
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: libfm-qt [amd64] (kinetic-proposed/universe) [1.1.0-0ubuntu4] (lubuntu)00:01
tsimonq2I just requested an ISO rebuild but I'm not sure if it'll go or if someone needs to manually kick it.00:02
tsimonq2Dan Simmons: I'm missing something here... can you please try to kick an ISO build?00:27
tsimonq2I'll be AFK for a bit, going pre-SELF shopping :)00:28
tsimonq2Alternatively, if someone wants to try running an apt full-upgrade on the squashfs, repacking, and taking it for a spin then go for it 00:29
tsimonq2Later on I have a little itch to fix some Cala bugs but I have some loose ends to tie up at an Altispeed client. Later :)00:29
tsimonq2Anyway, ttfn00:29
kc2bez[m]Take care, I will check in with you in a few.00:30
lubot[telegram] <teward001> kgiii: yeah something is up with the communication of the certbot snap on this one machine, its odd.  i'll poke it in the morning since i was told the specific issue should be fixed overnight00:54
lubot[telegram] <teward001> for now, i need sleep so.00:54
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *zzzz*00:54
kgiiiGood luck and good night!00:55
guivercthanks teward & all01:00
kc2bez[m]<tsimonq2> "Dan Simmons: I'm missing..." <- It says it is re-building. 🤷 I haven't seen a build failure email yet. i will poke at it a little further.01:34
=== robboto[m] is now known as Rober[m]
arraybolt3[m]Hey, about the possible change to Falkon, I realized that, if we do switch the default browser, we might need to do something so that users upgrading from 22.04 to 22.10 don't lose Firefox, as that could potentially mess them up if they use Firefox's password manager.01:54
kc2bez[m]arraybolt3[m]: Since it is a snap I don't think it will be removed.01:56
arraybolt3[m]And we'll still have snap as part of Lubuntu 22.10?01:56
kc2bez[m]Well, normally when you remove a `deb` from the desktop package it removes it on upgrade but I don't think the same would be true for a snap.01:58
arraybolt3[m]OK. I'm just thinking that if Sn01:58
arraybolt3[m]ap is deemed unneeded in a future release,01:58
arraybolt3[m]that might take Firefox with it.01:58
kc2bez[m]oh you mean `snapd` itself?01:58
kc2bez[m]We probably won't remove that. It doesn't really do much until you install some snaps.01:59
ubot93Pull 1981 in calamares/calamares "[fstab] Remove ssd_extra_mount_options from fstab module." [Open]03:03
kc2bez[m]After reading through some of the code arraybolt3 you were on point with removing the `ssd_extra_mount_options` it has changed to a different thing and gets added in the mount module to the globalstorage. I know that PR doesn't fix everything we have going on but at least it fixes the undefined variable thing for fstab.03:06
guivercI've re-worked the 21.10 beta-testing/annoucement on discourse to be a LXQt 1.1.0 is available for test....  it's (early) 'draft' (ie. I need to re-read/check it later), but it's in 'Staff' so few can see it anyway for checking sorry....   Any thoughts, is it worth publish even welcome  (it can't be published until lxqt 1.1 is on dailies & even then not till early shakedown is performed, still rebuilding..)04:11
guivercAny thoughts welcome, but I gotta walk the pup soon, and may think about it some more..  (links are not yet all checked..)04:14
guivercps: if anyone who can't access Staff wants to read... I'll copy/paste into notes.lubuntu.me or a gdoc on request04:15
=== Rober[m] is now known as Robboto[m]
arraybolt3[m]Dan Simmons: Wow, that's awesome. (Weird that the code change appears to work, I don't even know Python...) Thanks!07:25
arraybolt3[m]guiverc: Hey, while helping on the support channels, I noticed that checking ISO integrity and authenticity with sha256sum and gpg is really tough (particularly the gpg step), so I made a GitHub repository containing all of the SHA256SUMS files for supported official Ubuntu flavours (including Ubuntu itself), having already checked them all with GPG. The idea is users can use the official SHA256SUMS files, and my files, and if07:29
