
arnohey guys can I get a cloak? About 10 years ago I helped some guy fix his system and he was grateful00:08
sarnoldhey arno, check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership for the process00:09
Bashing-omarno: Be aware - is at a minimum 6 months sustained ubuntu support - and credited testimony from your peers :D00:12
sarnoldwell lookie there, a pagmo package :) https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pagmo00:19
Unit193!info src:pagmo00:19
ubottuPackage pagmo does not exist in jammy00:19
leftyfbuploaded 45 minutes ago :)00:21
Unit193Yeah, the bot won't have it yet anyway, even if one checks the right repo.00:21
leftyfbis it completely coincidental that we're willing it from Debian for +1 after transhumanist was asking about it earlier today?00:22
sarnoldprobably, it looks like it's fairly recent to debian too https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/pagmo00:24
enigma9o7[m]what is it?  no man pages in dman for it yet...00:55
signofzetahello, I have a question about using dh_make to build a .deb package.  I use a GNU license (Affero GPLv3), but there's no CLI option for that. Is "custom" still my best bet?00:57
enigma9o7[m]There is a channel #packaging on oftc that might be helpful...00:59
enigma9o7[m]im not very good at packaging myslef, i remember it was a hassle figuring out, what i recalla bout licenses was there was supposed to be a copyright file in the debian folder and you could put whatever you want i think... but maybe i remember wrong01:00
signofzetathis is my first time, so I'm taking it easy.  I have options for "gpl3" and "lgpl3", but no "agpl3".01:01
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maxtimhello, This question is sort of theory craft... Let's say I have an Ubuntu 20.04 qemu-kvm host with two AudioScience sound cards installed. I would guest OSs to have access to only specific outputs or inputs on those cards. So, for instance, on card has four stereo outputs. one output is assigned to ubuntuGuest1, another is assigned to ubuntuGuest2. Is this possible?01:21
gogofcEverything is possible just maybe not at the moment :). If you can pass through the same Sound Card to two guests I suspect some crazy interference would occur. I'm with you IDK :)01:25
sarnoldmaxtim: that sounds like a usecase for pcipassthrough, but that's normally done for video cards.. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PCI_passthrough_via_OVMF is my usual go-to guide for that :)01:26
maxtimI'll take a look at that sarnold, but I don't want to pass the entire PCI card to a guest. Just... a part of it, I suppose01:27
maxtimIf I'm not mistaken, isn't it that you can only do PCI passthrough to one guest at a time?01:27
sarnoldyeah, that guest would have exclusive access to that device01:28
maxtimright, not ideal behavior01:29
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usbIssuesadding a usb harddrive and getting this error both at boot and if the HD is plugged in to a running system (same result on two different machines) "usb 2-10: device descriptor read/64, error -71"  what could be causing this and what might fix it?05:42
arraybolt3[m]usbIssues: Is the drive still usable, and does your system boot normally?05:43
arraybolt3[m]usbIssues: Some times "errors" like this are shown, but they aren't really a problem. Many programs in Linux will show "errors" if you look at their diagnostic output, even though they actually work just fine. I've seen similar errors on my systems, but everything still works perfectly well.05:44
arraybolt3[m]usbIssues: So long as the usb harddrive is accessible and working reliably, I'd just ignore it.05:44
usbIssues drive is totally unusable.  not seen at all.  gpartd and cat /proc/partitions cannot find it.  it is a drive that did not give these errors before it was erased05:45
arraybolt3[m]usbIssues: OK, that's a problem.05:46
arraybolt3[m]usbIssues: What brand and size is the drive? Where did you buy it from?05:46
usbIssues"thats the problem"  please elaborate05:47
arraybolt3[m]No, I mean, if you can't access your drive, then that's not something you can just ignore. I was agreeing that something was wrong.05:47
arraybolt3[m]It is important to know what brand, size, and purchase location the drive was from, since this sounds like a symptom of a scam drive. Some scammers will modify a drive to appear bigger than it actually is, and all sorts of problems can occur if you try to do something like erase the drive. If your drive is of an obscure brand and a large size, or if it's from a less-than-reputable dealer, this is probably the problem.05:49
usbIssuesits a05:50
usbIssuesToshiba 6tb05:50
usbIssuesshould the new partition table be GPT?05:51
