[00:10] Please also test: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcmanfm-qt/1.1.0-0ubuntu2 [00:13] Congratulations arraybolt3[m] ! [00:22] [telegram] *sends tsimonq2 back to debian training* [00:23] go through the DD process and you'll understand why I get PTSD :P [00:24] Imagine a 3 month long process where you have to read and interpret a book's worth of licenses [00:24] It's hardcore [00:27] If you're running Kinetic and finding issues related to libfm-qt-common, I just uploaded a fix for that. [00:27] Please test Jammy -> Kinetic upgrades to confirm this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libfm-qt/1.1.0-0ubuntu5 [00:31] tsimonq2: oh i know. [00:31] it was pain to get my DM [00:31] the only advantage is that packaging and following package policy is about identical between Ubu and Debian [00:31] and the only reason I haven't jumped on DD yet is because I have no need to. Yet. [00:32] thanks tsimonq2, I'm on kinetic and no issues under my normal usage [00:36] "it was pain to get my DM" <- It is 10x worse for DD. I've done both, I'd know :P [00:36] oh yes i know [00:36] coredev is probably easier than DD XD [00:37] ... oh wait I have core dev. NEVERMIND :P [00:37] Yes core dev is easier [00:37] Core dev is one meeting roast, DD is like 10 [00:37] heheheh [00:37] I automatically have respect for and take the time to applaud the people who achieve DD status [00:37] you mean like Robie :P [00:38] aaanyways guess what chaos i discovered tsimonq2 [00:38] oh? [00:38] **qemu-system-{ARCH}** via qemu-system-misc and other packages. I can now replicate the entire build farm xD [00:38] including risc [00:39] oh also in case you missed it i have a 'junk' PPA i have in case you need riscv test builds. thank you limited-use coredev power :P [00:39] :P [00:40] arraybolt3: Looks like Monica liked the tweet ;) https://twitter.com/LubuntuOfficial/status/1534685682270146562 [00:41] [telegram] ye monica's good that way [00:42] :) great tweet (I'd HEART it if I knew which account I was reading it in, but its probably not mine so won't) [00:43] https://twitter.com/communiteatime/status/1534694974465392641 that too :) [00:47] [telegram] Congrats @arraybolt3 (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) arraybolt3: Looks like Monica liked the tweet ;) https://twitter.com/LubuntuOfficial/status/1534685682270146562) [00:47] [telegram] *hands arraybolt a gold star made from tinfoil* [00:47] [telegram] sorry the 24 karat gold is currently in use elsewhere [00:48] * tsimonq2 steals the 24 karat and gives it to vorlon [00:48] (Or Colin, both equally worthy. :P) [00:48] [telegram] the gold is actually in use to coerce Canonical IS to fix some very important things 😔 [00:48] [telegram] so i mean [00:49] close enough XD [00:49] [telegram] both colin and vorlon could definitely use some extra dosh for all their work and effort but [00:49] [telegram] think of it this way [00:49] [telegram] would you want the lubuntu site hacked and spam posted every other day? :P [00:49] [telegram] hence why IS needs some coercion [00:53] but i digress [00:54] *uses Simon's DD to force changes in certain packages in Debian due to ERR:UNMAINTAINEDCRAP* [01:01] > Simon Quigley: I think we need `libkf5dbusaddons-dev` as a cala build depend now. [01:01] Simon Quigley what did you think about this? [01:48] calamares isn't starting on 20220508 :( [01:48] s/0508/0608 ^ [01:49] firefox isn't starting either from ubuntu-bug :( i thought that one was fixed.. [01:50] [telegram] guiverc: in the daily? [01:51] yeah [01:51] [telegram] (ubuntu-bug on the firefox package will point at the transition package from deb to snap so might not help much there) [01:51] [telegram] *downloads the daily and preps qemu* [01:51] Yes, we need to fix the Calamares start script. That is part of calamares-settings-ubuntu though [01:52] Which is also in proposed. [01:52] ack... & thanks kc2bez[m] [01:53] Also not sure if Calamares needs to be built against libkf5dbusaddons-dev to start correctly, it might. [01:54] 1978040 (sorry no link as this is my primary box) [01:54] For now I