arraybolt3[m]they're identical, that validates the authenticity without the need for gpg. Does this seem like a good idea? It's at https://github.com/ArrayBolt3/ubuntu-hashes07:29
guivercyeah I agree using the GPG checks is tough; in fact rarely use it myself (using only the simple ones)07:30
arraybolt3[m]I learned about how Linux Mint got hacked, and now I always do GPG.07:31
guivercour manual only shows sha256sum (https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/1/1.1/retrieving_the_image.html) which I personally am happy with07:31
guivercyep.  Ubuntu security (Canonical) is better; as far as I'm aware  (i'm no security-guru; Thomas is that!)07:32
arraybolt3[m]That makes sense. I guess you gotta be at the top of your security game when you're making stuff that's used by, you know, EVERYONE.07:33
arraybolt3[m]Oh well, it was a nice thought, though.07:33
guiverchttps://github.com/ArrayBolt3/ubuntu-hashes looks good arraybolt3[m] 07:35
arraybolt3[m]Well thanks, but if it's unnecessary and no one's gonna use it, it's not really necessary.07:35
arraybolt3[m](Wow, I just realized how very redundant that redundant sentence was redundant.)07:37
guivercDoes it provide more than our manual?  If it does, that could be documented on our discourse, or maybe write a question & answer yourself on askubuntu (my thoughts... I do see questions on checksums semi-regularly so it's a problem for newbies I'm sure)07:38
arraybolt3[m]Let me see...07:39
* guiverc has seen no difference yet with LXQt 1.1; but no issues yet either which is great!07:40
arraybolt3[m]Eh, the manual makes things quick and easy. If the manual used GPG, my repo might be a welcome relief, but since GPG isn't part of the process, all it will do is add a bunch more complexity to the process.07:41
arraybolt3[m]I guess we could add it to a "For paranoid security freaks" section.07:41
arraybolt3[m]I dunno, even PHP got hacked the other day, and I at least would think they would keep their security top-notch, so maybe it's not a bad idea.07:44
arraybolt3[m]Shoot, T-Mobile got hacked just recently.07:45
guivercyou're still learning git, so you've gained experience there arraybolt3[m] 07:45
arraybolt3[m]Yeah, things weren't anywhere near as hard this time. :D07:45
guiverc:)   maybe you'll become a Lubuntu dev & give Dan some company 07:46
arraybolt3[m]LOL Let's go for member first. I'm pretty sure I'd need to know how to do stuff like, oh, maybe... PACKAGE... if I'm going to do something like that. And I have yet to build even a single package.07:47
guivercyeah sorry.. 07:47
arraybolt3[m]I was trying to be funny, sorry if I sounded bad...07:48
guivercnah, I'm regretting I mentioned it... I noticed a couple of days ago Dan was 'alone' on https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/+members#active   (Thomas, Simon are developers via other ways; Core-dev etc)07:50
* guiverc would like to see more than one name on that page.. ^07:52
arraybolt3[m]guiverc: I definitely think that we should mention LXQt 1.1.0 on the testing thing on Discourse. I caught two bugs in testing, maybe three, so far I've only managed to report one (bug reporting is HARD), so it definitely need good testing. 07:58
guivercyeah bug filing does take time.. what is the issue is just saw, can I get it to occur again, nope; damn... reboot & re-try.. there it is etc...   08:00
guivercThanks, yeah the LXQt 1.1 thing is somewhat (Lubuntu) ~promotional; but there is always a chance we'll get interest/testers too08:01
arraybolt3[m]It's like, I can summarize the bug in one chat post in 30 seconds, and then I spend a couple hours writing the bug report...08:02
arraybolt3[m]For me, the bug itself is as easy as "Hey, click A, B, and C, and Z goes haywire!" But then the report ends up being a small article on the whole thing, sometimes with a library of logs and attachments tagging along...08:02
guivercI've done no real testing of lxqt 1.1 outside of using it normally.. but its early days still for me & lxqt 1.1 on Lubuntu :)08:03
guivercI'm not as quick as you ^ I have a feeling.. 08:03
