
tomreynHehe, well, it's hard to bypass the network, CLI still works fine.00:00
AnimortisIt's OK if no one's got an answer, I guess. I kinda painted myself into a corner building this install manually.00:00
AnimortisBut I was hoping someone had an idea00:01
leftyfbAnimortis: define "manually"00:01
tomreynand while you're at it, define "building", too00:01
MinusSevenI generally just use binary for everything, it seems to work00:02
AnimortisCan I post a youtube link to a video I made about the process? :D00:02
leftyfbMinusSeven: quick tip: don't use ftp00:02
MinusSeveni don't anymore00:02
leftyfbAnimortis: maybe just a quick synopsis00:02
AnimortisI used debootstrap to install00:02
leftyfbAnimortis: why?00:03
AnimortisCustomization benefits. Easier. Wanted to.00:03
leftyfbsounds easier00:03
leftyfbgood luck00:03
AnimortisIt doesn't usually give me problems on other Linuxes, but Ubuntu doesn't work with NetworkManager after00:03
AnimortisIt's easier for customization, I guess00:03
sarnoldyes it sounds very easy :)00:04
tomreynAnimortis: did you install one of the meta packages, ubuntu-server or -desktop?00:04
leftyfbtomreyn: that would undo all of their customizations00:04
tomreynif customization is just about which packages are installed, then i guess i can still support a debootstrap installation.00:05
tomreynbut, yes, we don't know00:05
AnimortisYeah basically. ubuntu-desktop would just pour on a ton of added apps.00:07
AnimortisLike by default, I can run Ubuntu with snaps.00:07
tomreynAnimortis: what kind of customizations are we talking about? and did you make customizations that could have affected systemd, network manager, flatpaks?00:07
Animortiswithout snaps*00:07
leftyfbthe horror00:07
AnimortisI'd need to replace them with flatpaks, probably, but they don't get internet00:08
AnimortisSystemd seems OK. I manually installed NetworkManager because it isn't included by default when you put in the kernel, but it just won't symlink...00:08
AnimortisFedora, Debian, Suse have no issue. I almost wonder if it's coertion to use snaps.00:09
AnimortisSo I was hoping there might be an Ubuntu expert with an idea? :X00:09
tomreynit's basically impossible to support yo if we don't know what kind of frankenbuntu you have built there00:10
AnimortisThat's fair00:10
AnimortisThough I am using default repos for everything00:10
murmelespecially since nm is not necessary for flatpaks00:10
AnimortisHmm. Yeah that was just a theory.00:11
leftyfbdefault repo's for everything, except the apps/services that are flatpak00:12
enigma9o7[m]I made a minimal ubuntu, but I did it the other way... install ubuntu server iso, remove a few extra packages, then install just what you want.  At least then things just work automatic.   And working system with 850 packages.00:12
AnimortisYeah. Like there's a vanilla-gnome-desktop metapackage but it has stuff like transmission, libreoffice....gnome-maps... Lots of junk...00:14
* enigma9o7[m] uploaded an image: (433KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/BRUrPNfzetSBDcXhjETltRpk/Screenshot%20from%202022-06-06%2017-14-06.png >00:14
AnimortisI mean, I'm doing all this on a gnome desktop with 3d acceleration00:15
AnimortisI just can't get NetworkManager00:15
leftyfbAnimortis: you know none of those take any resouces unless you run them right? Maybe a few hundred MB00:15
enigma9o7[m]I assume you trierd just installing nm-tray?00:17
AnimortisJust reinstalled. Nada.00:18
leftyfbenigma9o7[m]: (not that you'll see this, but) nm-tray is not installed on ubuntu by default00:18
leftyfb!info nm-tray | enigma9o7[m] nm-tray is not installed by default00:18
ubottuenigma9o7[m] nm-tray is not installed by default: nm-tray (0.4.3-2ubuntu1, jammy): Simple Network Manager frontend written in Qt. In component universe, is optional. Built by nm-tray. Size 89 kB / 370 kB00:18
AnimortisHmm. Interesting.00:19
enigma9o7[m]If its optional, gnome probably has something built in now.00:19
enigma9o7[m]So if you're using gnome, remove nm-tray.00:19
trafficjamIf I've checked out an older commit, how do I make that the "master" version?00:20
leftyfbtrafficjam: I think you want #git00:20
enigma9o7[m]git is complicated00:20
AnimortisYou know what's kinda shocking, ubuntu-desktop-gnome has less crap in it than vanilla-gnome-desktop00:21
tomreynnetwork-manager-gnome is (and i think always was?) what provides the NM GUI on Gnome.00:21
AnimortisI feel like that used to be the other way around.00:21
leftyfbAnimortis: lets stay on topic00:21
AnimortisI am I'm gonna try it and see if it works00:21
WaVleftyfb: Not sure if you remember our conversation, but FYI, connection hasn't dropped since setting the static with network manager, and the activity icon is showing activity as expected.00:22
leftyfbWaV: try DHCP now00:22
