
kc2bez[m]arraybolt3[m]: For a source package more or less. We should run through actually building a package for sanity sake too. Then we can use lintian to see what went wrong 😉00:00
kc2bez[m]I am going to move to my laptop here shortly. 00:01
kc2bez[m]So I can multitask and watch hockey00:02
arraybolt3[m]OK. Hey, thanks for this.00:05
kc2bez[m]I will still be here if you have any more questions.00:06
arraybolt3[m]Alright, fixed Lubuntu's config and fully updated Ubuntu Studio's config, made the changelog, and pushed it to GitHub. Both operating systems are now able to do a full disk install in a VM with SeaBIOS. So how do I do the actual package built and lintian?03:17
arraybolt3[m]Oh hey, just found bzr debbuild.03:20
arraybolt3[m]Am I on the right track?03:20
kc2bez[m]Not bzr but just debuild. Before that though `sudo apt update; sudo apt build-dep PACKAGE -y`03:21
kc2bez[m]Sub calamares-settings-ubuntu for PACKAGE03:21
arraybolt3[m]I probably need to do this in a 22.10 environment, right?03:22
kc2bez[m]Then `debuild -b --no-sign`03:22
kc2bez[m]Yes, it has to be 22.1003:22
arraybolt3[m]Perfect. BRB once I've got that done.03:23
arraybolt3[m]I'm doing this in a brand new fresh install of Lubuntu 22.10, I think I'm supposed to apt full-upgrade before getting the build-dep, right?03:26
arraybolt3[m](I know it might be a silly question, but I full-upgraded from -proposed and that was wrong...)03:28
kc2bez[m]Yes, you will likely need deb-src enabled too03:28
arraybolt3[m]OK, good. Thanks again, you're WAY easier to follow than the Ubuntu packaging guide! LOL03:28
arraybolt3[m]OK, did the build, now I got a load of lintian output that I'm not quite sure what to do with. Pastebin?03:36
arraybolt3[m]OK. thatt didn't work...03:38
kc2bez[m]Cool, nothing too scary there. Some nitpick stuff we need to address but nothing that you introduced.03:42
arraybolt3[m]Nice. I guess it'll need more testing, but for now, that gets the installer to work at least in part. You still need to use the terminal to launch it, but it installs now.03:44
guivercyeah on installing !03:44
kc2bez[m]Nice, I will try to get your changes merged tomorrow.03:45
arraybolt3[m]Oh, I implemented your "rm ${ROOT}/home/${USER}/Desktop/lubuntu-calamares.desktop" thing, but I still left the module as a contextual process. Do we want to make it a shell process, or is is OK as is?03:45
kc2bez[m]We can go with it for now 03:45
arraybolt3[m]guiverc: If you want to take it for a test, just clone the repo, copy everything from lubuntu/modules into /etc/calamares/modules, launch the installer with the terminal hack, and experiment away. That's probably what I'm gonna be doing.03:46
kc2bez[m]Time to stare deeply into my pillow for a bit. Back in the morning.03:47
guivercnot now... (something in real world has made me actually shake... I'll be unable to concentrate awhile)03:48
kc2bez[m]Take care and be safe guiverc 03:49
arraybolt3[m]guiverc: I'm so sorry. Peace to you.03:49
guivercthanks & sorry..  later a distraction maybe good :)03:49
=== kgiii_ is now known as kgiii
=== Noumeno is now known as Roberalz
tsimonq2Good morning :)17:41
tsimonq2Or afternoon actually 17:41
Rober[m]Hello all! 18:11
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Good evening :}18:16
tsimonq2Hey arraybolt3 are you cool if I throw your new commits at the archive?19:44
tsimonq2Also, doesn't need an ubuntu1 at the end, you can just bump to 22.10.3 :)19:45
tsimonq2kpmcore 22.04.2 is a noop, shouldn't even need a Cala NCR20:33
lubot[telegram] <lynorian> wow I did not realize how much the number of lxqt themes has increased21:26
kgiiiIf anyone is bored and skilled, Quassel still defaults to the Debian settings. The bug report is #1977465, if you're curious. 21:34
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley: I *think* the calamares-settings-ubuntu GitHub repo should be ready - it gets stuff to install.22:30
