18:08
nunyaenigma9o7[m]: I'm talking about actual files18:09
enigma9o7[m]Correct, it is a desktop file, pointing to an application, with a custom icon specified.18:09
enigma9o7[m]Oh, you put actaul files on your desktop?  That seems like bad place for them.18:09
enigma9o7[m]like actual executable, you put the binary there?18:09
enigma9o7[m]or you mean simlinks?18:09
tomreynArno_1983: in case you wish to persist nouveau.noaccel=1 (why would you?), you can do so by editing /etc/default/grub and adding it to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT string.18:10
nunyaenigma9o7[m]: yes like scripts for timed suspend, suspend now, temporary storage until I figure out their final home.18:12
enigma9o7[m]But maybe thats not what you wanna do, but that would work.18:13
enigma9o7[m]Well, you could put the scripts in their final home (like ~/bin) and create desktop files for them, with custom icons ;)18:13
nunyaenigma9o7[m]:that's not what I want to do.18:13
tomreynnunya: in case you're not yet aware of this: the GNOME project has removed support for displaying and interacting with icons on the desktop. it is re-added in Ubuntu (and, partially, elsewhere) by a gnome-shell-extension which only partially re-stores the behaviour found in earlier GNOME desktop versions.18:13
Arno_1983tomreyn, I'm just using that for now as it works for the daily chores (document reading/writing, thunderbird, basic web surfing) and collects updates for those packages, in the hope that the problem will be resolved. They're disabled and can't even be enabled manually while the proprietary nvidia driver is in use.18:14
enigma9o7[m]maybe not what you want to do, but that would work.18:14
enigma9o7[m]are you familiar with desktop shorcuts?  they're trivial i.e. http://www.enlightenment.org/ss/e-629cf26d7b53e3.73980075.png18:15
enigma9o7[m]and it sounds to me like thats what you're trying to accomplish, desktop shortcuts.18:15
nunyatomreyn: why would they do that in the first place? That screws up having any organization to Desktop. Also, which gnome-shell-extension are you referring to?18:16
enigma9o7[m]which allows you to define custom icons and everything else; the one i used there is minimal but theres other fields for customizing other behavior too18:16
enigma9o7[m]gnome tries to simplify and control everything for you.   Not everyone loves it, which is why other desktops which allow more control and customization exist.18:18
tomreynArno_1983: i'm not sure what exactly is the problem you need to solve to be able to work with these applications (artifacts in 2d acceleration?). you could try using nouveau but without nouveau.noaccel=1 and then instruct MESA/DRI/GALLIUM to not use some or all acceleration features https://docs.mesa3d.org/envvars.html18:18
Arno_1983tomreyn: Sounds like a sensible approach but whew...that's one bunch of options, where do I start? The WINE applications itself show no artifacts, they're in the MATE desktop and 2D apps. But why not find the last working version and lock that so it won't update again?18:25
Arno_1983I could share a screenshot I made if that helps...It's basically that the menu has a checkerboard pattern of "holes" in it where the text is missing and the desktop wallpaper is showing through.18:26
tomreynArno_1983: because missing out on security updates is bad.18:27
Arno_1983not locking out all updates of course, just the offending package(s)!!18:29
tomreynArno_1983: 2D is usually used by your desktop and desktop applications, unless they explicitly use 3D acceleration, such as a compositor could, and web browsers may use for e.g. WebGL and accelerating some rendering tasks. 2D acceleration is done by DRI (3D by Gallium), so focus on those options first.18:31
tomreynholding back updates to some package is, of course, an option, i'm just saying it's not ideal.18:32
Arno_1983OK, thank you so far, I'll give that (excluding DRI acceleration) a try when I can shave off the time. I'd have sent a bug report but I end up on a webpage that "bugs" me to create an account, which I won't do - I've already got rather too many accounts and passwords to remember...18:34
tomreynArno_1983: right, you'd need an ubuntu account to create or add to bug reports. maybe try this, but this may just break thngs more: LIBGL_DRI2_DISABLE=true LIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE=true MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=1.018:38