arraybolt3[m]Oh OK, that sounds good. You're able to make a new partition table?05:51
arraybolt3[m]Yes, the partition table should be GPT.05:52
arraybolt3[m]If you intend to use the drive only with Linux, you should use an ext4 filesystem. If you want to also use it with Windows, exFAT would be a better choice.05:52
arraybolt3[m](NTFS is also compatible with both Windows and Linux, but it's potentially less reliable than exFAT.)05:52
arraybolt3[m](Toshiba is a reliable brand, and 6 TB is a reasonable size for a drive of a reliable brand, so it's probably not a scam.)05:53
usbIssuesjust a for linux so I was going btrfs or ext405:53
usbIssuesprobably just one big primary partition05:54
arraybolt3[m]BTRFS is also a good choice. Yeah, if you're able to partition and format it, then that's likely all you need to do to get it back up and running.05:54
usbIssues5.46TB of a 6TB disk usable after formatting. seem ok?05:55
arraybolt3[m]That seems quite reasonable.05:55
arraybolt3[m]It's perfectly normal for a drive to appear quite a bit smaller than it says it is on the box.05:55
usbIssueswhat is the 500GB consumed by?05:55
arraybolt3[m]The reason for this is how to measure data. there's a difference between TB and TiB.05:56
usbIssuesthank you05:57
arraybolt3[m]1 TB = 1 trillion bytes. 1 TiB = bigger than that.05:57
arraybolt3[m]So 500GB isn't consumed, it's just not actually there.05:57
arraybolt3[m]1099511627776 = 1 TiB.05:58
arraybolt3[m]Also, the filesystem metadata eats quite a bit of room.05:59
usbIssuesseems it worked fine. then was erased with dd if=/dev/random of=DISK ...  after that linux couldnt find it until it was physically disconnected/reconnected to the sata port in the enclosure05:59
usbIssuesarraybolt3[m]  thank  you.06:00
arraybolt3[m]usbIssues: I'm guessing since you erased the drive with /dev/urandom that you're going for security? If so, you might want to look into LUKS.06:00
arraybolt3[m](It's a drive encryption system that keeps data on the disk from being read unless you have a password.)06:00
arraybolt3[m]👍 Happy to help!06:01
usbIssuesLUKS is on my roadmap :)06:01
arraybolt3[m]usbIssues: Nice. GParted doesn't make it easy to use, but GNOME Disks and KDE Partition Manager both make LUKS setup a breeze.06:02
usbIssueswhat would cause virtual terminals to double or tripple type some keys?  its working fine running windows and also in xfce and gnome06:03
arraybolt3[m]usbIssues: Are you using a language other than English? It might be a problem with your input method.06:03
usbIssuesenglish only06:04
arraybolt3[m]Hmph. That's odd. Can you switch to a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+F3, and see if the same thing is happening there?06:04
usbIssues same thing for all the Crl+Alt+F...  but it all works fine in the GUI06:05
arraybolt3[m](This will take you to a text-only environment - you can get back to your normal environment with Ctrl+Alt+F1, Ctrl+Alt+F2, or Ctrl+Alt+F6, depending on the distro.)06:05
arraybolt3[m]Oh, I thought you meant "virtual terminal" as in "terminal emulator", not the virtual terminal I just specified. I dunno what's going wrong then. That's really weird. What system are you using, and what brand and type of keyboard?06:06
usbIssuesa gateway laptop and debian .  same issue with ubuntu06:10
usbIssuesthank you all for your help06:12
ice9guys if you are facing this issue too please mark that it's affecting you as well so it gets more attention for fixing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/183300406:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1833004 in snapd "Application SNAP is slower than DEB at first launch" [Wishlist, Confirmed]06:39
MinusSevenIs there a good graphical crontab manager for Ubuntu, or is it just best to use the command line?07:09
MinusSevenIt seems Zelt is the best one that I can see07:11
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henockhello here07:57
manwhowouldbekinGreetings all. I am on Ubuntu 22.04 and have just installed AnyDesk software. When launching it it says that a package is missing "anydesk: error while loading shared libraries: libpangox-1.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:15
manwhowouldbekin". How can I install this package? It does not appear to be in my repository cache.08:15
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ravagemanwhowouldbekin, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1405323/anydesk-doesn-t-work-after-upgrading-to-ubuntu-22-04-lts08:21
ravagealso https://www.how2shout.com/linux/install-anydesk-on-ubuntu-22-04-lts-jammy-via-command-terminal/08:22
