
mackstinger, I need to pick one or the other of these...00:16
mackstingAnd I don't know what to tell ya, they're in /usr/share/applications, and they have identical names there. Which seems impossible!00:17
tomreynmacksting: they may have very similarily looking file names, but they won't be identifcal. maybe if you run    ls -lb /usr/share/applications/whateveritstartswith*    it will solve the miracle.00:20
mackstingWell! They have different filenames, just the same display name. Or whatever you wanna call it.00:20
tomreyn*that* is possible indeed00:21
tomreynso have a look at both, and edit the display name for the one that points to the target that you want to be displayed differently.00:22
mackstingUnfortunately, this being /usr/ yadda yadda, I don't have permissions to faff about with it. How likely is it that I could accidentally break something I don't want broken by attempting to change it?00:22
tomreynwhenever you touch things which are actually meant to be managed by a package manager - relevantly high.00:23
tomreyndpkg -S /path/to/somefile    tells you whether it's part of a debian package00:24
mackstingI feel like I should be able to remember with more clarity how I installed these.00:26
mackstingAnyway yeah it seems to be part of the package gearhead2-sdl, which is no surprise to me.00:28
mackstingWell, if it's an actual error on the package level, I need to bring it to the dev's attention.00:31
mackstingSounds like there's no *immediate* fix without breaking something small within the package?00:34
tomreynprobably. you could patch the package and install your patched version, but that's not sooo easy00:49
tomreynit seems like you only checked on one of the two files, though, are both part of this package?00:49
mackstingDifferent packages, same dev.02:16
mackstingAnd I did actually check both.02:16
mackstingoh jeez, apparently he's not the one who uploaded those packages.04:34

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