tomreynthis would need to be set before your graphical desktop starts18:38
tomreynand, yes, a screenshot could help identify the root cause, though i'm really not good at graphics - i hope none of what i told so far is entirely wrong.18:40
Arno_1983afk for a while (dinner)...I saved those variables to try later. Where/how to post/send that screenie to?18:41
tomreynimgur.com for example18:42
acegallaghersoooooooooooooooo. I'm trying to figure out an issue with ubuntu base installation provided by an SBC board maker. root is mounted as an overlayfs. but I need to change the mount options. I can't figure out what script that it's mounted in. how would i track this down or does anyone know where that is?18:55
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions18:57
Arno_1983tomreyn : Copy that, does this work https://imgur.com/a/oMYVwGS ? BBL.18:58
acegallagherI know fstab. but that's not how this is being mounted. i think on init it's in systemd scripts...? but I can't find the script.18:58
acegallagherfstab is empty18:58
oerheksacegallagher, then the SBC board maker should provide some info19:00
acegallagher... wouldn't that be lovely19:00
oerhekswell, how would we know about a custom setup?19:01
oerheksas you provide not much info..19:01
acegallagherI'm giving everything I know. I'm hoping that someone knows about ubuntu base better than I do, as I imagine it's a fairly standard ubuntu base install. but ubuntu documentation on "base" is sparse too19:02
oerheksoverlayroot, part of cloud-initramfs-tools19:08
tomreynArno_1983: hmm, pretty ugly. i've seen this before but not sure how to target it. you can configure the X / 2D driver with what is discussed in    man 4 nouveau    in an xorg.conf (you would need to create one, becasue there should be none). you can also check for other kernel options you can pass during boot (via grub) with    modinfo -p nouveau19:09
tomreynArno_1983: apparently nouveau defaults to DRI2. I assume i t is not DRI3 capable, but you could give that a try (or read up on it first). if hese artifacts do not occur with e.g. glxgears or other 3D applications then this issue seems to be related to 2D acceleration only, and you could try to disable that or part of it.19:12
tomreyni.e. via xorg configuration options mostly.19:12
tomreyncould also inspect    journalctl -b    for nouveau related errors and have mesa log to file as seen on the earlier environment options19:13
tomreynbbl, too19:13
nunyaThe answer to being able to organized graphic desktop icons by name size date type is Desktop Icons: Neo - GNOME Shell Extension I installed it, opened extensions, toggled on Desktop Icons Neo, toggled off Desktop Icons, woohoo an organized desktop that can use my custom icons. Wow that only took half a day of googling and figut=ring out how to install this extension which should have been included in Ubuntu in the first place or19:16
nunyasomething similar!19:16
nunyaon to the next question. Anbody know how to have Hexchat beep only when someone replies to me directly?19:17
oerheksclick on channel, right mouse > extra alerts > beep on,...19:19
nunyaoerheks: unfortunately that beeps every time anyone posts19:21
oerhekschannel msg hilight  in sounds?19:21
oerheksand  you want to set private message too, i guess19:23
nunyaoerheks: please do me a big favor and message directly to me and test19:25
nunyaOnce more please. oops forgot private message settings.19:28
nunyaoerheks:Once more please. oops forgot private message settings.If this works I won't jump every time someone in here gets a message just when I do19:30
nunyaenigma9o7[m]:The answer to being able to organized graphic desktop icons by name size date type is Desktop Icons: Neo - GNOME Shell Extension I installed it, opened extensions, toggled on Desktop Icons Neo, toggled off Desktop Icons, woohoo an organized desktop that can use my custom icons.19:34
nunyaGoing to go catch some waves! Have a good day/night everyone!19:35
=== cheradenine is now known as f96
flingaI've actually got Xubuntu 18.04 (which still recieves updates) on a 32-bits computer. I installed flatpack and added the flathub repository and updated the package list20:05
flingabut I can't install wesnoth which is supposed to be on flathub, it says there is no such package, and when I list all available packages with flathub remote-ls flathub, there is mainly a bunch of nvidia packages, and i386, nothing more20:05