manwhowouldbekinravage, Thanks! Seems to have worked after I installed this package. My first time using AnyDesk, so wasn't sure this was Ubuntu 22.04 related in the first place.08:25
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tuggeneralhayırlı günler08:56
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deadrom18.04 to 20.04 LTS upgrade: known tripwires? anything in particular change in the USB subsystem from 4 to 5 kernel series one should be aware of?10:13
clarkkI'm trying to install a deb package on ubuntu 20.04 by right clicking and choosing "Open with Software Install". A window opens and I see a spinner but it never stops. Anyone know how to fix it?10:18
arraybolt3[m]clarkk: Try opening a terminal in the same folder as your package, then type "sudo apt install <package_name>.deb", replacing <package_name> as appropriate. That might tell you if there's an underlying problem that's causing the package manager to bork. It will also install the package if there's nothing wrong in your package manager.10:19
arraybolt3[m](Nothing wrong or nothing hung up, I mean.)10:19
clarkkarraybolt3[m], thanks, it installed without an issue. So, what could be wrong with software install, and how do I fix it?10:22
arraybolt3[m]clarkk: Hmm... Well, since apt is working just fine, I don't have a clue! Best I can figure is reboot and see if that fixes it. Glad it worked, and sorry I couldn't be more help.10:23
clarkkthanks a lot arraybolt3[m]10:23
SteelRosehey guys! does the "Startup Disk Creator" tool only works with Ubuntu ISO images or may I burn something else? Thanks10:44
SteelRosehttps://ubuntu.com/tutorials/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu#6-installation-complete <-- the final message mentions Ubuntu... hence my question10:45
oerheksSteelRose, no, al linux images?10:47
SteelRoseoerheks: thanks10:48
oerhekshave fun!10:48
SteelRoseWTF?!? it ONLY works with Ubuntu images... !!! ... it sees the non-Ubuntu ISO but it doesn't load it... LOL ... shame10:57
SteelRosehmm... I just installed usb-creator-kde and it has the same issue... :-/10:59
oerheksweird, i wrote fedora lately ...11:17
geirhait probably looks for certain files within the iso to determine if it's compatible11:18
pagioshi, taking about request smuggling, https://portswigger.net/web-security/request-smuggling/finding here in the CL.TE using timing technique couldnt we use a content-length of 3 too withoout the need to omit the X ? Both ways the backend would wait for the enxt chunk no?11:31
tomreynpagios: how does this relate to ubuntu support?11:33
pagiosignore it tx11:34
BluesKajHi all12:00
YeOldHinnerkHi. Apparently I was recently banned on #ubuntu. I have no idea why. How to find out?12:13
tomreynyou can try asking this in #ubuntu-ops, providing more information12:14
bertiebHey, no question, just wanted to 'complete the circle'- last month I was having issues installing 22.04 onto a Wyse7020; couldn't get it to boot at all despite many attempts at sorting EFI. Tried installing in legacy mode and it seems to boot. Thanks for the help :) (cc EriC^^, who did a lot of the hand-holding)12:17
EriC^^bertieb: good to hear you got it working!12:18
bertiebYeah! that restores a bit of the sanity I lost over those evneings :D Your suggestion of going full legacy seemed to do the trick 👍12:19
gahumGuys I purchased cloned Computer Graphics Card GTX1050ti 4G DDR5 128bit and I tried it on the latest Ubuntu 22.04  running on ASRock B550M Pro 4 and the graphics crashes every now and then. I replaced it with Xubuntu 22.04 now it is more stable. But still in extreme cases the graphics crases and stops responding. Is this a common issue with the GTX1050ti card? or it is just probably because I have a chinese clone GTX1050ti card.12:25
gahumSorry this is my first time to communicate in this chat area.12:25
murmelgahum: could be different things, from inefficient cooling to something wrong with the hardware etc12:26
gahumMurmel: Thanks for the response, Less chance probably with the cooling issue because it has an extensive fan below it and I am not even using extreme graphics use just web browsing12:29
gahumJust want to know if this potentially a common issue with GTX1050ti so that I can replace with Radeon cards which they say are more Linux friendly12:30
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murmelgahum: sounds like there is something wrong with your geforce, as a friend of mine has a 1050ti on linux and never reported such issue12:33
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gahumMurmel: Thank you for the information now I am positive it is only card specific and not a common issue in the 1050ti. thanks12:41
gahumspecific to the purchase I have purchase12:41