AnimortisNevermind, it's full of junk after all. Crap.00:22
AnimortisAnd didn't fix NetworkManager.00:22
AnimortisGuess it's just dhcpcd5 for now00:24
WaVleftyfb: Well I originally stuck with DHCP when I installed, but it was randomly deactivating the ethernet for whatever reason. I would have to go in the gui every so often and move the slider over to "enabled".00:25
WaVI can paste a snippet of what the journal says when this happens.00:26
WaVLet me search back00:26
leftyfbWaV: right, I'm suggesting putting it back to DHCP and see if you run into the issue again and if you do, to come here so we can help you troubleshoot00:26
leftyfbWaV: please don't post logs from before you completely upended your networking stack. They won't do us any good00:26
WaVleftyfb: the log is from a fresh install (using dhcp). still no good?00:27
WaVleftyfb: I installed the 20th and the log is from the 25th00:28
leftyfbWaV: even more reason not to, unless you want to re-install from scratch so you can get back to the same state as what the logs show00:28
leftyfbWaV: lets only troubleshoot from the state you're in now, not one you're unlikely to get back to00:29
WaVleftyfb: DHCP set.00:29
AnimortisCheers and ty00:33
xrandrHello, i am trying to ssh to another server, but it keeps telling me it is unable to negotiate - no matching key type found.01:06
xrandrHow can I resolve this?01:06
sarnoldxrandr: there's some hints on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/1961833 for how to debug cryptographic algorithm mismatches01:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1961833 in openssh (Ubuntu) "openssh 8.8 breaks login to Canonical servers" [Undecided, Won't Fix]01:17
transhumanistwhat package provides fallocate?01:28
transhumanistseems mine is broken01:28
transhumanistthey really have to eliminate i (eye) and L (EL) switches or do something about the fonts in the terminal01:33
sarnoldtranshumanist: poke through https://www.programmingfonts.org/ or any of the dozen other similar tools to find something you like more?01:39
jhutchinsIs there a way to verify what the actual filesystem on a device is?  Not just the label assigned by the partition table, but the actual filesystem.02:29
leftyfb jhutchins maybe /proc/partitions but I'm not sure if that is also pulled from the partition table. Though honestly, why would you have a partition table that doesn't match what the filesystem is?02:34
leftyfbjhutchins: sudo file -sL /dev/sda102:36
jhutchinsleftyfb: Says it's a boot sector.  It has 117G of data on it that mounts as exfat.02:37
leftyfbjhutchins: got exfatprogs installed?02:39
leftyfboh, I guess if you mounted it02:39
leftyfbnot sure02:39
jhutchinsleftyfb: Suggestions from exfatprogs?  The devices aren't mounted.02:40
jhutchinsI'm pretty sure what I have is an exfat trying to write to a vfat, and one of the files is too big for vfat -- after four hours of work.03:00
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RakkoWhat are some reasons that /var/log/apt/history.log and /var/log/apt/term.log would be empty (size 0)? All the .gz files in that directory have content, and I have installed packages since history.log.1.gz and term.log.1.gz were modified.04:03
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RakkoMaybe I'm wrong. I found the group of packages I was looking for in history.log.1.gz; apparently it was longer ago than I thought.04:18
morganuCan you help me instaling signal?  https://www.signal.org/download/linux/   --- I did but in the terminal some things said packages not found. When I tried to run the keyring .. there was a problem.. file has some invalid chats.. it isnt an alpha file at all. Confusion rains down.04:24
morganufgdit gave me that erro message.04:24
enigma9o7[m]that looks fairly straightforward.04:25
enigma9o7[m]other than you're likely not using xenial04:25
enigma9o7[m]but maybe works as is04:26
morganuThere aer only the same instructions under troubleshoting - near the end of this page.  https://support.signal.org/hc/en-us/articles/360007211952-Troubleshooting-Installs-or-Updates04:27
enigma9o7[m]If you want help here you'll have to share a paste of your own results.04:28
morganure signal install:  this line confused me. Some users will need to unset /tmp as noexec.04:28
enigma9o7[m]there's 4 lines you gotta copy and paste into terminal one at a time, if any one of them fails dont go on to the next one, instead share results here.04:30
enigma9o7[m]From that first link you provided.04:30
DanielHi, I have an ubuntu 20.04 installed on a disk, which was restored - bare metal, partitions are fine and cand be mounted using live cd, but the system doesn't boot, I am trying grub-install /dev/sda using a live cd and I get: grub-install failed to get canonical path 'none' how can I resolve this05:51
