
g4mbithey all03:26
g4mbitrunning a DHCP server with a config that looks like this: https://privatebin.net/?d994efb6551f2bf6#6rEUxQnmtXiK6myCrwvuTmYzzXBSLWHMv8AYcBMGQKNe03:26
g4mbitdoes anyone know why I need to specify a range for the network if I'm using a fixed address?03:27
g4mbitis providing a range required even if I want a static fixed address to be assigned?03:27
yurtesengood morning04:58
cpaelzerhi yurtesen06:13
cpaelzerand good morning everyone else as well06:14
ivoksg4mbit: yes, you need the range07:06
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YeOldHinnerkHi. I have 5 packages which are being held back when I do apt-get upgrade or distr-upgrade. The log isn't really that helpfull other than naming the packages. What should I do about it?12:21
YeOldHinnerkAlso, I'm about to upgrade form ubuntu 20 LTS to ubuntu 22 lts, so I would like the system be 'clean' from a package point of view.12:23
YeOldHinnerkHaving packages, which are being held back before an upgrade to 22 sounds unhealthy.12:23
YeOldHinnerkMaybe it isn't.12:23
murmelYeOldHinnerk: did you look if you have pinned packages?12:24
YeOldHinnerkwhat are pinned packages?12:24
YeOldHinnerkHuh, seems like the issue resolved itself.12:27
YeOldHinnerkNot the message does not appear anymore.12:28
oerhekssome packages can be installed after reboot, or try sudo apt dist-upgrade13:18
YeOldHinnerkDid both. On first try, that didn't help. Eventually, it apparently did.13:18
Maiktry full-upgrade13:30
MaikYeOldHinnerk: also, is that on the server?13:31
YeOldHinnerkAs I said, the issue seems to have resolved itself. The message does not appear anymore.13:31
YeOldHinnerkYes, on a server.13:31
parideahasenack, hi! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/squid3/+bug/1787409 popped up in my triage. Do you confirm it should be marked Invalid?13:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1787409 in squid3 (Ubuntu) "apparmor profile incorrect for squidguard usage" [Undecided, New]13:55
ahasenackI've seen there was an update, but didn't read it yet13:56
ahasenacklet me take a look13:56
tomreynYeOldHinnerk: you may want to list packages installed from a (now) unknown (to apt) repository:     apt list --installed | grep ',local]$'     # since those can cause complications. as well as security vulnerabilities.13:58
ahasenackparide: I think this fixed it: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/squid/commit/?id=665afbf87f5d32d587445ff54de41ad79de2efde14:01
ubottuCommit 665afbf in ubuntu/+source/squid "- d/usr.sbin.squid: Add sections for squid-deb-proxy and"14:01
parideahasenack, looking, thanks14:02
parideahasenack, bug updated14:08
YeOldHinnerkOk, back with another question. I just performed an upgrade of ubuntu 20 lts to ubuntu 22 lts. Everything went fine.14:21
YeOldHinnerkSystem rebooted without issues.14:21
YeOldHinnerkBut there seems to be an issue with apache2 configuration concernin php versions.14:21
YeOldHinnerkI'm running nextcloud, which support php 7.414:22
YeOldHinnerkthe new distr has 8.1 as standard14:22
YeOldHinnerkso i did a2dis php8.1 and a2enmod php7.414:22
YeOldHinnerknow apache fails to start14:22
YeOldHinnerkMy best guess is, that somewhere, there's a hardcoded version of a php module somewhere in the config and now it can't find that.14:23
YeOldHinnerkShot in the blue, really.14:23
YeOldHinnerkif I use php8.1 Apache starts, but nextcloud comes up with error message about only supporting 7.4...14:25
YeOldHinnerkHmmm, on nextcloud's HP they say that recommend 8.0 and works fine with 8.114:27
tomreynYeOldHinnerk: you probably have an old version of nextcloud installed then.14:30
YeOldHinnerkWell, I just very very recently did all updates on nextcloud14:30
YeOldHinnerkI was lastest, as per its admin pade.14:31
YeOldHinnerkand stable14:31
YeOldHinnerkI'm talking about like last weekend, when I did all updates.14:31
tomreynwere you latest on the major version you're following, or latest on the latest major version? (i don't know whether that's how nextcloud upgrades work, just guessing)14:32
YeOldHinnerkUpgrade of ubuntu today, nextcloud last weekend, to be clear.14:32
YeOldHinnerkLooked like major version to me, given then way the version number looked.14:32
tomreynyou should inspect apache httpd error logs to get an idea of why it would not start without php enabled14:33
tomreynhttps://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/installation/system_requirements.html does not list Ubuntu 22.04 LTS14:33
tomreynare you using ppa:ondrej/php ? if so, it's always good to point this out.14:36
YeOldHinnerkwhen I try to run php occ -v I also get the error message about php 8.1 not being supported14:38
YeOldHinnerkphp -v gives 8.1.214:38
tomreynyou may want to seek support with this from nextcloud support14:39
YeOldHinnerkI just found a thread on this. I'll just unistall php8.1 for now and downgrade to 7.414:40
YeOldHinnerkjust get a running system back14:40
YeOldHinnerkthen check on upgrades14:41
YeOldHinnerkHmm, not sure I will carry through with that plan.14:43
YeOldHinnerkI'm a bit concerned, it may have sideeffects to downgrade.14:43
YeOldHinnerkseems to me, the a2dis... and a2enmod should have worked, right?14:45
YeOldHinnerkwhy is apache2 not doing that?14:46
YeOldHinnerkIs it still trying to load something from 8.1?14:46
tomreyn<tomreyn> you should inspect apache httpd error logs to get an idea of why it would not start without php enabled14:46
tomreynthis also goes for other error situations regarding apache httpd14:47
tomreyngenerally speaking, ubuntu supports the php versions available in it's releases. downgrading or running other releases packages is not supported.14:48
tomreynppa's are not supported.14:48
YeOldHinnerkyes, I'd rather not mess with that14:49
tomreynfor the PPA I suspect you are using, ppa:ondrej/php, there is support available fro its maintainer https://deb.sury.org/#support14:49
YeOldHinnerkbut apache should be able to use the version I enabled.14:49
tomreynapache httpd should be able to use apache httpd modules which were built against its version.14:51
tomreynwhen you plan ubuntu release upgrades, first make sure that the software you are running will be supported on the target release, and there is an upgrade path.14:53
patdk-lapit's so much easier to just run the nextcloud docker image14:55
patdk-lapsuprised they don't support php 8.1 yet though, they required an upgrade to mysql 8 awhile back, but no mysql 8 support in aws yet, so that screwed me over14:56
YeOldHinnerkThat doesn't sound good.14:57
YeOldHinnerkWell, I did apt install php7.4 again, to be safe.14:57
YeOldHinnerkThen a2enmod php7.4 and aedismod php8.114:57
YeOldHinnerknow when I start apache2 I get an error message that may be more helpful:14:57
patdk-lapwould highly recommend using php-fpm vs mod-php14:58
YeOldHinnerkIt points to apache2.config line 146 which has a syntax error? In that line mods-enables/*.load is added.14:59
tomreyn8.1 is listed as supported on the server requirements link i posted above. but it could be wrong, of course, i don't have first hand experience with nextcloud14:59
YeOldHinnerkI never touched that and it looks fine to me.14:59
YeOldHinnerkYes, I'm surpised there's an issue.14:59
tomreyns/ server / system /14:59
YeOldHinnerkI'll ask in nextcloud.15:00
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athosbryceh: thanks for the symfony review! \o/21:09
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giu---hi gschanuel 22:00
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