arraybolt3[m]Well, if you want to replicate the bug I have yet to report, set the theme to "Fusion", log out and log back in, then open the Application Menu - everything will look stretched.08:03
guivercnot tonight... I'm about to go grocery shopping very soon then out to dinner..08:04
arraybolt3[m](I have a lot of free time since I don't have employment, so I spend a bunch of time on this. I don't think I'm all that fast - in fact, I feel I'm too slow!)08:04
arraybolt3[m](And then I watch you doing all sorts of official stuff and Simon and Dan chugging away at full throttle and think, "Man, I wish I could do that...")08:05
guivercwe all start from somewhere, learn & improve... hopefully retain much of what we learn etc...08:07
arraybolt3[m]guiverc: Thanks again for helping me even be able to do this. I still remember coming in as Guest9 or something, asking a question that, in retrospect, seemed silly, coming in at one of the quietest times ever, and you just picked me up and plugged me in. Thank you!08:07
guivercYou're most welcome08:08
* guiverc got involved with Ubuntu trying to contribute to Debian.. The Ubuntu community made me feel welcome & I've thus stayed...08:10
arraybolt3[m]That's cool! Yeah, you guys are really good at making people feel welcome!08:12
* guiverc off elsewhere08:13
kc2bez[m]Simon Quigley: I think we need `libkf5dbusaddons-dev` as a cala build depend now. 16:14
kc2bez[m]Not sure though.16:15
LeoK[m]Todays ISO build now uploading - 16:53
LeoK[m]Successfully built!16:53
LeoK[m]Calamares 3.3.0 and Lxqt 1.1.0 - yes!16:54
LeoK[m]Will be downloading as soon as available16:55
kc2bez[m]Amazing it built given the launchpad firewall issues16:55
LeoK[m]Of small interest ..ISO a 200K smaller than previous17:06
LeoK[m]Runniing 2 installs one in VM the other BareMetal17:09
LeoK[m]clinking on desktop icon to install --no response17:15
kc2bez[m]I somewhat expected that.17:16
LeoK[m]Same in VM and bare  metal17:16
LeoK[m]Live session possible to test lxqt 17:16
LeoK[m]since you expected that -- no bug report needed at this stage?17:17
kc2bez[m]Nope, there is already one upstream.17:19
LeoK[m]ok..what was the command to start calamares from CL17:20
kc2bez[m]Here is the upstream bug https://github.com/calamares/calamares/issues/198017:21
ubot93Issue 1980 in calamares/calamares "ssd_extra_mount_options is not defined in fstab module main.py, Calamares 3.3.0" [Open]17:21
kc2bez[m]Steps 6,7, and 8 should start the install17:22
LeoK[m]tks ..missed that last night17:22
kc2bez[m]No worries 17:22
LeoK[m]now installing17:26
LeoK[m]step 8 needs sudo...17:26
kc2bez[m]I expect a failure though 17:28
kc2bez[m]The fstab stage needs to have my PR merged to work.17:29
LeoK[m]Failed as soon as you mentioned it - lol17:34
LeoK[m]ok .. expect i will play with the live session etc 17:35
kc2bez[m]That is good really. Consistent failure is easier to diagnose.17:35
kc2bez[m]And I think we have fix in progress.17:36
LeoK[m]Sounds good - thanks Dan17:37
kc2bez[m]Thanks for testing Leó! 17:38
LeoK[m]think we still need a bug  report with a link to the upstream bug - ?!17:40
kc2bez[m]I don't think so. I expect it to be fixed relatively soon.17:42
LeoK[m]ok - full agreement - no need wasting time etc17:42
=== kgiii_ is now known as KGIII
arraybolt3[m]Good afternoon or whatever it is in your neck of the woods!19:24
arraybolt3[m]<tsimonq2> "Hey arraybolt3 @arraybolt3:..." <- I'm in the Central US, but I have a weird schedule that makes it so that I frequently go to bed at 5 AM.19:24
arraybolt3[m]So that's why I'm online at the same time as guiverc a lot of times.19:25
arraybolt3[m]Leo K: You can edit /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/calamares/modukes/fstab/main.py, find the two spots where it mentions "ssd_extra_mount_options", and then remove those from the file. Save it, and that will let you get past that bug, at which point you'll get to see the next weird and wonderful failure!19:26
arraybolt3[m]Dan Simmons: Out of curiosity, did anything happen with the custom config I uploaded? I ask because, if Calamares 3.3.0 is in the ISO, but the config from 3.2.x is there too, then that could go south.19:38