recommend starting it from the terminal. [01:54] failed to start from menu, desktop icon OR menu [01:54] sorry, or terminal [01:54] No problem [01:54] that was what was on daily only though... still to try -proposed [01:55] I sort of expected it to fail to start. [01:56] Alas I didn't (otherwise I'd have delayed my lxqt 1.1.0 post becoming public) [01:57] LXQt should be all set, just Calamares woes for a few. [01:58] yeah.. I only 'smoke-tested' LXQt 1.1 prior to my 'push-to-publish' [01:59] kc2bez[m], you mentioned calamares-settings-ubuntu ^ did you mean -lubuntu ? [01:59] I'm using 22.10.1 calamares-settings-lubuntu, nothing newer is detected though [02:00] Yes, that too is in proposed [02:00] 22.10.2 [02:01] thanks ! alas 22.10.1 is all that's currently detected on this box currently... may need to wait [02:01] Yup, they are fresh uploads [02:01] * guiverc meant by this box I meant the box I'm doing install to, not where I type here [02:02] Sure, I followed you. [02:03] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/1:22.10.2 [02:03] Thanks kc2bez[m] [02:03] Sure thing. [02:04] I still anticipate bugs. [02:04] Good grief, what are Simon Quigley and teward doing to each other??? [02:04] guiverc: To get Calamares to launch from the terminal, you have to "sudo -E bash" first. [02:04] guiverc: Then "export $(dbus-launch)" [02:04] Damn.... that box just fell over completely... [02:04] guiverc: Then "calamares -D6". That launches it. Don't expect it to install. [02:05] Ouch [02:05] did i type the command incorrectly... if so VERY SORRY FOR THAT; I should have put my glasses on so I could detected typos! [02:05] Haha [02:06] Nah @arraybolt3 had a bit of a workaround there. [02:06] ouch... yeah sorry I completely missed the 'bash' I'd have sworn I typed... [02:07] But if you aren't using the versions in proposed it won't be too long before you find a failure ;) [02:07] Simon Quigley: I'm a little late to the party, can you tell me what all needs testing again, if you're still on? [02:08] I think we need to let a few packages migrate and then we should test an upgrade. [02:08] OK. In the mean time I'll wrap up my other bug reports. I did a live session test and it was a good chunk of chaos. [02:09] Cool [02:11] Got my support thrown behind the Calamares failure to start. [02:11] guiverc: Pinging. [02:11] present teacher (putting head back down on desk) [02:12] "Ooh me too, which state? I'm..." <- MO. [02:13] "Dan Simmons arraybolt3 @..." <- I would like Cala repacked, since there's another bug that is revealed after the one with fstab ssd_extra_mount_options is fixed. I'd like to get that reported, so having an official compile that reveals the bug would be quite helpful. [02:17] arraybolt3[m]: He already did that ;) [02:18] Agh, I missed it. Thank you, does that mean I should be pulling it from -proposed? [02:18] Also, any other stuff I should pull from -proposed? [02:19] You can pull it from -proposed or just wait a few for it to migrate, your call. [02:19] libfm-qt is in -proposed too. [02:19] 👍 And I thought I saw something about PCManFM-Qt? [02:19] (I skimmed the backlog, but I was gone for a while doing lawn mowing, so I missed a lot.) [02:22] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcmanfm-qt/1.1.0-0ubuntu2 [02:22] also in -proposed [02:33] just fyi: 2nd box does detect calares-settings-ubuntu-common & calamares-settings-lubuntu at 10.22.2 in -proposed [02:34] guiverc: Nice. Sadly, my desktop just lost Internet (not my Chromebook though for some reason), and I can't reset the router for another half hour or so without causing chaos, so... Here's hoping a reboot makes things work 🤞 [02:34] or a correctly 22.10.2 anyway [02:37] * guiverc has killed another GUI.. ~repeating the steps on first box.. [02:38] ouch [02:38] * arraybolt3[m] just had my GUI on a perfectly stable system go haywire, but now it's working [02:39] Crud, it's my router's fault. Great. Well... [02:40] both boxes have empty /var/crash/, nothing stands out in dmesg, or journalctl (at least to me) [02:40] guiverc: How are you causing the GUI crash? I can try