TechMonkDaniel: Did you mount the installed root and then chrooted into it?05:52
DanielTechMonk: I missed it, let me try now, system is booting again on live cd05:52
TechMonkDaniel: did you also mount your /proc /dev /sys in your mount before chrooting?05:53
DanielTechMonk: done that now, but when I grub-install now I get: grub-install failed to get canonical path '/dev/sda2' - I have /dev/sda1 swap, /dev/sda2 boot and /dev/sda3 /06:04
DanielI mounted them on chroot06:04
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Danielsorry, missed some mounts, works now, fixed it, thanks06:20
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* wanwan what's niggga07:18
* wanwan i mean how are ya all07:18
* wanwan hey yah all [ 0day (xc) Our ] Team Lead here , any question you wanna ask just ask07:22
wanwanhow is that even after kernel mouse driver is loaded07:24
wanwanin dmesg07:24
wanwanif it is detected is not wrong ubuntu ?07:24
wanwanis that kernel problem07:24
wanwanor they are retarded ?07:24
wanwanthey already put in group07:24
ttkapthat was fast...07:26
ducasseand confusing08:02
ossethats's what she said08:07
MadLambI want to connec to an Azure Point to Site VPN from my ubuntu. In the VPN settings only P2P is supported. Is there a UI friendly tool to help manage that? What would be the easiest way?08:38
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technoheadHi, anyone has setup Bind with chroot jail? Any decent guide which you can recommend me?10:54
lotuspsychje!crosspost | technohead10:56
ubottutechnohead: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.10:56
technoheadok sorry10:57
heftig-weechatare there any explicit mirrors of ddebs.ubuntu.com?11:11
heftig-weechatcurrently running into the problem that the focal-updates repo is broken and I wanted to try another mirror11:12
heftig-weechatrepo just got fixed, never mind11:29
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BluesKajHi all12:13
rockosockoThere are no plans to remove PPAs are there? Because I find them to be more useful than snaps or flatpaks for ubuntu packages.12:26
ducasserockosocko: i doubt it. ubuntu devs use them for testing as well12:28
rockosockoThank goodness.12:29
ducassei don't think deb packages are going away quite yet, and then neither will ppas12:30
ducasseeven if they shut down ppa.launchpad.net they can be hosted elsewhere12:30
ducassethere's no real way to prevent users adding repositories12:31
ducasseso i think you can sleep well at night, rockosocko :)12:32
rockosockoThanks ducasse. :D12:32
rockosockoAlso. When should I be using ubuntu 22.04 rather than 20.04 or even 18.04?12:33
rockosockoGood lord, 14.04 has extended support till mid 2024.12:34
ThinkT510paid though12:35
rockosockoIs 18.04 paid only?12:35
ThinkT510from april 2023 it will be paid only12:36
oerhekswho wants such old version, you must have a reason to do so..12:37
rockosockoI know there's a bug with flatpak addons in GNOME store displaying twice for each addon. Will Ubuntu 22.04.1 fix that bug if such a fix is made available upstream?12:38
oerheksrockosocko, no, as we do not support flatpak standard we do snaps12:39
rockosockoWait. You mean the gnome store in regular ubuntu has no support for flatpak?12:39
oerheksyou can install flatpak, but why?12:39
rockosockoI'm fine with snaps and ppa only.12:40
ducasseubuntu kind of encourages the use of snaps over flatpak or appinmage, but use what makes you happy12:41
rockosockoI honestly prefer ppa because then I can just upload it on my own time rather than wait for review process of a snap package. But that's just me.12:42
oerheksjust make sure you trust the owner of the application. snap, flatpak or something else12:42
Guest75hm, is it a bug or a feature that when I activate the ufw firewall, that my lxd containers can't get any ipv4 address anymore? :)13:03
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almostdvshow do they normally get ip address?13:09
Guest75no idea, I mean I just use the default config13:10
Guest75which means i guess dnsmasq? on local machine13:11
Guest40is it possible to set a file to not be able to run by owner and group, only by others?13:12
almostdvssounds like you need to allow dhcp traffic Guest7513:12
Guest75almostdvs how would I do that? I mean i just tried 'sudo ufw enable' and containers get no ip13:13
almostdvscreate exceptions to allow it13:14
Guest75and how would I do it? no idea about ufw13:15
leftyfbGuest75: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/issues/6431#issuecomment-55216578413:15
ubottuIssue 6431 in lxc/lxd "Container fails to recieve IPv4 address through DHCP" [Closed]13:15
Guest75thanks leftyfb13:15
Guest75leftyfb welp, didn't help :/13:18
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noobarooI have an older Ubuntu PC with no internet that I don't use very often, I'm trying to obtain the kernel source code13:51