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dauggyHi Folks! Is encrypting the hard drive with passphrase and FIDO yubikey as a 2FA feasible? Is it supported by LUKS? Does it make sense?12:52
SteelRosegahum: do you have the official drivers from Nvidia?12:52
murmeldauggy: yes, yes and yes12:52
murmelbut honestly, sense depends on how much of a threat level you have (or paranoia :) )12:53
dauggymurmel: do you know if I can configure 2 keys (one as a backup in case the primary is lost)?12:54
murmeldauggy: yes this is the preffered thing to do, as you never know12:54
murmelehm, recommended i mean12:54
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dauggythanks murmel! I'm considering ditching the google authenticator and switching to yubikey to sign into online services, so I though I'd also use it for hard drive encryption12:55
murmeldauggy: the feature you are looking for in systemd-cryptenroll is --fido2-with-client-pin (pin as in whatever you set as password/passphrase)12:56
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ubottutito_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:19
oerhekstito_, all torrents are here https://torrent.ubuntu.com/tracker_index13:19
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noarbis it possible to set a custom mac address in the initramfs? I'm trying to unlock a luks drive with dropbear ssh & the dhcp server requires a specific mac address13:37
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noarbI can set the interface here: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/nfs/nfsroot.txt using IP, but nothing for mac. Can I just run 'regular scripts' in initramfs?13:46
leftyfbnoarb: yes, you can. Though it's a bit beyond the scope of this channel13:47
ravagein theory yes. but there is a very limited set of tools available13:47
leftyfbravage: you can add almost any tools you want13:47
leftyfbit just makes the initrd bigger13:48
noarbIs there such a thing as a pre-hook? Do you have a recommendation of where to ask instead of #ubuntu? The pre-hooks I see are for building the initramfs when sources update13:49
ravagenoarb, https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/en/man8/initramfs-tools.8.html13:52
leftyfbnoarb: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/46027713:56
leftyfbnoarb: top result on google for "linux run scripts in initramfs"13:56
noarbleftyfb: I think I've got enough direction now, thanks for your help14:00
goddardanyone know why the ondrej php ppa also requires apache to install php?14:26
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leftyfbgoddard: contact ondrej14:28
goddardis he on librea?14:28
goddardalright email it is14:29
ravagegoddard, https://p.haxxors.com/ttl148c1.txt it does not require apache here15:33
khw_I installed Mate 22.04 on a new computer.  I'm having trouble with panels.  Various applets appear and disappear; marco has crashed a few times (sent report back) but the biggest issue now15:52
leftyfbkhw_: that sounds very Mate-specific. Try #ubuntu-mate15:53
ravagetheir website shows #mate but maybe they did it wrong :)15:54
khw_ok, that wasn't listed as an option at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:54
ravageoh. mate is the desktop code itself. ignore my comment :)15:55
khw_I installed Mate 22.04 on a new computer.  I'm having trouble with panels.  Various applets appear and disappear; marco and other things have crashed a few times (sent reports back) but the biggest issue now is that since one of the crashes the bottom panel doesn't show buttons for the windows open on the workspace15:58
khw_I can't find an applet to put on the panel that does that.  I find one that shows the selected window.16:00
tristan24Hi, in one Ubuntu box I've administrator users and normal users; everything works fine, but one thing bugs me: when a normal user tries to open an application that needs admin privileges, she gets a password prompt from one of the administrators. Is there the possibility to avoid that and just fail with something like a "You're not authorized"16:01
ioriakhw_, can't you reset the panel ?16:02
khw_There was the option to reset ALL panels, which I did.  I had a top and bottom panel, and they have now both vanished16:06
khw_s/which I did/which I just did/16:06
ioriakhw_, i don't use mate, but try , from terminal, something like : mate-panel --replace &16:07
khw_That indeed worked!  thank you.16:09
ioriakhw_, ok16:09
khw_It lost all the applets I had installed, but I can get those back easily enough16:11
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alkisgkhw_: open mate-tweak and reset the panel from there17:25
