=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [06:27] goood morning desktopers! [06:28] good morning desktoppers [06:28] Hi seb128 and oSoMoN [06:29] And yes Launchpad is down [06:29] lut oSoMoN, hey duflu, how are you? [06:29] seb128, doing OK. How are you? [06:29] a bit tired but alright otherwise! [06:31] good morning [06:31] ricotz, hey, how are you? [06:34] Hi ricotz [06:34] seb128, seems I still need some time to get operational :) [06:34] ricotz, coffee! [06:35] hehe, I am not a coffee person ;P [06:38] tea!? ;) [06:40] hey duflu, salut seb128, morning ricotz [06:57] jamesh, hey, is https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/pull/705#issuecomment-1123392120 still on your backlog? [06:57] Pull 705 in flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal "webextensions: add a portal for managing WebExtensions native messaging servers" [Open] [07:15] launchpad is back for those who were waiting on it btw [07:17] good morning [07:23] didrocks, lut didrocks, en forme aujourd'hui? [07:23] seb128: ça va, et toi ? [07:23] ca va ! :) [07:28] morning [07:31] hey luna [07:32] Hi didrocks and luna [07:33] hey duflu [07:46] salut didrocks, good morning luna [07:49] oSoMoN, schopin, hi :), what is the state of the cargo updates? [07:51] incoming shortly [07:51] schopin, do you know why the rustc/impish/riscv64 build failed? [07:53] salut oSoMoN [08:01] oSoMoN: yes, it's because it failed more than a dozen releases ago and apparently nobody bothered to fix it. [08:03] schopin, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rustc/1.57.0+dfsg1+llvm-0ubuntu1~21.10.1 was successful [08:03] do you mean it's an upstream bug? [08:06] I know we're on ubuntu channel, but have you experience in running snapd/snapcraft on debian (sid) ? [08:07] I'm trying and it seems broken [08:09] schopin, great [08:09] oSoMoN: oh right, it's only on focal that we have the bootstrapping problem. [08:09] no logs, I retried the build. [08:10] thanks [08:11] nevermind, it looks like it is working [08:11] lissyx, I don't, personally, but afaik Debian is among the distributions that are used to test snapd and snapcraft in CI, so the expectation is that it should work [08:11] hopefully should be able to rebuild the firefox snap directly [08:12] oSoMoN, somehow it was not started by default and then the systemd unit deactivates itself for socket activation [08:12] hence non 0 exit code and me worrying [08:14] and 'snap run snapcraft build' will do it [08:14] :) [11:12] hm snap run snapcraft build fails at hg clone with some 137 exit code :/ [11:22] oSoMoN, I do find on some snapcraft forum it's because the default allocation is 2GB of RAM, and one needs to override with SNAPCRAFT_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_MEMORY= [11:23] obviously 2GB for building firefox is not enough, but there's nothing defined in the snapcraft.yml for that? [11:26] lissyx, no, snapcraft doesn't allow to specify build requirements like this [11:27] you mean snapcraft.yml [11:34] do you happen to have some doc somewhere if there are other specifics to follow ? [11:35] (looks like download of dependencies is super slow, right now gnome-3-38-2004 at 150kB/s) [11:39] note that "snapcraft build" is almost always the wrong thing to do ... you only want "snap run snapcraft" ... [11:40] "build" is just one interim step you are explicitly calling (but will not produce a snap) [11:40] good to know [11:41] let's hope I can now pull those deps a bit faster ... [11:43] still the same [11:49] lissyx, do you need a specific revision? we could publish one to another channel [11:50] seb128, specific rev of ? [11:50] lissyx, we also discussed with oSoMoN about stored old snaps on a public space [11:50] I'm trying to rebuild firefox-snap [11:50] and right now being super limited by the network [11:50] I see many reports, but mostly for mainland china [11:50] I'm in France, and my network is more than decent (Orange, 2Gb FTTH, 10GbE LAN) [11:50] lissyx, revision of the firefox-snap, it sounded like you were trying to downgrade to a previous version yesterday [11:51] seb128, for that, maybe, but oSoMoN tested directly and he could not repro [11:51] so we assume it was fixed by something else [11:51] ack [11:51] I've been trying to ping the reporter but ... [11:51] anyway, I still need to be able to repro the build [11:52] lissyx, about snapd on debian, https://snapcraft.io/docs/installing-snap-on-debian [11:54] there are intermittent outages which might explain your slow downloads from the store: https://status.snapcraft.io/ [11:58] at least it's not just the build [11:58] my VM where I want to test the about:restartrequired bug I experienced the other day, also shows slow rates :) [12:11] oSoMoN, so, installed a stable, let it run and "snap refresh firefox --beta" refuses to do anything because it is running already [12:12] close firefox [12:12] seb128, that's the point [12:12] seb128, trying to repro https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1772219 [12:12] ? [12:12] Mozilla bug 1772219 in Core "Firefox Snap on Ubuntu 22.04 showing about:restartrequired" [--, New] [12:14] lissyx, snapd recently landed that feature to delay updates if the software is active, so I'm unsure you can easily trigger that situation again [12:15] seb128, recently like how? [12:15] in snapd 2.55 [12:15] 10 days ago [12:15] hm [12:15] I hit the bug 7 days ago [12:15] Bug 7 in Launchpad itself "Need help for novice translators" [High, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7 [12:16] you maybe didn't have the new snapd yet [12:16] yes maybe [12:16] let me check [12:16] https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/wip-refresh-app-awareness [12:16] maybe the feature can be disabled to try and reproduce the bug, but there's not much point now that it is the default (finally!) [12:16] yeah [12:17] except confirming it was the root cause and it's now not possible to hit that [12:17] so according to dpkg.log, 2.55.3 installed on 2022-05-06 [12:18] is this may 6th or june 5th [12:19] looks to be may 6th [12:19] that version didn't have refresh awareness yet, it landed in .5 [12:19] but snapd autorefresh itself without needing to update the deb [12:19] ok [12:20] I see a snapd mentionned in snap changes [12:20] on june 01 [12:20] right [12:20] that's more likely [12:20] so it would be 2.55.5 [12:20] yes [12:20] and now the 1000$ question [12:20] did it refreshed the firefox snap before the snapd snap? [12:21] so when doing the firefox snap refresh, it would still run the non-fixed snapd [12:22] if it allowed it to refresh then it was either not the new snapd yet or a bug [12:23] I'd assume "not the new snapd yet" because, alphabetic ordering? [12:24] I don't know if refreshes go to alphabetic order, but snaps changes should give timestamps? [12:24] how to get exact ones? [12:24] ah --abs-time [12:25] so snapd refreshed at 07:48:10 [12:25] and firefox refreshed at 07:48:31 [12:27] I doubt snapd restarted itself in the middle of a transaction [12:27] do I need to restart snapd for "snap set core experimental.refresh-app-awareness=false" ? [12:27] so you probably had the old snapd active when the firefox refresh started [12:28] lissyx, I don't think so, I'm asking on our snapd channel though, I'm unsure if that flag is still working or the feature is non-experimental now and ignoring it [12:28] ah [12:29] well [12:29] I can maybe revert to older snapd? [12:29] that's not going to be easy unless you didn't have a revision update since [12:30] $ snap list --all | grep snapd [12:30] if it lists 2.55.3 then you can snap revert snapd [12:30] 2.54.4 [12:30] lissyx, snapd people say you can use --ignore-running [12:30] to force a refresh [12:30] ok, let me try that [12:31] and it would mean the flag is not used anymore I guess [12:59] and launchpad is timing out again… :/ [13:42] lissyx, yes, I just saw your comment on the bug. It should be fixed with https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/51947744ce12247f378a1db2379ffaad3fcd18c3, which landed 4 hours ago, so I'm guessing the next nightly should be good [13:43] ok [13:43] I've cherry-picked your fix in the meantime [13:49] oSoMoN, so unfortunately, it seems neither stable/beta has older builds available :/ [13:50] I cant find the launchpad url for edge channel :) [13:50] https://launchpad.net/~mozilla-snaps/firefox/+snap/firefox-snap-edge this does not work [13:51] lissyx, no, nightly builds are done differently, on github: https://github.com/canonical/firefox-snap/actions/workflows/nightly-build.yml [13:52] ah I might be more lucky there then [13:53] and I dont see the artifacts [13:53] (as much as I remember we had the same behavior on deepspeech, non collaborators to the repo dont have artifacts [13:54] oSoMoN, do you think you could get me nightly snap from before revision 1437 which is the current nightly ? [13:58] haha snapcraft also limits to two CPUs [13:58] oSoMoN, ok maybe it'll be faster for me to just rebuild snaps now :) [13:59] lissyx, sure, I can get you older revisions on demand [14:01] (I prefer if I can be more autonomous so I dont bother you constantly) [14:01] let's hope snap network improved, since I need to snapcraft clean to change memory/cpu [14:02] lissyx, yes, I'd also like to make it easier for everyone to bisect. I'll start working on some tooling for this, I'll keep you posted [14:02] oSoMoN, do you think it could be feasible to archive the builds somewhere? [14:03] then you could just patch mozregression to support snap? [14:03] lissyx, I need to think about it, but yes, that'd be ideal [14:03] (or even better in my fancy dreams, having a tc + mach task that builds the snap your way) [14:16] @kenvandine I'ma ping you in all the places ;-) https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/qt-6-apps-are-problematic-flagging-risk-to-cmake-snap-being-pulled-in-the-future/30382 [14:20] ok it's faster now [14:20] 64 cpus, 64 GB ram [14:31] :) [14:34] how is the snap revision populated in the package? [14:37] the revision is assigned store-side, at upload time [14:40] ok [14:40] manually installed my snap [14:40] I hope "snap refresh firefox" will pull from store after [14:42] it's not :( [15:11] oSoMoN, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1772902 could it even be, once again, because of old snapd? revisions 1194 (which version of firefox is that?) and 1406 (101.0-2) could hint in that direction [15:11] Mozilla bug 1772902 in Core "[Snap] Firefox crashes when trying to download" [--, Unconfirmed] [16:30] oSoMoN, what is the way to disable snap's sandbox? [16:30] I tried uninstalling and reinstalling with --devmode [16:30] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1770462 [16:30] Mozilla bug 1770462 in Core "Firefox snap can't open html files outside of /home" [--, Unconfirmed] [16:39] oSoMoN, ok, did another time it worked [16:48] oSoMoN, sorry by advance for the spam of needinfo :( [17:22] lissyx, ideally those sort of usecases would be handled by having firefox go through portals to open the files when called with an argument probably? [17:23] I know nothing about those, so I'm open to how to fix [17:49] lissyx, about refreshing a manually installed snap, you'll need to specify the channel, and pass --amend, e.g. `snap refresh firefox --stable --amend`