arraybolt3[m](Good to know about the version number - I just used dch's "increment version number", and that's what it did, so I went with it. I'll know for next time.)22:30
kc2bez[m]arraybolt3[m]: Well #blamesimon ;) for the funky epoch version number on that one. You just have to give it the manual touch. The dch script is only so smart. Normally the dch - i does the trick. 22:34
* arraybolt3[m] hands Dan a 512 MB stick of RAM for the #blamesimon22:34
kc2bez[m]Also, I think your changelog needs the release set. `dch -r "" ` should do that or you can give that the manual touch too. The dch thing is preferred though as that will update the time too. 22:36
arraybolt3[m]Oops. Yeah, it says "UNRELEASED" rather than "kinetic"... hold on, I can fix that from here.22:37
arraybolt3[m]OK, how's that?22:38
kc2bez[m]Well, I am on my phone so I wasn't looking at it. ;)22:38
arraybolt3[m]Oh. I just went into the GitHub web interface and turned "UNRELEASED" into "kinetic". I think that's right?22:39
tsimonq2"Updated Ubuntu Studio settings for Calamres 3.3."22:40
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: Wfm22:40
tsimonq2Usually you'd do dch -r22:40
arraybolt3[m]I know but I'm on my Chromebook and my desktop is on the other side of the room.22:40
tsimonq2tsimonq2: If this is good then I'll merge and upload before EOD. No guarantees it'll be sober me if it's later ;)22:41
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: chroot22:41
arraybolt3[m]Yeah, I can do that, I just didn't want to waste the disk writes on the 64 GB eMMC chip. But I've got a 512 GB SD card in it, so I could just do that.22:42
arraybolt3[m]Yeah, the Ubuntu Studio settings should be good - I got a successful install out of them.22:42
kc2bez[m]tsimonq2: Do it. I can always fix it later if something really goes sideways. 22:42
tsimonq2kc2bez[m]: Thanks. Beer tasting at SELF tonight and tomorrow 22:42
tsimonq2Last night was just prep ;)22:43
tsimonq2"They have literally tried to drink all the beer before and we still had cases left"22:43
kc2bez[m]tsimonq2: Missing out on that part, did the remote thing today. 22:43
tsimonq2kc2bez[m]: Come next year 22:44
tsimonq2In fact, next year I'll push for everyone to go :)22:44
arraybolt3[m]Just for the record, I don't drink - had too many traumatic experiences from my dad drinking. So you guys can do that if you're able to keep it under control, but I ain't doin' it.22:45
tsimonq2Fair enough. You won't be the only one 22:46
kc2bez[m]tsimonq2: I might be able to. Didn't fit in the schedule this year. 22:46
tsimonq2I'm more of a smoker than drinker tbh...22:46
tsimonq2kc2bez[m]: Next year :)22:46
tsimonq2Take the time off now ;D22:46
tsimonq2<Rober[m]> "Hello all!..." <- You seem new here, hi!22:51
arraybolt3[m](Also, how on earth are you supposed to do a LINUX FEST when you're drunk? I mean, this is how we get atrocities like Rocky GNU/Hurd.)22:52
arraybolt3[m](OK, that was April 1's fault, but you get my point.)22:52
Rober[m]tsimonq2: In any case new name :p22:55
Rober[m]Yesterday was noumeno :p22:56
arraybolt3[m]Rober: Ah, I know you! Hola, amigo!22:56
arraybolt3[m](My bad attempt at typing Spanish on an English keyboard without a translator)22:57
Rober[m]arraybolt3[m]: Is correct, no problem :) 22:57
tsimonq2<arraybolt3[m]> "(My bad attempt at typing..." <- Necesitas practicar español mas ;)23:03
tsimonq2<Rober[m]> "In any case new name :p" <- Oh hey!23:03
Rober[m]tsimonq2: XD23:05
arraybolt3[m]I do-o know-o mucho spanisho, don't you know. O.23:05
arraybolt3[m](Alright, so I tried to learn Spanish a couple of times and wasn't very good at it...)23:06
Rober[m]nothing happens, I make many mistakes in English23:07
arraybolt3[m]Oy, wrong language.23:08
arraybolt3[m]Y es por eso que usamos Google Translate.23:08
Rober[m]Exacto, yo también lo utilizo muchas veces :p23:16

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