to replicate it here, if that's helpful. [02:41] personally I'm happy to wait for the -proposed promoted... the GUI is going down during `apt upgrade` trying to get the 22.10.2 package(s) [02:41] guiverc: That makes sense to wait. [02:42] I was using qterminal for the `apt upgrade calamares` or whatever i typed (screens gone so can't see & qterminal didn't cleanly closed so command never saved in log) [02:42] They should be through in an hour or less. [02:43] i've seen nothing that is of concern though; just unexpected behavior that isn't worth any worry (yet anyway) [02:47] riscv builds might hold things up, they are always slow though. [03:06] I am off to a horizontal position for a bit. I will read through the backlog when I wake up. Let me know if there is anything you need. [03:20] Oh, shoot, I just realized I only updated the config for Lubuntu, and now my commit message on calamares-settings-ubuntu says I updated the config for Calamares 3.3.0 when that includes Ubuntu Studio... I had better fix that pretty soon. [03:21] No worries, I knew that. Simon jumped the gun a little ;) we'll get it fixed up. [03:22] Oh OK. I'm downloading Ubuntu Studio Kinetic ATM and should be able to update the config there, too. [03:23] Crud, now my Internet's going unstable again... Well, at least it's not a heart attack moment. Thanks for averting my panic. [03:34] I'm going to be off for about an hour and a half until I can safely start doing large downloads again, since my Internet is going weird and someone else is using it for the next hour and a half on something that can't be interrupted. Be back soon! [04:59] > <@kc2bez:matrix.org> > Simon Quigley: I think we need `libkf5dbusaddons-dev` as a cala build depend now. [04:59] > [04:59] > Simon Quigley what did you think about this? [04:59] Bet [05:01] "MO." <- Drive to SELF in Charlotte, NC this weekend ;) [05:01] "I'm going to be off for about an..." <- Have fun! Congrats again on your first upload ;) [05:19] "Drive to SELF in Charlotte, NC..." <- Man, I wish I could. I looked into what SELF is earlier, it looks SO FUN. But, sadly, extenuating circumstances won't make room for that to happen. [05:21] On the bright side, I'm back online and am installing the latest packages from -proposed! [05:24] "Man, I wish I could. I looked..." <- Next year so you can drink with me :D [05:25] * tsimonq2 is 20, makes me feel old since I first popped in this channel at 13 [05:28] Gah, I'm getting confused trying to type and test at the same time... [05:28] * guiverc smiles; welcome to my world :) [05:28] Umm. OK, the new Calamares has a problem. [05:28] Getting camera ready... [05:29] * guiverc is nearly always confused [05:29] * arraybolt3[m] uploaded an image: (2071KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/SbIOpQbUadflJUDMpphbsqHt/IMG_20220609_002857.jpg > [05:29] Don't get me wrong, sometimes dark theme is cool, but this might be taking it a bit too far... [05:32] guiverc: You should have seen me in the Ubuntu support channel yesterday. Long story short, don't ever delete all your kernels in an encrypted Ubuntu installation. Wow the level of confusion that brings... [05:32] I would not have been able to solve the problem had it not been for EriC^. [05:34] Yeah, having others step in & help is wonderful. [05:36] Also, the new Calamares is showing that "The commands use variables that are not defined. Missing variables are: i." error again. Is this possibly a config problem, or a Calamares problem? Looking at the console output, it looks like it's happening in the contextual process job immediately after bootloader installation. [06:07] Late congrats to arraybolt3 well done - nice work! [06:07] Leo K: Thanks! Hope I get to be more helpful in the future! [11:50] "Also, the new Calamares is..." <- Oh, I see what happened there. We need to use `${ROOT}` instead of `'ROOT'` for our shellprocesses [13:20] Plsconfirm :) [13:21] Working on it [13:21] https://github.com/calamares/calamares/blob/calamares/src/modules/shellprocess/shellprocess.conf#L16 [13:26] Oh I am this >< close. The log copy failed but I am