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Jesse42I am running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on a Dell Optiplex 9020 and hear no sound.18:19
Jesse79I keep losing my HDMI sound connection via DisplayPort when I use xrdp to connect into the Ubuntu machine.18:34
jhutchinsJesse79: You are expecting sound over xrdp?18:34
Jesse79No, jhutchins.18:35
Jesse79All I see in sound is Dummy Output.18:36
Jesse79I am using Kiwi IRC here via RDP from my Windows 10 machine.18:36
Jesse79The sound is playing. It's just not getting redirected via RDP to the Windows machine.18:44
leftyfbJesse79: jhutchins asked you if you expected sound over xrdp and you said no. Now you seem to be expecting sound over RDP to your Windows machine18:47
leftyfbbtw, there are easier ways of going about what you're trying to accomplish. Though I personally don't care for doing anything in Windows18:47
tacomasterI am not sure if I am in the right place for this but I have already asked the pop_os people and I have not been able to get a straight answer. I am having an issue with gnome-disks and getting a udisk-error-quark, 0. You can read more about it here https://www.reddit.com/r/pop_os/comments/v8o7h3/gnomedisks_cant_format_and_mount_luks_drive/. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this?20:09
sarnoldperhaps there's a stackexchange site where pop_os people hang out?20:10
tomreynif you run pop_os then you're in the wrong place20:10
tacomasterI just figured since the issue also happens in ubuntu 22.04 they might be related20:11
tomreynif so, you could run     ubuntu-bug gnome-disk-utility     on your ubuntu 22.04 system.20:13
jhutchinsGnome was released with known outstanding bugs?  I'm shocked!20:37
dauggywho are biggest donators to gnome?21:10
KBardauggy | #ubuntu-offtopic21:11
dauggythe question is relevant to the jhutchins's remark21:11
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morganure bash, my ls command produces -1 alll the time, How do I set it to normal, ie columns21:57
morganu-c dpesmt wprl/ O21:58
morganunor -C21:59
morganuman says =   -C     list entries by columns21:59
culpowermorganu: not sure if i understand you correctly, but I use  this to get columns ls -la21:59
morganuI am not getting this result either.. -d, --directory22:00
morganu              list directories themselves, not their contents22:00
rfmmorganu, I would suspect an alias has gotten set up...  does running "\ls" work right?  (escaping the command makes bash skip aliasing)22:00
morganuI am not getting columns ok rfm I will try22:01
descent1what does \ do22:02
morganu\sl gives me a zillion files no directories. in the beginning many files preceeded by .. that long permissions thing, ok some are directoried..22:02
morganuI want the standard, all directories in color and then all files NOT in those directories.22:03
morganuin columns22:03
morganuIt has been a few years since I used this. So I looked it up and IT DONT WORK.22:03
culpowerls -la22:03
morganu(or I cant work it)22:03
morganugetting this (only 3 lines22:05
morganudrwx------  2 human human     4096 Mar 16 14:29 'alice and caterpillar_files'22:05
morganu-rw-rw-r--  1 human human    65222 Mar 16 14:29 'alice and caterpillar.html'22:05
morganu-rw-------  1 human human 18501032 Dec  6  2021 'all bookmarks_12_6_21, erased but bm-bar.html'22:05
morganuI dont remember hwat all those coded letters in the beginning are called. Nor the number before human (Human is the name of my user22:06
rfmdescent1, escaping a character in a command name (with \) tells bash not to expand aliases.22:06
morganuI dont want it to go through the contents of the directory. (what is that called? Regression??)22:07
descent1whats an alias22:07
descent1ill just google22:07
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morganuI know what an alias is. It is indirection. (I remember Understanding Macintosh, showing my age)22:08
descent1oh so ls is an alias22:08
morganuno ls is a command22:08
morganuan alias is an alternative way of referring to a file or directory.22:09
descent1ok like a mac then22:09
morganuor, in some places, a link, aka shortcut.22:09
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morganuacutally like a text version of a link is an alia to a set of numbers which is the "real name" of the link.22:09
morganudescent1, 3 definions of alia, we are discussin number 2 here. https://www.computerhope.com/jargon/a/alias.htm22:11
morganuOn Unix-like operating systems, the alias command instructs the shell to replace one string with another when executing commands.22:11
rfmmorganu, so when you enter a bare "ls" command, you get the long listing, with the drwx------ stuff?22:11
morganudescent1, https://www.computerhope.com/unix/ualias.htm22:12