flingaany ideas as of why? is it simply because of my 32 bit system?20:06
Maikflinga: Xubuntu 18.04 isn't officially supported anymore since last year April20:07
flingayes, I saw that today20:08
Maikso basically we can't provide any support for it20:08
flingaI see, I just thought if someone could have a clue. but it's alright, of course, then.20:10
enigma9o7[m]Isn't wesnoth already in repo?21:09
jhutchins!info wesnoth21:09
ubottuwesnoth (1:1.16.2-2, jammy): fantasy turn-based strategy game - complete suite (metapackage). In component universe, is extra. Built by wesnoth-1.16. Size 2 kB / 6 kB21:09
enigma9o7[m]even for bionic 32-bit its there too....21:09
jhutchinsflinga: You really want to avoid snaps, especially on an older system like that.21:11
enigma9o7[m]i dont play it myself, perhaps there's an important reason to be on the very latest version21:19
flingaenigma9o7[m]: yes, but it's 1.12 in the bionic repo, which the multiplayer server doesn't accept, so I can't use that for multiplayer games. :) (if I ask my friends to install the old version too, though, maybe then they could connect directly to a game I host locally, for instance, I will look into that.)21:31
flingajhutchins: thank you. : ) I guess flatpaks and snaps are basically the same concept?21:31
flingaenigma9o7[m]: so yes, that is the reason21:31
enigma9o7[m]Good reason.21:31
flinga: )21:32
enigma9o7[m]What versoin is minimum for multiplayer server?21:32
flingaI remember it as being relatively high, maybe either 1.15 or even 1.16 (there is also like a development version, 1.17)21:33
enigma9o7[m]Im actually trying 1.14 right now on debian stable out of curiosity.. it has multiplayer in the menu, including join official server21:34
enigma9o7[m]not that that helps you21:34
flingayeah. :) I do have those buttons, but get an error when trying to actually join. one also needs an account, but maybe that error message comes first, if you want to try clicking it without any username, maybe?21:35
flingathe game is quite good, btw, I can recommend it. :)21:35
enigma9o7[m]I'd have to create a forum username to test it.21:36
flingaah, it doesn't protest before that, then. :) nvm21:37
enigma9o7[m]You can download a source tarball and try to build it, if you're up for a challenge.21:38
flingaI did! :) I got another mysterious error there, it couldn't find libsdl, it wants SDL2 2.0.8 or above, and afaik I have libsdl 2.0.8, so.. it seemed right to me. another thing to possibly look more into21:40
enigma9o7[m]You need the -dev pacakge most likely.21:41
flingaaha! thank you! : )21:42
flingawill look into that21:42
enigma9o7[m]anything it says you dont have, install the dev pacakge for, then it should build21:42
flingathat sounds really good! thank you for the good advice21:43
flingaI do need to log off now, have a good day!21:44
leftyfbjhutchins: snaps are not more resource-intensive. They only take longer to start up initially on a fresh boot/install22:13
pycurioushow do i install a particular version of nodejs on ubuntu 20.04?22:59
leftyfbpycurious: sudo apt install nodejs=<version>23:00
tomreynunless it's the version available in ubuntu: you find a third party providing packages which are compatible to your ubuntu release, and provide the target version.23:00
pycuriousleftyfb: E: Version '16.14.0' for 'nodejs' was not found23:03
pycuriousI'm on 20.04LTS23:04
leftyfb!latest | pycurious23:04
ubottupycurious: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.23:04
leftyfbpycurious: 16.15.1 is available as a snap23:06
pycuriousI'm looking for 16.14.0 actually23:06
leftyfbpycurious: good luck23:07
tomreynpycurious: these are basically the same questions you ask here every two or four weeks, and the same answers. how could we help you actually learn from these experiences, since this would be even better?23:08
tomreynpersonally, when i notice i keep re-learning things more than once (i probably don't always notice), i take notes so i won't need to ask the same question again. and this actually helps me learn it, too.23:10
pycurioustomreyn: thanks23:10
tomreynyou're welcome, pycurious23:12
jhutchinstomreyn: Now you just need to remember that you took those notes, and where.23:55
tomreynjhutchins: right, but fortunately this is around the amount of things i can remember.23:58

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