[00:39] gnome-font-viewer Janitor 312463 * commented merge request !2 * https://deb.li/3qjEx [05:35] goood morning desktopers [06:00] Hi seb128 [06:20] good morning desktoppers [06:22] Morning oSoMoN [06:38] hey duflu [06:51] hey duflu, oSoMoN, how are you? [06:55] seb128, going OK though now I've just figured out there's a spider in the vent above my head. Wonder if I can stay calm till EOD and solve it then. How are you? [06:56] I'm not feeling great today, I think I got a stomach bug from the kids, let's see how the day is going [06:57] :( [07:04] oSoMoN, thanks, also for the bugzilla portal answer, I guess I can start fixing that point [07:05] oSoMoN, one thing I was wondering is how you want to handle bugs that are 100% packaging / snap, like the one about system-package-doc [07:07] next thing I'll have to tacke is building a snap using my local git cinnabar tree ... [07:07] good morning [07:07] lut didrocks, en forme ? [07:09] salut seb128, ça va, et toi ? [07:16] Morning didrocks [07:19] hey duflu [07:26] didrocks, bof, je crois que j'ai une gastro, me suis réveillé avec un mal de ventre et ça ne s'améliore pas [07:28] argh, bon courage ! [07:40] 'ci [08:17] seb128, repose-toi, c’est ce qu’il y a de mieux à faire dans ces cas-là [08:18] lissyx, I don't think there's a generic answer to snap-specific bugs that cannot be fixed in firefox itself, in the case of the system-packages-doc one, I'd say the conversation needs to continue with the snapd team, hence the suggestion to open a PR [08:18] (against snapd) [08:35] oSoMoN, an issue you mean I guess ? [08:36] lissyx, I think a PR that adds the required path to the existing interface is likely to get more immediate feedback from the snapd team than an issue, but a post on the snapcraft forum or a bug on launchpad (against the snapd project) would also work [08:37] I always feel a PR too intrusive, from the maintainer perspective, that's why I was asking [08:53] oSoMoN, besides a full rebuild from your firefox-snap/snapcraft.yml, there is no quick way to test some change? [09:05] (replacing the hg clone with a git clone from my local repo seems to do the trick :) ) [13:01] oSoMoN, now my telemetry is fixed, it looks like there was a few buidid mismatch reports on snap package [13:01] 20th-21st of may as well as 28 [16:40] oSoMoN, I'm starting to have something working for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1772063 [16:40] Mozilla bug 1772063 in Core "[Snap] Show in folder when download finished" [--, Unconfirmed] [16:42] oSoMoN, I guessy you can apply it on your stable/beta builds ? [17:16] oSoMoN, ready for you review, it works well for me https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D148782 [17:30] lissyx, excellent, I'll have a look later tonight, thanks [18:11] oSoMoN, I have some fix pending, emilio already did some review, I'm rebuilding the package and verifying, and I'll finish the PortalKind requested changes tomorrow morning [18:15] great! [18:19] looks like it's working locally [18:19] I guess it's a good time to sign off :)