
chilukIt looks like the previous version has already been culled from the archives... So maybe that's not as easy of an option as it used to be.00:28
chiluk@rtg I see https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~rtg/focal-docker-crash-lp1977919/5.13.0-1029.32~lp1977919.1/amd64/build.log looks to be spawned from  cbd-build-kernel focal-amd64 focal amd64 ...  where does that cbd-build-kernel come from?02:32
chilukActually ifanyone has a good writeup on how to really build the linux-aws kernel along with the metapackage I'd appreciate it.03:09
chilukI can probably make it work, but I have a feeling I might be leaving out the sharp edges.03:10
juerghchiluk, cbd-build-kernel is an internal tool. it's basically an enhanced version of https://git.launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel/+git/kteam-tools/tree/git-build-kernel09:27
chilukThanks juergh, but I'm specifically trying to figure out where the linux-aws target for fakeroot debian/rules comes from.  I'm not seeing it anywhere inside of the ubuntu-focal.git repo.  I'd like to build a linux-aws image along with a linux-aws meta package dependent on it and stick that in an internal repository so that I can mitigate 197791915:23
juerghchiluk, not sure what you mean. Clone https://git.launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux-aws/+git/focal and checkout branch aws-5.13 and then something like 'fakeroot debian/rules build-aws'.15:33
juerghor binary-aws for the packages. build rules are defined in debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk if that's what you're looking for.15:34
juerghor use my one-repo-to-rule-them all which contains all supported public kernels: https://git.launchpad.net/~juergh/+git/linux-ubuntu15:35
chilukah yes build-aws15:37

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