morganurfm NO. I get ...22:12
rfmmorganu, pastebin if it' s more than a line!!22:13
morganurfm an alphabetic list of all directory and file names with single quotes around them. I do believe it dows down inside of all directories.22:13
descent1whoa aliass are cool. i never knew that. and they're easy to make too22:15
rfmmorganu, the single quotes would be expected if the file name have certain special character (like blank space, parens)22:15
morganurfm https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/84KwdGWtnS/22:15
morganuthanks re single quotes, I forgot details.22:16
descent1i should make an alias for shutdown -P 0 ...22:18
descent1now i will test it22:19
culpowerlooks like it worked lol22:20
rfmmorganu, that looks normal, it's just that the long file names mean it can only get one column in the width of yout terminal.22:20
morganuwhat if I do NOT want it to go into directories AND I do wnat all the directories first?22:21
morganurfm, forgot to say, OK I will take that as what is happening and now I want to make it less confusing to me.22:21
descent1worked :D22:22
morganurfm I have 13 directories and ~70 files22:23
morganudescent1, great22:23
rfmmorganu, it doesn't look like it's going into directories.22:24
descent1i just type "off" and my computer shutsdown22:24
morganucd \human22:25
morganurfm, I put all the text files in a folder and left only one file not in a folder and now I get THIS.  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Nf7w3pn6yY/22:31
morganusorry it loses the color.22:31
morganuit goes into every folder.22:31
morganuls -d gives me a single dash.22:35
morganurfm  cd .. so cd of /hom gives me a normal output. just directoreis in columns22:39
morganulinux find command manual page. the word <hidden> is nowhere on this page  https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/ls.1.html23:02
morganuzzzzzzI want to be able to control if ls shows the hidden files.23:02
arraybolt3[m]morganu, zzzzzl: "ls -a"23:03
morganuI still get them. I dont want them.23:04
arraybolt3[m]Oy, I just realized the "zzzzzzI" isn't a username, sorry.23:04
morganuarraybolt3[m], thanks for engaging. I am frustrated that I cant get the structure I see in gi23:04
oerheksin fileexplorer, ctrl h23:05
arraybolt3[m]Odd. Do you have any shell aliases or something? "ls" all by itself shouldn't display hidden files.23:05
morganuI know how to do it in gui. I want terminal chops oerheks (thanks)23:05
arraybolt3[m]Oh, like make "ls" always display hidden files, or always not display them?23:06
morganuarrybold I have none.  $ type ls23:07
morganuls is aliased to `ls --color=auto'23:07
arraybolt3[m]One quick hack that might let you do this is make your own command to use in place of ls. Something like "list() { ls -a; }" will make "list" show hidden files, then do "list() { ls; }" and then "list" won't show hidden files.23:08
morganuI dont need an alias until I know how to NOT SHOW the hidden files.23:09
arraybolt3[m]morganu: And just "ls" by itself is showing them?23:10
arraybolt3[m]What distro are you using?23:10
morganuI dont even know where all these files are coming from. I do not see them in the gui and there are like 70 of them23:10
morganuSeparate question. Can I partition a very big flash drive and put a persisten installation on PART of the drive?23:11
sarnoldmorganu: btw what is a "hidden file"?23:11
morganufiles that show in the gui when I turn on hidden files23:11
morganumostly the last character of the filename is ~23:12
sarnoldTHERE WE GO23:12
arraybolt3[m]A hidden file is just a file that isn't visible by default on Linux. Any files that start with a period are hidden files. This can be used by applications to store their configuration in your home folder without it muddying up your file manager.23:12
sarnoldmorganu: ls -a controls showing files that *start* with a period23:12
morganusarnold, you understand?23:12
morganuI am not using -a23:12
sarnoldmorganu: files that end with ~ are usually editor backup files and ls has no built in tool for that23:12
sarnoldmorganu: maybe try ls --hide='*~'  ?23:13
arraybolt3[m]Also, yes, you can easily use an Ubuntu installer to partition a flash drive such that there's an Ubuntu installation on part of the drive, and the balance is a flash drive.23:13
morganuso they ALWAYS SHOW? How inconvenient.23:13
arraybolt3[m]morganu: Try "ls -B".23:13
arraybolt3[m]From the man page: "-B --ignore-backups do not list implied entries ending with ~"23:13
sarnoldmorganu: normally their presence in a directory listing means your editor died -- being told about them is very friendly :)23:13
sarnoldarraybolt3[m]: well I'll be damned. I've never noticed that before :D23:14