lubot[telegram] <teward001> fyi (including to Simon): if we need a riscv test on *anything*, I have a qemu-backed sbuild riscv64 environment that 'emulates' riscv64 but builds as riscv64 native arch.  If we also need a riscv64 test critically on anything, I have a ppa that is riscv64 enabled that we can test build riscv64 in.  (the same sbuild environment that's qemu-backed also has an s390x env backing as well for as close to native s390x as we can get, which19:47
lubot[telegram] <teward001> so, poke if we need things built (i'm going to set up debomatic similarly locally to test with as well :P)19:47
kc2bez[m]<arraybolt3[m]> "Dan Simmons: Out of curiosity..." <- Oh yeah, I forgot we didn't have that yet on the iso too. 19:48
kc2bez[m]We need to do a few more adjustments to what you have but I will be mostly AFK tonight.19:50
kc2bez[m]Looks like my PR landed so we will want to grab that at some point. https://github.com/calamares/calamares/pull/198119:52
ubot93Pull 1981 in calamares/calamares "[fstab] Remove ssd_extra_mount_options from fstab module." [Merged]19:52
arraybolt3[m]Found an LXImage bug: https://github.com/lxqt/lximage-qt/issues/55722:51
ubot93Issue 557 in lxqt/lximage-qt "Top of image gets corrupted temporarily when LXImage drop down menu slides back up (LXQt 1.1.0, Lubuntu Kinetic 22.10 Alpha)" [Open]22:51
arraybolt3[m]Using the latest Lubuntu Kinetic daily ISO, synced earlier this morning after the ISO rebuild announcement was made by Leo K.22:52
arraybolt3[m]Still have three bugs to report before I can submit a live session test result on the QA tracker - whew, guess this is why we do testing!22:54
tsimonq2<kc2bez[m]> "Looks like my PR landed so we..." <- Nice one 23:16
tsimonq2<arraybolt3[m]> "I'm in the Central US, but I..." <- Ooh me too, which state? I'm in WI23:18
tsimonq2<lubot> "[telegram] <teward001> fyi (..." <- Ack23:18
tsimonq2Dan Simmons arraybolt3 @arraybolt3:matrix.org: repack Cala?23:20
tsimonq2As in, anything else we want to land first?23:20
tsimonq2Here, I'm going to JFDI, that way you guys have more testing material for when I'm at SELF23:22
tsimonq2teward @teward001 teward_: Please fix LetsEncrypt certs23:25
tsimonq2I would do it if I had SSH access since I already do that at least once a month at Altispeed...23:26
tewardyou also don't read your backlog23:26
tewardi checked this morning and still got the 500 error23:26
tewardi'll retest it now23:26
tewardbut you need to read scrollback :p23:26
tsimonq2I mean I read some of it :P23:26
tewardbut not enough of it23:26
teward*shoves Simon into the rubbish bin*23:26
tsimonq2There's never enough :P23:26
* tsimonq2 throws an airplane at teward23:26
tewardok so23:29
tewardthe 500 error was fixed23:29
tewardthe renews processed23:29
tewardbut one config failed - git.  which was my fault.  that's been fixed now23:29
tewardso now i can get to work getting Git working :p23:29
teward*shoves a flashbang into Simon's pants*  BOOM!23:30
tsimonq2yeah the IRS is gonna do that soon huh23:30
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> Ouchhh (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <teward> *shoves a flashbang into Simon's pants*  BOOM!)23:30
teward*sips the caffeine elixir*23:30
* tsimonq2 makes teward relive tomorrow from my perspective 100 times over like Groundhog Day23:32
tsimonq2yes I'm flying23:32
tsimonq2enjoy :P23:32
tewardi have enoguh chaos already to enjoy, no more :P23:32
* tsimonq2 thinks that 4 hours * 100 = 400 hours of flying for teward23:32
teward*shoves Simon's experiences into the bin*23:32
tewardalso tsimonq2 not sure where the heck you got teward_ from - there's no teward_ here :P23:35
tsimonq2arraybolt3: I'm throwing your updated config at the archive kthxbai23:45
tsimonq2arraybolt3: I'm doing the last step for you, which is the changelog. In the future, all you need to do is run `dch` and it'll generate one for you.23:49
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Your name will be on the upload. Congratulations on your first upload to the Ubuntu archive, Aaron! :)23:50

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