quite certain that has to do with the way we are starting this thing. [13:26] Can confirm though we want `${ROOT}` [13:27] Gah! failed to boot [13:35] Also [13:36] It looks like all this module https://github.com/lubuntu-team/calamares-settings-ubuntu/blob/ubuntu/kinetic/lubuntu/modules/after_bootloader_context.conf [13:36] does is remove the desktop file for the installer on the installed system now. [13:36] I think we can simplify that some. [13:37] Need to take a break for a few. [15:06] [telegram] I have tried in the appearance to put qt5-styles-ukui that is in the repositories and it is very nice [15:29] Hi from GRB [15:30] Security was a breeze [19:16] For any testers today: It took multiple tries to zsync. It'd start and then 404. I'd blame my connection (satellite and cloudy day), but other things remained connected. It seems to be better now, but I am just a single data point. [19:27] [telegram] I had no trouble with zsync about an hour ago (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) For any testers today: It took multiple tries to zsync. It'd start and then 404. I'd blame my connection (satellite and cloudy day), but other things remained connected. It seems to be better now, but I am just a single data point.) [19:31] [telegram] Still unable to install from desktop icon - take it same problem awaiting fix - pls excuse been away a bit [19:34] Hmm... About an hour ago would have probably been right around the time I decided to take a break from trying to download the image. [20:00] [telegram] Strange -but yes could be yr connection (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) Hmm... About an hour ago would have probably been right around the time I decided to take a break from trying to download the image.) [20:02] @leokolb Yeah, it could be - though it was a 404 error. Lemme see if I have any of the error in my scrollback. [20:02] ###################- 98.6%bad status code 404 [20:18] [telegram] quick re zsync no problem here [20:19] [telegram] quick re zsync no problem here (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) @leokolb Yeah, it could be - though it was a 404 error. Lemme see if I have any of the error in my scrollback.) [20:21] Yeah, it's fine now. I've seen a bunch of zsync errors, but this one was a 404. That (and the rest of the body of evidence) makes me think it wasn't my connection. 404 == 'not found' and is generally a server error. But, I don't know enough about zsync to be certain. Ah well, at least it's working fine now. [21:36] "[telegram] Still..." <- Yup, not fixed yet. I will try to work on it tonight. [21:37] "Oh, I see what happened there..." <- Bah, you're right. I changed @@ROOT@@ to `ROOT` thinking the backticks were the surrounding thingy. Nope. Now I see it. [21:38] arraybolt3[m]: No worries, I got the install to proceed but it didn't boot. I didn't do anything after that. [21:39] Well, we're getting somewhere! I've gotta make Ubuntu Studio's config anyway, so I'll put that fix in as part of the process. [21:40] This module needs to be totally re-written in my opinion: https://github.com/lubuntu-team/calamares-settings-ubuntu/blob/ubuntu/kinetic/lubuntu/modules/after_bootloader_context.conf [21:41] Yeah, I can't even make heads or tails of the comment (is it just me?) [21:42] The comment is leftover from the very first iteration of the module, take a look at the history on the file and it will make more sense. [21:42] Now all we have it doing is removing the installer desktop file and I think I know how to do that another way. [21:43] OK, that makes more sense. [21:44] Shell process rather than contextual process? And there's only one user to begin with so a simple ls ${ROOT}/home ought to do it. [21:46] Right, `rm ${ROOT}/home/${USER}/Desktop/lubuntu-calamares.desktop` [21:46] ${USER} didn't see that existed (I just woke up, so...) [21:47] all good [21:51] Crud, I think I just mangled my fork of calamares-settings-ubuntu on GitHub. Can I just delete it, refork it, and try again? [21:51] Yes, you should be able to. [23:01] Just got a successful install with Calamares 