noobarooI would like to download the source package and ideally even compile it on my current PC I'm speaking from. But I am running Arch Linux on this box, I can't use apt-src13:52
leftyfbnoobaroo: why do you need to compile a kernel? Also, what version of ubuntu are you running?13:53
noobarooDoes anyone have the URL in which I can obtain the Ubuntu patched kernel source code?13:53
noobarooFor feature selection mostly13:53
oerheksuse git? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/QuickBuildLocal13:54
leftyfbnoobaroo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/SourceCode  first result on google for "ubuntu download kernel source"13:54
noobarooUnfortunately my internet would take about 10 hours downloading from Git, it's not compressed13:54
oerheksnot sure how you want to build ubuntu kernel on arch..13:54
noobarooCompared to 1 hour downloading the compressed tarball or deb13:54
noobarooI already tried using Git13:55
oerheksand you would need the build-essential packages..13:55
leftyfbnoobaroo: share internet from your arch machine to your ubuntu machine13:55
noobarooIf you don't know the URL that I can find Ubuntu patched source tree in compressed src pkg or tarball form, don't bother replying13:56
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html13:58
leftyfbjhutchins: they refuse to connect the box to the internet13:58
jhutchinsThere can be good reasons for that.13:58
oerheksslow internet is still internet13:58
leftyfbthey also refuse to download it from git13:59
noobarooI think sharing connections without a GUI (and often even with, depending on if the adapter supports PC to PC connections natively or not) is way more complicated than hitting enter on an url13:59
jhutchinsEspecially for an older system.13:59
leftyfbnoobaroo: nope, 2 iptables lines13:59
noobarooI'm well aware of what I need to build, and I'm not running Ubuntu on this machine so can't use apt-src13:59
leftyfbsorry, 313:59
noobarooIs there a different chat I can use?14:00
jhutchinsMight not even need a crossover cable these days.14:00
jhutchinsGetting the code should be a web task, then sneakernet to the target system.14:00
noobarooIDK, it's a pretty old PC.14:01
noobarooI'd rather just paste a link in my web browser tbh14:01
noobarooAlso even if I could get internet running on the PC, I would most likely download with apt-src, then transfer back to my main machine, compile with all 12 threads, then transfer back to the old machine14:02
leftyfbnoobaroo: type this into google: ubuntu download 5.13.0-41-generic "source"14:02
noobarooI was hoping for 5.4.0-116.13014:03
jhutchinsnoobaroo: You can't figure that out?14:05
murmelI wonder if you are the person also on reddit, spamming all over where to get 5.4?14:05
* noobaroo looks up to see a lightbulb hovering above and smiles14:05
noobarooI just had an idea, I think pkgs.org would have the src deb available14:05
noobarooThanks to the people that genuinely tried to help!14:06
TrippyJHow did I miss that14:09
TrippyJWhat an inspiring username. I'm changing my country of origin on official documents to Planet N00baroo from now on.14:10
Ntemisi lost minimize close icons after upgrade to jammy14:24
Ntemisany help?14:24
jhutchinsNtemis: I know it's pretty stupid, but reboot.14:27
=== Baloo_ is now known as BalooRJ
Some_PersonSo, apparently ubuntu 22.04 has pipenv 11.9.0, which is unusable becaus it is incompatible with python 3.10. There are bugs filed for this in both debian and ubuntu. What would be the cleanest way to deal with this situation for now?17:15
oerheks3.10 is still in proposed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jammy/+package/python3 , and i see no newer pipenv (proposed) here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jammy/+package/pipenv17:19
oerheksso, wait for it?17:19
Some_Personoerheks: Um... no? python 3.10 is the default python in 22.0417:21
leftyfbwas just about to mention that17:21
oerheksoh, oke17:21
leftyfband pipenv is in universe17:22
leftyfbso, community maintained17:22
=== caio is now known as crv
oerheks newest one being: pipenv==2022.4.21, but i do not want to suggest; pip install pipenv17:32
jhutchinsleftyfb: Isn't everything community maintained?18:15
Guest4443hi what lib is missing here? https://ideone.com/R7IHEx18:30
Guest4443sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9  and sudo apt-get upgrade libstdc++6 ?18:30
BugiesGuest4443, it is old ubuntu release t think18:34
Guest4443so i need to run the 2 commands above to get that old libstdc++ ?18:35
sarnoldeither recompile your software or upgrade your distro18:36
sarnoldI guess you could also install a newer distro in lxd or libvirt18:36
oerhekswhy gcc 4.9 ?18:37
Guest4443the binary i downloaded18:37