arraybolt3[m]morganu: Also, "alias ls='ls -B --color=auto'" should get them out of your face.23:14
morganuBLESS YOU sarnold and arraybolt3[m]23:14
arraybolt3[m]That will make just plain "ls" hide them.23:14
morganuThis was so dear to find - as in no swearing.23:14
oerheksecho snap >> ~/.hidden # makes a folder without "." hidden23:14
morganuoerheks, ok that's a bit confusing23:15
morganuI tried echo snap >> ~/.hidden #    --- and wiithout the # and got new-prompt both times23:16
morganubackground on my sappy system) it regualrly "freezes" and I have to cold reboot.23:17
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
morganuOK I tried to alias lb [alias lb = "ls -B"]  but [bash: alias: ls -B: not found]23:23
morganu^^^ oerheks  arraybolt3[m]23:23
arraybolt3[m]morganu: Use single quotes, and make the = sign smacked up against both the string and the name, like this: [alias lb='ls -B --color=auto']. Also, don't forget the bit with --color=auto or you might not like how ls looks.23:24
morganuI dont NEED it but "frustration"23:24
morganuI dont see that I used single quotes.23:25
morganuoh I should;23:25
descent1alias lb='ls -B'23:25
arraybolt3[m]Looks right.23:26
morganuyes, I did that and the color came along automagically23:26
morganuThank you. I thought the space was a GOOD DEA23:26
morganuhangs head at "innovation" OK will continue life.  Oh but do you have a good choice for transforming files from pdf to word?23:27
arraybolt3[m]morganu: That's a tricky one, but you can edit PDFs using LibreOffice Draw. It's not exactly the same, but if you need PDF editing, it might work for you.23:28
morganuThanks all. It was very difficult to have all those files. I feel like I can function now. (and oerheks I do find the backups to be friendly. Yay.)23:28
morganuThe pdf's are all text.23:28
arraybolt3[m]morganu: Maybe try OCRing them with OnlyOffice?23:29
arraybolt3[m](I've not done it before, but that might work.)23:29
morganuThis is to liberate files from Apple notes which only allows pdf's to exit notes - chosen a DEAR one at a time. -- agonizing when you have hundreds.23:29
morganuI paid for something but it works awkward. Thanks. wil move on and report if I find a good one.23:30
morganu(free as in beer)23:30
morganuFYI a finalize.com pst on how to create bash aliases uses the double quotes so maybe it was my space --- alias alias_name="command_to_run"23:31
morganualso says: The alias will be available only in the current shell session. If you exit the session or open a new session from another terminal, the alias will not be available.23:32
arraybolt3[m]morganu: Plop the alias in ~/.bashrc then.23:32
enigma9o7[m]or better yet create ~/.bash_aliases23:33
morganuSo to make it persistent one would need a ".bat file" to run at startup of bash. I will leave that to another day. -- oh didnt know abu that arraybolt3[m] -- bUENO23:33
morganumkdir ~/.bash_aliases23:34
enigma9o7[m]no no ta folder23:34
enigma9o7[m]nano ~/.bash_aliases23:34
enigma9o7[m]a file23:34
enigma9o7[m]put one per line23:34
enigma9o7[m]alias blah=whatever23:34
enigma9o7[m]alias blah2="whatever --switch"23:34
morganunano I used that long ago pico23:35
enigma9o7[m]yeah nano is similar to pico.  i first used it pico with pine email.23:35
morganume too. and trn for news23:35
morganuI was thinking about using pine to extract text out of a long set of emails.23:36
morganuonly I forgot the word pine.23:36
morganuall I did was shell, pine, pico, trn and a text mud - pretty mush. And some bbs23:37
morganuok wrong channel. fullstop23:37
arraybolt3[m]morganu: LOL hey, there's always #ubuntu-offtopic .23:38
morganuyep. but I am on a mission and it has been so awkward. iOS Notes is the big problem. Now I need to find myfriend another app. To the apple store.23:41
morganuThe phone apple people cant talk about apps.23:41
* morganu showers rose petals and non-alergic rose scent because I dont kow how to make it shower hundred dollar bills.23:42
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
morganuEXTRA INFO: --group-directories-first    ::group directories before files;23:48
circuitboneSounds like a jorb for crapplescript until apple catches up.23:49
morganuoooo will follow that link. (iOS 15 has improved Notes some. I support some friends on Apple. Hands-Off MS.23:53
morganuHeres the description. -- >  In Mac Notes you can only export one note at a time as a PDF file. With the help of a script, you can quickly and easily export all of your notes to html files as a backup or archive. You can also save notes this way to clear out your Notes app.23:59
morganuEASILY can mean after you spend hours figuring it out. LOL.23:59

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