3.3.0. Installed system is able to boot, ran Firefox just fine. Config is in https://github.com/ArrayBolt3/calamares-settings-ubuntu [23:02] (Still not updated Ubuntu Studio config though.) [23:02] (Wow, my grammar is horrible!) [23:09] We will need a changelog too [23:09] Right, still not done that. [23:09] Trying to multitask, thank you for reminding me! [23:10] No problem. [23:10] https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/packaging/changelog/ [23:11] Let me know if you have questions or need help. [23:18] Dan Simmons: Is there any packages I need other than devscripts and the ones mentioned in the Ubuntu packaging guide, and should I do the whole packaging guide setup? [23:19] Also, should I wait to do the changelog until after I have Ubuntu Studio's config done? [23:20] It's been said 3 times, I've been summoned ala Beetlejuice. [23:20] Lol [23:21] Eickmeyer: I'm working on fixing the Calamares config to work with Calamares 3.3.0, and Ubuntu Studio uses Calamares also, so I need to make everything work for both operating systems. [23:21] (So far we only got Lubuntu patched up) [23:21] arraybolt3[m]: Ack, kinda thought that was what was going on. Thanks for your work! [23:21] That's why I keep mentioning Ubuntu Studio. [23:21] No worries, just couldn't miss the joke opportunity that didn't go over Dan's head. [23:22] arraybolt3[m]: No, I do group entries together a little but each thing I change gets an entry. [23:22] Dan Simmons: Oh, because you're able to add entries as you go. OK, that makes sense. [23:22] General rule for me is do a thing, make a changelog entry, git add, git commit, rinse and repeat. [23:23] Dan Simmons: Nice, will do. [23:23] LEt me glance at the requirements a bit and give some guidance there. Basically leave off anything that refers to phab. [23:25] Yeah, since this a source package you don't have to deal with quilt either. [23:26] You have a ssh key so you should be good there too. [23:28] It looks like devscripts, debhelper and the 2.B.b. configuration stuff here. [23:32] Everyone has their different ways to setup their development system. I always have a lubuntu VM for the development release and do my development stuff there. When the cycle closes and it actually gets released I clone my VM and upgrade the clone to the next development release. I leave the old one available as long as we support it in case I have to do an SRU or just want to build something on that release. [23:37] Dan Simmons: That sounds like a smart setup. I'll do that. [23:42] Dan Simmons: I'm fighting with making a GPG key. I made the key, but now I don't know what part to upload to the keyserver, since the instructions are outdated. [23:44] Yeah, gpg is fun. I should have told you to stop at the extra stuff. [23:44] You will need one eventually though. [23:45] General rule of thumb with keys. Keep them safe. Only upload the pub one. [23:46] Dan Simmons: Right, but I don't know if the key I'm looking at is public or not. I think it is, but I'd hate to have been wrong LOL [23:46] After I made the key, I got this output (redacted for privacy, I'll pastebin it) [23:47] yeah, don't [23:48] If you made a key you can get the pub stuff you need back out later [23:48] Oh OK. [23:48] (I turned what I think was the public key into 0s just in case, but if I shouldn't do that, I'll just leave it. It's not on Pastebin yet, so 👍) [23:49] These are the instructions for generating and adding your key to launchpad. https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ImportingYourPGPKey [23:50] Bookmarked it. [23:50] The `Using GPG to manage OpenPGP keys` section should work on any machine. [23:51] Nice. I only use Linux and Chrome OS, and I do everything Linux specific on my main Linux box or in a Chrome OS Linux developer terminal, so I don't need anything for Windows or macOS. [23:52] I should have specified any machine with GPG installed. [23:57] OK, added SSH key to Launchpad. [23:58] So then I finish with doing the config files and making the changelog, then push to GitHub. Is that it? [23:58] (Have to go afk for a bit, brb)