Guest4443needs has that error18:37
Guest4443i run docker with ubuntu 2018:37
oerheksinteresting, what binairy?18:37
leftyfbGuest4443: ( cat /etc/os-release ; apt list --installed |grep gcc ) | nc termbin.com 999918:37
Guest4443oerheks this one: https://github.com/tensorflow/decision-forests/releases/tag/serving-0.2.618:38
BugiesGuest4443, you can try to find an older version of tensorflow_model_server18:46
Guest4443Bugies why older one? i need the newest one :)18:50
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BugiesGuest4443, strings /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 |grep GLIBC_18:58
BugiesGuest4443, to check what version of the library you have18:58
Guest4443can i run RUN ( cat /etc/os-release ; apt list --installed |grep gcc ) | nc termbin.com 9999 in docker build?18:59
oerheksif your docker has networking yes.19:07
Guest4443Bugies output from: ( cat /etc/os-release ; apt list --installed |grep gcc ) | nc termbin.com 9999     https://termbin.com/0qp419:10
Guest4443i did: RUN apt-get upgrade -y libstdc++6 ... RUN apt-get dist-upgrade ... but still the error is here:  https://ideone.com/R7IHEx19:12
BugiesGuest4443, GLIBCXX_3.4.30 is on ubuntu 22.0419:13
oerhekslibstdc++6 is part of gcc10 ?19:13
sarnolduse something newer than focal; focal is on libc6 2.3119:13
Guest4443apt-get install gcc10  ?19:13
sarnoldalternatively, recompile your software on focal19:13
Guest4443that might take very long19:14
sarnoldtry running it in jammy then19:15
Guest4443i have a docker container19:16
ubottuUbuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) is the 36th release of Ubuntu and the current !LTS release – Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-notes :: Further schedule at https://ubottu.com/y/jj19:19
jhutchinsThat should have dates on it.19:20
Guest4443can you tell me why that can work with ubuntu 22.04?19:20
sarnoldGuest4443: because the glibc in jammy is version 2.35, which came after 2.33: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc19:21
Guest4443i still get error:19:21
Guest4443./tensorflow_model_server: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.33' not found (required by ./tensorflow_model_server)19:21
Guest4443./tensorflow_model_server: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by ./tensorflow_model_server)19:21
Guest4443./tensorflow_model_server: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.30' not found (required by ./tensorflow_model_server)19:21
Guest4443i need the so?19:21
Guest4443will i still need to install apt-get upgrade -y libstdc++6 ?19:22
Guest4443it seems currently i have: g++ (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.019:22
Guest4443gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.019:22
Guest4443it seems the library fails with newest ubuntu: The command '/bin/sh -c pip3 install tensorflow_decision_forests -U' returned a non-zero code: 119:24
sarnoldGuest4443: do not try to upgrade your C library. use a newer ubuntu for your binary, or recompile your software on focal.19:24
Guest4443i run:19:24
Guest4443RUN pip3 install tensorflow_decision_forests -U19:24
Guest4443and get19:24
Guest4443The command '/bin/sh -c pip3 install tensorflow_decision_forests -U' returned a non-zero code: 119:24
Guest4443that worked on ubuntu 20 before19:24
Guest4443the error:19:25
Guest4443Step 16/24 : RUN pip3 install tensorflow_decision_forests -U19:25
Guest4443 ---> Running in 7e7c552eda9019:25
Guest4443Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable19:25
Guest4443ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow_decision_forests (from versions: none)19:25
Guest4443sarnold is there another way?19:29
Guest4443with ubuntu 20?19:29
BugiesGuest4443, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/glibc19:36
sarnoldyou're going to be in a world of hurt if you upgrade your C library. do not do that.19:37
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jhutchinsIsn't this what containers were made for?19:50
jhutchinsPre-containers, we'd use a chroot or multi-boot.19:51
Guest4443Bugies E: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-toolchain-r/glibc/ubuntu focal Release' does not have a Release file.19:51
sarnoldjhutchins: docker's already invovled and as far as I can tell not actually making anything easier, heh19:52
oerheksindeed,. focal is not on that ppa19:54
plaidpantheris this where i get linux mint help?19:55
oerheksplaidpanther, read the topic; no19:56
oerheksthey have their own channel here on Libera19:56
plaidpantherthey did19:56
arraybolt3[m]plaidpanther: Try #linuxmint-help19:56
Jeremy31Mint help is on Spotchat19:58
oerheksJeremy31, +1 all dev ops are there, both of them19:59
BugiesGuest4443, it is not tested by me sorry :\20:00
Guest4443ok the server really works with ubuntu 22.0420:00
Guest4443i need to compile the python lib by source20:01
Guest4443instead pip install20:01
Guest4443maybe that works20:01
Guest4443as readme here: https://www.tensorflow.org/decision_forests/installation20:01
Guest4443damm it also does: /tools/start_compile_docker.sh20:01
jhutchinsOdd, I always thought Mint was pretty user friendly, what with all their documentation.  Strange that they'd choose some elite network for support.20:20
jhutchins'course, nothing stops you from creating your own libera channel.20:22
xrandrThis is true20:25
=== sonOfRa_ is now known as sonOfRa
HashHow come there is no zenmap in ubuntu anymore21:28
HashOn some sites they suggest to grab the python 2.2.24-gtk and zenmap packages from archive.buntu and get install manually21:29
matsamanHash: because Debian dropped it, and Ubuntu gets most of what it is from Debian21:31
HashOh really21:32
HashHow do you feel about this?21:33
geniiHash: It was considered unmaintained, and because no Python 3 port was made, it was dropped21:34
matsamanHash: I guess it was folded into nmap upstream21:34
matsamanmmm, ain't much worth sticking with python2 for21:35
HashNo ha21:35
HashI mean how do you feel about the link I pasted :)21:35
HashWould it be okay to grab from archive.ubuntu and install manually pygthon 2.2.24gtk and zenmap?21:35
matsamanHash: seems unproblematic21:35
matsamanas long as you're using trusted mirrors for packages, and using your package manager to install them21:36
matsamanshouldn't cause too much trouble if it does21:36
matsamanand apt21:36
HashI don't suppose DNS ass hattery could happen21:36
HashBut it might21:36
HashBut not likely.21:36
matsaman=P I mean you could check sigs if you wanted21:36
Guest4486hi is tensorflow available for ubuntu 22.04?21:37
jhutchinsHash: Might be more productive in the long term to figure out whatever is replacing it and learn that.21:38
HashI know the cli tool21:38
HashBut my class requires me to use zenmap and take some stupid screenshots of some topology21:39
HashI could spin up a older ubuntu vm, np21:39
Hashbridged networking and should be able to get my scholl work done21:39
HashWhich version I wonder last had zenmap. 18 or 20?21:40
Hashdoes the irc bot do package search?21:40
jhutchins,v zenmap21:40
jhutchinsHm, that's #debian, sorry.21:40
Hashi can use site21:40
oerheksuse !info and !find, in ubottu PM21:40
Hashsomeone should = or @ that bot21:41
jhutchinsIt's on Stretch & Buster.21:41
Hashso it is easily accessible to people on top of nicklist :D21:41
Hash(voice or @ the bot)21:41
Hashit's in bionic21:43
Hashwhat's the lightest weight smallest desktop ubutnu iso of bionic?21:43
Hashxfce? lxde?21:43
Hashi see something called lxqt. is lubuntu part of your official things or is unofficial enthusiast stufF?21:45
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours21:45
Hashawesome thanks21:46
tomreynbut flavors have different support lifecycles21:46
tomreynand lubuntu switched to lxqt21:46
HashI just need it to do homework, gonan grab an older one bionic and get zenmap21:46
oerheksoh right, xubuntu 3 years ?21:46
Hashi don't want toi nstall older packages on my work machien21:46
oerheksthen use the regular gnome.21:47
Hashi just brand new installed 22 on my desktop21:47
HashNah I use kubuntu base + Xmonad21:47
HashI don't use ubuntu or ghome or gtk21:47
Hashanyway, thanks man21:47
tomreynor tell your pfos they're crazy for forcing you through an nmap gui and provide the same results from CLI21:47
HashI know right!21:47
HashHunh. A might be wrong21:49
HashMy course requiement doesn't actually say zenmap anywhere. It was some dude on reddit. OMG21:49
HashInclude screenshots as evidence of running Nmap.21:50
HashFor this task, you will use the virtual world at the “Performance Assessment Lab” web link and access the files and lab environment necessary to run both Nmap and Wireshark on the network associated with this task.21:50
HashOPhjhhh right21:50
Hashcuz I was wondering, where am I suppose dto magically find a vuln. netowrk. anyway. Ig ues I dont' need zenmap. Oh this keyboard sucks21:51
Hashblue keys are weird man. They are harder to push. Browns are better. anyway21:51
tomreynif you don't have more ubuntu support questions, please move it to a different channel21:51
HashThank you21:51
goddardDoes the Linux version of LUKS able to be decrypted like the windows version?22:12
goddardreference - https://blog.elcomsoft.com/2020/08/breaking-luks-encryption/22:13
oerheksto be decrypted like the windows version?22:14
oerhekswith that password cracking or better, guessing tool?22:14
goddardseems like LUKS isn't a great solution?22:14
oerheksthat tool can take days/months/years22:15
goddardi see22:15
oerheksas sha-1 is no longer used... since 201222:17
goddardi see22:17
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
Boomer4582Friends, I accidentally deleted initrd.img and vmlinuz. I am using Ubuntu 22.04 with encryption. How on earth do I restore them please?23:29
Boomer4582It's so important because I have crypto in my disks :(23:29
Boomer4582Can someone help? I will literally pay you23:30
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: Oh dear, that sounds really bad. DO NOT POWR DOWN YOUR COMPUTER.23:30
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: Since encryption is involved, it is critical that you back up EVERYTHING before doing anything, or you could potentially lose all your data.23:30
Boomer4582I have powered it down already. Can not boot up.23:30
Boomer4582I have backed up my data using a live CD now23:30
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: Well... crud. Boot from a live USB, and see if you can mount the drive still.23:31
arraybolt3[m]OK, so you did back up?23:31
Boomer4582I have booted up using a live USB with Ubuntu on it, which partition do I mount and how?23:31
Boomer4582I got /dev/sda1 and sda2 and sda323:31
Boomer4582sda3 is the 500gb one with my files and stuff23:31
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: You're using Ubuntu, not a flavour, right? If so, you should be able to see an encrypted disk in the panel on the left site.23:31
Boomer4582Ubuntu 22.04 LTS23:32
Boomer4582yes, I have clicked on it, typed the password and it is now decrypted and I can access the files23:32
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: Good. Panic averted.23:32
Boomer4582Now what PLEASE?23:32
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: OK, do you have Internet access?23:33
Boomer4582I will send you some money via Litecoin or Ethereum if you manage to help me23:33
Bashing-omBoomer4582: I would expect there to be more than one kernel installed - tried booting alternates from grub and from ther re-install the latest kernel ?23:33
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: OK, so now open a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T.23:33
Boomer4582Yes, two kernels but it won't boot up using other kernels because I have deleted the files of other kernels too (by mistake)23:33
Boomer4582ok I am in there arraybolt23:33
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: Now, type "cd /media/ubuntu", and tell me if it works.23:34
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: If that command works, run "ls".23:34
Boomer4582yes, it shows some numbers 127138713xhjdf23:34
Boomer4582something like that23:34
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: You should see a very weird looking number appear when you do that. Double-click on it, then press Ctrl+Shift+C.23:34
Boomer4582it's the decrypted files I suppose23:35
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: Now type "cd " (the space is important), and then hit Ctrl+Shift+V. Then hit Enter.23:35
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: Next, run the following command sequence:23:35
arraybolt3[m]sudo mount --bind /proc ./proc23:35
arraybolt3[m]sudo mount --bind /dev ./dev23:35
arraybolt3[m]sudo mount --bind /sys ./sys23:35
arraybolt3[m]sudo mount --bind /dev/pts ./dev/pts23:35
arraybolt3[m]sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf ./etc/resolv.conf23:36
arraybolt3[m]This will allow you to enter the encrypted system and run command within it.23:36
arraybolt3[m]It will also give you Internet access within the encrypted system.23:36
Boomer4582let me do that.23:36
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: Once that's done, run "sudo chroot ." (the period is important)23:37
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: If any command gives an error, double-check for typos and try again.23:38
Boomer4582I did almost all of the above bar the last command23:39
Boomer4582no errors23:39
Boomer4582do I just type sudo chroot23:39
arraybolt3[m]No, "sudo chroot ."23:39
arraybolt3[m]The period is part of the command.23:39
Boomer4582it says chroot : missing operand23:39
Boomer4582ah one sec23:39
arraybolt3[m]OK, now let me see what packages to install...23:39
tomreynsudo chroot . /bin/bash23:40
Boomer4582one sec23:40
Boomer4582can I attach photos?23:40
arraybolt3[m]Sure. Upload them to Imgur and paste the link here.23:40
tomreynyou can use imgur.com or similar and post the direct link to the image file here23:40
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: Hey, what release of Ubuntu is installed on the computer? I know you booted a 22.04 USB, but is that the same version that's on the system?23:41
tomreynyou might want to also mount /boot and /boot/efi23:41
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: Oh, I forgot that encrypted installations used a separate /boot...23:42
Boomer458222.04 running on machine23:42
Boomer4582did I do the commands right?23:42
arraybolt3[m]Nice, but I forgot something. Type "exit"23:42
arraybolt3[m]Yes, but I forgot a command.23:42
Boomer4582ok, tell me pls23:42
arraybolt3[m]Once you've run "exit", do "lsblk" and show me what pops up.23:42
arraybolt3[m]Very good. Do these two commands:23:44
arraybolt3[m]sudo mount /dev/sda1 ./boot/efi23:44
arraybolt3[m]sudo mount /dev/sda2 ./boot23:44
arraybolt3[m]Actually, do them in the other order.23:44
arraybolt3[m]Do "sudo mount /dev/sda2 ./boot" first.23:45
arraybolt3[m]Then "sudo mount /dev/sda1 ./boot/efi"23:45
Boomer4582ok done, no errors23:45
arraybolt3[m]Nice. Now do "sudo chroot ." again.23:45
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: Thank you for reminding me about that bit.23:45
Boomer4582ok now what please?23:45
arraybolt3[m]OK, you're going to need to reinstall the kernels. I'm still figuring out what version to do.23:46
tomreynapt list --installed linux-image\*23:47
arraybolt3[m]Bah, hold on, let me look at my 22.04 system to see what kernel it uses.23:47
Boomer4582All right, I am waiting. You have no idea how much I appreciate this.23:48
neffWhat are you waiting23:48
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: No problem. We all make boffos. You should see what I've done to my systems...23:48
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: Good command, I'll keep that for future use.23:49
arraybolt3[m]I'm just gonna use Muon to find out what kernel I'm on.23:49
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: It's safe to do an "apt purge" on an old kernel to get rid of all the leftovers before installing the new kernel, right?23:50
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic jammy23:51
ubottulinux-image-generic (, jammy): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 3 kB / 20 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)23:51
Boomer4582I deleted the files while I was trying to clear up some space for a new kernel..23:51
tomreynit would remove all the files that belong to the package23:51
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: I know, I just am worried it might break the encryption or something. I read something about the Linux kernel holding encryption stuff or something.23:51
tomreynbut    sudo apt install --reinstall <package>    should be enough, i would think23:51
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: Eh, that's failed for me in the past.23:51
tomreynif this is dm-crypt luks encryption, there's just the on-disk header and /etc/crypttab23:52
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: If you can hang around for a while longer, I can test to make sure my suggestion will go as planned.23:53
Boomer4582OK much thanks23:53
tomreynyou should probably also     sudo update-initramfs -k <kernel-version> -c    just to be sure the initrd is regenerated23:53
Boomer4582I have used the default encryption option during a clean Ubuntu installation using a live USB23:53
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: Good idea, I would've probably forgotten that bit.23:54
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: Don't do that quite yet, I don't think.23:54
tomreynand finally make sure everything is in place in /boot (and, if applicable, /boot/efi). if grub was deleted / modified, make sure to also update-grub and grub-install23:55
tomreyngood luck, bbl23:55
Boomer4582I only typed sudo rm vmlinuz and initrd, I didnt mess with grub23:55
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: Good, that should make things easier.23:56
Boomer4582was trying to rm the .old files, accidentally deleted the ones I needed!23:56
arraybolt3[m]Boomer4582: Wait, can you run ls /boot for me and show me the output?23:56
Boomer4582I have actually deleted initrd.img of the latest kernel and vmlinuz file of ANOTHER older kernel, I remember now23:58
jhutchinsBoomer4582: vmlinuz and initrd are symlinks to the actual files.23:58
Boomer4582so can't boot either of the kernels installed23:58
arraybolt3[m]OK, thank you. I thought maybe there would be a really easy fix, but it's not. That's fine, if my test goes well, this will be easy.23:58
jhutchinsAh, the img file is the one that you needed.23:58
Boomer4582yes, deleted initrd.img23:58
arraybolt3[m]jhutchins: That's what I was thinking, but I can see the symlinks are still there...23:58
jhutchinsBilly: This is why you don't delete files manually, you use the package manger.23:58
jhutchinsHave I gotten nicks crossed again?23:59
arraybolt3[m]jhutchins: Hey, I once "dpkg -i"'d in an office suite from salvaged files from a different laptop... We all make mistakes.23:59
arraybolt3[m](You should have seen me cleaning up the mess after that one...)23:59

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